The Ghost of George Washington

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The Ghost of George Washington Page 3

by Arthur Bliss

racist," Austin protested, "I'm a racial realist. Whatever, you wouldn't understand."

  "Oh, because I'm black I can't understand?" said Kara, "You're a white, racist fascist that called me an 'affirmative action' choice by the college."

  "Isn't it funny that affirmative action really just means racism against whites? Who really is the racist, Kara?" Austin replied.

  "Racist against whites? Centuries of white colonialism and oppression built off the backs of non-whites, but it scares you if there's a little bit of give back to the people who built your empires?"

  "We built those empires, not a bunch of immigrants and freeloaders. Besides, what empire do I have, Kara? I probably grew up poorer than you. There was no White Guys College Fund, no grade inflation, no anti-white propaganda day in and day out from Hebrew-wood."

  "Hebrew-wood?" Daniel spoke up, "What the fuck does that mean?"

  Austin sighed dramatically, "Nothing. Whatever. I'm not going to try to 'red-pill' you and some black social justice warrior."

  "I hate you. You're everything that's wrong with this country," Kara spat, "You and all the Trump idiots. It's like Nazi Germany all over again."

  "Trump is not Hitler, Kara. Lots of people support him. Including lots of Jews," Daniel replied with a frown.

  "Just because he's substituted immigrants and Muslims for Jews doesn't make him less of a fascist. If you want to know what Trump really represents, just look at his supporters," Kara pointed her finger accusingly at Austin.

  "Why would I feel guilty for wanting to Make America Great Again?" Austin shrugged, "If you were actually college material, you'd realize that having millions of illegal immigrants on welfare hurts blacks more than just about anyone else. But, you're just a pawn."

  "I'm sorry, sir. It's really rude for them to argue in your home like this," Daniel said to the old man.

  "Don't apologize for me," Kara interrupted, "I'm tired of people acting like I'm out of line for actually having self-respect. It's not okay for people like Austin to do what he did. If no one speaks up, it's tacit approval for racism. Are you a racist, Daniel?"

  Daniel shook his head with annoyance, but the old man spoke before he did, "You don't need to apologize, young lady. It's fine. I'm always happy to hear what people think. It's very interesting to me. But, I didn't catch your name."

  "Kara. Um, thank you. I'm from Seattle and am in pre-law to fight against bigotry like Austin and Trump both. We live in a time when a black teenager cannot walk to the store in their own neighborhood without..."

  "Why don't you let someone else talk for once, Kara," Austin interrupted.

  Kara glared at Austin and fumed. But she didn't say anything more.

  "I'm Isabella," said the girl with the accent, "I was born in Los Angeles but my family is from Oaxaca, Mexico. I'm studying Marine Biology. When I graduate I want to work with sea mammals around Oaxaca. It's so beautiful there. And warm!"

  "Very nice. I've been to Oaxaca and it certainly is beautiful. These pajamas are only getting warmer here by the fire. Again, you are all welcome to change into them," the old man said as he finished peeling some potatoes and began chopping them for the stew.

  Isabella took a pair and thanked him, then went behind the sheet.

  "I'm Wayne," said the Asian guy, "and I'm from Bentonville, Arkansas."

  "Wang?" asked Austin.

  "Wayne. Like John Wayne. I'm going to CONA for pre-med. I'm planning on becoming a surgeon, but after tonight I don't know if I have it in me. That was horrible. I've never seen a person die before."

  "He's still there in the van just a few hundred feet away. It gives me the creeps," added Daniel, "Did you lock the van?"

  "If no one is coming for us then why would there be anyone stealing stuff from the van?" replied Austin derisively.

  "So you had the keys and you forgot, huh?" Daniel dug back, "I just don't want him to not be in the van tomorrow."

  "Okay, now that's creepy," said Kara.

  "I'm Daniel, by the way. I'm from San Francisco and I'm also going for pre-med, but I'm on the psychiatry track."

  "Just what the world needs, another head shrinker," Austin couldn't resist.

  "Trust me. You don't want me to diagnosis you, Austin."

  "No, I'd love to hear it oh Chief Witch Doctor. Clinical bigotry?"

  Daniel scoffed and wrinkled his nose, and not because the old man had begun slicing onions.

  "No, Austin. There's no such diagnosis. But what you are clearly suffering from is paranoid delusional disorder, in addition to narcissistic personality disorder. Let me guess, you think you are the victim of vast conspiracy out to get you because you're white. Right?"

  "How convenient to label away recognizing white genocide as a fucking mental disorder," Austin replied bitterly.

  "Could there be anything more paranoid?" asked Daniel, "Or more delusional? I mean, seriously, Austin. Look at the world. In nearly every aspect of business and politics, who is running things? Whites. Yet you imagine that you are the persecuted minority. It's classic delusional scapegoating."

  "It's not whites who are running things. It's Jews," Austin said, "If whites were running things and weren't brainwashed by all the Jewish crap, none of these problems would be happening."

  "Okay, first off, Jews are white. Second, do you understand how anti-Semitic you sound right now? Aren't you ashamed in the least?" Daniel concluded, "And, third, I'm Jewish, a Trump supporter, and a libertarian. Where is your conspiracy in that, moron?"

  Just then Wayne came back into the room wearing the second pair of warm flannel pajamas. Kara turned to him and whispered, "Shit just got real, Wayne."

  "Whatever. Jews aren't white, dude," Austin said and paused.

  "Wait a minute," Daniel said, wagging his finger, "I'm the first Jewish person you've met aren't I? Holy shit. You are a classic anti-Semite. I could do a fucking paper on you, Austin."

  "Fuck off, man. I've seen Jews before."

  "But have you ever talked with them? Ever known their name?"

  "Dude, who can not know their name? Adelson, Greenspan, Soros. They're all over the place and it's obvious they're running the show."

  "Am I running the show, Austin? Is Trump a Jew? Is Clinton a Jew? Is Obama?"

  "Trump's not a Jew. The others are just puppets of the Zionists."

  "'Zionists.' How quaint. But why not Trump? If the other ones are then why isn't Trump? Sheldon Adelson supports Trump. That's your own example!"

  "Trump is different. The Jews always bet on both horses. But they don't control Trump."

  "His daughter is Jewish! He brags about being the candidate Jews love the most. What planet are you living on, Austin?"

  "Just fuck off, man. Even if Trump is a tool he's pushing the Overton window."

  Kara spoke, "Austin's just another white guy that can't accept a multicultural world. So instead he has to blame others. He blames the fembots, the niggers, the kikes, the spics, the chinks, the ragheads. Everyone except him is to blame. He can't come to terms with the fact that capitalism and white imperialistic rule is coming to an end."

  "Wait a second, what's wrong with capitalism?" Daniel asked.

  "Capitalism is just the patriarchal white ruling class, but through corporations instead of aristocracies. They exploit everyone and everything, raping the earth so that the 1% can live like Gods on earth."

  Daniel frowned and replied, "Capitalism is the best way for 100% of people to have good lives. Look at the quality of life in capitalist countries versus communist countries. There's no comparison!"

  "Those countries succeeded because they were run by whites," Austin jumped in, "They could have been capitalist or communist and it wouldn't have matter. Capitalism isn't helping South Africa one bit, but white rule did."

  "Come off it, Austin. The USSR was a white-run country and look how that turned out," Daniel replied.

  "The USSR failed because of subversion by the United States, including Afghanistan," Kara countered, "It never had
the chance to really be communistic. Stalin gave up the policy of world wide revolution, and the result was exactly what Lenin and Trotsky told us would happen. As long as capitalism remained a force in the world, it would try to destroy the only thing that can cure the world of it: communism."

  "Do you actually believe that, Kara?" asked Daniel, "When was the USSR ever a nicer place than the United States?"

  "For most of its existence! For many decades after World War Two the USSR had much more advanced educational, scientific, and social programs. It was a much more fair and safe place than the United States. It did this despite nearly constant attempts by imperialists to subvert communism, including the United States waging proxy wars in colonized countries to prevent communism from succeeding. For a country that pretends it values the freedom of citizens to self-govern, doesn't it seem weird that America would bomb people who try to actually self-govern?"

  "That's a bunch of propaganda baloney. You're believing Pravda instead of the facts," Daniel argued, "The Russians were desperate to get out from the thumb of the communist party and their KGB enforcers. It was the most totalitarian regime in history, rivaled only by Hitler and the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Communists were equal-opportunity murderers, instead of prejudically trying to exterminate the Jews and other people they didn't like."

  "So says the capitalist government."

  "So say the Russians, Kara. Ever heard of the Mitrokhin Archive? You talk about subversion, the Communists went broke trying to subvert the West. Joe McCarthy was right and no one can honestly deny it now! The

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