The Ghost of George Washington

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by Arthur Bliss

Strategic Services, traveling all over Europe in service to his country, and the boy listened with great interest to each broadcast for news on the war.

  "The boy prayed each night for our side to win the war and promised the Lord that, if his father was brought home safely, the boy would perform his own service for the country. His prayers were answered, the war won, and his father finally arrived home safe and secure in 1946. His father was proud of having done his duty for America and even more proud of his son for wanting to follow in his footsteps.

  "In 1953, when the boy was eighteen, he enrolled in a military academy and after graduating joined the CIA. He was soon thrust into the Cold War's spiderweb in Lebanon."

  "Holy shit, you're a spook!" Daniel said.

  The old man raised his eyebrows and then continued, "The boy, now a young man, found himself in Cuba a couple years later. His involvement in the Bay of Pigs, despite that mission's apparent failure, led to his quick promotion. Almost immediately after this, he was transferred to Vietnam, well before our official involvement there, of course.

  "Many military adventures followed and his career became more and more successful. He was allowed to understand and know many very secret things and led a life much more interesting than his agricultural executive cover would suggest.

  "And, here's the thing. Through it all, he knew that he and his companions were on the right side. That didn't mean that they never got their hands dirty or that they had no regrets, but they knew that America was the shining city on the hill. They knew that communism, I'm sorry, Kara, but they knew that communism in practice was far more brutal and evil than even our propaganda was letting on.

  "They couldn't let that happen to our country, to our families, to our future. Sometimes there are things that are necessary to preserve the good that, examined out of context, seem morally wrong. It's a tough call to make and it's not one that the public will often accept. But, the men knew that sometimes the calculus is clear and hard things must be done for the greater good.

  "It made sense. And they knew that a lot of propaganda was also happening to distort what the CIA was doing and why. But giving the whole truth, the truth that really would correct those lies, was not palatable to the politicians and their ilk, so the company men had to shut out the criticisms and have faith in what they were doing. But, it all made sense.

  "The young man became an old man. Along the way, his only son followed in his footsteps and became a company man, too. And, while the clarity of the Cold War didn't quite match what followed, the old man still believed in what the country was doing. And I mean what we were really working towards, not just what the politicians said.

  "And then, following 9/11, the old guard of the agency, blamed in part for failing to stop the attack, were not so subtly ousted in favor of a new, post-Cold War leadership alongside the newly deputized Information Awareness Office and Department of Homeland Security. Things changed very quickly and those who were not completely on board were jettisoned. Office politics.

  "As it turned out, the old company man was no longer of a mind to jump into speculative conflicts, especially when the intel on the attackers led back to three allied countries, not Iraq or Afghanistan. He made enough of a stink with Afghanistan that when he tried to make the case for avoiding deposing Saddam and opening Pandora's box, he was volunteered for immediatet retirement.

  "As he packed his boxes at Langley he recalled arguing with his dad about Vietnamization. If we were on the same side and had the same intel, why weren't we seeing things the same way, he had wondered then and yet again as he handed in his HID card. Within a year our soldiers were being welcomed with flowers and music in Baghdad.

  "And then, at about 10 PM on December 14th, 2005, his son was killed along with a group of insurgents outside of Ramadi. They had been ambushed by Iraqi security forces aided by an SOF team. There was no reporting in the West on the raid and the old man only found out about it through his contacts. Nor was there an explanation for why his son, by then a high ranking officer in the CIA, was apparently helping insurgents.

  "The old man lost his faith in the agency that day. He even lost his faith in the country, for the agency he knew was absolutely loyal to America. The natural cynic within the old man, long suppressed by his faithful service, grew angry and restless. He began to look anew at long held tenets and presumed facts. He recognized the fingerprints of disinformation, faint and uncertain though they almost always were, though he knew he could never be fully certain of what was going on through the veil of politicized information.

  "So he began to look back further into the past to understand what had really happened. In the shadowy corners of the libraries of history, some books still were uncensored, some records too old to change, and the only real camouflage was the blanket of dust that covered the past. And in the forgotten relics that no one cares about in a time long since moved on, he started to understand.

  "Everything was a lie. Even the Bible was a lie. The god he had grown up praying to was a corruption of earlier religions in the Middle East. The old pantheon of gods and goddesses, reflective of the astronomical secrets holy to the farmer and the sacred fertility of motherhood, were replaced by Yahweh, a genocidal, murderous, jealous, rapacious, cruel, and nature-hating god. All that was evil had been enshrined into that god by the most tremendous distortion of bloody history and teachings into a proud, even strident insistence on its absolute piety."

  I gulped and waited, but no one dared interrupt him.

  "And Christianity, that bizarre, patchwork invention of the Romans to harness and contain the Jewish zeal within Roman ambitions of universal empire, was all to yoke their subjects under one sign: the sign of the emperor! Blood stained the hills of the old world for over one thousand years under that continuation of the old roman empire: the catholic church.

  "All until, at last, the rebellious spirits of the north resisted the pope emperor and took refuge in their own analysis. But what did they find when they read the Old Testament, which is by far the larger part of the Bible? What but a renewed intolerance and zeal as the Puritans, Calvinists, and other extremists continued the elevation of the demiurge, Yahweh, to their supreme lord. Millions more died in the conflicts between these two deluded offshoots of the same book of lies. And for what?

  "Lie upon lie fill the court historians' archives. The universalism of Christianity and the parochial self-interest of the Jews merged with the rise of the merchant class. Wealth and power became everyone's god and the enlightenment was a bonfire in the sacred grove of nature. Chosen predestination ensured the righteousness of the rich and covens of these new men conspired to ensure the rule of wealth.

  "That's the real origin of America's revolution, just as with France. Liberty, equality, and brotherhood of man were all farces dangled in front of the masses along with the greatest bait: democracy, a blind faith in selfishness bound to the tabula rasa that the enlightenment philosophers supplanted nature with. No nature, no community, no family, no ancestry, no person really at all, just the ultimate patriarchal fantasy: a god-like existence lording over the shamefully feminine natural world.

  "That mad world continued on a national basis until the turn of the 19th century. That's when everything becomes crystal clear. If you want to understand modern times, just understand the origin of World War One. The old man devoured Quigley, Barnes, Fay, and others to understand Rothschild, Rhodes, Milner, Balfour, Churchill, Wilson, Rockefeller, Schiff, all of the scoundrels.

  "And there it was, plain as day. The end of the Ottoman Empire and its peace in the Middle East. The beginning of world government. And, most significantly to the old man, the deliberate collusion with and control of communism by the arch-capitalists of the world.

  "Two groups had conspired together to control the entire world in their Yahweh-sanctioned madness: the Jewish money powers and the Anglo-Saxon ruling class. How ironic that the global elite was actually a conglomerate of Protestant white supremacists and Jewish ma
gnates, both the most loyal devotees of the Old Testament god. Soon the long enfeebled Catholic church was brought into the game as well, made official in the Second Vatican Council."

  Austin and Daniel both opened their mouths in protest but then said nothing. Perhaps they decided the old man was just crazy.

  "But their efforts unraveled. They punished the Teutons too much, whose humiliation under the Treaty of Versailles would lead to a more serious threat to world domination. They underestimated the independence of American settlers, who refused to join the League of Nations. Too many regions were left uninvolved in the game of chess. The world was not yet ready to submit to its rightful owners.

  "So, after all the deviousness of World War Two and its sixty some million dead, they did what was necessary to get it right: permanent war. Uncle Joe Stalin became the evil pogroming red menace and the Cold War started before the rifles were cool. Back in 1913, H.G. Wells wrote The World Set Free where atomic weapons and their mutually assured destruction force the world into a world government that is the guarantor of peace; a close ally of the elite, his books almost always advertised the promise of a future world government.

  "At the end of the war the Bomb was revealed. A

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