TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 27

by Leia King

  “No!” she screamed. “Michael must die! Luca and David are next!”

  A blinding, bright light ripped through the room, swirling around them.

  “No, father! No! Stop! Don’t interfere!” Cora shrieked.

  But it was too late.

  It swallowed them all.


  The moment the White Realm throne room materialized around them, Ryan yanked Cora to him.

  “What the fuck was that? I told you to pull your magic back!”

  She jerked from his hold. “They needed to die!”

  “You should’ve been thinking about our child, not them! You need to listen to me!”

  “Why? Because you’re the man? The big, bad Alpha? The Wolf King?”

  Infuriated by her verbal attack, he thundered at her, “Because, I’m your husband and I’m trying to protect you and our child. You idiot!”

  Ryan was well aware that Vazra, Nathanial, Shaye, and Josh were all gathered around from the recent teleportation and witnessing their argument up close and personal. But he didn’t give a damn. Cora had risked her life and the life of their unborn son.

  “Idiot? I was saving all our asses!”

  “Shaye had it covered. When I tell you to pull back, you damn well pull back!”

  “You are not the boss of me, Ryan!”

  “This isn’t just about you anymore, Cora.” He ran his fingers through his hair with exasperation. “Sometimes, I forget how immature you can be, because of the sheltered life you led, up until you met me. So, listen carefully here. When you call me for help—through painful fucking telepathy, by the way— you can bet your ass that I am the fucking boss of you! In a situation like that, you shut the hell up and listen to what I say, because I’m trying to help you, woman!”

  “You started it by attacking Luca!”

  “Different situation. You’re the one who’s pregnant!”

  “You lost control, just like I did!”

  “Because… all these fuckers keep screwing with my wife! Luca, David. I wanted to stop one of them, for fuck’s sakes.”

  Her expression shifted instantly at his words. She broke down crying, collapsing to her knees. “David… I don’t remember anything. I don’t know what he did to me. He… he… oh my God…”

  “David did what to my daughter?” Vazra thundered.

  Ryan shook his head at him. “Not now,” he hissed.

  He knelt down beside Cora and wrapped his arms around her, shielding her from everyone’s view. He knew she wouldn’t want anyone to witness her breaking down. She was a tough little thing, but she’d been through a lot.

  He heard Nathanial telling Vazra, “Her loss of control was because of the child.”

  “Yes. I know.” Vazra took a breath and then turned to Shaye, “Could you kindly fetch Marella?”

  Shaye bowed respectfully to Vazra, then went off to do his bidding. Ryan’s gaze strayed to Nathanial and he was surprised to see him looking really uncomfortable. Huh. He’d been fine until Marella’s name had come up. What was the deal there?

  Josh joined Ryan beside Cora and stroked her hair. “It’s okay, sis.”

  Ryan raised an eyebrow. “Sis, huh?”

  “That’s right.”

  Ryan smiled at him and then gathered Cora up in his arms, climbing to his feet with her. “I’m gonna take her to bed.”

  Vazra nodded. “Settle her in and we’ll be right up.”

  As Ryan carried her out of the throne room, he told her softly, “I only do the things I do, because I love you so fucking much. You get that, right?”

  She nodded tiredly. “Yes. I’m sorry.”

  “It’s okay. You’re not yourself right now, my love. It’s our troublesome wolf child inside of you.”

  Ryan sat with his arm around his wife, as she lay still on the bed in their chambers, while Marella examined her baby bump.

  Nathanial and Vazra stood by at the foot of the bed.

  Shaye had distracted Josh by taking him on a tour of the palace. There were already enough people filling the room, without adding another two more.

  After several excruciatingly long minutes, Marella finally finished her examination. “At this point, it is too dangerous for you to remove the mark using your combined magic,” she said, telling both kings. Her gaze settled on Vazra, but avoided Nathanial. Ryan frowned. What was going on?

  “Marella, we know what we are doing. We will not harm my daughter.”

  “You will,” Marella insisted. “The baby is ready. Cora will give birth tonight.”

  Excitement gripped Ryan. He would meet his son in just a few hours?

  Cora didn’t seem to share the same enthusiasm. She was shaking her head, panic etched on her features. “No. It’s only been a few weeks.”

  Marella smiled kindly at her. “This isn’t a human pregnancy. A regular wolf can be born within four months, Cora. Your child is more than wolf. Your white magic has brought the baby to term much sooner.”

  Ryan saw the fear in Cora’s eyes. He understood she was scared. Not only was it her first child, it was a wolf child. She had a hell of a task ahead of her. But she wouldn’t be alone.

  He pulled her against him, trying to reassure her. “It’s all gonna be okay, my love. I’ll be right here with you to help you through the birth. I won’t leave your side.”

  “You will need my help, also,” Marella told them. “As Cora is not wolf, I will need to use white magic to facilitate the child’s journey into the world.”

  “What can we do?” Vazra asked.

  “The baby was created from both white and dark magic. I need the two of you to create an elixir to help ease the pain of a hybrid birth.”

  Vazra nodded and turned to Nathanial, eyeing him expectantly.

  “Yes. I will assist with whatever is needed.”

  As Vazra led Nathanial out of the room, Ryan crossed to Marella. He lowered his voice to a whisper, so that Cora couldn’t overhear. “This isn’t gonna be an easy birth, is it?”

  “If I don’t help her with my magic, the birth will kill her, Ryan. Even with my magic, it will be excruciating for her. The elixir that I sent Vazra and Nathanial to make will ease the pain somewhat, at least.”

  “Fuck,” he choked out. “What can I do to help?”

  “Hold her down.”


  Nathanial stood outside the bedchamber beside Vazra.

  Cora’s agonized screams reverberated through the palace.

  Shaye stood against the wall opposite, biting her nails.

  Josh paced up and down the hallway between them.

  “Is she supposed to be screaming like that?” Josh asked. “I mean, I’ve heard women give birth to wolves before, but it never sounded this bad.”

  “She will be fine,” Vazra said. “Marella has dealt with many supernatural births. Cora is in good hands.”

  Nathanial shook his head. “Even with our elixir, she is in agony, Vazra.”

  Vazra’s gaze snapped to his. From the look on his face, he wasn’t pleased that Nathanial had spoken the brutal truth in front of the young wolf and the witch. Nathanial gritted his teeth. He knew Vazra preferred his cover-ups, only providing very limited information, on a need-to-know basis. But Nathanial couldn’t operate that way. Besides, they deserved to know the truth. They had fought by Cora’s side. Why shouldn’t they be kept in the loop?

  “Hybrid births are complicated,” Vazra snapped. “It is why they are rare and best avoided.”

  “What?” Nathanial demanded. “Best avoided?”

  Vazra merely shrugged.

  “I want an explanation for that comment,” Nathanial insisted.

  “I misspoke. You know that I am overjoyed at the prospect of a grandchild. And the fact that he is the bridge we’ve been waiting on all these years to unite the realms.”

  Nathanial frowned. Vazra had slipped up. It was a rare occurrence. His daughter’s suffering was clearly affecting him more than he was letting on. Odd, because he
was normally an absolute stoic, unfeeling bastard.

  Vazra claimed he wanted to unite the realms. However, his slipup indicated otherwise. In fact, his words mirrored those spoken by Michael and Luca earlier. And that was a grave concern.

  His thoughts were interrupted by the door to the chambers flying open. Ryan stood in the doorway, anxiety pouring off him. “Nathanial. Marella needs you.”

  Ryan’s choice of words caught him off guard. He choked, “She… needs me?”

  He watched Ryan frown. “Yeah. To help with the birth.” He waved him towards the open door. “Come on! Right now! Hurry!”

  “Yes. Of course,” Nathanial said, getting a grip, and pushing off the wall.

  Ryan ushered him into the room, kicking the door shut behind them.

  While he sped back to Cora’s side, Nathanial joined Marella.

  He acclimated himself with situation quickly.

  Cora lay on her back on the bed, her legs spread wide, her hands fisting in the sheets as she screamed in between rapid-fire breaths. Sweat was pouring from her body and she looked absolutely exhausted. Marella had a sheet draped over her legs and was peering beneath it, checking on the progress of the birth. He heard Ryan murmuring words of comfort and encouragement to Cora.

  “Cora, slow breaths,” Marella urged her. “You’ll pass out if you don’t calm your heartrate.” Marella’s gaze fell on him, looking for confirmation. He listened to Cora’s heartbeat for a few moments. “It is not too bad. A little fast, only.”

  Marella sighed with relief. “Thank you.”

  “Of course.” He shifted his weight and readied himself. “What do you require from me?”

  “Your dark power.” Her eyes roamed over him for a moment and he smiled to himself as he watched her blush. “I… uh….” He looked on, amused. She finally got a hold of herself, clearing her throat and telling him, “The baby is resisting my pull.” She smiled. “He’s stubborn, just like his father. Dark magic is needed to stimulate the wolf essence within him.”

  “This is all your fault, Ryan! You put this wolf child in me!” Cora bellowed. “You should be the one giving birth to it! Fuck!”

  “I will hurry it along,” Nathanial said off Cora’s outburst.

  “Please do,” Ryan gritted out, as Cora squeezed his hand through her pain and a brutal crack sounded. She’d broken it.

  Nathanial saw the anxious look on Marella’s face.

  He offered comfort, stroking her arm. “There is no need to fret. It will heal quickly.”

  Their eyes locked. Intensity flared between them.

  “I can’t do this! It’s too much! It hurts too much!” Cora shrieked, silver magic sparking on her palms.

  “Ryan!” Marella called. “Her magic!”

  “Shit, Cora. Breathe, okay. Breathe with me. I can’t imagine how hard it is to control your magic when you’re suffering like this, but you have to, okay? For everyone’s sake, including our son’s,” Ryan said, caressing her sweat-drenched brow.

  She started to sob. “No. I can’t do this. I can’t birth this child.” She broke down, sobbing violently, her magic sparking wildly. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “We’re close, Cora. It’s almost time to push,” Marella said, in an effort to comfort her.

  It wasn’t enough.

  Nathanial stood beside Ryan with a burst of vampire speed. He took one of Cora’s sparking hands in his to get her attention, ignoring the burn of white magic against his skin. “My wife gave birth to a wolf. She was non-wolf, just like you, child. Ryan’s mother. You are far stronger, far more resilient than she ever was. So, you see? If she could do it, you most certainly can.” He pressed his free hand to her belly, while he continued talking, pouring his magic forth, to the baby. He caught Marella’s eye and she nodded at him to keep going. Giving Cora’s hand a gentle squeeze, he said, “Times when we feel as though we can no longer endure, are when we must focus on why we must.” He saw her taking his words in. “This little wolf pup needs his mother right now, Cora. He needs you to do what only a mother can for their child. We all know that you have it in you. Do not doubt it. You are a true warrior.”

  The power of his magic began to reverberate through the room.

  “Yes. It’s working,” Marella cried. “Cora, push!”

  Cora’s gaze locked with his, her eyes flashing with renewed determination. “Argh!” she bellowed, bearing down and pushing with all her might.

  “Good. Very good,” Marella said. “Again.”

  Nathanial released her hand and shifted so that Ryan could move closer. She had it now.

  “You’re doing great, my love,” Ryan said, kneading her shoulders.

  “Is he coming, Marella? Do you see him?” Cora asked.

  “Almost there,” Marella told her. “Nathanial, I know you aren’t at full strength, but I need more.”

  Nathanial grimaced as he pulled on his reserves. It was painful to maintain a continuous stream of magic as it was when his magic was depleted, yet alone, now trying to force out more like Marella needed.

  A hand clamped down on his shoulder and a surge of strength moved through him. He looked to see Ryan lifting his chin at him.

  “Yes. That’s it!” Marella cried. “He’s coming!”

  Everything became a whirlwind then. Marella instructing Cora, Ryan’s words of encouragement through Cora’s screams, him focusing on maintaining a steady stream of magic.

  And then the moment they had all been waiting for arrived.

  A tiny growl sounded, as Marella pulled the baby into the world.

  Cora fell quiet, collapsing back against the mattress.

  Nathanial pulled away, watching Ryan staring in awe, as Marella handed him his son.

  Tears filled his eyes as he cradled him against his body and brought him to Cora.

  Nathanial watched Marella rush around, dealing with a dozen things. She returned to Ryan and Cora after a few moments with a blanket in hand. He looked on as she demonstrated an effective swaddling technique and imparted instructions to the new parents. She was truly incredible. Then again, she always had been. An age had passed since he’d had the privilege of witnessing it up close.

  A knock at the door startled him from his thoughts.

  “It’s safe to come in now!” Ryan called out.

  The others rushed in, a chorus of excited cries and comments filling the room.

  Nathanial drew back to an inconspicuous corner, watching the family have their moment of joy.

  “That would not have been possible without you.”

  Caught off guard, Nathanial spun to see Marella standing behind him, smiling his way.

  “You are giving me too much credit.”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head, beaming at him with admiration.

  He stepped to her. “Marella, I—”

  “Why are you two all the way over there?” Cora called, inadvertently cutting him off. He halted, cringing inwardly at the interruption that had severed the moment between them. Curses!

  Marella accepted Cora’s invitation and joined them. Nathanial followed in her stead.

  Cora had their baby nestled against her chest. Ryan seemed anxious as he sat on the edge of the bed with them, watching over his little family, as everyone tried to reach out to his son. He clearly did not like it. Nathanial smiled to himself with amusement. Ryan was going to be an extremely overprotective father. Or, perhaps, his anxiety had been borne from all the threats the child had already faced before even being born.

  “You did well, daughter,” Vazra told Cora.

  Cora’s gaze found Nathanial’s. “I had some great help.”

  “You are most welcome, princess.”

  Vazra looked between him and Marella. “Thank you for assisting my daughter.” He eyed Nathanial pointedly. “Both of you.”

  “Yes, thank you,” Ryan said.

  He smiled and then wrapped his arms around his wife, holding onto her tightly, as they gazed adoringly at their son.

/>   “Did you hear him growl?” Cora asked the three who had waited outside.

  “Most babies cry, but Ryan’s child greets the world with an angry growl,” Josh quipped.

  “He was angry?” Cora asked.

  “He was agitated by the situation,” Ryan clarified.

  Laughter filled the room.

  “Oh. I wonder whether he’ll be a snowy white wolf, like you?” she said, eyeing Ryan excitedly.

  “He will be,” Nathanial informed her. “He is a pureblood wolf. Born, not made.”

  “Yes. Now there are two in the universe,” Vazra commented, smiling at Ryan.

  Nathanial tensed at the sound of the old bastard’s tone. He caught Marella demonstrating a reaction to it as well. It was so slight, but both him and Marella had known Vazra for a very long time. While it wasn’t perceptible to the others, it was to them. He was not happy about it.

  “What’s his name?” Josh asked.

  Ryan shook his head. “Uh uh. No name for a few days. The second we name him, we’ll be announcing his existence to the world. Cora and I would like a few days with him, before we have to discuss his destiny and all the politics that comes along with it.”

  Nathanial saw Vazra tense at the news. And it worried him immensely.

  All the while the child remained unnamed, it technically did not exist, as far as the laws of magic were concerned. It meant that he could not be impacted, either positively or negatively by any spell. Nathanial’s concern lay in the suspicion that that was why Vazra was not pleased by the delay. He intended to exact a spell upon his own daughter’s child?

  What was happening? What were his true intentions?

  Until he could be sure, he needed to stay close to the child, to protect him.

  He turned to him and announced, “I would like to remain in the realm until after the child is named.”

  Vazra’s displeasure was obvious. “That isn’t necessary, Nathanial. Besides, you have a kingdom to run. I am sure you have a thousand things to do.”


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