TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 30

by Leia King

  “What are you doing? Ryan, what is he doing?” Cora demanded, starting towards Nathanial.

  Ryan threw his arm up, stopping her. “He’s helping him. Stay back. Just for a moment, okay?”

  Their attention was drawn to a shimmering, black glow emanating from Nathanial’s palm.

  Orion’s cries stopped.

  Nathanial stepped back and turned to them. “That will only last for a few hours. We must leave tonight.”

  Ryan saw Cora about to protest, so he cut in quickly, “He needs natural exposure to both realms, my love. It’s a bi-product of him being the bridge.”

  “So, we’re supposed to ferry him back and forth between the two realms for the rest of his life?”

  “Until the White and the Dark Realms are united, I would imagine,” Nathanial said.

  Cora looked hard at Nathanial. “I’m not letting my child go anywhere without me.”

  “Cora!” Ryan snapped. “I don’t want you in the Dark Realm. Things are unstable enough there right now as it is between wolves and vampires. A pure White Realm princess walking through the gates is the last thing that’s needed.”

  “There’s something else,” Nathanial said. “Cora is still bound to Luca by the betrothal. The magical connection needs to be severed first. If she enters the Dark Realm before that has occurred, she will be unable to leave.”

  “Fucking hell,” Ryan muttered with distaste. He was so sick of that fucking thing.

  “Fine. How do we sever it then?” Cora asked.

  “It requires the consent of both parties, involving a spell where both you and Luca must combine your magic and utter your mutual desire to break the betrothal bond.”

  “Come on!” Ryan exclaimed. “Luca will never agree to that.”

  Nathanial nodded. “Hence, the severity of our predicament.”

  “What’s happening in here?”

  They turned to see Marella standing in the doorway, looking on with concern.

  Nathanial watched Marella glide into the room.

  “Marella,” he greeted politely, his gaze discreetly raking over her.

  “Nathanial,” she responded unemotionally.

  He rebutted telepathically. My angel.

  She started in surprise. Stop it, Nathanial.

  Why? This link between us is just more proof of our true bond.

  She looked away and he heard her clear her throat, before she turned her attention to Ryan and Cora and asked, “What’s the matter?”

  Ryan explained the situation to her.

  As she mulled it over, Nathanial discreetly slid his hand up and down her back, caressing her softly. She hastily moved away, trying to appear unaffected in front of Ryan and Cora.

  Nathanial laughed with amusement inside her head, via their telepathic link.

  He watched her roll her eyes and then she said, “The Dark Realm is dangerous right now.”

  “Precisely my point,” Cora agreed. “He needs my protection.”

  Marella shook her head. “Whilst your power is unmatched by anyone in the White Realm and you would technically be the best choice, you cannot enter the Dark Realm until the betrothal is nullified. Your father would lose his mind. And that is never… pleasant.”

  “An understatement,” Nathanial muttered.

  Marella flashed her eyes at him in warning, then continued, “There are many others with powerful white magic at their disposal who could go along in your place.”

  “Why not you?” Nathanial suggested.

  Marella’s gaze snapped to his. What are you doing?

  You question my motives, angel?

  Of course!

  You are the most powerful white witch, outside of Cora. The best choice.

  “Pack your bags. Be ready to leave by nightfall,” he spoke aloud.

  And in a burst of vampire speed he left the room, before any protests could reach his ear.


  Nathanial led the way through the gates of the Dark Realm castle with Ryan and Marella following in his stead.

  “I forgot about those ugly things,” Marella commented, scowling at the ten-foot-tall, stone gargoyles positioned either side of the castle entrance, their eyes afire with a red glow.

  One of them abruptly shifted its weight, making her jolt in surprise.

  Nathanial chuckled. “It seems you also forgot they are alive.” He turned to Ryan. “They did not reside here when you did. They are recent additions. The White Realm has its dragons. We have gargoyles. They are great guards. They have the ability to sense a threat from a great distance away. Even further than wolf and vampire.”

  He watched Ryan merely nod as he continued gazing up at the castle. He tightened his hold around his son. Nathanial cringed at his reaction. Not only was he not pleased to be back in the realm of his birth, his true home, but he was also incredibly ill at ease. The last time he had walked upon Dark Realm soil had been just before his banishment, following the death of his father and the abandonment by his mother. His distress was to be expected, but it just highlighted how much work Nathanial had left ahead of him to have Ryan comfortable in the kingdom he was destined to rule alongside him.

  Coughing and spluttering from Ryan had Marella coming to a halt. She frowned in concern. “Ryan? Are you sick?”

  He took a moment to catch his breath. “I think I’m just having some trouble reacclimatizing to the atmosphere.” He adjusted his son’s weight in his arms, gazing down at his sleeping form. “He seems much better, so that’s all that matters.”

  Nathanial felt Marella’s gaze drilling into him. He knew what she wanted to hear. He nodded his confirmation. “He will be fine in a few days. It has been known to happen if a Dark Realm being is away from the realm for an extended period of time.”

  “You are sure?”

  What was it with her not taking him at his first word? “Yes,” he hissed. He was becoming agitated. She had been in a disagreeable mood, since the very beginning of their journey to the realm. She was angry with him for volunteering her. But, did she really expect him to be fine with leaving her behind in the White Realm after they had bonded?

  He turned away and continued onward, leading them into the castle.

  Guards wearing centuries-old chainmail stood at attention along either side of the hallway. They bowed in deference to him, as he strode on by. To their far left and right, two black marble staircases led up to a mezzanine level. The heart of the castle.

  “This way,” he called, taking the staircase to the left.

  When they reached the top of the stairs, he walked beneath the immense archway into the Great Hall, the largest room in the castle.

  At the far end, two identical thrones of black thorns, crafted from a rare crystal found in the depths of the mountains surrounding the realm, stood tall. On either side of them sat a set of smaller, blood-red, high-backed chairs. Seats belonging to his advisors. In the center of the room were several long, stone tables used for the lavish banquets that he hosted on a regular basis. The high-vaulted ceilings akin to that of medieval cathedrals allowed for a second level. Stacks of books containing knowledge on anything and everything lined the walls of that level. A single winding, iron staircase was the only access to it.

  The Great Hall was lit by the muted light of torches and candelabras. They were not lit by actual flame. Nathanial’s red magical fire kept them alight. As a home to vampires, having real fire on hand was not the best idea. It was far too great a hazard to the undead.

  “I’ve always wondered whether those are real, or purely decorative,” Marella spoke, pointing to the ceiling.

  “Ah, yes.” He looked up at hundreds of bats hanging from the ceiling beams. He chuckled. “You may relax. They are only decorations.”

  She scoffed. “Catering to a bit of a stereotype about vampires, don’t you think?”

  That was it! He rounded on her. “Is there any part of my home that is off-limits to your criticism, Marella?”

  “I… I didn’t m

  He huffed and turned away from her.

  “What’s up with you guys?” he heard Ryan asking Marella.

  “Nothing. He is agitated after being away from the realm for too long. It has impacted his strength and power, making him irritable.”

  Nathanial gritted his teeth at her explanation. Of course, he had to take the blame. If only she would allow their coupling to become public knowledge. There would not be any need for coverups and lies. He abhorred such things. But he would allow it for her. For the time being.

  They made their way out through the other side of the Great Hall and he cringed at the sight before him. With everything that had been occupying his mind, he had forgotten about the time. They had arrived right in the middle of pleasurable feeding.


  “Damn! That’s some epic fuck-and-feed,” Ryan commented.

  Ignoring his crass and disrespectful phrasing, Nathanial turned to him. “My apologies. It slipped my mind.” He shot a glance over Ryan’s shoulder to Marella. He need not have worried, for she was taking it all in her stride. It made sense, given her age and experience. She had seen a great deal over her lifetime, so it was unlikely that anything could truly shock her.

  A chorus of snarls reverberated through the area all of a sudden. Nathanial looked to see all eyes on Ryan. Before he could get a word out, Ryan began growling back at them. The little wolf pup startled awake. Nathanial had to stifle a laugh when he began emitting a tiny growl, emulating his father.

  Nathanial addressed his subjects. “Cease!” he commanded. Instantly, silence descended. Ryan and his son followed suit. “He is Wolf King. The pup is his heir. No harm is to come to them.”

  Murmurs of agreement sounded. Satisfied, Nathanial finished the rest of the journey, heading down a narrow corridor.

  He stopped outside a series of closed doors and turned to his guests. “You may retire here, Ryan,” he said, pointing to the door directly in front of him. “My servants have prepared everything you will need. Food and comforts for you and your son. Day is coming and I must rest now. I will give you a tour at nightfall and then we will discuss matters of the kingdom.” He turned to Marella and gestured to the room opposite Ryan’s. “Yours,” he said curtly. “Enjoy.”

  Without another word, he opened a door adjacent to theirs and stepped inside, slamming it behind him.

  He leaned against the door and let out a heavy sigh.

  He was finally home.


  Ryan found himself standing in the middle of a familiar forest. It was the one just beyond the wolf compound. Just being there, even in what he knew was his subconscious, made him miss his wolves. His life as Alpha had never seemed so far away.

  He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to will away the resentment that kept rising up whenever he thought about his current predicament. He’d never wanted it. Wolf King was a birthright that he’d escaped for so fucking long. Then, Cora came into the picture and it was all shot to hell. He knew it wasn’t really her fault directly. But… still. Sometimes he couldn’t help those thoughts from crossing his mind.

  Speaking of Cora… there!

  Her presence infiltrated his being.

  He spun around to see her standing right up close.

  Damn. She was wearing nothing but a flimsy, white robe made of silk.

  “I miss you. I miss our son,” she said.

  “How did you do this? Enter my dreams?”

  “We’re already connected and now that I’ve unleashed my power, I can do a lot of things.”

  “Well, I’m glad. I miss you, too, my love.”

  “Why are you asleep in the middle of the day? Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. The atmosphere of the Dark Realm is making me a little sick, but it’s nothing major. I guess fighting it made me extra tired.”

  “I see. As long as you’re okay. Where’s Orion?”

  “He fell asleep before me. Don’t worry, as soon as he wakes up, I’ll feel it. Wolf sense, and all that.”

  Cora chuckled. “I get it.”

  Ryan’s gaze raked over her, his cock hardening as he took his time taking her in. “Did you wear that just to tease me?”

  “Did I?”

  He grinned, enjoying her playful, carefree side.

  She gestured to what he was wearing.

  He looked down to see he was clad only in a pair of boxers. “This is your doing, vixen.”

  She laughed. “Yeah. I didn’t want to waste time ripping your clothes off. It’s already been too long since I’ve had you.”

  Before he could get another word out, she lunged at him, her lips crashing down on his, taking him in a desperate kiss.

  They kissed long and hard, before she pulled back to catch her breath. “Besides, I want to try out some new tricks I’ve learned.”

  “And what might they be?”

  She smiled slyly. Then, she slammed her hands into his chest, pushing him against a nearby tree.

  “Mmm. You know I like it when you play rough.”

  She was on him again in a second, her mouth tasting his, her hands running all over his chest.

  He pushed her robe off her shoulders and it fell to a heap at her feet, leaving her standing deliciously naked before him.

  With a burst of wolf speed, he snagged her around the waist and switched their positions, slamming her roughly against the tree, making her cry out from the suddenness of his movements.

  His mouth was on her right tit a moment later, licking, suckling, and biting. His claws raked lightly over the other.

  “Yes, Ryan! Yes!” she panted, writhing against the tree.

  He jerked as her hand slid into his boxers. The second her fingers brushed his hard cock, a wave of intense pleasure shot through him. He started in shock and looked up from her tits.

  She smirked at him and removed her hand briefly to show him. A silver shimmer enveloped her hand. “Pure pleasure,” she told him.

  She plunged it back inside and he bucked against her. As her hand swirled around his cock, so did the sparks of intense sensation. He’d never felt anything like it in his life.

  “Fucking hell,” he choked out. “Damn, Cora. You’re gonna make me come already.”

  Her eyes flashed with excitement. “I know.”

  She fondled his balls, the sensation overwhelming. His claws dropped of their own accord, digging into her arms in a frantic need to hold onto something, as a rush of ecstasy, the likes of which he’d never known before, flooded through him like a tidal wave.


  “You need a minute?” she teased, as she hoisted herself up and wrapped her legs around his waist.

  He caught her thighs, supporting her weight against him. “Hell, no,” he growled. He thrust his cock inside her in one powerful motion. “You’re fucking a wolf darlin’.”

  She grinned and ground down on him, taking him even deeper.

  “Get ready,” he warned.

  He pounded into her ferociously, fucking her hard and fast without mercy.

  “Ah! Yes! I’m gonna come!” she screamed.


  “Yes! Don’t stop, baby! Fuck!”

  He bit down lightly on her nipple. It pushed her over the edge and he felt her clenching around him tightly, her pussy milking his cock. As she screamed out her release, her sharp nails raked down his back. It shot him over the edge and he came deep inside her.

  She collapsed against him. “Wow.”

  Chuckling, he took her in his arms and eased them down onto the grass.

  They lay there entwined for several moments of serenity, just enjoying the feel of one another after so long.

  He ran his fingers up and down her arm. “That thing you did with your power? Un-fucking-believable.”

  “I know,” she said with a chuckle.

  “We’re doing that again.”

  “Just say the word.”

  He pulled her closer. “I don’t want to leave you.”.
  “Don’t. Not yet. Stay with me for a while,” she urged, nuzzling against him.

  They stayed wrapped up in one another for a long time, until Ryan heard little growls in the distance. He sat up quickly. “Our son needs me now.”

  She nodded. “Don’t stay away too long. I miss you both so much.”

  “I promise, my love.”

  Darkness enveloped him. The dream fell away and reality pulled him back.


  Nathanial awoke to a sudden presence in his bedroom.

  He knew instantly who the intruder was.


  He kept his eyes closed as he felt her approach.

  The bed moved and her pounding heartbeat resonated through his being, as she slipped under the covers and sidled close to him. He let her lift his arm, smiling to himself, as she snuggled against him.


  She jumped. “I thought you were asleep!”

  “I was.”

  “Oh. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. I just—”

  “The bond between us is getting stronger. You needed to be near me,” he continued for her.

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  He brushed his fingers over her thigh, feeling the silky material of her dress. He knew it well. Form-fitting and rather restrictive for sleep attire. “Are you comfortable in this?”

  She shrugged. “It’s fine.”

  “Afraid to sleep naked beside me, angel?”

  “No. I just didn’t relish the prospect of walking the halls of your castle in the nude.”

  “There are clothes in your closet. I had my servants provide you with the finest luxuries.” He took her hand, placing it on his leg. “Like this. These pants are made from the finest material in all the realms. There is nothing more comfortable.”

  “I will keep it in mind then.”

  He noticed that her hand was tense, her tone rather curt. “What is the matter, angel?”

  She huffed. “I saw your whores knocking on your door earlier.”

  Ah, of course. “They were here only for me to feed.” He sat up, expelling a deep yawn. “And they were not my ‘whores.’ They were human, not the vampires you saw earlier from the pleasurable feeding. I had been away from the realm for too long. I required more sustenance than normal. Thus, fresh human blood directly from the vein was necessary.” He cupped her face, drawing her gaze to his. “I can assure you that only you will lie with me from now on.”


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