TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga

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TWISTED DESTINY: The Complete Saga Page 42

by Leia King

  But, then, Orion shifted into full wolf form.

  Ryan watched the look in Cora’s eyes. That intense concentration that she always got when she was about to use her magic. He realized what she was planning to do. There was no fucking way.

  “Don’t you dare teleport out of here with him.”

  Her magic sparked.

  Ryan rushed forward, commanding quickly, “Orion, come to Daddy.”

  He hesitated, quite happy to be in his mom’s arms. Ryan emitted a series of gentle growls. It revved him up into an excitable state right away and he jumped out of Cora’s arms, bounding over to Ryan.

  “Go and play, my boy,” Ryan urged him, scooping him up with one hand and planting him down on the bed. He pawed at the duvet and began wrestling with it.

  Ryan turned his attention back to Cora. Damn, the look her face almost killed him. She look shattered and so fucking hurt that his connection with their son transcended hers. But, he couldn’t let it get to him. He had to lock down his emotions when it came to her. He couldn’t risk being caught off guard. That teleportation shit was so damn quick. She could snatch his boy away in a literal flash.

  “If you still want to leave, then go,” he told her.

  They locked eyes.

  He couldn’t read her reaction. He wanted her to back down. He wanted her to change her mind and stay, so they could try to work things out.

  But then she lunged at him, slamming him into the wall beside the door.

  Her fist came at his face.

  He captured it in his palm, before she could do any damage.

  Growling, he spun her around and pinned her against the wall. He subdued her, his hands confining her arms, his thighs pressing her legs to the wall.

  “Argh! I hate you!” she screamed.

  “You started this by trying to take my son!”

  He let out a ferocious roar, finally losing his shit.

  Orion let out a frightened cry, making him cringe. He’d never wanted to scare his boy. He’d just snapped. Things were so fucked up. He couldn’t believe his own wife had tried to take away the one thing in the world that he cared about above all else. Above even her. Orion was everything to him. He’d never loved anyone else as intensely as he loved his son. He couldn’t even begin to describe it. He was the best thing that’d ever happened. To even think about having that taken from him? Fuck. He couldn’t stand it.

  It threatened to bring out the beast, big time. And, as he stood, snarling at Cora, he could feel it right at the surface, ready to rage.

  A gust of wind ripped through the room. Strong hands grasped his shoulders.

  “Ryan,” Nathanial spoke from behind him.

  “Not now.”

  “Get control,” Nathanial said.

  Ryan shot a glance over his shoulder. He could see the urgency all over Nathanial’s face. With a frustrated sigh, he released Cora, and stepped back. “Fuck.”

  As Cora pushed off the wall, Nathanial told her, “You should go, princess. Nothing can be accomplished here, until cooler heads prevail.”

  “I’m not leaving my son.”

  “You’re not fucking taking him!” Ryan bellowed.

  Nathanial stepped up to Cora and Ryan heard him whisper to her, “I will speak with him. Just give me time. You know your son will be right here. There is comfort in that.”

  Damn straight, there was. If she’d taken him via teleportation, that wouldn’t be the case at all. He’d have no idea where to find his boy.

  Cora looked to Orion. Her lip trembled and Ryan could see she was struggling to hold back her tears. “I love you,” she told their son.

  Ryan was caught off guard in the next second, as she slammed her hands into his chest, managing to knock him back from the surprise of it. Her eyes bored into his. “We are done,” she seethed.

  Before he could get a word out, she teleported away.

  Ryan stood there for a long time, staring at the space where she’d been only moments before.

  He felt sick. How had things spiraled so out of control?

  He’d lost his fucking temper with her over Luca and over their son.

  Had she really meant those ominous parting words? They were in a fight, sure. There was no denying that. But, was it more than a fight to her?

  Was it… the end?


  Luca stared through the window.

  Seeing as though he couldn’t move, thanks to his magically-bound state, there was little else he could do. Sunrise was only a few minutes away. He could feel it. Already, his body was growing weak, as it always did when the day came.

  He’d often wondered what his last thoughts would be when the end came. And now he knew.

  Her. Cora Black.

  His distress earlier, when he’d realized his father’s trick, hadn’t been about failing his mission for Oriana. No. It’d been all about her. He’d really thought he’d been making love to her. Not just some fucking shadow form.

  And it’d actually hurt him.

  He’d lived his very long existence with nothing but business on his mind. His thoughts had only ever been of becoming King of the Dark Realm. And, as that had slipped away, as he and his father had grown more estranged, rage and bitterness had taken him over. That bitterness and rage had become all that he’d known. All that he was.

  Until her.

  The first night he’d met her, she’d challenged him. Even after he’d told her about their betrothal, she still hadn’t submitted to her destiny, or to his will. She was the first woman to ever deny him anything.

  It had infuriated him at the time, because all he’d cared about was the mission. Her refusal to consummate their bond had been standing in the way of that. Before he’d had much of a chance to convince her of their connection, Ryan had barreled his way onto the scene. He’d fucked up everything.

  It hadn’t escaped his notice that he and his father had grown close. Their father-son relationship had been so obvious earlier. The wolf had taken everything from him. His father’s love. The woman he loved. And he would soon take the Dark Realm throne, too.

  Wait! Had he… did he… he loved her?

  “It’s astounding just thinking about how much has happened since that night in the alley.”

  He started in surprise. “Cora?”

  She strolled over to the window, standing in front of him. “Sunrise is minutes away now.”

  “I know,” he responded tiredly.

  “You’re already weak.”

  “My father took my powers. As Vampire Prince, it took a lot longer for me to feel that same weakness from the sun. But now… it is quicker.”

  “Oriana and Michael haven’t come for you. Maybe they don’t know what’s happened.”

  “She will know,” he corrected her. “She is my mother. She can feel when I am close to death.”

  “Then why wouldn’t—?”

  “Because, I failed my mission,” he cut in. “They have no further use for me.”

  Cora’s eyes locked with his. “I’m sorry.”

  “Are you?”


  “Why are you here?”

  She turned away and gazed out of the window, speaking softly over her shoulder. “Earlier, you were different with me. Why?”

  “What?” he choked out in surprise.

  “Why were you like that with me?”

  “What do you mean?”


  When he didn’t answer, she spun back around, and glared at him expectantly.

  He released a heavy sigh. “Fine. As you wish. It doesn’t matter anymore anyway. I will die today.” He gazed at her intensely. “I love you, princess. That is why.”

  She nodded, seemingly not surprised at all.

  “You know?”

  “I figured it out earlier when you brought me here. My power was drained. You could’ve compelled me, made me willing and taken my blood that way. But you didn’t. You also didn’t tell Oriana that. You protected me
from her. Michael knows about your compulsion working when I’m weak. Why didn’t he say anything either?”

  “He has his own agenda.”

  “He’s working against her?”

  Luca nodded. “He fears she plans to destroy the Dark Realm, rather than conquering it. There is nothing Michael wants more than the throne. He has been working towards it for centuries. There is no way he would allow her to destroy it. But she is dangerous, so he is biding his time.”

  “Were you really going to drain my blood?”

  “Yes,” he admitted. “To walk through the White Realm gates and kill Vazra.”


  Luca smiled wryly. “We all have our own agendas, Cora. They are not always what we tell others. My mother is dangerous. Her hatred for my father will destroy all of the realms. And your father is in her pocket. If she fails to destroy the Dark Realm, he will finish what she started. I cannot let that happen.”

  “Neither can I. My son needs both the Dark and the White Realm to survive. I want to unite the realms.”

  “You are the key.”


  “Draining you served two purposes for my mother. The first, you already know. The second was to prevent you from fulfilling your true destiny of wielding your power from the White Realm to unite with the Dark. My father and Ryan are supposed to represent the Dark Realm side of things. From the White Realm there is no one else strong enough to summon the amount of power needed, but you.”

  Her eyes narrowed with suspicion. “Why are you telling me this? You’ve never wanted unification.”

  “Because it doesn’t matter anymore. I’ll be dead in a few minutes.”

  She shook her head. “That’s not it.”

  Luca released an exasperated sigh. “Because she will kill you now. It is the only way to stop unification. She tried to find another way, because she didn’t want to take Ryan’s mate from him, like Nathanial had done to her. Your son is in her crosshairs as well. If the realms are united, then it is he who will unite the populace. Without him, war will reign, despite the physical unification. If she cannot stop you, she will go after him. I am telling you this, because I don’t want that for you.”

  “You tried to kill my son when I was pregnant with him.”

  “It is different now that he has been born. I will not kill a child, a baby. That is where I draw the line.” He smiled as he said, “A weakness I inherited from my father, I believe.”

  He watched her taking his words in. She didn’t say anything for several moments.

  “I have told you everything you wanted to know. Please leave now. I don’t want a witness to my death.”

  She thrust her palm out. A ball of silver magic hit the shimmering, black film surrounding him, and he fell to a heap on the floor.

  He looked up at her, his eyes wide with shock. “I don’t understand. You’re saving my life?”

  She held her hand out to him. “Stop talking and just take my hand.”

  “What?” he asked, hesitating.

  “You’re no longer Vampire Prince, no longer royalty. You can’t teleport anymore, right?”

  He nodded.

  “Then take my hand. We need to talk.”

  He did as she asked, gripping it gently.

  And then she teleported them out of the mansion.


  Haraz wound his fingers in the curly, blonde hair of the woman kneeling at his feet, working his cock over.

  As Chief Advisor to the King of the Dark Realm, he had no trouble getting a woman he desired. Or, getting them to do what he desired. His position was one step down from Nathanial himself. He was renowned and respected throughout the realm. Everyone knew who he was and he reveled in his celebrity status and the perks it afforded him.

  He sat in the lounge of the castle, awaiting contact from Nathanial via telepathy. His King had advised him that he would check in to ensure that everything was copacetic in his absence. Whenever Nathanial was away, it was Haraz who watched over the kingdom. He had his own room set aside in the castle for such eventualities.

  It was late, the day just a couple of hours away, so the lounge was empty, all the vampires having retired to their quarters. He’d called one of the gorgeous vixens over to him and she’d relished the chance to service him.

  “Lick my balls,” he commanded. “And do it well,” he said, pinching both her nipples as an incentive.

  She squealed and lapped at him eagerly.

  He jerked in surprise as she started to suck, drawing one into her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck. That’s it, baby. Yeah,” he rasped.

  She started to stroke his shaft, her small hand gripping him tightly, while her mouth continued to work his balls.

  “You’re gonna make me come, if you keep that up.”


  He almost jumped out of his skin at the sound of Nathanial’s voice suddenly invading his head. He’d made contact earlier than anticipated.

  Here… uh… here, your majesty.

  Lose the girl.

  How did you know?

  I know all, Haraz.

  Haraz heaved an exasperated sigh and told the woman, “Leave me.”

  “What?” she asked, looking offended and surprised at the same time.

  “Leave me,” he repeated.

  “Fine,” she whined, snatching her top off the floor and running out of the room.

  She’s gone.

  Good. I am ready to hear your report on the realm.

  Everything is as you left it, aside from one change. The wolves no longer riot. They have fallen quiet.

  As I had anticipated. Excellent.

  This is the Wolf King’s doing, I take it?


  Well, please thank him for me. That is a great weight off our shoulders. You will need to complete the ritual soon, Nathanial, so he can officially take his place as king.

  Yes, I am aware. It will occur soon enough. You and the others can take comfort in that.

  When are you returning?

  Once Marella is strong enough to travel.

  How is the child?

  Healthy. Strong.

  Good. We should host a celebration to announce your new heir.

  I will consider it. No promises. My priority is stabilizing the realm.

  I understand. I—

  Haraz stopped short at the sound of a disturbance coming from the Great Hall.

  A moment later, the wall between the Great Hall and the lounge was blown apart by a flash of red-and-white magic. Hundreds of guards were thrown through the gaping hole in the castle.

  And that was when he saw her.


  She stepped through the rubble, both her hands outstretched with shimmering magic emanating from her palms.

  Haraz? What is it?

  Oriana has breached the castle. The guards are… down.



  Leave now.

  I won’t abandon the castle. It’s my duty to protect it and you, my king.

  As your king, I am giving you a direct command. Leave now. I need you alive. Come to the human realm. Use the teleportation ability that I bestowed on you. You will not escape otherwise. Wait for me by the gates and I will come to you.

  Yes, your majesty.


  Cora woke up feeling rejuvenated. Her full power was back. She could feel it coursing through her. Thank goodness! Talk about a major relief. With the way things were, with everybody gunning for her, being weak was terrifying. She wouldn’t let it happen again. She wouldn’t be anyone’s victim ever again.

  She smiled as she looked out at her bedroom. The familiar surroundings of her old apartment were a great comfort to her with all the major changes that’d happened in her life so incredibly quickly.

  A disturbance in the kitchen caught her attention.

  She threw the covers aside and climbed out of bed, happy to be dressed in her own pajamas, instead of one of Ryan’s t-sh
irts. She opened the door and walked out into the tiny apartment.

  She stopped short at what she saw.


  Was he cooking?

  He sensed her presence immediately and spun around, a frying pan in one hand that had bacon sizzling on its non-stick surface. “Morning, princess.”

  She couldn’t suppress a grin. “I didn’t know you could cook. I thought your servants did everything for you?”

  He smirked at her. “There is a lot you don’t know about me.” His gaze raked over her. “Pleased to see me, are you? Or, does a man who can cook turn you on that much?”

  She followed his line of sight to see that her nipples were hard and straining against the thin fabric of her tank top. She wrapped her arms around herself quickly. “Shit.”

  Luca chuckled. “There is no need to hide from me. I had my mouth on them not long ago.”

  “That wasn’t me.”

  “It was your body.”

  Shocked and suddenly extremely self-conscious, she turned back to the bedroom, intending to grab something to cover herself with.

  She’d barely made it two steps when he appeared right in front of her. “Don’t be embarrassed. I won’t mention it again and I will be sure to avert my eyes.”

  She cocked a skeptical eyebrow.

  “I promise,” he assured her.


  He returned to the kitchen. She followed him and took a seat on one of the stools at the breakfast bar, watching him curiously.

  “There’s blood in the fridge if you’re hungry.”

  He craned his neck to look at her. “Really?” he asked, amused.

  “Yeah. I stocked up before I headed off to save your ass last night.”

  He turned back around, smiling to himself. “Human?” he asked over his shoulder.

  “Yep. Hospital blood bags.”

  “Worried about me, were you?”

  She scoffed. “Hardly. Just taking precautions. I didn’t want you getting too hungry around me. We both know how much you crave my blood.”

  He laughed. “I don’t crave your blood. Sorry to disappoint you, princess.”

  “Right, just the mission.”

  “Precisely,” he said, starting to prepare a plate for her. Using his vampire speed, he had the task accomplished within a fraction of a second. He turned around and placed it in front of her. “Voila.”


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