Augur of Shadows

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Augur of Shadows Page 11

by Jacob Rundle

  “They aren’t normal premonitions. Mine are quite different,” Henri knew that this talk was about to drastically change directions.

  “Henri, would you just spill it!” Etlina knew that he was nervous, so she thought that she’d push the conversation forward.

  “Okay. Here it is. I literally experience the vision. I project to the place and time. Also, I have had connections with spirits and angels.” He slowly lifted his head, looking into her eyes to see if he had lost her.

  Henri was shocked to see Etlina having the same reaction that he had had when she was revealing her soul. A huge weight lifted off Henri’s shoulders, and he felt as though he could finally relax.

  “Etlina…” Henri hesitated for he knew he was about to change the course of her life. He didn’t enjoy having such an effect on someone, but it felt right to tell her.


  “There is a reason why I have these visions.”

  “Henri, what is it?” She saw the horror in Henri’s face, and she felt the fear emanating from his aura.

  “Etlina, it’s the things that I’ve seen. They’re horrible, and they keep me up at night. I can still hear the cries of the people dying. I hear the buildings crumbling, and I can’t shake the feeling of hopelessness.” Henri heard Etlina gasp at the mention of an impending catastrophe.

  “Henri, who’s ‘they’?” She peered at him, fighting her urge to overreact. The time from asking the question to the moment that he answered her felt like an eternity.

  Henri didn’t want to say their name because he felt as though it gave them more power each time it was uttered. He realized something about Etlina - she had a nervous twitch. He guessed that she was becoming more nervous by the second until he answered her.

  “The Old Ones.”


  The night sky provided the perfect veil of secrecy that Henri and Etlina needed in order to not be disturbed. Henri felt a tighter connection now with Etlina, and she discerned that she had gained a friend.

  “Etlina, we should go visit a friend. Is that okay?”

  “Sure. I’m game.”

  “Great, let me call him.” Henri dialed Siméon, and they had a short conversation.

  “Alright, he’s home. Let’s go.”

  “Okay.” Etlina put the fire out with a simple wave of her hand, and Henri gathered their belongings. He saw Etlina drive off, and he jumped into his car in order to follow her. He perceived that he wouldn’t have too many more moments like the one he was savoring. Henri took a mental image, and he drove off to Siméon’s house.

  Henri arrived at Siméon’s house shortly after Etlina. He noticed her waiting in her vehicle for him. He parked his car, and he leaped out to greet Etlina.

  “Hey, sorry that I’m late.”

  “No worries. I just got here. I thought that I was going to get lost.” She laughed at herself because she knew that she was a horrible driver.

  “Things don’t change, do they?” Henri had memories of her driving him home from school in Denver, and the terrors of her driving.

  “Nope. So, who lives here?”

  “You remember Siméon?”

  “Oh yeah. Your friend.” She winked at him, trying to calm his nerves.

  “Yeah.” Henri was elated that someone else knew about his secret.

  Henri strolled up to Siméon’s door. He knocked, hoping that he didn’t wake the neighbors. He scanned the houses in close proximity, but he didn’t see anyone wake.

  “Henri, why are we here?” Etlina asked

  “I want to introduce you to Siméon. Plus, I just have a feeling about this, okay?”

  “Alright…” Etlina didn’t enjoy going over to houses where she wasn’t really invited.

  “Well, you’re about to meet Siméon, who is an amazing guy. He’s a great teacher. You’ll see,” Henri reassured her.

  Siméon’s host brother, Adam, answered the door. Adam reminded Henri of himself when he was ten years old. Even though Adam was young, he was still taller than Henri. Henri greeted Adam politely.

  “Hey, Adam.”

  “Hey, Henri. What’s up?”

  “Is Siméon home?”

  “Yeah. He’s downstairs. Go right on through.” Adam waved Henri and Etlina inside the house.

  As Henri and Etlina proceeded through the hallway, he had flashbacks of the other night when he ran out of Siméon’s house - a night where he wasn’t proud of his reaction. He knew that he had to apologize to Siméon for his behavior.

  “We’re here. This is the part of the house that is Siméon’s.”

  “He has his own part?” Etlina couldn’t believe the idea of having her own wing in a house.

  Henri chuckled at Etlina’s amusement as he proceeded to knock on Siméon’s door. Henri hadn’t seen Siméon since the night he had run out. Henri didn’t know how Siméon truly felt about him being there.

  Siméon opened the door, catching Henri off his guard. Henri locked eyes with him, remembering the completeness Siméon gave him.

  “Henri, you brought a guest?” Siméon remarked sarcastically.

  “Yeah, I hoped that it would be okay?” Henri noticed his voice cracked in response.

  “Hola…” Etlina said.

  “Bonswa, Etlina.” Siméon was a complete gentleman with her, making her instantly feel at ease.

  “Siméon, you remember her? “

  “I do remember her.” Siméon completed the pleasantries, kissing her on each cheek.

  “Ça va. Et toi?” Etlina attempted a little French with a native speaker.

  “Oh, Henri, you didn’t say that your friend speaks French.” Siméon was impressed with her attempt at one of his languages.

  “Oh, I didn’t know.” Henri looked back at her, giving her a smile.

  Siméon invited Henri and Etlina into his living space. Flashbacks raced through Henri’s mind - images of the ocean’s siren and her melody. He saw the sequined flag that acted as the portal to the ocean’s depths.

  “Etlina, please excuse Henri and me. We have something to discuss in private. Please, sit down, and I shall bring you a coffee.” Siméon motioned for her to sit on his couch.

  “Perfect,” she replied as sat on the couch, making herself at home while Henri and Siméon went into the kitchen.

  Henri and Siméon stood in silence, having so much to say, but neither one of them had the courage to make the first move.

  Henri knew that he owed Siméon an apology, so he spoke first.

  “Siméon, I am really sorry that I ran out of here the other time. I don’t have an excuse, except I was overwhelmed by everything. I know that I didn’t handle everything the way that I should have.” Henri released a sigh following his apology.

  “Henri, you don’t owe me anything.” Siméon enthralled Henri.


  “How what, Henri?”

  “How can you be so forgiving?”

  “Because this destiny that you have isn’t an easy one. You don’t need any more pressure from anyone.” Siméon flashed a smile at him.

  “Please, take my apology. Okay?”

  “Okay. Okay. I accept your apology.” Siméon laughed at Henri. Henri knew that he was being stubborn.

  “So, Henri. What’s going on?” Siméon didn’t want to waste any time, which confused Henri. He didn’t understand why Siméon never wanted to discuss more of their feelings or ideas.

  Henri described the encounter with Metatron, and the vision he had experienced earlier with Etlina involving the Old Ones’ creatures and the family.

  “Henri, you already know that the Old Ones are coming. I’m sorry that you had to experience the death of a family.”

  “The hardest part, Siméon, was feeling the death of the children. It killed me.” Henri hated to remember the incident, but he needed to discuss it with his friend.

  Siméon leaned forward and gave him a hug. He needed Henri to know that all would be how it was meant to be. Henri hated the philoso
phy, but it still gave him comfort.

  “Henri, you encountered Metatron?” Siméon was interested in the appearance of the angel.

  “Yes. He was truly something. He reiterated a lot of what you and the Ancestors already told me.”

  “Henri, this is very big news.” Siméon racked his brain for anything that could help them.

  “Oh, I know. I realize who he is, and it terrifies me. He’s an Archangel.” Henri had an image flash through his mind, and he could still feel the pressure the Archangel possessed.

  Despite how things were going between them, he reacquainted with the feeling of wholeness the more time that he spent with Siméon.

  Henri had fleeting thoughts of how the whole situation would be different if he didn’t have an approaching evil wanting to creep its way through the cosmos to devour their entire planet.


  “Henri, are you okay? Is it another vision?”

  “Oh, no. I was just thinking about something.” Henri decided that he was going to take the plunge with him.

  “Oh, and Henri…” Siméon whispered as he moved closer to Henri. He grabbed Henri’s hand. He placed it upon his chest, and he stared into Henri’s eyes for a moment.

  Henri’s heart pounded faster, and all of his blood rushed to his face. Siméon saw the redness in Henri’s cheeks. Henri stepped towards Siméon, about to kiss him until Etlina came into the kitchen interrupting their moment.

  Etlina realized immediately that she had interrupted something. She stood in the threshold of the doorway for what felt like forever. She couldn’t move, and she felt horrible for breaking up what was apparently Henri and Siméon’s first moment together.

  “Oh, I am so sorry.” Etlina quietly slipped out of the kitchen, giving the boys a minute.

  “I guess we can continue this later,” Siméon spoke while holding Henri’s hand as if this would be the last time he would hold him close.

  “Yeah, we shall. But, for now, let’s get back to Etlina.” Henri led Siméon into his living room.

  “What is she?” Siméon sensed something different about Etlina.

  “Well, she’s quite different.” Henri wanted Siméon to see her gift.

  “Henri, the best way to find out is to ask the Ancestors.”

  “Okay, so, let’s ask them. I have a feeling about this, Siméon.”

  Siméon collected the necessary items to make contact with the Ancestors. Henri explained to Etlina what was happening.

  “Etlina, you are about to see something amazing.”

  “Oh, yeah? What?”

  “The Ancestors,” Siméon interjected sternly.

  “Oh.” Etlina was intrigued by the concept of the Ancestors.

  “See, the Ancestors are the collective of everyone’s departed. Siméon is able to converse with them for guidance.” Henri made sure she hadn’t already checked out.

  While Siméon collected the necessary supplies, Henri further explained to Etlina how the whole experience would go, and he made sure that she was on board for such a task.

  “Honestly, I have this strong feeling that all the things that you have told me are one-hundred percent true,” Etlina said as Henri explained how it was imperative that they confirm everything with them.

  “Okay, you two. I have everything we need.” Siméon led Henri and Etlina to the center of the room where they saw a unique pattern of white, chalky substance used to draw symbols that neither Henri nor Etlina recognized.

  “Henri, please approach the circle. Etlina, please do the same.”

  Siméon made a circle of candles around Henri, Etlina and himself. Once the candles surrounded them, Siméon prayed to his spirits, asking for guidance and protection.

  The hairs on Henri’s body stood on end, and a strong, pulsating sensation appeared in both his stomach and his forehead. The motion of the energy placed Henri into a trance, making communication easier with the Ancestors. Henri felt the energy surrounding all of them, knowing the energy protected them from harm.

  Henri opened his eyes, visualizing vast images of light in the air, and he set his eyes on the unbreakable barrier that Siméon had created for them.

  “Okay, we are ready now. The circle is fully constructed, and we may now begin.” Siméon instantly took the ‘wise man’ role in the circle.

  “The pattern you use for ancestral contact is quite similar to my people.” Etlina clearly respected Siméon’s techniques.

  “We need them all so that we can speak with the Ancestors,” Siméon directed at both Henri and Etlina.

  “This is really trippy, you guys.” Etlina felt at home in the circle.

  “Henri, are you okay?” Siméon monitored Henri’s reactions.

  “I can feel the energy in here. It’s swirling around us like a barrier. Nothing can get in, and nothing can get out. It is perfect, Siméon.” Henri noticed a change this time. He wondered if something in his brain clicked.

  Henri started to rock back and forth in time with the swirling vortex of energy that Siméon had conjured. His ability to feel everything was on high alert inside the circle.

  A direct line of communication had been connected to the other side. Henri knew that this line of communication was directed to all spiritual beings, not just the Ancestors, so he had to be careful with whom he spoke.

  Henri felt a powerful new pull from a direction that was unknown to him. He tried not to focus on the newfound caller since he had no idea from where the inquisitor originated.

  “Pai…gam…bar...pai….gam…bar.” Henri had a new word vibrate inside his mind.

  “Guys, someone else is here. I can hear them,” Henri worried Siméon and Etlina.

  “Wait…what? Henri, you’re hearing someone say something?” Siméon went on high alert, and he tried to shut down the lines of communication, but something paralyzed him, preventing him from shutting down the line.

  “Yes.” Henri couldn’t resist the new voice. His head was swimming with massive amounts of energy, making it far too difficult to fully concentrate. He knew that something was different, yet he couldn’t stop answering the call.

  “Henri, be careful. We don’t know who this spirit is, or what it wants from you.” Siméon hated that he couldn’t interfere. He knew that if he did just one thing wrong, it could kill Henri.

  “Guys, the voice. It’s way too strong.” Henri felt as though his body had split into two literal pieces. He opened his eyes, and he saw that he was standing in front of a mirror. He saw his reflection, and he tried to see if there was something different on the other side. He was amazed at the size of the mirror. He could still hear Siméon’s voice as he reached forward.

  “Henri! No!”

  Henri placed his hand on the mirror, and a sense of familiarity overtook his mind. His reflection wavered and vanished, leaving an image of a blank mirror before him.

  “What just happened? Where am I?”

  Henri noticed feelings of despair trying to take over his mind. He reminded himself that none of this destiny stuff was easy, so he fought through the negative thoughts.

  Looking around the area, Henri didn’t find anything other than the mirror in front of him. He pulled his hand away until the mirror wrapped itself around his arm.

  “Ah!” He tried to pull his arm away from the mirror, but it ran up this arm, maintaining its firm grasp upon him. He felt the substance trying to probe his mind for something. He needed to find a way to fight off its mental scan. Fighting the mirror was pointless, but Henri remained determined to somehow end its terror.

  He wished his blue light would return, hopefully aiding him in this sticky situation.

  “Come on. Please!” Henri felt the rumblings of the blue light. Relief fell over his entire body, and he knew that he’d be fine. The mysterious blue light rushed up his body, and Henri focused it on the mirror.

  The mysterious glyphs reappeared on Henri’s body, and their strength was more intense and aggressive than before. Henri began to think t
hat the glyphs were connected to his emotions, which presently was just what he needed.

  Henri had one thought come to mind through this rush of emotions.


  The glyphs didn’t simply shine; they became electrified. Henri didn’t have time to overthink its significance, so he directed the blue light at the mirror, hoping it was enough to free him from its hold.

  As Henri released his force’s new form at the mirror, he noticed that he was able to intensify its magnitude by forging the energy of his emotions into sparks.

  The sight was amazing to Henri; the light did exactly what Henri had imagined. The light connected with every molecule of its makeup, and it obliterated the mirror, turning it into mere dust.

  Henri fell to the ground, massaging his arm where the mirror had held him. He took a moment to gather his thoughts and to calm his nerves.

  “That was a close one,” Henri muttered out loud. He glanced at the hole left from the destroyed mirror. He caught a glimpse of something off in the distance through the mirror.

  “What the?” Henri jumped to his feet, and he approached the mirror. He felt a strong, pulsating energy emanating from the hole.

  Henri wondered what was on the other side of the mirror. He didn’t see any other way out, so he mustered up enough courage, and he stepped through the mirror.

  Through the mirror, Henri ended up in a place of pure darkness. Every hair on his body stood up along with the unsettling feeling in his gut. He proceeded to walk aimlessly since he had no sense of direction. His thoughts were all he had in a land seemingly devoid of sound.

  “Where am I?”

  Henri reached a certain point and decided to stop. It felt as though he had been walking for hours, and his legs were aching. The indentation from the mirror was still throbbing across Henri’s arm.

  “Come on!” Henri tried to scream, but there was no sound in this hellish place. There was no light that Henri could see; he was in absolute darkness. He wrestled with his inner feelings of fear.

  “I’m over this place!” Henri’s frustrations were taking over his mindset. He knew that he had to get out of the place, or he was going to go nuts.

  Out of the corner of his eye, Henri saw a glimmer of light. He gravitated towards the glimmer of light, hoping that it was the way out.


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