Safe Haven

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Safe Haven Page 7

by Brenda Trim

  “You and me both. Kristi’s out to make trouble for Lawson and me. I can feel it,” Liv admitted as she considered Kristi’s words.

  Liv might have put up a tough front, but Kristi made a valid point. If Lawson’s wolf had needs, she’d never be able to satisfy them. Lawson refused to let her near his wolf because she was human. He feared for her safety. And she couldn’t shift into a wolf so that their animals could get acquainted. Would Lawson eventually need that? To claim a wolf for his own? If so, they were doomed as a couple.

  “Maybe she will seek another pack. Wouldn’t hurt my feelings,” Ashley said as she retrieved several loaves of bread from the oven. There was nothing better than fresh baked bread and Liv was tempted to inhale one whole.

  “I’ll help her look for one,” Liv said with a laugh. “I’m going to check on Lawson before I scarf down a thousand calories,” she confessed and smiled at Ashley.

  “Better to burn them off between the sheets,” Ashley countered and waggled her eyebrows.

  “Exactly,” Liv replied and walked out of the kitchen.

  She couldn’t get the picture of Lawson’s hungry eyes out of her mind. Was that because he desired her or was his craving directed at Kristi?

  Liv walked into their bedroom suite, determined to get some answers. If he wanted someone like Kristi, better to find out now. It would hurt like hell, but she’d manage one way or the other.

  Lawson was on the bed, watching television in nothing but a towel. He looked good enough to eat. Focus, girlfriend. Now was not the time to fall into temptation.

  Lawson looked up, and his lip curled at the corner. Okay, that wasn’t helping matters. “Hello, beautiful,” he said with a smile.

  Liv stopped a few feet from the bed. “Please tell me what happened tonight. According to Kristi, you all but fucked her up the ass,” she gritted out, unable to leash her anger and jealousy.

  “That female is lucky I came to her defense tonight, or she would’ve been fucked every which way but loose.” Liv’s eyes bulged at hearing his confession. “No, not by me. It was Tyler that jumped her,” Lawson clarified.

  “Why did he do that?” she asked and crossed her arms over her chest.

  “Come here, Liv,” he coaxed and held out a hand.

  “I’ll stand here, thank you,” she replied.

  The last thing she needed was to get close to his sexy body. She could see beads of water on his bare flesh and had to resist the urge to lick the droplets from his damp skin. She was weak and pathetic when it came to this man.

  Lawson sighed, and his hand fell on the bed. “Please don’t do this,” he said, but she remained in place. She wasn’t going to cave to her body’s demand.

  “Alright, fine,” he huffed. “I didn’t want to talk about this right now, but it looks like I have no choice. After we shifted, I realized Kristi’s wolf was in heat. Typically, a female in heat will steer clear of the males in the pack,” Lawson explained and met her gaze.


  “Because the scent draws males. It’s instinctual to claim a female in heat, especially for an Alpha,” he continued, and his eyes remained fixed on hers.


  “I didn’t act on it, Liv,” he stated.

  “I know. That’s not what I was going to say,” Liv muttered and bowed her head.

  She didn’t know if she could voice her thoughts. A lump formed in her throat and she tried to swallow through the building emotion.

  “Then what?” he asked.

  She swallowed again and steeled her spine. It was time to go for broke. “Do you want her? I don’t mean as a man. I’m asking what your wolf wants. Do you need to claim her as yours?” she choked out and lifted her gaze to meet his.

  In the next instant, Lawson was by her side, cradling her face in his palms. “Fuck no. Liv, I stepped in to protect her from Tyler. That’s it. She had no business being on the hunt while in heat and it won’t happen again. She said she didn’t know her animal was in season and I’m going to take her word for it just this once. Was my wolf tempted? Yes. I’m not going to deny that, but I resisted. I’m not going to be an Alpha that claims all the females in the pack. That’s not what I’m about. I need you to believe me. I will be going on many hunts, and there has to be trust between us,” he declared.

  Liv looked up and stared into gray eyes that pierced her soul. Lawson had never lied to her, and she had no reason to doubt him just because some wolf in heat had stormed into their lives. That wouldn’t be fair.

  “I do believe you. I hate it that I can’t be included in every part of your world, but I do trust you,” Liv replied, and Lawson exhaled as if she lifted a huge burden.

  “I don’t want this to come between us. My wolf is part of me, but my time spent in animal form is so small compared to my time spent with you. Don’t make it a bigger deal than it is. Although, I must confess I’ve fantasized what you would look like in wolf form,” Lawson said with a grin and his arms wrapped around her waist.

  Liv’s hands roamed across his bare chest. His flat nipples hardened when she ran her fingers across them, and he moaned his approval. That fast she wanted him to mount her.

  “Is that so? And what, pray tell, do I look like in this fantasy of yours?” she answered with a smirk, curious what he envisioned. She had a fantasy of her own involving them as wolves. It was primal and very sexual.

  “Well, if you must know. Your wolf is the most beautiful shade of auburn except your face, which is a dark gray. And your emerald green eyes sparkle brighter than the stars in the sky,” he husked and bent to kiss one eyelid then the other.

  “Always the poet,” Liv replied and opened her eyes only to get caught in his hypnotic gaze. She loved him beyond reason, and her body ached for him.

  “And you have the nicest backside of any wolf I’ve ever seen,” he added right before his hands slipped lower to cup her ass, causing her core to clench with need.

  Liv giggled. “Out with the poetry, make way for lewd and crude.”

  Lawson tilted his head back and laughed. She loved his deep chuckle. He had the sexiest smile and his eyes danced with mirth when he was feeling playful.

  “So, other than Kristi flaunting her assets,” Liv commented disdainfully, “how did the rest of the hunt go? You mentioned killing animals. Was that all?”

  “Actually, no. That isn’t all. I saw a Ravin tonight. At the edge of our property. We chased it off and hopefully won’t be seeing it again, but please don’t wander out at night without me. I’m very serious, Liv. I don’t want you by yourself once the sun sets,” he demanded, and Liv could see the concern in his eyes.

  “I was hoping when you said they were in this area that it was false information. I won’t be going out at night without you, trust me. Thank you for telling me,” she said and reached her arms around his neck, twining her fingers in his damp hair.

  Lawson tugged her closer, and she could feel his erection prod her belly. The terry cloth towel around his waist did little to hide the bulge beneath it.

  “Are we done talking because what I have in mind will keep my mouth busy for at least the next thirty minutes,” he murmured as he kissed a trail along her neck.

  Moisture leaked from her core at hearing his whispered words. The thought of him feasting on her was enough to send her over the edge.

  “Talking is overrated. I’m at your mercy,” she moaned then tugged at the towel secured at his waist.

  Lawson’s wolf resided within, but the man made the final decisions. Liv knew precisely what the man wanted and needed, and she was determined to satisfy his every desire.

  Chapter 8

  Liv pulled up to the security station and smiled at Nick Quinn. “Hey, Saint Nick, how’s it going?”

  “Well, hello, beautiful. I’m much better now. Hi, Cassie,” he replied, grinning at Liv and her friend.

  “Hiya, handsome,” Cassie spouted as she dipped her head to peer at him through her oversized sunglasses.

  “Is Bart here?” Liv asked.

  “I just spoke to him. He’s running a little late but said for you to go on over to the guest house. He’ll join you as soon as he can,” Nick explained as the metal gate swung wide, allowing entrance.

  “Okay, sounds good. We’ll probably be there for a while,” Liv responded.

  “Don’t hesitate to call Patricia for anything you need. Bart’s house is your house,” he said with a wave as they drove through the gate.

  “Thank you. You’re the best,” Liv said and blew a kiss his way. “He’s the sweetest man in the world,” she added and turned to Cassie.

  “Yep. I’d fuck Nick,” Cassie quipped.

  “Geez, Cass. You can’t be serious. He’s got to be around seventy,” Liv countered and rolled her eyes.

  She drove past the main house where her friend Bart, the governor of Tennessee, lived and pulled alongside the guesthouse.

  “What can I say? I have a fantasy of doing Santa,” she said as she pulled out a hair tie and secured her long brown hair.

  Nick was the spitting image of Santa Claus, hence the nickname Saint Nick. His white hair and beard, along with blue eyes that sparkled when he smiled, made him a dead ringer for the jolly old man. All he needed was a red suit and a sleigh.

  “You are very disturbed,” Liv teased as she turned off the engine.

  “Maybe just a little, but I’d still do him,” she said with a wink. “Now, let’s get this party started,” she added and jumped down from the passenger side of the Jeep.

  They walked into the guesthouse, and Liv’s jaw dropped. When Bart agreed to store her furnishings, she imagined everything piled into a giant heap in one of the rooms. Instead, she felt like she was walking into her previous home.

  Her sofas and furnishings were arranged nicely in the living room, and as she walked further into the home, she noticed her bedroom furniture was set up in two of the guest rooms. At the end of the hall, she saw her packed boxes stacked neatly in an empty room.

  “Holy shit. Remind me to call Bart if I ever need a place to live because this is incredible. Your stuff never looked so good,” Cassie said with a nudge to her side, bringing Liv out of her stupor.

  “Yeah, no kidding. Bart went all out. I seriously expected my stuff to be crammed into one room, piled to the ceiling. Seeing it this way makes me miss having my own place,” Liv admitted as she went over to the stack of boxes. Everything was labeled on the outside, listing the contents of each box.

  “Don’t you like living in Safe Haven?” Cassie asked.

  “I love it, but the bottom line is it’s a hotel. I miss the privacy above all. Well, that and the closet space. Except for our bedroom and bathroom, we share the other areas. Having your own kitchen and living room is nice. I guess there are pros and cons,” Liv admitted more to herself than to Cassie.

  She hadn’t considered what she gave up to be with Lawson until now. Before Lawson, she owned a home, and every inch belonged to her. Her mom and closest friends, Bart and Cassie, lived minutes away. Not to mention her favorite restaurants and bars were in Chattanooga, which was three hours from Hollow Rock.

  “I see your point, but look at the pros. You’ve got a hot shifter keeping you warm at night. That’s got to outweigh the bad,” Cassie said as she started moving boxes around. “So, where’s the Halloween stuff?”

  Liv ignored the first part. Yes, she had Lawson in her bed, but the latest turmoil with the Kristi situation left a bad taste in her mouth. That was a topic they'd discuss later.

  “Um, I think I put them all in orange and black containers. They should be around here. There they are, beneath those boxes over there,” Liv said and pointed to the far wall.

  They rearranged boxes, trying to keep everything neat and organized while stacking her Halloween boxes off to the side.

  “Wow, I didn’t realize you had so much. You’ve got enough here to decorate three houses,” Cassie stated as they removed the lids to the plastic containers to see what was inside.

  “You know Halloween is my favorite holiday. But you’re right. I’ve got a shit-ton of decorations. I might not need to buy that much, after all,” she replied as she pulled out the box containing platters and glassware.

  She loved the Spooky Night collection she purchased several years ago. And she didn’t remember buying so many pieces, which was a blessing. They would need all of it to host the upcoming party.

  “Good thing you rented the small trailer to get all this back to the hotel. It would never fit in your Jeep,” Cassie said, as she looked around in awe at all the orange containers.

  “Hey, TKO, how’s my girl?” came the familiar baritone of Bart’s voice.

  TKO, which was short for Total Knock Out, was the nickname he gave Liv when they were high school sweethearts. Although the romantic relationship fizzled, their friendship stood the test of time.

  Liv turned to see her handsome friend standing in the doorway. How Bart kept a year-round tan, she didn’t know. That and his blond hair, he was the epitome of a California surfer, not a stuffy politician. She immediately jumped up and ran to greet him.

  “BS, it’s been way too long,” she squealed as he scooped her into a bear hug.

  BS was his given nickname, partly due to his initials but mostly because he was a master Bullshitter.

  He hugged her tight, and she returned the sentiment. She missed him. Ever since meeting Lawson, Bart kept his distance. Liv knew he didn’t approve of her relationship. He claimed it was because Lawson was a shifter and their kind didn’t mix well with humans, but Liv wondered if it was more than that.

  Bart set her down on her feet and stepped back, holding her hands. “Wow, you get more beautiful every time I see you. What’s your secret because I think we should market it,” he said as he perused her body from head to toe. Liv didn’t miss the way his eyes lingered on her low-cut sweater.

  “Always the flirt, Mr. Governor. Trust me. If I find a beauty secret, you’ll be the first to know about it, partner,” she replied, referring to the other half of Smith & Kimbro.

  Bart was the last man that needed a beauty secret. He was the most eligible bachelor in the city, if not the entire state. Bart was tall, good-looking, had a great body, and a perfect smile. He was the total package, and women lined up for miles for the chance to be seen on his arm.

  Bart smiled at Liv's comment. “I like the sound of that, partner.”

  “Speaking of that, I emailed my latest findings on the cancer research. I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to look it over,” Liv shared.

  “I haven’t yet. I was going to look at it this weekend,” Bart replied.

  “Well, don’t get excited. No big breakthroughs,” Liv added quickly with a shake of her head. It was beyond frustrating that she hadn’t found the right combination to add to the shifter blood. Gut instinct told her that she was onto something, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  “Liv, this isn’t a contest. Stop stressing so much. Keep doing your thing. It will come,” he reassured and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. “So, what are you and crazy up to today?” he asked with a wink to Cassie.

  She stuck out her tongue then blurted, “Don’t knock it ‘til you’ve tried it.”

  Bart laughed then his gaze returned to Liv. “You said something about costumes when we talked earlier?”

  “Yes, I’m throwing a Halloween party at the hotel this weekend. You’ll be there, right?” Liv asked, squeezing his hands.

  He released his grip and scratched his head. “Yeah, I don’t know if I can make it. My schedule is tight right now.”

  Liv’s heart sank. Bart loved parties and dressing up. She couldn’t count all the times they had dressed up for Halloween. His refusal wasn’t about his work schedule. He didn’t want to be around Lawson.

  “Please promise me you’ll try and come. Cassie’s going to make margaritas,” Liv said with a broad grin, hoping to encourage him.

course I’ll try. Is there anything I can do to help? I’ve got another meeting soon, but if you need me to carry any of this out to the trailer, I’m happy to do so,” he offered as he looked around the room.

  “No, we’ve got it. Plus, I wouldn’t want you to mess up that fancy suit you’ve got on,” Liv teased and reached out to stroke his finely-tailored jacket.

  “I should probably get going then,” he remarked and shoved his hands in his pockets.

  “So soon? You just got here. I feel like we never spend time together,” Liv confessed and started chewing on her lower lip.

  Bart stared at her mouth briefly then met her eyes. Typically, Liv could read him, but today he was a mystery. She couldn’t decipher his penetrating gaze.

  “I’m sorry. I wish I could stay longer,” was all Bart said before he gave Liv a quick hug then turned to walk out of the room. “See ya, Cass,” he added then was gone.

  Liv slumped to the carpet, her heart aching. It seemed her whole world was a complete mess. Nothing was going right.

  “What’s wrong, girlfriend? You look like you’re about to cry,” Cassie said and came to sit beside her on the floor.

  Liv buried her face in her hands. “Oh, Cassie. Everything is fucked up, and I don’t know how to fix it,” she said as she shook her head back and forth.

  “What do you mean? Is this about Bart?” Cassie asked.

  “Yes and no. It’s mainly about Lawson,” Liv admitted and lifted her head. Cassie’s warm brown eyes filled with confusion and concern.

  “What about Lawson? I thought everything was great. Last time we talked you said he told you he loved you. You were on cloud nine.”

  “Yeah, that was before Kristi came into the picture,” Liv blurted. She hadn’t wanted to go there, but it was too late now.

  “Okay, who’s Kristi?” Cassie inquired.

  “She’s one of the shifters they found at the facility in Jackson. And, she’s made it clear she wants Lawson. You should see how she acts around him, practically throwing herself at him every chance she gets,” Liv gritted out.


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