To My Brother's Cocky Best Friend

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To My Brother's Cocky Best Friend Page 15

by J. S. Cooper

  "Your birthday's not for another couple of months."

  "Well, then, an early birthday present?"


  "Okay, Olivia, I didn’t want to go there, but maybe I want it for a Christmas present."

  "Tyler, I'm not having sex with you in the bathroom on a plane for a Christmas present. What if we got caught? I'm sure that's a federal offense. Do we really want to go to jail for having sex on an airplane? Could you imagine how much angrier my parents would be to find out one child is marrying a hooker, okay, well, not a hooker, but you know what I mean, and the other child joined the mile-high club and got arrested?"

  "Olivia, when did you become such a drama queen?" His hand touched my leg and ran up my thigh. I shivered at the touch. It was warm, comforting, and it made me feel very sexual. “We’re not going to get arrested.”

  "Tyler, we can't do it. We will get caught."

  "We're in first class, Olivia. They practically expect us to do it. What do you think we're paying so much money for the ticket for?"

  "Well, I didn't actually buy the ticket," I giggled, "so I wouldn't know how much money it cost."

  "Oh, Olivia." He gave me a goofy grin. "Fine. If you really don't want to …"

  "I didn't say I didn't want to. I just said I don't think it's a very good idea."

  "Ah, so you're coming around to it, huh?"

  "Maybe." I looked over to my brother and then tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Derrick."

  "Yeah?" He looked at me, taking off his earphones. "Can I help you?"

  "How are you doing?"

  "Well, I'm doing fine, I guess. Why?" He looked annoyed.

  "I was just curious because I know you're nervous about talking to Mom and Dad about Tiffany."

  His eyes narrowed. "Are you really curious, or are you just excited for all the drama to go down? I know you don't like her."

  "It's not that I don't like her, Derrick. It's just that you barely know her, and she's not really the kind of girl that I thought you would be with."

  "What? You didn’t think I would want sexy, funny, big boobs, and—"

  "Okay, that's enough, brother dear. I don't need to hear about that sort of stuff. I'm your little sister.”

  “And I don't need to hear about you and Tyler joining the mile-high club." He cocked his head to the side.

  "What? You heard us?" I didn’t think my face could burn any hotter than it was right now.

  "Duh! You guys talk loud. You can't even whisper quietly." He rolled his eyes. "And for what it's worth, I think it’s a great idea. If you get arrested for joining the mile-high club, Mom and Dad might totally forget about killing me.” He laughed and I grimaced. “But," he winked, "if you want to try, my suggestion would be to wait until they start serving the meal because then the flight attendants are occupied. You’ll have a good five minutes in the bathroom. And I mean," he looked at Tyler, "I bet that's all you need."

  I rolled my eyes. "Oh, Derrick."

  “You’re the one known as a three-minute man.” Tyler shot back at my brother and I turned to him and glared.

  "Really, Tyler?" I looked over at him and he was laughing silently. "It's definitely not going to happen now. There's no way I'm going to go into the bathroom to have sex with you, knowing that my brother was out here knowing exactly what’s going on."

  "Aw, come on, Olivia. Please." Tyler smiled and continued laughing slightly as he begged me. I just rolled my eyes.

  "Not going to happen."

  "Fine. Whatever. I don't care," he whispered in my ear. "But maybe when we fly back to San Francisco in two weeks, we can?"

  I winked at him. "You're on."

  "So, Olivia, shall we watch a movie? Do you want to play a game? What do you want to do?" Tyler changed the subject as Derrick put his headphones back in and went back to watching his movie.

  "I don't know. What do you want to do?"

  "Well, I was thinking that we should talk about our future. I had an idea."

  "Oh, yeah? What's the idea, Tyler?"

  "Well, I was thinking that I could transfer to the San Francisco office."

  "What?" I looked at him in shock. "Your firm has an office in San Francisco?"

  "Yeah. We have an office pretty much everywhere in the United States, well, at least the big cities, New York, Miami, Boston—"

  "Okay, okay. All I asked about was San Francisco, Tyler."

  "Yeah, we have an office in San Francisco, and I emailed one of the partners, and he said that he thinks he could make it happen."

  "But I thought they wanted you to go to New York?"

  "They do want me to go to New York. But if I want to go to San Francisco, they'll send me there."

  "Really? How come?"

  "Because I'm a damn good lawyer, and they don't want to lose me."

  "You'd move to San Francisco for me?"

  "I'd move anywhere for you, Olivia. Don't you get that? If you told me you wanted to move to Nairobi, Kenya, I'd be there. If you told me you wanted to move to Antarctica, I'd go down to REI and get the warmest thermals I could find. If you told me you wanted to live in Hawaii, I'd get a lei. If you told me that you wanted to go to Australia, I'd learn how to play with kangaroos and koala bears."

  "Play with kangaroos and koala bears? Aw, that would be so cute."

  "I'm just saying, Olivia, wherever you are, that's where I want to be. My life began the day that you told me that you loved me. Don't you understand? All I want from life is to be with you and to love you. We grew up together, and I had you in my life every day, and I think that's one of the reasons why my childhood was so special, why I always think back to those days. I don't want to go on living another year, another month, another day without you in the same town as me. I know things are moving quickly, so we don't have to move in together right away. I can get my own place. And then, when you're ready, we can move in together, and hopefully, we can take the next steps."

  "Oh, Tyler, I feel like that's such a lot to ask. I mean, San Francisco isn't Florida, you know? I know how you feel about California. It's not your favorite place."

  "Yeah, that’s true. I don't see myself living in California for the rest of my life, but that's a decision we can make together. Once we get married and have kids, we can think about where we want to raise our family. And you know what? If you say you want to do it in San Francisco, I'll be okay with that. I mean, there are places we can drive to, to hunt and camp outside of the city, right? There are places that we can go to the beach and the woods. I'll get a car. We'll make it work."

  "Oh, Tyler, have I told you how much I love you?"

  "Yes, but you can tell me again."

  "I love you, Tyler. I love you so much. And you know what? I actually think that I'd be okay moving back to Florida, even North Carolina like we talked about once when we were younger."

  "Really? You'd give North Carolina a chance?"

  "Yeah, because you know what? I want to be wherever you are as well. My best friends are here in San Francisco, and I love them. But they're all coupled off as well, and I don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if they're going to get jobs in other cities. They could move too. And that's okay because I know we'll always be in each other's life." I took a deep pause. "But you know, Birdy is still single, and I want to be there for her right now. She was so happy for us, but I could see in her eyes that she was sad for herself. I need to help her find someone. I need to help her find love, like all the rest of the girls in the office."

  He looked down at me, his eyes glowing. "Oh, Olivia. you’re so thoughtful. You're just amazing to be thinking of your friend."

  "Yeah, you know, I'm kind of nice sometimes. Don't take it for granted, though."

  "I would never take it for granted, my love. I would never take you for granted. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. It's kind of like that song."

  "What song?" I asked him.

  "You know. I think it goes something like, don’t tell me yo
u won’t love me when we’re old and gray, don’t tell me you won’t love me when all my hair goes away, don’t tell me you won’t be there to sit on my face because I can sing this song to you all day."

  "Oh, my gosh!” I slapped his arm playfully. “Did you just make that up, Tyler? I've never heard that song in my life." I started laughing at his goofiness, my heart expanded with love for this wonderfully silly man.

  "What can I say? You inspire me. First, I was a lawyer. Now, maybe I'll be a songwriter."

  "Uh, don't quit the day job, my dear. I don't think you'd have a successful career as a songwriter."

  "Oh, well. As long as I have you by my side, I'll be happy doing whatever."

  "You two are so corny," Derrick interrupted us. "If I have to listen to the two of you go on any more about how much you love each other, I am going to gag. And the last thing you want right now is the man sitting next to you puking all over you."

  "There are bags for that, brother." I shook my head. “And turn your volume up if we’re bothering you.”

  "My volume is maxed out.” He rolled his eyes. “And actually, sis, do you see any bags? They got rid of the bags. Ha, ha, ha. It's on you. And that’s a fact, the puke will be on you."

  "Derrick, grow up. Do you want my help with Mom and Dad or not? Do you want me to tell them that Tiffany used to be a stripper?"

  "You would not do that, would you?"

  "Try me, big bro. Try me."

  "Okay. Okay. I'm putting my earphones back on, and I'm going to ignore you two. But please, for the love of God, can you just talk a little bit quieter? I don't want to hear how much my best friend and my little sister are in love. Next thing you know, you're going to be talking about sex and how good that is. And really, I will have to kill Tyler if I hear him talking about you two having sex because as much as I love both of you, I do not want to think of anyone having sex with my sister. Got it?"

  "Derrick, I'm 27 years old. I have sex, and Tyler and I have amazing sex. So get over it."

  "Olivia, are you really trying to get on my nerves?" He shook his head. "You know what? Don't answer that. You've always been trying to get on my nerves my whole life."

  "Yep, big bro. And I will constantly remind you of the fact you also get on mine."

  Tyler laughed. "Guys, I love you both, but stop bickering. We're older now. We're supposed to be more mature."

  I looked over at him and shook my head. "Come on, Tyler. You're the least mature of all of us."

  "Yeah. I think I'm pretty mature now though, Olivia, don't you think?"

  "Oh, yeah? Why is that?"

  "Because I got you a little present."

  "What present?" I paused. "Oh, my gosh. Please do not tell me you got me a box of condoms or something goofy like that."

  "Do I look like the sort of guy that would get a girl a box of condoms?"

  "Um, I don't know, but I sure hope you got some new ones." We smiled at our inside joke. We’d dodged a bullet because my period had come, but we both knew we had to be more careful.

  "Well, of course, I did get some new ones, but that's not what I want to give you."

  "So, what do you want to give me then?"

  "Okay, close your eyes."

  "Oh, no, I don't want to close my eyes."

  "Please, Olivia."

  "Fine. I'll close my eyes." I closed my eyes and waited, my heart beating erratically as I listened to the noises coming from around the plane. I didn't know what he was about to do. Was he about to slip his hand up my skirt and try and touch me in my most private area? No, there was no way he'd do that next to Derrick. Derrick might be cool about us being together and even willing to joke about it, but he would literally kill Tyler if he tried to finger me on the plane right in front of him.

  "Okay, Olivia, open your eyes."

  I opened my eyes and looked over to Tyler. He had a little black box in his hands, and he opened it. I gasped in shock as I stared down at a small shimmering diamond ring in the box.

  "Oh, my gosh, Tyler! What is this?" My heart beat quickly. Oh, my god. He wasn't proposing, was he?

  "Olivia, this is a promise ring. I know that we're a little bit old for promise rings, but I wanted to give you something that showed you how much I loved you, that showed you my commitment to you. I know it's too early for us to get engaged. I know we need to date for longer and get our lives together properly. I also know your parents would kill me if both you and your brother got engaged at the same time, so it’s not an engagement ring. But I wanted something to symbolize our love. I want to give you this promise ring, and I hope you’ll wear it."

  "Wow. That's so beautiful and thoughtful. I have no words."

  "Do you like it?" he asked softly. "And are you okay with what it means?"

  "Tell me what it means." I wanted to hear the words from him.

  "It symbolizes our love, that it will last for eternity, that we promise each other that for the rest of our lives, it's just the two of us."

  "Oh, Tyler. You know it's always just been you, and it will always just be you. I love you."

  "I love you too." He took the ring out of the box, and he slipped it onto my finger. We both looked down at it, and then I kissed him hard. I didn't care that Derrick was sitting there.

  I whispered in his ear, "When we get to the restroom at the airport, we're going to have some fun." I winked at him and slid my hand into his lap and brushed his already hardening cock.

  His eyes widened in surprise as I gave him a quick squeeze. “Oh, yeah?”

  “We’ll go into the family restroom and you can give me the best fucking you can in five minutes.” It was my turn to whisper in his ear and I could feel his heart racing. “That’s if you have it in you, big cock Tyler.”

  “Don’t you worry about that, Olivia. This BC is ready and willing to go.”

  And then he kissed me. Light, sweet, and full of promise for the naughty pleasure that was about to come.

  Thank you for ready Olivia’s book. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a review if you did. Join My Mailing List Here to never miss any of my new releases.

  The next book in the series is, To My Immature Ex Boyfriend and it is Birdy’s book. Continue reading for a teaser.

  Excerpt from To My Immature Ex Boyfriend

  Well, it’s official. I am a loser. Every single one of my friends now has a boyfriend. And who do I have? I have no one, absolutely no one. I, Birdie Vanderbilt, am going to be single for the rest of my life. I just knew it. At 23 years old, I was done for. It was just like my ex-boyfriend, Hunter Augustus Beauregard said when we broke up, "You're trouble, Birdie. You're trouble and you're drama, and you're never going to have anyone."

  Hmm. I hated thinking about Hunter Augustus Beauregard. He was my sworn enemy and if I ever saw him again, I'd slash his tires, or maybe even key his car. And that was exactly the reason why I shouldn't go back to South Carolina, anytime soon. I knew that if I even went close to Hunter’s ostentatious Audi his daddy would be in touch with the town mayor and the sheriff of our fine small town, and I'd be in jail. Oh, and I just knew that Hunter would stand outside the cell pointing and laughing at me. Because he was the most immature asshole I knew.

  But I wasn't going to think about him, not anymore. That's why I'd moved to San Francisco and started a new life. I was a new person. I, Birdie Vanderbilt, was going to take on the world. I was going to change the world. I was going to do something really cool and show everyone back in South Carolina that I was more than just a ditzy cheerleader that had fallen for the high school quarterback and lusted over him for years. And I was more than the girl that had followed him to college and had my heart broken after two years of dating. I was well and truly over Hunter. I just didn't want him anymore.

  I knew that I needed to stop thinking about the past. The past was the past, and that was done and over with. Just like our relationship. I needed to focus on the here and the now. Just because my best friends, Magnolia, Jane, Millie and Olivia all had
boyfriends now, it didn't mean that I was going to be alone. These were my friends. These were my coworkers. And I knew that if I needed them, they would be there for me.

  I also knew that they would help me find a man, if I wanted them to. Though this time, I was looking for the best man in the world. Well, maybe not in the world. The best man in San Francisco, at least. That's all I needed. And even if he wasn't the best man, maybe he could be the second best man, or the third best man. All he needed to be was better than Hunter Augustus Beauregard.

  I walked to the mirror in the bathroom and looked at my reflection to see if there was something dreadfully wrong with me. I stared at myself and smiled. I wasn't the most beautiful girl in the world, but I was pretty, with my long blonde hair and big blue eyes. I was the all American girl. At least that's what my parents always told me. Yeah, I could stand to lose 25 pounds. I was curvy in all the right places. That's what I put in all my dating ads. I wish I was one of those petite waifs with flat stomachs and perfect breasts, but I wasn’t. I was a curvy girl, and men, real men, liked girls with curves. Right?

  I sighed as I looked at my stomach. There was definitely more fat there than I would like, but I loved to eat and I hated to work out, so I didn't think that those extra pounds were going to be going anywhere anytime soon. But that was okay. I was proud of my body. At least I was now. I was so proud of my curves and overall sexiness that if I were to see Hunter Augustus Beauregard right now, I’d do a little striptease to show him exactly what he was missing.

  Get your copy here.


  I would like to thank all my beta readers that provided feedback on Olivia’s story. It really means a lot to me to have readers that will spend the time to help me out. Thanks go to Allison Weiss, Alyssa Hojnowski, Amy N Bramlett and1515, Andrea Robinson, Andrea Rott, Angelica Larsson, Antonella-Happy Girl, Becky Ballenger of Bleeding On Paper, Bernadette Girgenti, Brianna Lawrence, Chandra Crocker, Cilicia White, Dea Brechtel, Donna Gomez-Rivera, Hailey Miller, Heather Massaro, Jessica Jones, Kelly Gunn, Kereen Campbell, Kerri Long, Landy Gayle, Laura Coopey, Lisa Wootton, Melissa Guy, Michelle Richardson, Renee Gayle, Rochelle, Sarah, Sarah Coppin, Sarah Milun, Sharon Abrams, Stacy Sivak, and Tracie Rogers.


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