Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 8

by Gillian Godden

  ‘Francesca, what’s the problem?’

  ‘Does there have to be a problem for me to call you? Well, actually there is one. Rosanna has called and she wants you to call her back.’

  ‘Why, did she say what was wrong?’ Tony sat up straight in his chair in a more businesslike manner; his curiosity was roused.

  ‘She would just like to speak to you, that’s all. I’m sure there is nothing to worry about. Although you don’t keep in contact as much as you should. She is in Italy alone, Tony, trying to oversee everything since Miriam died.’ Francesca knew the mention of Miriam’s name would hurt Tony, but still felt it was time to talk the subject over. It had been six months since Miriam died, peacefully in her chapel, while taking her ritual evening Mass. She was an old woman and as far as Francesca and Elle were concerned, she died a very happy, satisfied woman. She had got everything she had prayed for – Antonias back, after years of searching, and great-grandchildren whom she adored. Her life had been fulfilled. Regular telephone calls and visits to Italy had made her life worthwhile, but it was still Tony’s last link with his only living blood relative.

  ‘I’ll give her a call.’ The sigh Francesca heard at the other end of the telephone said it all. He didn’t wish to discuss it. Not even with her.

  ‘Why didn’t you tell him, Fran?’ Elle looked up from the kitchen table and waited.

  ‘Because, well, just because. It’s something he needs to talk over with Rosanna and you know it’s better not done over the telephone. How do I tell him that Rosanna thinks the manager of the vineyard is helping himself to all kinds of things? It’s just her suspicions but, well, I don’t know, Elle.’ They both knew Tony would hit the roof, but maybe this was also the excuse he needed to go back to Italy. Time to face the fact that Miriam was gone.

  ‘I’m going to sort out Albert’s dinner; good luck.’ Even though it was still early, Elle knew the moment Tony made the telephone call he would come back home with all guns blazing.

  Sure enough, two hours later Tony was back at home, storming down the hallway all fired up. ‘You knew, didn’t you? She told you, didn’t she?’ Running his hands through his hair, he felt at a loss. It felt like his world was crumbling around him.

  ‘There is no point in storming around the kitchen shouting in Italian. Yes, Rosanna mentioned something, but it’s your business. Your family business, Tony, and you need to sort it. Miriam and your grandfather worked all their lives and put everything they had into that vineyard. Are you just going to turn your back on it all?’

  Opening his arms, Tony welcomed the feel of Francesca holding him. There was so much he wanted to tell her, but knew he couldn’t. He could feel tears welling up in his eyes as he held her tightly to his chest. Miriam had died and that had broken his heart. Sharon had betrayed him and stolen from him, and then there was the subject of Jake and how to tell him all of this. He was glad of the diversion. Going to Italy to sort out the vineyard might help clear his head.

  Looking into those blue eyes, Francesca could tell something was very wrong. You weren’t married to someone for over twenty years without picking up on the signs. Sliding her thumb down the cleft in his chin, she smiled. ‘Come on, Mr L, my lovely Antonias. Let’s go to Italy and see what is going on.’

  ‘You’re going to Italy? Tomorrow? And you didn’t tell me. Bloody hell, Fran, I have packing to do and new clothes to buy.’ The interrogation from Julie the next morning eased all the tensions.

  ‘It’s more of a business visit, Julie, not particularly a holiday.’ Francesca was doing her best to calm Julie down.

  ‘So? It’s Italy, Fran. Bloody hell, you can be a boring cow at times. Yup, get your sun cream, we’re going to Cornetto-land!’ Julie was all excited, waving her hands in the air with a big smile on her face. ‘We can all go. Anyway, there is safety in numbers and misery guts Tony will be too busy throwing his weight around with that manager and then staring at his grandma’s chair with that forlorn look on his face.’ Rolling her eyes up at the ceiling and looking bored, Julie carried on. ‘For God’s sake, Fran, she was over ninety, she had to go sometime, who did he think she was? Moses? She wasn’t going to last forever. Right, I will tell Ralph we’re going and I need to pack. See you tomorrow.’

  Like a whirlwind, Julie picked up her bag and left. ‘Does that mean we’re going to Italy, Mum?’ Katie was stating the obvious, but she had a point.

  ‘If you want, love. Can you get the time off? What about you, Scarlet. Do you want to come?’

  Shaking her head, Scarlet was adamant she couldn’t go. ‘I’ve just opened the shop, I can’t leave now, can I?’

  ‘I’ll come, Mum. In fact, would you mind if I asked Christopher to come with us and see the vineyard?’ As usual Katie was being supportive. Of course Scarlet couldn’t come. Nobody had actually mentioned anyone going apart from Julie. To her this was just going to be another holiday, no matter what the circumstances.

  ‘Look, girls.’ Standing there with her hands on her hips Elle looked quite the motherly figure. She pointed her finger at them both. ‘Your father would like your support even though he wouldn’t admit it. It’s been a hard few months for him. Would a week hurt you both? Surely you could manage a week, Scarlet, considering all the times your father has put aside business to save your skin.’ Elle was shocked at Scarlet. Tony had always put his life on hold for her.

  ‘Sorry, Elle. It’s just that there is so much going on. But you’re right, of course I will come. I will sort something out. And you.’ Scarlet pointed over at Katie. ‘You really want Clark Kent to go to Italy with us all and hope Papa won’t notice he is there? What do you think he is going to say?’

  ‘Of course you can ask your friend Christopher, Katie.’ Francesca had emphasised the word ‘friend’ and ignored Scarlet’s comments. ‘I suppose Julie is right. After all, she is always right. Maybe there is safety in numbers. The more, the merrier. It may be a business trip, but Elle is right, your dad would feel better with his family around him. It would make things easier.’

  ‘Does that mean Bobby and Diana are coming, too? I bet Diana can’t get away for the week.’ Scarlet stuck her chin out and folded her arms sulkily. She obviously knew a lot more about Diana’s disappearances than she had said. ‘Ouch! That bloody hurt.’ Scarlet bent down and started rubbing her leg, where Katie had kicked her under the table.

  Smiling to herself, Francesca watched them both exchanging glances. Katie’s stern look said it all. It seemed they knew Diana had joined the police force. It seemed everyone knew, except Ralph, who would have to be told sooner or later. Now that really would be something to see.

  ‘Jake, I have to go to Italy. It seems there is some trouble there I need to sort out. I will only be gone a few days. Do you think you can cope?’ Tony was trying to organise things as quickly as possible.

  Surprised, Jake looked up from his desk. ‘Of course I can cope. Does that mean I’m not invited?’ Tony had rarely gone to Italy without him and yet now he was telling him he was going without a word of invitation. Tony wanted to invite him but the last thing he wanted was for Jake to invite Sharon, in turn. She was the last person he wanted tagging along. He didn’t want to hurt Jake, he knew he had enough pain to come. But now wasn’t the time to discuss it.

  ‘Of course you’re invited.’ Tony pasted on a weak smile. ‘What about Sharon? Will she be coming?’ There, he had said it, although he was silently praying Jake would decline.

  Watching the relief wash over Jake’s face, Tony felt sick inside. ‘No, her mum is ill again. She is going to stay with her for the weekend.’ Jake looked around the room, not wanting to make eye contact.

  ‘Things not good at home, Jake?’ Tony started to quiz him.

  ‘Not really, mate. You know how it is. I can’t do right for doing wrong.’

  ‘I hear Jack has moved in with Bobby.’

  ‘Yes, Jack has gone. Probably for the best. It must have been awful for him treading around us both, on eggshells
. He knows we don’t share a bed anymore.’ Embarrassed that the words had slipped out of his mouth, he blushed. Feeling his embarrassment, Tony ignored his remark and carried on as normal.

  ‘Good, that’s settled then.’ Tony smiled and slapped him on the back. ‘Bit of sun on your back to get rid of that ghostly expression and some grapes to fatten you up. It seems we’re off to Italy!’ Turning to Jake, Tony hugged him. He didn’t know what to say. Hopefully that would be enough.

  ‘Who’s going?’ asked Jake. It was time to change the subject. He felt he would burst into tears otherwise.

  ‘Oh, just the family, I think. It will be a nice break. Time to see what the panic in Italy is and sort some stuff out. I should have gone back a while ago, but I just couldn’t face going there knowing Nonna wouldn’t be there. She was the only person that was part of me, my blood, and now … well, you know what I mean.’ Tony sniffed and took out his handkerchief to blow his nose.

  ‘I miss her too, Tony. But you’re wrong, mate, there are other parts of you right here. You have your kids and they are your blood. Unlike me and Jack.’ For what seemed an eternity, but was only a fleeting moment they stared at each other.

  ‘Oh, shut the fuck up, Jake. You’re my brother and Julie is my ugly sister. That’s family, mate. Us.’ Again, they hugged. ‘Come on, we better stop hugging before that lot out there think we have started batting for the other side. Besides, you’re just not my type.’

  Seeing the broad, boyish smile appear back on Jake’s face warmed Tony’s heart. He was his brother, for all intents and purposes. They had travelled many journeys together and there would be more to come.



  ‘Fran! Francesca! Cooee!’ Julie was waving and shouting across the crowded airport as she walked towards them.

  ‘Oh, God.’ Tony’s shoulders drooped. ‘What the fuck is she doing here, Francesca?’

  ‘You know how it is, Tony. I mentioned we were going to Italy and she sort of invited herself along. It must have slipped my mind to mention it.’ Francesca felt awkward at having to explain Julie’s presence. She had secretly hoped he might have presumed she would come. She hadn’t wanted to make a big thing of it because she knew Tony hated the hustle and bustle of airports and would be in a bad mood anyway. Even though they flew business class for a bit more peace and quiet he still hated standing in a queue.

  Breathless, Julie ran up to them and kissed Francesca on the cheek. She looked her usual immaculate self in a white designer trouser suit and with not a blonde hair out of place. Seeing Tony’s disgruntled face, she couldn’t help but have a dig.

  ‘Bloody hell, Tony, you nearly cracked a smile then. What’s the matter, hasn’t your Botox set in yet? Is it still giving you pain?’ Stroking his face with her well-manicured hands, she pouted. ‘Aaah, never mind, love. It’s filled in most of the lines.’ Her loud cackle laugh filled the airport.

  ‘I don’t have Botox!’ Tony pushed her hand away. ‘That’s your department. You’re the only person with aging problems.’ The pink blush in Tony’s cheeks made Julie laugh all the more.

  ‘No, I can see that you don’t use Botox. Those lines look very deep, Tony, love. If you had I would ask for my money back. Now, stop moaning and help Ralph with the bags.’

  ‘Mum! Mum. Sorry we’re late.’ Katie, Scarlet and Christopher ran towards them, pushing their trolley full of suitcases. ‘We’ll sort the bags out first,’ said a flustered Katie.

  ‘It’s okay, love, I got your message. Come on, get in line, your father’s just about to have another argument with Julie.’ Turning to Julie, Francesca laughed. Julie and Tony were like a comedy duo. For years they had tormented each other. ‘I take it you found your passport, Christopher?’

  Christopher stepped forward and shook Francesca’s hand. ‘Yes, sorry about that, Mrs Lambrianu. I left it on the worktop in the kitchen.’ He looked quite embarrassed.

  ‘Call me Francesca, please. And it’s nice to meet you at last.’ She pointed to people as she introduced them. ‘This is Adam, and my friend, Julie Gold. I think you know everyone else.’ She was trying to put him at his ease.

  Tony, Ralph and Jake joined them in the queue. Seeing Christopher, Tony turned to Francesca. ‘Who the fuck is that?’ He was totally exasperated by not only Julie’s appearance but everyone’s late arrival while he was trying to check in.

  Linking her arm through Tony’s and giving him a squeeze Francesca smiled. ‘Tony, love. This is Christopher, Katie’s friend. You remember him from the opening of the salon? Katie has invited him to see the vineyard.’

  Agitated and flustered, standing in the stuffy airport with everyone turning up late and now this stranger with his daughter, Tony turned around to the queue behind him. He swept his hand through his hair in his old familiar fashion.

  ‘Does anyone else want to come on the Lambrianu Vineyard tours, for fuck’s sake? I bet I have bought tickets for everyone in this fucking queue!’ Tony was all fired up, but he wasn’t as angry as he looked, he just hated standing around. And Julie hadn’t helped!

  Everyone in the queue seemed to turn away and look elsewhere, trying to avoid his gaze.

  ‘Calm down, Tony, we’ll be on the plane in a moment and you can have a drink and relax. Now, say hello to Katie’s friend Christopher.’

  Standing up straight, Tony examined the young man standing before him. He wasn’t happy with the idea that Katie had brought a male friend with her, but at least there was safety in numbers.

  ‘How do you do. I’m Tony Lambrianu, Katie’s father. I presume you’re staying at the house with us?’

  Christopher nodded and held his hand out to shake Tony’s.

  ‘Well, make sure you keep your hands to yourself and sleep in a bedroom at the other end of the landing to Katie. I will be watching you.’ His calm, threatening voice spoke volumes.

  Christopher still had his hand out.

  ‘Oh, shut up, you pompous prick, and shake the boy’s hand. It’s okay, Christopher. He is always on the verge of blowing a fuse. It’s the menopause, you know.’ Julie gave the young man a wink. ‘You’ll get used to it.’ She laughed. This prompted Tony to finally shake Christopher’s hand.

  Once on the aeroplane, Julie changed everyone’s seating arrangements and sat beside Francesca. She nudged Francesca’s arm. ‘See, Fran. Now he’s got something else to moan about it will take his mind off going home without granny there.’ With that, she slipped down her eye mask and lay back in her seat.

  ‘Antonias! Antonias! You’re home, Antonias.’ Rosanna suffocated him in hugs and looked relieved to see Tony. Her dark hair was grey now and her figure more round and matronly, but she was still full of life. Instinctively, Tony walked towards the lounge where his grandmother always sat waiting for him. Francesca reached out for his hand and held it.

  Turning to her, Tony kissed her gently on the lips. ‘I don’t know what I would do without you, Francesca.’ No more words were needed as she gazed into those blue eyes full of love. ‘Right. Rosanna, come into the other room and tell me what has been going on.’

  ‘Don’t you want to eat first, Antonias? I have prepared some food.’

  ‘I’ll eat, Rosanna, when I know why I am here. Get me a glass of red and we’ll go into the other room and talk. Let’s get it all off your chest, shall we?’

  Wringing her hands and walking around the room, Rosanna explained what had happened in his absence. It was a mess. Once she had started, she couldn’t stop herself and it all came flooding out. She was on the point of hysterics.

  Everyone was settling in well when, after a couple of hours, Tony and Rosanna emerged. He stormed down the hallway to the kitchen where everyone was eating.

  ‘Do you want something to eat, Tony?’ asked Francesca, even though she could see he was angry and likely in no mood for food.

  He shook his head. ‘We’re going to the factory, Jake.’ With that, he picked up his jacket.

now? We’re eating.’

  ‘Yes, now. So bloody hurry up and swallow that mouthful.’

  Jake picked up another slice of crusty bread and followed Tony to the car.

  ‘For Christ’s sake, Jake. Do you ever stop eating? I can’t believe you’re a skinny bastard and you’re such a fucking dustbin.’

  Jake shrugged. ‘Why the rush to get to the factory?’ he said.

  ‘There’s a new manager, apparently. Wormed his way in when Nonna was ill. I knew nothing about this. She trusted him and he helped her sign over management of the factory to him. In short, he is robbing us fucking blind and he has swindled an old woman in the process.’

  ‘Wouldn’t the lawyers have told you this? Hang on, do you mean he owns it?’

  ‘No, not yet the little shit. But he has got his hands firmly in the till and is signing all kinds of contracts. And Nonna gave him the authority to do so. Bloody hell, Jake. She was old and on the verge of dementia. Why the hell didn’t she tell me any of this?’

  Seeing that he was upset, Jake said, ‘Call it Lambrianu pride, Tony. She didn’t want to bother you if she was struggling. There are other managers at the factory who could have helped. Christ, it’s like a military base in there. Are you telling me he wormed his way in and is now in charge of Lambrianu Vineyard in your absence?’ Jake was amazed that this could have happened and no one knew about it.

  ‘That’s about the size of it, Jake. As for Nonna, I said she should come and live with us, but she wouldn’t have it.’

  Tony was deep in thought and full of remorse. He felt he had let the family down. He should have taken over the reins earlier. Shit!

  As he stormed through the factory floor and up to the office, Tony ignored the shocked stares of the people who worked there and knew him. His eyes were firmly fixed on the office.

  As he pushed the door open wide, his temper got the better of him. ‘Right, you. You fat German bastard, get out of my chair and start talking.’ Tony was in no mood for treading softly, as Rosanna had advised. He was tired and he was angry. Mostly he felt guilty. He had let down his grandmother, the only older blood relative to care about him.


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