Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 11

by Gillian Godden

  ‘This is a beautiful place, Katie, but I thought you said it was a vineyard. The way you described it was nothing like this. This place is a city. A Lambrianu city.’

  ‘I told you Grandma had a vineyard in Italy and supplied a lot of wines. What did you expect, Christopher, an allotment with a few grapes and some old women treading them with their feet?’ Katie couldn’t help but laugh. But then she realised he was right. This had always just been Grandma’s vineyard to her, she had never seen it for what it was in reality; she had taken it for granted.

  ‘Don’t you love the smell of the grapes and the roses mingled together? I think that’s how they got the idea for rose wine,’ she said, slipping her arm around his waist as they walked up a path surrounded by roses, the warm sun on their faces. Christopher was right. This, indeed, was heaven on earth. It was beautiful. ‘Come, let me show you something.’ Katie walked him towards the little chapel. ‘This was Grandma’s most favourite place in the world.’ The coolness of the chapel with its stone floor was a welcome respite from the glare of the hot sun. ‘She was married here and sadly she died here while taking evening Mass. Although I suspect that is what she would have wanted. Mum and Dad were married here, as well.’ Katie beamed. It was lovely to be able to share her family history.

  ‘It is beautiful, Katie. This place makes you want to whisper, it has a feeling all of its own. Maybe … erm, well maybe ...’ Christopher stopped short of what he was going to say, adjusted his glasses and gave a sheepish smile.

  Katie waited but nothing happened. She knew she was the one who had to take the lead. It was basically now or never. ‘I think this place has a magic all of its own that affects people. Maybe one day we will get married here.’ With that, she turned and made her way back out into the sunshine. Now it was Christopher’s turn. If he felt the same way, this was his cue to say so. They had been seeing each other for a long time but he had always been reserved. Sometimes people just need a little nudge in the right direction, she thought to herself.

  As she walked ahead of him back to the house, she slowed down, to allow him to catch up with her. Would he ignore what she had just said and hope it would go away? Now she suddenly felt nervous. Catching up with her and slipping his hand into hers, the answer was final. ‘That would be nice, Katie. I’d like that. But I need to speak to your father first and prove to him that I could look after you.’ Nothing more was said. Mentally Katie realised that Grandma’s chapel magic had washed over them both and it seemed they were now engaged. Nothing more was said as they walked back to the house, holding hands, with smiles upon their faces.

  ‘You! I’ve been looking for you. Where have you been?’ Tony asked.

  ‘We’ve been to the chapel, Dad. I’ve been showing Christopher around. Why, what’s the problem?’ Oh no, she thought, Dad’s going to spoil my moment. Well, that was short-lived.

  ‘No, not you. Him. I’ve been looking for him.’ He looked at Christopher. ‘I need you to do something for me.’ He seemed cross at Katie’s presumption that he was looking for her. As usual, her father looked like he had something conjuring up in that brain of his and she was pleased that he felt Christopher could help him. This blended in very well with her plans.

  Beckoning Christopher, Tony walked into the lounge, where Jake was sitting waiting for them. Christopher had a feeling of foreboding. Was he going to get the same beating that poor Dominic had taken? He’d had his ribs broken and his jaw broken. Why he still wanted to get mixed up with Scarlet was beyond Christopher’s comprehension. Thankfully, he liked the other twin. Katie seemed to have the same soft mannerisms as their mother.

  ‘Sit down. Sit down, for God’s sake.’ Tony seemed agitated. ‘Jake and I have had an idea and I think you can help. Did you say your brother was a lawyer?’ Confused, Christopher nodded. ‘A proper lawyer, I mean. Not some kid still at school learning?’ Tony pressed him. He wanted to know the facts.

  ‘My brother is an established lawyer and has been for years. He is older than me. My father is a barrister and so he knows the law as well.’

  Tony and Jake exchanged glances. Phew! There was more to this guy than they’d thought. Today they were surrounded by the law and the legal system. First Diana and now him.

  ‘These papers that you say Herr Schmidt got my grandmother to sign, are they legal?

  Again, Christopher nodded, and was about to explain further when Tony interrupted him.

  ‘What papers would be needed to overturn that decision? To hand back the vineyard, say … to me. What would I need to do or get from Herr Schmidt to reclaim ownership?’ Tony and Jake waited. They knew this was going to be a long drawn out conversation because what they could say in one sentence, Mr Boring had to use two for!

  ‘That’s quite simple, really, Mr Lambrianu. You need the paperwork, of course, but once you have that, all he has to do is sign it to hand everything back over to you and relinquish all claim.’

  ‘How long would this paperwork take to set up? Would he need to be informed? Does he need to apply for something?’ Tony fired question after question at Christopher. Everything that was going through his brain came tumbling out.

  ‘It is usually the case that he would go and see a lawyer, but it’s not necessary. He could just ask for you to sort out the paperwork and then he could sign it. As long as it is witnessed, it wouldn’t matter. The paperwork could be drawn up in a couple of days.’ Christopher scratched his head. ‘Why? Do you really think he would sign a goldmine like this back over to you?’ He seemed amazed that Tony would even consider this.

  ‘Yes, I do. He will sign it one way or another, but that’s no concern of yours.’ Staring directly into his eyes, Tony felt this young man before him knew exactly what he meant. ‘It has to be watertight, though. Not my usual lawyers, that would look suspicious. Maybe your brother would be interested in the work?’ Tony at last threw down the gauntlet. He had discussed this with Jake and Ralph and it seemed better to distance themselves from the decision as much as possible.

  ‘I presume that you’re not implying anything untoward, Mr Lambrianu. My brother is a very respectable man. Anything he does will be legal and lawful.’ He cleared his throat and waited. He knew he was on icy ground, but realised this might just be the opportunity he needed to ingratiate himself with Katie’s father.

  ‘No, no, nothing illegal.’ Tony winked at them both and gave his most charming smile, putting Christopher at his ease. ‘I just wouldn’t want him to be able to change his mind or find a loophole to do so. I would need that paperwork ASAP, we’re not staying here indefinitely. A couple of days, you say?’ Raising his eyebrow and smiling again, Tony’s charm seemed to fill the room.

  ‘In that case, Mr Lambrianu, I could contact my brother and have him send over the paperwork via email or, in fact, I see there is a fax machine in the study. Whatever you wish. It would have to be signed and stamped legally, of course, and witnessed, like your grandmother’s was by Rosanna.’

  ‘Indeed.’ Tony stood up, indicating their meeting was over. ‘Well, I suggest you contact your brother now and ask him to draw up the necessary paperwork. Tell him the sooner it gets here the bigger the bonus will be, for his speed and efforts.’

  ‘It’s not about money, Mr Lambrianu – although, obviously he will charge the going rate for admin etc.’

  ‘Everyone has their price, Christopher, and your brother will have his. To complete this paperwork quickly and competently means putting his other work on hold. The sooner the better. Now, off you go. Make your calls and get on with it. Bring those papers to me directly. And, oh, Christopher, you’re going to witness it. That is, if you want to continue seeing Katie. After all, this is Katie’s home you’re saving, isn’t it?’

  Christopher didn’t feel at ease with all of this. But he also felt it was better to be on the inside, looking out. True enough, the old woman had been swindled by this man, and justice had to be done.

  ‘Of course I will sign it, Mr Lambrianu. That is
… if you and I can talk sometime soon. In private.’ He blushed a little as he looked towards Jake. Tony nodded and shook his hand, while Jake stood up and opened the door for him to leave.

  ‘What do you think he wants to talk to you about in private?’ Curiously, Jake looked at Tony.

  ‘It’s one of two things, or possibly even both. The way he looks at Katie, I think he wants to ask for her hand in marriage. God, he is a stuffed shirt, but at least he wants to do it properly. Secondly, he came to me with some business idea about using the wastage grapes for cheap wines to sell in the supermarkets. You know, the cheap boxes of wine people have at their barbeques.’

  ‘Hey, Tony, that’s not a bad idea. The one about the vineyard, I mean.’ Jake could see that the first proposition wasn’t exactly to Tony’s liking. ‘What did you say?’

  ‘Nothing. How can I listen to a business interest when I don’t have a business to be interested in? And Katie, well … she seems to like him, so I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Let’s go out with the family for the afternoon. Well, that is if any of them are talking to each other.’ They both started to laugh.

  ‘God, Tony I thought Julie was going to thump Ralph. She is one bad-tempered old bag. And Diana a copper. Well, if the worst ever came to the worst, we have the whole of the emergency services on our side. Bobby is a doctor, Jack is a fireman and Diana is a copper. Who could ask for anything more?’ Again, they burst out laughing. Fate was a funny thing.



  The plan was hatched. All Jake had to do was keep the children out of the way for a few hours. They had photos of the children; next step was for Jake to meet them at the school gates and work his boyish charm. It was a gamble. Maybe they were just like their stubborn father and wouldn’t go with Jake. Only time would tell. Tony rang Jake, who was sitting in his car outside the school gates, watching everyone come out.

  ‘Can you see them, Jake?’ Tony was sitting in his car, waiting for Jake’s reply, anxious to get it over with. It had been a long couple of days but it could all be worth it. The legal documents were in his breast pocket. Christopher and his brother had worked swiftly. Now it was time for him and Jake to do what they did best.

  ‘Sure enough, Tony. Rosanna was spot on and them nice family photos he had in the office have worked a treat. They are just coming out of the school gate now. Time for me to act. Good luck, mate.’

  ‘I don’t need luck. You just do your side of things and keep his kids busy. I will be in touch.’

  Jake got out of the car and started making his way towards the two teenage children coming out of the school gates. ‘Hi, you two, how are things? Is your dad feeling any better? I heard he has taken a few days off work.’ Jake’s warm friendly manner stopped them. They looked uneasy, but they were curious. Exchanging glances, they realised that although they didn’t know him, this man knew them.

  ‘I’m Jake. I’m on holiday at the vineyard at the moment. My brother owns the vineyard. Mr Lambrianu. I suppose your father told you all about it. I recognise you from the photos your father was showing us the other day. I might just pop back with you and see him.’ Jake carried on chatting as though they were old friends. It put them at their ease. ‘Do you two fancy an ice-cream?’ Considering this was a hot day in Italy, Jake knew that was a stupid question.

  The teenage boy with his bag over his shoulder looked hot and bored. The girl seemed more suspicious.

  ‘Our father is not ill,’ she said. ‘He is just having a few days holiday. Who did you say you were again?’ She was going to be difficult to convince.

  ‘I’m Jake, Mr Lambrianu’s brother. We’re with the family having a little holiday. Just looking over things.’ Jake’s nonchalant manner seemed to make them curious. His instructions were to keep these two busy for a couple of hours. God, he felt like the Child Catcher!

  ‘Yes. Go on, I will have an ice cream, if you’re buying.’ The boy walked towards the stall. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jake quietly thanked God that all boys thought about their stomach first.

  ‘You must be Kurt, your dad’s told me all about you. Come on, choose what you want.’ Jake waited for the girl to follow. ‘You’re Agnes, aren’t you? Lovely name. What’s your fancy?’ They told him and he placed his order for the ice-creams.

  ‘Here you go then,’ he said, handing them over and then taking a lick of his own. ‘Have you two ever been to the vineyard? It’s a great place, full of grapes. Come with me, I’m on my way back there. Although you had better give your father a ring first. You know, just to let him know where you are.’ He gave his most convincing laugh considering that was a stupid thing to say. He could see he had captured their interest and so now it was time to make his move.

  ‘We have been once. Maybe we could go again sometime.’ Kurt was definitely interested. But that wasn’t good enough.

  ‘You should do that. Eat up, Kurt, I’m nearly ready for another one. Wow, it’s hot today. ‘Jake mopped his brow, emphasising the heat. ‘Ask your father to take you again sometime. Well, I had better be off now. Do you two need a lift anywhere?’

  Agnes spoke up first. ‘No, thank you. But thank you for the ice-cream.’ She was going to be tough nut to crack. Jake started to walk slowly to his car. As he gave a backward glance and a friendly wave, he could see the boy leaning over and whispering in his sister’s ear. ‘Wait, Mr Jake,’ the boy said. ‘Maybe we could ride past there now or you could give us a lift home.’

  Phew! Jake was silently praying that he wasn’t going to screw this up for Tony. Turning on his heel, he smiled at them both again. It had been Tony’s idea to take the bright red open-top Mercedes. All boys liked cars and, even better, driving around in them in front of their friends. ‘Sure thing, guys, hop in.’ Jake smiled to himself as he opened the door. Mission accomplished!

  Opening the door, carrying his bags of shopping, Herr Schmidt was horrified to see Tony lounging on his sofa. ‘How did you get in here?’ His German accent seemed even stronger than it had the other day.

  ‘I have my ways, Herr Schmidt.’ Tony looked at the man in front of him. This overweight, sweaty lowlife had cheated and robbed his grandmother. He thought he was clever. Well, now it was time to play with the big boys.

  Herr Schmidt walked over to the telephone and started to dial the emergency services.

  ‘I wouldn’t do that. Could be a bad family move, or at least a painful one.’ Tony held up his mobile and showed him a picture of his son, daughter and Jake. ‘Great selfie, don’t you think?’

  Slamming the telephone down, he snarled, ‘You bastard. What have you done with my children? You have kidnapped them.’ His face was red with rage.

  Tony’s smooth velvety voice filled the room. This time he felt on home ground. Watching this man squirm before him gave him the upper hand. ‘Kidnapped? They don’t look much kidnapped to me. Not even upset. In fact, they look like they are having a great time.’

  ‘Bring my children back home now! Or you will be sorry, Mr Lambrianu. I will have you arrested and thrown into prison for this.’ Walking over to Tony, Herr Schmidt raised his hand to slap him.

  Shielding himself with his elbow, Tony laughed. ‘I wouldn’t do that ... you see, I also know how angry it makes you feel when someone takes advantage of your family and tricks them. Like you did my grandmother. A sweet old lady who gave you a job. I also see that you encouraged her to sign over the running of things in my absence. You conning bastard!’

  ‘It’s all perfectly legitimate, Mr Lambrianu, and there is nothing you can do about it. That vineyard is mine,’ Herr Schmidt replied smugly.

  Trying to remain calm but seething inside, Tony took the documents from his pocket. ‘You have made thousands of pounds selling wine that wasn’t yours. Now you’re going to sign this document and hand everything back over to me. You are going to leave Italy today, you and your kids, and never return. Whatever you have made, you can keep, and I think I am being very generous.�
� His pleasant manner covered the hate and bitter taste in his mouth while talking to this vile man.

  ‘I warn you, Mr Lambrianu, I will report you. Kidnapping and threatening behaviour are taken very seriously. You may be a fellow countryman of this place. But the authorities will hear of this, even the embassy.’ This man was still hurling threats into Tony’s face, standing behind his so-called rights. The smug look on his face angered Tony even more. His blue eyes darkened. He had heard enough; and enough was enough.

  Taking a black Russian hand grenade out of his pocket, Tony grabbed hold of the German’s jaw. ‘This is a black Russian. It may only be the size of a golf ball, but it can do just as much damage as a bigger one.’ Tony gripped the German’s jaw hard and pulled him forward. Herr Schmidt was struggling and lashing his arms out, hitting Tony in the process, trying his best to escape, but Tony was determined and seemed oblivious to it all.

  The German clamped his jaws tightly together during the struggle. Suddenly they were both on the floor and Tony was sitting astride him. Grabbing the man’s jaw again, he pushed and pressed, breaking his front teeth in the process, until the man had no alternative but to open his mouth. Panting and trying to catch his breath, Tony was surprised just how much weight this fat bastard had behind him. His own lip was bleeding. ‘Peace at fucking last,’ shouted Tony, as he rammed the grenade even further into his mouth while the man gagged.

  After sweeping his hair back, Tony reached forward and slowly took the pin out of the grenade. Hypnotised, the man watched him, and stopped struggling. ‘I would keep perfectly still if I were you. You see, even though the pin is out, as long as you hold on to it tightly and keep that lever down it won’t explode.’

  Standing up and wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand, Tony looked down at the man with grim satisfaction. There he was, laid flat on his back with a small black hand grenade in his mouth. He didn’t look so high and mighty now!


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