Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 19

by Gillian Godden

  ‘Wait a minute. Is that Sharon over there?’ As they drove along, Katie had noticed a woman who looked like Sharon coming out of a house nearby.

  ‘I don’t know. I’m watching the road. Remember?’

  Katie nodded and looked behind her, out of the back of the car. She was sure, but the woman had disappeared. It had been a month since anyone had heard anything about Sharon.

  Puzzled, Katie looked out of the car windows at either side. Were her eyes deceiving her? It had looked like Sharon, but not the Sharon she knew. This one looked dishevelled and unkempt, and Sharon had always prided herself on her appearance. There was no sign of the woman now. For the time being, Katie decided to keep quiet about it. Maybe she was wrong and she didn’t want to cause a stir. But her gut instinct told her it was Sharon she had glimpsed.


  ‘Right, Fran. We have to go shopping and buy a dress for the club opening. Let’s put a dent in Ralph’s credit card. No, actually, let’s put a dent in old misery guts’ credit card. He has forked out for all his customers’ dresses and I bet they weren’t half as expensive as they said. Well. My dress was ruined, so he can pay up.’ Julie sat at her usual place at the breakfast bar. It had become her place so much that Scarlet and Katie had actually bought her a high swivel chair with ‘Julie’ written on the back.

  ‘That seems like a good idea. Both of you go shopping, I can pick Adam up from school. Albert won’t be home till later and I can make his dinner here. Go on, you two. Do what girls do.’ Elle laughed, waving her hand at them both. Seeing the excitement in Julie’s face she knew she had said the right thing.

  ‘Come on, Fran. What are you waiting for? Don’t let Elle change her mind.’ Julie was already standing up to leave.

  ‘I’m not really dressed for the occasion. I’m wearing my jeans.’ Francesca looked down at herself to prove her point.

  ‘Yes. But they are designer jeans. Slap some lippy on, girl, we’re going shopping!’

  Julie on a shopping spree meant a day out. It wasn’t a dress she was going to buy. It was dresses!

  During a leisurely lunch in Covent Garden Julie was telling Fran all about her plans for her pamper session and getting her hair done by Scarlet when she noticed Francesca had something on her mind. ‘Okay. What is it? We’re having a good time and yet you seem distant. What is it?’

  ‘I don’t like putting on Elle these days. She’s getting older, although she won’t admit it and is determined to carry on as before. I don’t want to stop her, but I don’t know what to do to ease the burden.’

  ‘Leave her alone, Fran. She knows she is not getting any younger and running around after Adam makes her feel young and important. It’s like people who retire. What else are they going to do apart from collect stamps and watch Jeremy Kyle?’ Julie burst out laughing.

  ‘You’re right, of course. You’re always right.’ Francesca laughed with her. Was that Julie’s idea of retirement? People did have hobbies.

  ‘That dress you liked is crap, Fran. Let’s buy you something to stir old Tony’s fire. Not that it needs stirring, but I like to watch him trying to hide his erection by standing on one foot and then the other and turning his back on people to compose himself. God, he makes me laugh. Anyway, I have been meaning to ask. Why do you have that great big “X” marked on the calendar?’

  ‘What about Ralph? Are you still giving him his vitamins?’

  ‘Too bloody right. Although now he has got into the swing of things he doesn’t need that many. It’s psychological, Fran. He’s bouncing around like a Duracell bunny!’ Raising a curious eyebrow Julie looked directly at Francesca. ‘You haven’t answered my question.’

  ‘Oh, it’s just when Tony and I make a point of spending some “us” time together.’

  ‘What, has he got dementia or something? Does he really have to mark it on the calendar? Oh, my God, Francesca. You little minx. You’re still having those date nights, aren’t you? How could I be so stupid? Maybe I have dementia.’ Julie slapped her head with her hand. ‘Are you and old Romeo still having those dirty weekends? Come on, Fran, gossip now. Girls share.’

  ‘No, Julie. I remember the last time I shared with you and twenty-five years later I am still living under that cloud.’ Francesca still regretted the time she had told Julie about getting into bed with Tony when he had been drunk. Julie had called it ‘date rape’ but she had felt it was her only chance of being close to him.

  ‘Yes, well. Reserved old Fran sneaking in bed and giving him a rub down and the poor prat still doesn’t know anything about it.’ After giving her a wink and the thumbs up, Julie finished her glass of wine. ‘Come on, then. Let’s get some erotica!’

  After Julie handed over a mountain of bags to her chauffeur she made her way to Scarlet’s salon. It was very busy and Julie just loved waltzing in and making her presence known. Apart from Scarlet promoting it, Julie had spread the word she wouldn’t go anywhere else and so everyone had followed suit.

  ‘Mum! Julie! It’s great to see you. Do you need a haircut?’ Even though she was rushed off her feet with her exclusive clientele, Scarlet ran over and kissed both of them on the cheek. She was pleased they had come. If nothing else it just backed up Julie’s story that she wouldn’t go anywhere else!

  ‘Scat, your mum and I will be in on Saturday morning.’ Julie still used her nickname, after all these years. ‘Work your magic on me. I need to look even more glamorous. No time to stop, we are shopping. Saturday, now.’ Julie pointed a long red varnished fingernail at her, said hello to a few of the ladies having their hair done then promptly dragged Fran out.

  ‘That will give those old bags something to think about, Fran. You watch, everyone will be champing at the bit wondering what Scat is going to do with my hair. Did you see their faces!’ Julie burst out laughing. She enjoyed nothing more than giving these so called ‘posh wives’ a run for their money!

  ‘Katie! You have just missed Mum and Julie. Blimey, what is this, check up on Scarlet day?’

  ‘No. I know, I just saw Mum leave. I wanted a word with you, out the back.’

  ‘Well? What’s wrong? Scarlet’s face was no better than Tony’s when she thought something was wrong. Instantly her eyes started to go darker and the faint pink flush started to show in her cheeks.

  ‘Calm down, Scarlet. I just thought I saw Sharon. Have you heard that she is here? Have Dad or Jack mentioned anything that you know of?’

  ‘Sharon! No. No one has heard a word since she left with that guy of hers. Are you sure it was her? Maybe you should tell Papa. Anyway, never mind about her. Did Christopher ask Papa for permission to marry you? What did he say?’ Now Scarlet’s blue eyes flashed like jewels. This was the kind of juicy gossip she liked.

  ‘No, not yet, Scarlet. Maybe I’m wrong. I just wondered. Keep it shut. As for Christopher, yes, he did. And what do you think Dad did? Nothing more than I expected. You wait till you tell him about Dominic. He will go ape!’ With that, Katie walked out of the salon. If anyone knew the gossip, Scarlet would. But even she looked surprised. Maybe she was wrong. No point in building up Jack’s or Jake’s hopes with this until she was sure.

  ‘Have you had a good day love?’ Tony’s arms slipped around Francesca’s waist as she laid the table. Burying his head in her neck and slowly sliding his hands under her top, he continued to whisper sweet nothings in her ear.

  ‘Behave. Elle will be back soon with Adam.’ Feeling his warm breath on her neck and hearing that smooth, velvety voice in her ear was enough to make her pulse race, but now was not the time.

  ‘You’ve got a nice arse, Mrs Lambrianu. It would look even better if you were bent over the table.’ His caresses were becoming more passionate and intense and she could feel his arousal pressing against her.

  ‘Mum, we’re home!’ Adam ran down the hallway, all excited, with Elle following. Instantly they parted and as Francesca adjusted her blouse and walked towards Adam it was obvious to Elle they had come at a bad time.

  ‘You look quite flushed, Francesca. Is everything okay?’

  Francesca just nodded and smiled.

  ‘I’ve left some things in my car. I’ll be back in a minute.’ Tony beat a hasty retreat outside to get some fresh air. A few minutes later, he was back. ‘Right, the pair of you.’ Tony was now in full control again. ‘That Christopher has been to see me. It seems he wants to marry Katie, take over the vineyard and stick his nose in. Do you know anything about this?’

  The silence and the exchange of glances told Tony everything he needed to know. ‘Okay. I will put it another way. What has Katie told you about it?’

  ‘Oh, just that they intend to get married,’ said Fran. ‘They love each other and have been seeing each other for quite some time and they have both been keeping a close eye on the vineyard accounts. Why?’

  ‘Well, that’s a lot more than I knew. Bloody hell. Am I always the last person to hear anything around here?’

  ‘Maybe, Tony, that is because you don’t want to listen,’ Elle scolded. ‘You’re usually so full of your own opinions, young man, that you forget you were once their age.’ The sight of Elle waving her ladle at him and calling him ‘young man’ put him in his place.

  ‘Well, what do you think of him, Elle?’ he said, as he was taking his tie off. He put it in his pocket, and waited.

  ‘Let’s eat, Tony. And then, if you want to listen, I will tell you.’

  Elle was still the mother figure in the house and Francesca was glad to take a back seat on this one. Walking away from them both, she went to the cork board on the kitchen wall and pinned Adam’s latest picture to it.

  Letting out a deep sigh, Tony knew he was beaten. It was lecture time. He hadn’t had one for a while. Elle had obviously let this build up and so he knew he was going to get it with both barrels.

  ‘I’m listening. Go on. You may as well come back to the table, Fran. You might have something to say about this, too. Adam, sit beside me. I need support while Granny Elle tells me off.’ He was trying to make light of it and waiting for Adam to get settled beside him and eat his dinner. Tony looked up at Elle.

  ‘Okay. Well, here goes. Firstly. Your daughters are young women, not children. They are mid-twenties. Some of their friends are already married with children by now. If Ralph Gold can accept that Diana is a police constable and let her get on with her life, then you can do the same. Personally, I feel the same way about Christopher as you do, which is why he gets your back up so much. He’s a clever businessman and what he lacks in personality and looks, God gave him in brains. Katie loves him very much. Anyone can see that they are well-suited. Apart from some of us.’ Elle gave him a cold stare. ‘That is, some of us that don’t want to see it. As for the vineyard, well, someone needs to keep an eye on it. Let’s be honest, Tony, if it was up to you that German chap would still be holding the reins. Now get over it. Wish them well and see what ideas that young man has. Now, let’s eat.’

  ‘Well, that’s me told, Elle! You don’t hold anything back, do you? What do you think, Francesca?’

  ‘Much the same, Tony. And Elle is right. You must think he is okay or you wouldn’t even be discussing it. Now, eat up and think about it.’

  Francesca and Elle exchanged looks as they put the shepherd’s pie on Adam’s plate. No more needed to be said. Their plan had worked. Tony would now agree. If he never listened to anyone else, he always listened to Elle. After all, she was the only mother he had ever known and he trusted her judgement.



  Tony was surprised to see Ralph in his office before him. He sat down. ‘Why are you here so early, Ralph?’

  ‘Have you read this folder, Tony? Sorry, lad, but I just saw it on top of that filing cabinet and couldn’t resist it. I knew it was nothing personal because it says “Miriam’s Chapel” on it. Sorry, just being nosy.’ Ralph looked down again and continued turning the pages in the folder.

  ‘No, I haven’t read it yet. And you are being bloody nosy. What is in my office is mine, right? So, what is it you wanted to see me about? Jake should be here in a minute.’

  ‘First things first, lad.’ Ralph looked up from the folder. ‘This proposal is good. In fact, it’s very good. Is this from that young Christopher lad who’s engaged to your Katie?’

  ‘Yes.’ Tony was annoyed that the folder that he had discarded so casually a couple of months ago had captured Ralph’s interest. ‘It’s just young Christopher’s proposal, thinking he can get his hands on my vineyard. He can sod off. He may have my daughter, that’s her problem, but my vineyard is another matter.’ He swept his hair back. ‘So, what is this all about?’ Again, Tony tried steering the conversation away, but to no avail. Ralph’s attention stayed on the folder.

  ‘Not according to this. Read it.’ Ralph laid the folder on the desk before Tony. ‘He doesn’t want your precious vineyard. Lambrianu Wines will remain just that. But this idea about making a cheaper wine for the other end of the market is good. You are the majority shareholder. If it makes money, then he would like you to offer twenty per cent of the shares to him. That’s business, Tony. Oh, and you would have to pay him for all of his hard work, that’s normal, but it’s a good investment. Read it. Don’t let your pride get in the way of business. Hell, I wish he’d seen Diana first. I wouldn’t mind a son-in-law like him. He’s as crooked as could be, but he is legally crooked and knows all the loopholes, even down to getting you a business grant.’

  Picking up the folder, Tony frowned. ‘You think it’s that good?’ Even he knew if Ralph thought it was worth a read then it must be okay. ‘Maybe I will look it over. Anyway, what’s the problem?’

  ‘We both know what the problem is. What have you done about finding Sharon? I don’t like this, Tony. God knows what she is saying and doing at this very moment. Time is running out.’

  ‘I know, Ralph. There is no trace. No one seems to know where she is. Don’t get me wrong, people would trip up and tell me if they knew, especially if they value their lives, but there’s nothing. I don’t even know where to start.’

  ‘Don Carlos Is in England, I believe. He wants us to have a meeting tomorrow. I don’t know why he is here, so don’t ask me. This usually means he has a lot of information to share and wants to say it personally.’

  ‘Don Carlos is in England? Bloody hell, Ralph I don’t know what to say.’

  They both sat there in silence until Jake walked in. ‘Have I come at a bad time?’

  ‘No, Jake. Ralph has just informed me that Don Carlos is in England. I presume he wants a meeting because none of this has been sorted out yet with Sharon. God knows what he wants.’

  ‘Don’t you, Tony. Ralph? Well, I do, and I am not wrong,’ said Jake, folding his arms in a matter-of-fact way. ‘He wants me to kill Sharon to prove myself. How the bloody hell do I do that? I don’t even know where she is!’ Tears mingled with snot covered Jake’s face. It was a sad sight to see, he was a broken man.

  ‘Would you kill her, Jake?’ More to the point, could you?’ asked Tony.

  ‘I dunno. I know it’s what is expected and I wouldn’t bat an eyelid about anyone else … but answer me; could you kill Francesca?’ Raising his head, Jake looked him square in the eyes.

  ‘No. I would rather kill myself. But I’m not suggesting that, for God’s sake! You asked me a question and I have answered it. I doubt Ralph would kill Julie, either. But I don’t know what Don Carlos has up his sleeve. God knows, he would kill his own grandmother to save his skin.’

  ‘I have no choice, do I? We both know he will kill me if I don’t. I’m a dead man walking. Who is to say he won’t kill me anyway?’

  The sentence hung in the air. They both knew that could be the outcome. They played in gangland and this was the gangland code.

  ‘That is what the meeting is for. Let’s get our deals made and the truth out. I will protect you as much as possible, you know that. We’re brothers, Jake. I don’t give a shit about you, R
alph, or Don Carlos. Jake is my brother!’

  They both stood up and hugged each other. The lump in Tony’s throat was too much to bear. He could feel his own tears falling down his cheeks.

  Trying to compose themselves, they sat down again.

  ‘Promise me, Tony. If Don Carlos wants me dead, you will do it. I can take it from you.’

  ‘For fuck’s sake Jake. No, it won’t come to that. I will kill that bastard if he comes near you. Stop talking defeatist. You sound like you’re dead already.’

  ‘Hey, boys.’ Ralph interrupted them. It was as though they had forgotten he was there. ‘Don’t you think you’re letting all of this just get a little out of hand? You don’t know why he is here. He may have more information. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, eh? Tomorrow.’ With that, Ralph stood up to leave. ‘I would have a look at that vineyard proposal, Tony. It’s good.’

  ‘Is that all he has to say, Tony? My life is on the line and that is the best he can come up with?’ Jake was angry. He was taking all of the blame for this and he felt sick to the stomach.

  ‘No one knows what to say, Jake. But be damned sure, I will make sure Don Carlos doesn’t harm a fucking hair on your head. Let’s go and see what he wants, tomorrow.’


  ‘Welcome, gentlemen,’ Don Carlos made a big show of hugging them both as a gesture of goodwill and greeting. Looking around the hotel room, Tony saw that Ralph was already there with Julie. No surprise there, then. ‘You know my sons, of course.’

  Tony and Jake both stepped forward and shook his sons’ hands. Their reputation always preceded them. They were supposedly doing some deal with Argentina, sending money back and forth, the very same money that was going into the Paris casino. Except Don Carlos was using this so-called ‘money’ to pay for the campaign of a would-be president. It all seemed very deep. But Tony guessed this was why Don Carlos didn’t want cages rattled. Not only would this senator guy in Argentina know he had been swindled, whatever Don Carlos was hoping to get out of it would go tits up!


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