Dirty Dealings

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Dirty Dealings Page 34

by Gillian Godden

  Now handcuffed and on his feet, the half-drunk gunman stood in shock. He was trembling and tears were rolling down his face as he looked at Tony’s dead body and Francesca crouched over him, holding him tightly to her.

  Then Francesca looked up and saw him. Standing up, she ran towards him like a wildcat. Reaching out her hands like an animal, she scratched her fingernails down his face. Then she started slapping him and hitting him until the police pulled her back.

  ‘Mum. Come here.’ Scarlet reached out for her mother but Francesca pulled away and went and knelt beside Tony again, stroking his hair back from his face. Tears rolled down Scarlet’s face. She felt helpless and turned to Knuckles, who opened his arms and held her while she sobbed.

  ‘Leave him. Leave him alone,’ Francesca shouted at the paramedics, as they checked Tony’s pulse. They knew it was futile but they had a job to do.

  ‘Mrs Lambrianu, we need to take Tony’s body with us.’ They were being as tactful and as polite as possible, given the circumstances, but Francesca wouldn’t let go of him. She knelt there beside him, rocking back and forth, tears streaming down her face as she said his name over and over again. It was heartbreaking to watch.

  In the end Scarlet walked up to her and gently pulled her away. ‘He’s gone, Mum. Let them do their job.’ It felt like the world had stopped. The music had stopped playing and the full houselights were on. Everyone, it seemed, was crammed into the foyer, taking in the scene before them in stony silence.

  After what seemed an eternity, Francesca released him.

  ‘We’ll take good care of him, Mrs Lambrianu,’ said the paramedic. He put a blanket over her shoulders. He could see her trembling shaky body. She was in a state of shock.

  More police were taking the names of the people who had been in the foyer at the time of the shooting. Scarlet looked up at Knuckles, curiously, as she heard him say, ‘Mr Ralph has just popped to the gents. He’ll be out soon.’ He looked at Scarlet for reassurance.

  ‘Yes,’ she stammered. He’s just gone to compose himself.’ Looking at Knuckles again, she noticed he avoided her eyes. No one took any real notice. And the police carried on, accepting Knuckles’ words.

  ‘Are you coming in the ambulance with your mother?’ asked the paramedic, on hearing who she was.

  ‘Yes. Will you stay, Knuckles, and sort things out here?’ She hadn’t even mentioned the hole in his prosthetic hand. It all seemed irrelevant now.


  Julie burst through the hospital doors, frantically looking for Scarlet and Francesca. ‘They have sedated her, Julie.’ Tears ran down Scarlet’s face. She was so pleased to see Julie she couldn’t help herself.

  ‘It’s okay, love, I’m here now. Is she in a bed? Yes, course she is, they wouldn’t sedate her standing up. Tell me what happened, Scarlet.’ Julie listened to Scarlet’s tearful rendition of the events. It all seemed so futile. A ridiculous tragic accident. A drunken chancer waving a gun around at his cheating wife had ended Tony’s life. Tony had run in front of Francesca to save her and ended up dying himself. ‘Who have you called, Scarlet?’

  ‘I haven’t rung anyone yet. Mum went berserk when they were going to take him down to the morgue, shouting and screaming. They had to restrain her. In the end they injected her with something to make her sleep.’ Scarlet’s mind was wandering.

  ‘This is going to be all over the news in hours. Don’t let the family find out like that. Go, get on your phone and let them know what has happened.’

  Scarlet nodded. ‘I’ll go outside and make the calls.’

  It was one of the hardest jobs Scarlet had ever had to do, but she knew Julie was right ... firstly, she rang Elle. She felt numb as she said the words, but she had to think about Adam. Then she rang Katie. Going back into the hospital, she looked around, but Julie was nowhere to be seen. After making a few enquiries she walked into the room her mother was in, fast asleep. Where else would Julie be but at her mother’s side?

  ‘I’m staying with her until she wakes up. I have told the nurse to bring me some warm water and a towel so I can wash some of that blood off her face.’

  ‘Elle’s really upset but she’s going to spread the word and be there for Adam in the morning. There is no point in getting him out of bed. Poor little sod. Katie is trying the get the next flight out. What are we going to do, Julie? Without him, I mean.’ Scarlet broke down, she felt she would never stop crying.

  One by one, the family came. The mood was solemn and no one spoke as they sat around Francesca’s bed. After repeating the story of the evening’s events time and time again, Scarlet felt exhausted. Darkness turned to daylight. This nightmare seemed like a million years ago. Any moment now she expected Tony to waltz through the doors with that charming smile on his face.

  Then the doors did open and everyone looked up. It was Ralph; he took in the scene before him and beckoned Scarlet outside into the corridor.

  ‘The police are here,’ he whispered. ‘They want to talk to you. They will also want to talk to your mother when she wakes up. I’ve already given them my statement.’ Ralph was very matter-of-fact about the whole situation.

  ‘Statement?’ Scarlet was puzzled. ‘What statement did you have to give them? You weren’t even there.’

  ‘That’s what I wanted to talk to you about, Scarlet. Yes, I was there. Do you understand me? I was in the back office, that’s why your mother never saw me.’ Ralph’s look was stern and authoritative.

  Taking the lead and following instructions, Scarlet nodded. Ralph obviously had something up his sleeve. ‘Yes, I know you were there. We had a couple of drinks and then you went to make some phone calls in the office. Isn’t that right?’ Watching the grin on Ralph’s face, she knew she had said the right thing. The police interrupted any further conversation. Scarlet agreed to make her statement later that day. She told them what she could and confirmed what they already knew, and they left.

  ‘Let’s get a coffee, Scarlet.’ Ralph took her hand and walked with her to the vending machine. Coughing and clearing his throat, he waited till Scarlet sat beside him with her coffee. ‘There is never going to be a right time for what I have to say, Scarlet, and I want you to think on it carefully. Now is not the time.’ He could see she was tired and drawn but he needed to say his piece. ‘Already, Scarlet, the vultures will be circling. People will be in a state of panic. Your father ran a tight ship but now …’ He looked down at the tiled floor. He, too, was sad, but business was business. ‘Now there is no captain at the helm. Someone will already have it in their mind to take his place. They are probably already planning on visiting the pubs and restaurants to inform them that they will be collecting their dues. There is no protection out there, Scarlet. It’s going to be a free for all.’ Ralph’s words were harsh, he knew that, but he had to get his point across. ‘Everyone is on full pay, they will get lazy and greedy. There is money to be had and they will want it. The club is safe for the time being, it’s a crime scene swarming with police. The question is, what happens next? You’re the oldest; what do you intend to do?’ Ralph sighed and waited. He realised he must have sounded heartless.

  ‘I don’t know, Ralph. I really don’t know. I feel lost without him. But what about you? Won’t you be taking over and carrying on?’

  ‘I’ll be there, Scarlet, and I am now in charge, but it’s not my name above the door of the club.’ Ralph had his own reasons for not wanting to be in charge. Time was definitely not on his side. ‘If you want to sell up and live in domestic bliss with Dominic, now is the time to do it. Now is the time to make the decision, and quick. Time is not on our side,’ he warned, and he stood up and walked away, leaving Scarlet behind to ponder on his words.

  Dominic came down the corridor. ‘Scarlet, oh God, Scarlet, I’m so sorry. I’ve just heard. Are you okay?’

  Standing up, Scarlet held on to him. She was pleased to see him. ‘Oh, Dominic, what are we going to do without him?’

  Holding her closely to him, his w
arm breath filled her ears. ‘It’s the end of an era, Scarlet. We have to move on. We can have our babies and get on with our lives without clubs and hassle. I’ll take care of you, love.’

  She was sure he meant well, but this was exactly what she didn’t need to hear right now.

  ‘Move on?’ Pushing him away, Scarlet couldn’t believe her ears. End of an era. That was her father he was talking about and he wasn’t even cold yet!

  ‘Get out! Get the fuck out of here. This sounds more like a blessing to you. Has it ever occurred to you that I like the HASSLE? That I like the clubs? That I don’t want to turn into Mrs Doubtfire?’

  ‘I know you’re upset, Scarlet. I’m just trying to give you something positive to think about.’

  ‘You know what, Dominic?’ For the first time in what seemed a lifetime Scarlet smiled. Her mind was made up. ‘You’re right. We have to move on and you have just helped me make up my mind.’ Leaving Dominic standing there, she walked back to the room her mother was in.

  ‘Ralph, can I have a word?’ she said. She felt stronger now, although she knew she must have looked a fright. Her make-up had gone and her eyes were swollen from the tears. Ralph was right, though. Everyone already seemed to be making their mind up that Tony Lambrianu was dead and it was time to move on.

  Ralph stood there waiting for his answer. He hoped he knew what was coming, based on the look on Scarlet’s face. ‘What is it, Scarlet?’

  ‘What do we do first? We need to let these people know that nothing’s changed. Tony’s dead, but I am very much alive and I will not let his legacy die with him. I need your help, Ralph. Where do I start?’

  ‘By giving them a choice, Scarlet. You need a meeting of all the people that worked for your dad. If they want to stay on board and work for a woman, good. If not, they can leave and find employment elsewhere. Once they have made that choice they have to stand by their decision. But you give them the choice. You don’t just waltz in there and take over.’

  ‘Where can we have this meeting? The club is closed.’

  ‘The casino. That’s open for business. Your father spent a lot of time there, anyway. You will also need to make the rounds and visit some of the pubs and people who paid for protection. They need to know where they stand. It’s not going to be easy, Scarlet. People don’t like change and you’re going to take a lot of shit. But I believe you can do it and so did your father. This wasn’t all just handed to him on a plate, you know. He had to fight for it and prove himself first, just like you will. The king is dead, eh?’ Ralph smiled and reached out his hand to shake hers. ‘Long live the queen.’

  ‘Erm, just one more thing, Ralph. Why are you telling the police you were there when he was shot?’

  ‘Good question. Well, I want to be on the inside looking out. Not the outside looking in. If I am part of the investigation, I will find out more and not just get snippets. Your Knuckles did well, ringing me before Julie. I take it he’s your wingman?’

  ‘Yes. I trust him with my life.’

  ‘Well, personally, I wouldn’t trust him to look after my granny’s false teeth, the light-fingered bastard.’ Ralph laughed. ‘But he’s been loyal all these years and he’s good to have on your side.’

  Scarlet nodded.

  ‘What about Dominic? I thought he would have been your wingman.’ Ralph was curious that Scarlet’s husband never came into the equation. He’d heard from Tony that they were having problems, but this surprised him. ‘The person to watch your back and who you trust?’

  ‘Dominic is my husband. He wants his dinner on the table at five and a house full of kids to keep me at home. He’s changed a lot, but then so have I, although he knew that was never what I intended to be. If not the clubs, I have my own salons. I go home late and he’s in bed, so we sleep back to back and then he sulks. No. Knuckles is my wingman.’ She didn’t want to admit that things between herself and Dominic had been rough lately. Dominic was always complaining she was home late. Even when she made a special effort to be there for him, he wasn’t satisfied. She knew why. It hurt his ego. He didn’t want her involved in the clubs, full stop. It surprised her, really, she thought if anyone would have understood he would have.

  His father, her father-in-law, was Tony’s driver and, since Jake’s death had become his wingman, with Ralph. Dominic had worked for her father on the doors and as a driver. But his macho sexist ways insisted that it was no place for a woman. Well, it seemed she had a lot to prove to a lot of people, including her own husband.



  ‘London has more or less come to a standstill, Julie. The pavements are packed with people wanting to show their last respects.’ Katie looked up at Julie in despair. The last few months had been hard. At least now they could have the funeral. It was some kind of closure. The worst was still yet to come. The court case.

  ‘Is your mum still on those bloody happy pills?’

  ‘Yes, I think so. She hardly speaks these days. Just on autopilot. You can hear her crying every night. I don’t know how to help her.’ Katie was at her wits’ end with worry. ‘Elle is trying to be strong for everyone, but she has lost both her sons.’

  ‘Well, the pills stop today, after the funeral. It’s time she woke up and realised he has gone.’

  Julie felt she had tiptoed around Francesca long enough. She had nursed her and held the family together. Now it was Francesca’s turn. She looked a mess these days and Julie knew she was drinking brandy at night to help her sleep, along with taking those happy pills of hers. She had gone along with it up until now, but it had to stop.

  ‘Let’s get today over with first. I will go and see if she’s getting ready.’ Julie went up the stairs with a heavy heart. She knew Francesca wouldn’t be out of bed. She had lost interest in everything and stayed in her room most days.

  ‘Time to get showered and dressed, Francesca. The least you can do is say goodbye to your husband properly.’

  ‘I’m not going. I’m not going to say goodbye. He said he would come back for me and I believe him.’ Francesca lay in bed. She didn’t have the energy or the inclination to get up.

  Julie had had enough. She had tried being supportive and caring and that obviously hadn’t worked. Now it was time for a different approach.

  ‘You selfish bitch!’ she shouted, pulling the duvet off Francesca. ‘You have a young son down there who has lost his father and you don’t give a shit. You say you love Tony. Well, that is his son and you don’t give a fig about him. You have done exactly what Tony’s mother did. You have made Adam an orphan. His father is dead and his mother may as well be. Well, I hope Tony isn’t looking down on you today, he would be heartbroken and disgusted. Go on. Wallow in your grief! Take more of your pills. In fact, take the fucking lot, no one would notice.’ Julie threw the black dress at Francesca and walked down the stairs.

  ‘What did she say?’ Katie had heard the shouting. She didn’t know what to do. Adam sat by her side in his black suit and squeezed her hand.

  ‘Time will tell, Katie. In the meantime, we have things to do.’ As brave as Julie felt, she didn’t know what was going to happen. All she knew was they had to go through with the funeral. ‘Adam, go upstairs and see if your mother is getting ready.’

  The two of them watched Adam leave the room. His sunken shoulders as he walked away said it all. He was upset and he was afraid.

  What seemed a lifetime was in fact only forty minutes. Francesca came downstairs dressed in black. Julie heaved a sigh of relief and walked with her to the car. Everyone knew it was going to be a long, stressful day.

  ‘Wait a minute.’ Francesca looked up as they reached the church. There was a lone woman standing in the distance. She thought she recognised her but couldn’t see her properly through the long black veil she was wearing over her hat. After slowly walking up to the woman, she lifted her veil. ‘Roxy? Is that you, Roxy?’

  Roxy had been Tony’s casual girlfriend when they had first
met. She was a glamorous model and suited him to perfection. The women had been enemies, once, but Roxy had finally accepted the fact that she was never going to be Tony’s wife, and moved on. Now the years had rolled on and Roxy was obese. All those years of being on a perpetual diet must have driven her crazy. It seemed in later life she had eaten exactly what she wanted to.

  Looking slightly embarrassed, Roxy looked up. ‘Sorry to come, Francesca, but I felt I had to come and say goodbye. I loved him, too, you know. I didn’t mean to interrupt your grief.’

  ‘Are you coming into the church?’ Francesca asked. Roxy shook her head and turned away. She had seen Tony’s coffin enter the church and that was enough for her. ‘Come on.’ Francesca linked her arm through Roxy’s and led her into the church. ‘You need to say goodbye properly. He would have liked you here.’ It gave Francesca a warm feeling inside knowing she had come after all these years.

  ‘Fucking hell. Have you seen how many women are in the churchyard, sobbing? I thought that long procession was bad enough with people throwing flowers in front of the car and tugging their forelocks, but this is fucking crazy. It’s more like a parade, Ralph. ‘Julie nearly laughed out loud, but tried her best to contain it.

  Ralph waited while Julie linked her arm through his. He, too, found it amusing. ‘He was a well-loved man, Julie. Admired by a lot of people. Even though it was mostly women.’ Ralph turned and smiled at her. ‘Do you think this many women will come to my funeral?’ Ralph tried lightening the sombre mood. Looking round the churchyard Ralph saw the ‘soldiers’ he had organised to stop the newspapers making a farce of it. They already had their pictures. They had run after the hearse, clicking away with their cameras, and journalists for the news had filmed it to show on the TV later that evening. They had their pound of flesh; now it was time to leave Francesca and her family to grieve. That was enough. ‘Soldiers’ was a polite name for all the thugs and hitmen they employed. Nothing was left to chance. This had to be a decent, respectful day, not a circus.


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