The King of Hearts (The Dark Kings Book 9)

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The King of Hearts (The Dark Kings Book 9) Page 10

by Jovee Winters

  Then I produced a mound of food and water for him.

  The monster sized rat fell into it with a frenzied sort of lust. Masticating loudly and I cringed. “Bloody hell, you’re vile.”

  I waved my fingers, cloaking him in invisibility. I’d figure out what to say to mother about it tomorrow.

  I walked from the labyrinth, both relieved and also riddled with anxiety. What if she found out? What if my plans went completely awry? What if I’d only made things worse for Psyche?

  I squeezed my eyes shut and snapped my wings out from my back. Then I shot off into the sky, demons of doubt nipping at my heels.


  I was awakened by the soft movements of tiptoes upon my bedroom chamber.

  It’d been a fitful sleep for me this night, I had no plans to speak of, and had suffered with the worst nightmares of what was to come for me and Psyche once mother discovered I’d betrayed her.

  I shot up when the rustling grew ever slightly louder.

  “Good, you’re awake.”

  I instantly went cold all over, and the fine hairs on the nape of my neck stood on edge. I looked into mother’s cold, gleeful eyes and I knew, knew she’d learned what I’d done. She must have discovered Basil, she must have seen that damned rat, she—

  “Are you ready, my darling boy?” she cooed, delighted laughter sparkled through her husky tone.

  My stomach flipped painfully in my body, and I shook my head as I stared out the bedroom window. Nyx was still firmly in control of the sky.

  “Mother, it is early?”

  I was pleased to hear my tone so steady, I looked back at her.

  She was beautiful. Beautiful and cold and cruel and… I hated her. My lips turned down, I’d never though that before. I’d never felt such a visceral feeling of antipathy and repugnance for her before.

  She pouted prettily. “You always were a sleepy head. But I’m far too excited. I wish to show you what I’ve got planned for that little bitch, come with me, son.”

  So, she did not know. But it did not bode well the level of excitement now pouring out of her.

  Realizing the precarious situation, I was in, I knew I could not afford to break character again. She was too smart not to see through it if I kept it up.

  So, I once again placed on the mantle of the dutiful son.

  I stood, I only ever slept in a pair of black silk trousers, and went to find my shirt.

  But she grumped. “Do not worry about it, come. Now.” She held out her hand.

  Inhaling deeply, I reminded myself why I was doing what I was doing. Once I had it firmly in mind, did I take her hand.

  We flashed.

  To the labyrinth.

  My stomach slid to my knees and sickness threatened to come up the back of my throat. She knew. She had to know.

  But she was racing ahead of me, almost giddily.

  It suddenly dawned on me that somehow, by some unbelievable miracle she did not know that I’d come here already and had freed Basil.

  We raced down the very same corridors I had left just hours earlier.

  My heart raced, my mouth went dry and tasted of cotton.

  The rat and Basil looked nothing alike. They looked… glamour! I was best at it on Olympus.

  I didn’t have to mutter the words because my mastery of glamour was so powerful. I merely had to think it and suddenly the rat’s head and trunk transformed into that of Basil’s. I’d been with him long enough to recall in vivid detail the small scar above his left brow, the heavy set eyes, and the dirt smudged pectorals.

  Mother rounded the corner and squealed in delight, when she caught sight of faux Basil.

  “Look!” she crowed and I waited on tenterhooks, expecting her at any moment to see through the charade.

  But her broad smile never wavered. “Look what I have found for the uppity bitch,” she singsonged.

  I looked at the rat, schooling my features to give nothing away. Any hope I had of saving Psyche from mother’s unjust fate hinged on what happened now.

  “A minotaur?” I said, acting surprised.

  She laughed and clapped her hands giddily. “I know. Her own father’s personal pet. Imagine, being forced to marry that animal.” She curled her nose and mouth with obvious disgust.

  Then before I could warn her back, she walked up to false Basil and reached out her hand to stroke his face. But I could see through the glamour I’d set upon the rat and cringed as its huge, sharp teeth sank deep into the meat of mother’s palm.

  She gasped. “It bit me! You bit me! How dare you!”

  She struck her fist, and the rat squealed in agony as its cheek was suddenly sliced open by an invisible blade.

  “Oh, shut up!” she hissed. “You even sound like a damned beast.” Then she did the most amazing thing and sealed its mouth with a muzzle.

  My fear that the rat would squeak or chitter and give away its true identity was taken care of by mother’s own cruel nature.

  She cradled her hand to her breast and blew a kiss at it, the smallish bite mark was suddenly sealed with a ball of radiant pink light. Her flesh was soon healed and like new.

  “I hope it eats her,” she hissed, then twirled and looked at me. “Well?” she asked and I wished I could say I understood that single word, but I was shaken by what had happened and dumbfounded at the moment.

  “Tis a fate worse than death, no?” she asked, laughter sparkling in her words.

  My nostrils flared. Were Psyche indeed to marry the animal it would be a fate worse than death, but I suddenly knew what I had to do. How to fix all of this.

  And I smiled.

  Mother did not understand the meaning behind it. Her psychotic laughter echoed through the stone chamber.

  “You will pierce the bitch’s side with one of your arrows in her wedding chamber that night. You will make her fall madly in love with this beast and then we will step back and it shall consume her.”

  I nodded. “As you wish.”

  I didn’t say anything else, I merely turned and walked out of there. I knew what to do now. And the peace of sleep finally called to me. When I returned to my bed, I closed my eyes and the weariness and fears of just a few hours ago was now replaced by a feeling of deep seated calm.

  I knew exactly what had to be done.

  The farce of a ceremony had been going on for close to three hours now, and the anticipation and buzz was electric. Soon Psyche would be presented to her “betrothed,” it was time to set my plan in place.

  I’d stood beside the King and Queen the entire time, in the background. Unable to be seen by all, even my own mother.

  When I sensed movement at my back, I knew it was time.

  The king’s guards were bringing out the rat. A train of men held each of its chains, they heaved and grunted as they fought to neutralize the beast’s furious strength.

  Without saying a word, I waved my fingers and suddenly a cloak of invisibility fell over the rat. The guard’s cried out, shocked and surprised by what they believed was the sudden vanishing of the monster.

  I stepped into the light.

  “It is still there. Simply hidden, so as not to frighten the dignitaries who’ve come to witness this momentous occasion.” As though on cue the rat grunted and the men all stiffened, resuming their tug and pull on the monster.

  I had only minutes before mother would demand to know why I’d cloaked the monster in shadow.

  I had to find Psyche.

  Just as I was about to fly off in search of her though, she came out. She had a blindfold over her eyes and her maidens were gently guiding her out of the tunnel they’d been walking through.

  With my heart in my throat, I walked quickly over toward them. Holding a finger up to my mouth. Silently telling them to be quiet and say nothing.

  Then I took Psyche’s small hand in mine and guided her a distance away from the others so we would not be heard.

  She trembled violently, and I could sense the fear in her.

  I wanted to stroke her. To touch her. To hug her. But I could do none of those things.

  Instead, I leaned into her ear and pressed my mouth to it. Speaking quietly above the raucous din of the drunk crowd.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She gasped, leaned back, and I could tell she was trying to peer at me through the scarf tied around her head. “You are—”

  I gently laid a finger over her mouth, silencing her words. Touching her felt like touching a live wire. A bomb. There was nothing in this time that could come close to what I was feeling right now, but I’d once flown to the future of humanity and had watched as they’d set off an atomic bomb in the deserts of the Americas. Touching Psyche felt a lot like that.

  “Do you trust me?” I whispered in her ear again.

  She did not hesitate.

  She nodded.

  I swallowed forcefully.

  “No matter what you think you hear, what you smell, or what you feel, know that it is all a lie. You are safe, female. Always safe. I will leave you now. We can never see one another again. But know that you have changed me. Forever. And for that,” I held up her hand and gently, tenderly, kissed her knuckles, “I will forever be indebted to you.”

  Then without a backwards glance, I released her and went to find my mother.

  She was easy enough to spot, sitting like a queen upon the raised dais erected in her honor. She smirked when she saw me. “And where have you been, my naughty boy? Look how they worship me,” she sighed. “Come,” she patted the space beside her, “let us watch the culmination of all my hard work. The beast comes no—”

  The words suddenly died upon her tongue as the guardsmen dragged what looked like air into the center square. But the chains rattled and the sounds of the beast could be heard above the din.

  “Why is it invisible!” she hissed, twirling instantly to glare at me.

  I nodded, the time to be brave was now. Keeping up my calm façade, I shrugged. “There is nothing more frightening than the unknown. Also, there are children. I thought it wise that you, a just and good goddess would consider them.”

  I knew my words moved her as the temper began to cool. She sniffed. “Fine. You are right, of course, I must think of the children. I only wish she could have seen the horrors I planned to inflict upon her. But… I am a good and loving goddess. Thank you, my boy.”

  Then she turned back around.

  The gasps and cries from the audience at the invisible roars and rattling of chains made her grin. My words were true, the unknown was always a terror. Our brains were usually capable of concocting much worse horrors than anything that actually existed. Basil was no monster. Merely a minotaur. Though in the minds of mortals, the two were often conflated.

  Seconds later my Psyche came out too. Meek and mild and proud. Her chin was raised her, her spine stiff. My heart flooded with pride for it.

  Mother laughed as the priest suddenly came out from another corner. And then the audience began to join in too as the full scope of mother’s jubilee suddenly became clear.

  And while they all watched mother and mother watched Psyche’s humiliation, I reached out my voice to Psyche. And it was I, not the rat, who recited the vows of matrimony to her. My voice was a whisper in her ear, filled with longing, and truth, and only she could hear me.

  She gave herself as a willing partner back to me, and I knew she recognized the tenor of my voice. She believed that it was I marrying her, and not the beast. And while it was true, to the rest of the world, she’d just pledged herself to a monster of horrors.

  Once it was over, mother looked back at me and I almost broke character. I almost betrayed myself. I was now a married man and my bride waited on me to whisk her away. But first I had to send mother home.

  “I should stay, to watch it eat her.”

  I snorted, fighting everything inside of me to scream at her to leave us be, instead I leaned against a white column and with a lazy drawl said, “You could. But I imagine it would be quite messy. Of course, I could stay in your steed. Tell you all the gory details once they’re through.”

  I could almost taste the adrenaline tang on the back of my tongue as I waited for her to say something. A reply which seemed, to me, to take an eternity.

  She pursed her lips. “Yes, you’re probably right. That nasty beast would probably make a mess of things. Fine. Tell me all about it over supper tomorrow evening. I find I miss my lover and I’ve had quite enough of all these pathetic humans. Tata, darling.” Then with a finger wave, mother was gone.

  I suddenly wilted with relief, feeling as though I had no bones in my legs to hold me up any longer.

  I looked at the farce of the ceremony, at the laughing and jeering faces of those surrounding my precious love and a fire I’d never known before filled my belly.

  I stood, and bellowed, “Enough!” And with a thunderous clap, they were all gone. Sent back to wherever they’d come from.

  When the eyes of all were no longer on us, I unshackled the beast and returned it back to the size it’d once been. It scampered off with a quickness.

  Now only Psyche and I remained.

  I looked down at my body as light cascaded over me. I’d done mother’s task and now her curse was also lifted off of me. I looked as I truly did. Tall. Strong. Handsome. And I wanted so badly to show Psyche who it was that she truly loved. But I knew that if mother ever learned of it, she would kill my wife. I still walked a precarious road.

  So, I did the only thing I could. I shielded myself in shadow. Covering every square inch of me in darkness so that none, not even my own beloved bride could see me, then I snapped my fingers and the sash fell from off her eyes.

  She gasped, looking around. The whites of her eyes were large and her skin so pale. My heart broke for her.

  “Male,” she whispered and my heart sang, for in her fear it was to me that she’d cried. “Are you here? Am I truly safe?”

  I could not speak to her here. Mother’s spies could be anywhere. But in my palace, where Uncle’s cloak would shield us, could I open myself to her.

  I was so unbelievably gentle when I reached her side and took her soft, small hand in mine. She gasped and went stiff.

  “Who. Who is that?”

  Wetting my lips, wishing I could show her who I really was but knowing I dare not, I did the only thing I could. I kissed her. With all the passion in my heart and in my soul. She was unyielding at first but then… “It’s you,” she mouthed against me. “I would know your touch anywhere.”

  And then she was the one kissing me. And our kiss was sweet and wet and wild and desperate.

  She clung to my shoulders, and I only broke away when I felt the salty wetness of her tears upon my tongue. I sucked in a sharp breath and she opened her eyes, staring at me with passion burning deeply in them. I was astonished that she could look directly at me even though I knew she could not see me. But it was like we were one, we were so attuned.

  “It is you,” she whispered.

  I stroked the tears away with the pads of my thumbs and gently, so very gently, I hefted her in my arms. She came willingly. Wrapping her arms around my neck and laying her head on my chest.

  I withdrew my wings and I flew us into the heavens, toward my palace.

  She laughed and my heart sang a new song I’d never heard before.

  I’d given this gift to so many others, but now I finally understood what it was to feel it too.


  I thought maybe he meant to never speak to me again. But I knew it was the mysterious male, I knew his touch anywhere. And when we arrived at the palace, his palace, I was shocked into silence.

  It was more amazing than even my father’s own and up until now, I’d believed him to be the wealthiest person in our kingdom.

  The second we touched foot upon the palace grounds, the gardens to be exact, he reluctantly seemed to release me. But without his touch I couldn’t find him any longer I held one of my hands out, moving slowly, trying
to find him again. Seconds later I felt a warm hand slip into mine. I released a shaky breath and smiled.

  “Do you like it?”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I thought that maybe he wanted my opinion on the grounds. I’d seen what he could do at my father’s palace, but this… “oh my gods,” I breathed, finally seeing what he’d done for the first time.

  This was a garden, and yet it was unlike any garden mortal eyes had ever seen, I was sure of it. Topiaries of magnificent prancing beasts weren’t made of shrubs, but of wispy, feathery clouds. Birds and insects that glittered like gold flew lazily past. Night song filled the air, the music so beautiful it brought tears to my eyes.

  The ground beneath my feet shook and I jumped back as the land fractured and from its depth a shoot of vines shot forth. The vines began to entwine, forming and shaping into a pavilion. Beautiful red and purple blooms sprouted, and baby’s breath filled the spaces between. And then two final strands of vines created a seating area. I felt myself pulled forward. I followed him up the ropey steps, surprised by their strength.

  Once I sat, I felt the rustle of his passing. I glanced around, feeling a little as though the pavilion breathed in and out, each exhale smelled of sweet night jasmine.

  “I love you,” he said huskily and it was so foolish and sentimental but I teared up. We barely knew each other. We’d only met a handful of times and yet…

  “I love you too.”

  Again, I felt his hand encase my own. I turned mine over, sliding my fingers through his. He had five. I traced my thumb over his flesh, feeling its firmness. The soft swell of veins, this felt like a young man’s hands. I wanted to see him. I wanted to know in truth what he looked like. It hadn’t mattered before, but he was my husband now. I really, really wanted to see him.

  “Show me yourself, male. Tell me your name. Please,” I squeezed out, wanting to know everything about him now. I felt like I’d been waiting an eternity to find him, I wanted no more secrets between us.


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