Tempest of Change

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Tempest of Change Page 4

by Jacie Douglass

  One song blends seamlessly into the next, as the set continues, an eclectic mix of my favorite songs. How had they known? If it wasn’t such a sweet gesture, I’d be mad that clearly one of them had been snooping through the playlists on my laptop. How long had they been working on this surprise?

  The feeling of eyes watching prickles against my skin, but I push it away. Let them stare. Their opinions don’t matter to me. The guys had done so much to make this night mine; no one can take that away.

  Lost in the music, time has no meaning. When the last song fades into silence, I open my eyes and look at the stage. The guys are all staring at me, like I’m the only person in the room. Undefined emotions overwhelm me and I can’t help the smile that spreads over my face, as I wave to them.

  “We’ll be back for another set soon,” Sebastian announces and the crowd groans in disappointment. “Don’t worry, until then, we have the fabulous DJ Spider Silk to keep the music flowing.” A pretty blonde waves to the crowd as Goth industrial music starts to play. The change in music causes a rotation, with some people moving on to the dance floor, while others head off to rest or grab a drink.

  Now that I don’t have the music to distract me, I realize I’m desperately thirsty. Turning, I almost crash into a guy standing directly behind me. The upper portion of his face is hidden behind a skull half mask and he’s wearing some kind of Voodoo Priest costume. Dark brown hair peeps out from under a black top hat decorated with bones. He stands their staring at me, unmoving.

  “Excuse me.” I finally say, and he silently steps back, melting into the throng of dancers. Ok that was Weird. I shake my head, and make my way towards the refreshment table.

  The guys intercept me halfway there, Clayton grabbing me around the waist and swinging me in a circle.

  “There’s my Trouble maker!” He grins, planting kissing on both my cheeks before slipping an arm under my legs and switching to a bridal carry. The now familiar scent of alcoholic punch wafting from him.

  “Damn Clay,” I laugh leaning away from him. “How much of that punch have you had?”

  “Not that much,” he replies still grinning as he leans into me. “Just enough to get a little toasty. In fact, I think it’s time for a refill.” He says, moving towards the punch bowl, carrying me along with him. I look back at the rest of the guys for help but they just smile and shrug as they trail behind us. When we reach the punch bowl, Clayton finally seems to realize he doesn’t have a free hand and stares at the table in confusion.

  “You can put me down now, Papa Bear.” I tell him, trying not to laugh at his consternation.

  “Not a chance, it’s my turn. No way am I letting someone else steal you away.”

  “Then maybe we should go dance and you can ask one of the guys to get you a drink,” I suggest with a smile.

  “Oh, good idea.” he says with a goofy smile. “Bast! Get me a drink.” Clayton commands, carrying me back towards the dance floor.

  I resist the urge to laugh, as apparently drunken dancing is in my future. Assuming he puts me down.

  “Grab me a water too!” I call out as people hurriedly move out of Clayton’s way before he can run them down. From the way everyone jumps to the side, I have to wonder if Bulldozer Clayton is a familiar sight at these events. We make it to the center of the dance floor and he finally sets me down. Before I can move, his arms are around my waist and I find my cheek pressed against his bare chest. His hips grind against me and it’s only the thick fabric of my skirt that prevents him from sliding his leg between my thighs.

  “Mmm,” he rumbles, slipping his hand under my shrug to stroke my bare back. “I’ve been waiting all night to have you in my arms.” His steady, protective energy wraps itself around me, and I relax in his embrace. He leans down to nuzzle my neck, lightly kissing and licking the skin. I shiver at the contact, my eyes widening with surprise. Amorous Clayton was definitely not what I was expecting. The distraction of his hands and lips has me struggling to put together a coherent thought.

  “You could have danced with me earlier,” I finally manage to reply. He spins me around, rubbing up against my ass. Through the fabric, I feel a suspicious bulge pressed against me. I shake my head, trying to push away that thought; I have to be imagining things.

  “Nuh Uhh,” he breaths in my ear. “We drew numbers. I got four. Sebastian got five, so he gets to take you home. But at least we got the good music to dance to, none of that old people music.” He explains before resuming nibbling on my neck.

  “Sweetheart, you are drunk,” I gasp, shivering involuntary. “You are going to be soooooo embarrassed in the morning.” My eyes flutter closed and I try to push down the flood of hormones. “Assuming you even remember this.” I mutter under my breath. I can’t help but notice that some of other dancers are staring at us now with a combination of curiosity and envy. Well, this is sure to do wonders for Clay’s reputation.

  “Oh, I’ll remember,” he replies, sounding far more sober than he had earlier. Maybe the dancing was causing him to work off some of the booze. Is that even a thing?

  “I’ve spent years dreaming about having you in my arms.” I blush, embarrassed by his confession. Only a couple of hours ago I’d shared my first post “incident” kiss with Jared. Hearing drunken confessions from Clayton is too much. Is there something in the air tonight?

  I try to put a little distance between us, but Clayton’s arms are like steel bands around me. The feeling of eyes on me intensifies, and I glance around the room for the other guys but they’ve disappeared. Instead, I find the Voodoo Priest staring at us, with a sly smirk. I roll my eyes and shoot him a dirty look, his lips curving into a wide smile in response. What a creep.

  Clayton spins me around again, pressing my face against his chest. I push the asshole out of my thoughts and focus on Clayton.

  “There is so much I want to say to you, Trouble.” Clayton murmurs. Shaking my head, I press my fingers to his lips, silencing him.

  “This isn’t the right time or place, Papa Bear.” I make sure his eyes meet mine as I continue. “I want you to be sober for any serious conversations we have and tonight is about enjoying the dancing and the music.” I tell him, slamming the lid on that particular Pandora’s Box for the moment.

  I wanted and needed to know more about my past with the guys, but the glimpses I’d gotten tonight from Ian and Jared, combined with my strange emotional reactions to them, is already more than I can process. Clayton nodded slowly and I remove my hand from his mouth.

  “Anything you want, Baby,” I smile at him and rest my head on his shoulder. The music changes and we move together at a slower, sensual pace. When the song ends, I open my eyes to find Sebastian grinning at us.

  “Sorry to steal him away, Sprite, but it’s almost time for our second set. Come on big guy, there’s work to do.”

  Clayton relaxes his hold and I slip away from him.

  “I can’t wait,” I smile, stepping back and making shooing motions at them. “Go on then, off with you both.” Sebastian hands me a bottle of water with a wink, while grabbing Clayton’s arm.

  “Come on Genie, you can give Sprite her other two wishes later.” Grumbling, Clayton allows Sebastian to lead him away. I shake my head, silently laughing at them.

  Cracking open the water bottle, I take a drink before heading towards the edge of the room. Might as well take a break before the guys come back out. As I move off the dance floor, I catch sight of the Voodoo Priest staring at me again. What is with this guy?

  I change course slightly, so I end up right in front of him.

  “Why don’t you take a picture, it will last longer.” I bite out, folding my arms across my chest.

  His smirk widens, “No need. Your face is already imprinted on my heart.” He replies in a velvety deep voice.

  “Wow,” I snark back, rolling my eyes, “Do cheesy lines like that really work for you?”

  “More often than you’d think,” His eyes dance behind his mask.
  “Ugh,” I roll my eyes again and push past him. Glancing around the room for a clock, I wonder how much time I have left before the guys take the stage again. I can feel the Voodoo Priest following behind, like speaking to him was an invitation.

  “I’m Elijah,” he says, moving up beside me and matching my pace.

  “That’s nice,” I reply, walking faster as I catch sight of the hall leading to the restrooms.

  “May I have the pleasure of you name?” He asks, suddenly formal.

  “Cinderella,” I call over my shoulder as I hit the hallway.

  “I look forward to making you my Princess then, Cinderella. Be sure to leave a shoe so I can find you.” He calls after me.

  Frowning, I refuse to answer as I push open the door to the ladies room. That guy is just too much. Hopefully he’ll take the hint and be gone when I get out.

  Taking a minute to freshen up, I’m relieved to see my makeup still looks good. Once again the inventor of waterproof makeup has my eternal thanks. The door opens and a group of girls from school invade the room, laughing and giggling in their store bought “sexy” costumes. I slip out the door before they can notice me and try to corner me with a barrage of questions about the guys. It’s a skill I’ve mastered in the last month and a half.

  The hallway is blessedly empty; hopefully the Voodoo Priest got the hint and will move on to bothering someone else.

  DJ Spider Silk is wrapping up as I swing by the refreshment table for another bottle of water. I avoid the punch bowl and the two old women dressed like witches cackling over it. Those must be the McCaffrey sisters. Glancing across the room, I catch sight of the Mayor being dragged off by his harried looking wife. Not sure who they are supposed to be dressed up as in their 50’s style costumes, but clearly someone is going to be in the dog house tonight.

  “It’s almost the witching hour,” Sebastian’s warm tones roll over the crowd that greets him with cheers and screams. “Is everyone having a good time tonight?” Someone throws a pair of panties at Sebastian, who manages to dodge just in time. I don’t even want to know what they were thinking or how much punch they’d had before deciding that was a good idea.

  “Tonight is a very special night,” he continues unperturbed. “Not only are we celebrating the town’s 200th anniversary” he pauses as the crowd claps and cheers. “But it’s also the eighteen birthday of a very special lady.” Sebastian’s eyes catch mine, and he winks. “So our next set is dedicated to our Birthday Girl. Happy birthday, Sprite!”

  Blushing, I can feel the waves of jealousy off the crowd. I’d assumed by their earlier set that they’d been snooping through my playlists, but I hadn’t thought they’d go so far as to announce my birthday. I take a deep breath and focus on reinforcing my shields until the press of envy fades. It wasn’t like my costume kept my identity a secret. And considering all the time and attention the guys had given me, there wasn’t a person in the room who couldn’t guess who Sebastian was talking about.

  The opening chords of “Wicked Games” hit, distracting me from the crowd and I can’t help but laugh. I finish the bottle of water and join the throng on the dance floor. If they were going to play my favorite songs, then I was going to take advantage of it and dance.

  “Wicked Games” fades into “Slept So Long” and the crowd noticeably decreases. They might not like my music, but I love this song, with its slower, sensual beat. I close my eyes, quietly singing along with the Sebastian. Someone brushes against me as they leave the dance floor, but I ignore them and focus on the music. The tempo changes as they switch to “Counting Stars” and I’m spinning, moving in time with the beat. I let the music transport me to another place as they transition into their own twists on classic songs like “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Paint it Black” and “Wish You Were Here”.

  Most of the time Sebastian is singing, but Jared, Ian, and Samil all take a turn on lead vocals as well. I still can’t believe they took the time to learn how to play my favorite songs. My heart feels like it’s going to burst with happiness. I can’t imagine a better way to have spent my birthday. Sebastian sets aside his guitar and jumps down from the stage as they start an acoustic version of “Days Go By”. Coming up to me with a smile, Sebastian slips his arms around my waist and pulls me to him.

  “Did you enjoy your birthday surprise, Sprite?” He smiles, slowly moving his body against mine in time with the music.

  “It’s been perfect; I can’t believe you guys did all this for me.” I reply, my cheeks hurting from all the smiling I’ve done tonight. “But shouldn’t you be on stage right now?” I ask, just as Jared begins singing, his rich voice capturing the emotions behind the song in such a way that I can’t help but turn to look at him. His eyes meet mine, with an intensity that sends shivers down my spine.

  “Jared’s got this one,” Sebastian whispers in my ear, apparently unbothered by my shift in focus.

  “I can see that,” I murmur, turning my gaze back to Sebastian.

  “I’ll take you home after this song,” he smiles, just as the tempo changes, transitioning into the faster radio version, and our dancing becomes more fluid and sensual. “Big plans for tomorrow, Sprite. We need to get you home for some beauty sleep.”

  I laugh in response and shake my head. “Oh, no, I plan on sleeping all day tomorrow.”

  “Not a chance, Sprite. We’ve got an appointment with the first ferry of the day.” I groan but he just grins and I can’t help but smile back.

  “You guys are going to be the death of me,” I tease.

  “But what a way to go!” he quips. The song ends and DJ Spider Silk takes back over. Apparently the party isn’t over for everyone.

  “Let’s get out of here, Sprite,” Sebastian says, turning us towards the exit. I toss a wave over my shoulder to the guys, as Sebastian leads the way to the doors. Stopping near the exit, Sebastian collects my cloak from the coat check. Samil must have passed the ticket off to him. So silly. I could have taken care of myself. Sebastian returns with a grin, spinning the cloak around him like a magician, before settling it around my shoulders. My breath catches in my throat at the energy sparking between us as he does the clasp. Our eyes meet, something flashes in the depths of his emerald eyes. Slowly he leans closer, and it’s like time stands still. Oh god, is he going to kiss me? I hold my breath, my heart racing. At the last minute, he shifts and his lips land on my cheek.

  “Wait here,” he orders with a wink, stepping away, his normal carefree smile back in place. “I’ll bring the car around to you.” He’s out the glass doors before I can protest, and I shake my head in amusement. Leaning against the wall, I try to calm my pounding heart. Looking for something to distract me, I turn back towards the ballroom. The guys are still on stage, breaking down their instruments. While the crowd is definitely smaller, there are still plenty of people out on the dance floor and milling around the edges of the room. I glance back to the doors, just as Sebastian’s SUV pulls up.

  Opening the door, the bite of the cold air surprises me, and I pull the cloak tighter around my body. I make a dash for the SUV, reaching the door at the same time as Sebastian. He’s abandoned his mask and headscarf, leaving his golden blonde hair a mess and his cheeks pink with the cold.

  “Miss me that much?” He laughs, opening the door with a bow. I roll my eyes and gather the fabric of my skirt to climb in. I think I’ve finally figured out how to manage it with the corset.

  “In you go,” Sebastian says and for the second time tonight, I find myself picked up and put in the SUV. I make sure my skirt is clear of the door before he shuts it and runs back around to the driver’s side. Thank god, he’s already got the heater going full blast; hopefully it won't take too much time to warm up the interior. I rub my hands together as we take off.

  “This has been the best birthday,” I smile. “I can’t believe you guys went to all that effort. Thank you so much.”

  “You don’t have to thank us, Sprite. We enjoyed being able to f
inally celebrate with you on your actual birthday. You’ll get your real present tomorrow.” He grins.

  “What?” I gasp, turning towards him. “No, you guys have done enough already. You don’t need to get me anything.”

  “Sprite, we know we don’t HAVE too. We want to. Trust me; this is going to be great.”


  Sebastian holds up his hand and I fall silent. “No buts, Sprite. Just relax and enjoy.”

  I sigh and shake my head, apparently there is no point arguing about it right now. I’ll just have to wait till tomorrow. I’m sure I can talk some sense into the guys in the morning.

  He parks the SUV at his house, forcing us to take the shortcut over to mine. Even though it’s been a month since the botched kidnapping, they still don’t want me going anywhere alone. While it’s nice to know they care, sometimes it’s a bit much. Like when we’re running through the cold to get to my house instead of just parking outside my front door.

  “I’m going straight to bed,” I tell him as I unlock the door and dash inside. I hear the door close behind me as I head towards the stairs. Next thing I know, he’s spins me around into a tight hug followed by a kiss on the forehead. Relaxing in his embrace, I sigh as the bright warmth of his energy wraps around me.

  “Sweet dreams, Sprite. We’ll be back for you bright and early.”

  “Ugh, not too early!” I counter with a stern look. “G’night Bast.” with one more squeeze, I slip out of his arms and head upstairs. I get ready for bed quickly, exhaustion finally creeping over me. As I slip under the covers, my phone starts chiming like an old fashion clock. WTF?!? I grab it and read the text alert on the screen.

  Prince Charming: Sweet dreams my Princess

  “Are you kidding me?” I groan unlocking the screen to see the full message thread. My eyebrows shoot up at the text from my phone to the contact labeled Prince Charming.

  Me: A glass slipper

  G’damn it. The asshat must have picked my pocket while I was dancing to have gotten my phone and sent himself a message. I refused to be impressed that he managed to both steal it and return it without my noticing. The creep is persistent. I’ll give him that.


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