Witchin' Up the Dead

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Witchin' Up the Dead Page 3

by Isabel Micheals

  “Zip it, Camille,” Symone said through tight lips. Unfortunately, her earning went unnoticed.

  “What? Everyone knows that CeCe is Dillen’s mate. Why are you acting like I just divulged a national secret that’s going to put us at war with another country? Geez! Now who’s being dramatic, Symone?”

  “Um. I’ve heard the rumors around town about you and my brother, but Dylan has yet to confirm or deny them,” Ariel replied, softly.

  It was obvious to everyone except Camille that the conversation was making the lioness uncomfortable. Yet, it also confirmed Cecelia’s worst fear. Dillen didn’t want to be mated to a necromancer. If he had, his sister would’ve known about her. Nope. It was better if she stuck to the plan. Help bring Dylan back and be on your merry way because nothing good will ever come of the union. She had been right to avoid him all these years. Yeah, they had kissed on Christmas day and it had been spectacular, but that was neither here nor there. She needed to focus on what was important, saving Dillen’s life. Granted, it would hurt like hell not to be near him, but she’d done it once and she could do it again. Sometimes one had to make sacrifices in life. Dylan was hers.

  In an effort to put the younger woman at ease, Cecelia smiled and said, “No worries. Everyone knows how fast gossip can spray it in a small town, even if it’s not true.”

  “Cecelia, that’s not what I meant. Let’s face it, my brother doesn’t tell me everything. I wasn’t trying to be insensitive. Please forgive me.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive, Ariel. The only other thing Camille is good at sticking in her mouth besides her foot, is a cookie. Now, let’s go save your brother,” Cecelia said, trying her best to reassure the younger woman. “Besides, time is of the essence. The longer he’s dead, the harder it will be to bring him back. So, we need to get started.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Ariel said, as she reluctantly led them into the living room where everyone was waiting.

  The first two people to introduce themselves were Sophie and Alex. Then came Claire and Jasper, Sassy and Jeeves, as well as Zoe, Zara, Zelda, their respective mates, and of course, Fabio. Cecelia greeted them all pleasantly, but knew she wouldn’t remember all of their names. She was too worried and wound up about Dillen. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, depending on how you looked at it, Camille had no such qualms. She was already in fangirl mode over Zelda’s outfit, especially the Louboutin stilettos she was wearing. The shoes were an echo of elegance, combining finesse and an audacious curve. The pointed-tie revealed open-cuts designed so that the multi black satin bands formed a knot in the instep. The stiletto heel was adorned with spikes and Samurai laser striped straps. To say they were fierce looking would an an understatement. She had to give it to the Shifter Whisperer, the woman had excellent taste. No wonder Camille and Symone were so infatuated with her. Cecelia knew it was serious when Cami offered up some of her cookies. The woman never shared her cookies with anyone.

  While Cecelia loved a sexy shoe as much as the next girl, she was more intrigued by Claire’s visions. She couldn’t help wondering whether or not the woman could see into the future. If she could confirm Dillen would come back okay, maybe she could relax a little. Did she dare ask? I mean seriously, she barely knew the woman. But before she had a chance to ask, a bolt of lightning appeared from out of nowhere and made a bullseye out of Camille’s ass. Literally.

  “Hey, that hurt dammit! All I said was that Cecelia missed her calling and should’ve been a baker instead of a necromancer. Is it my fault you guys can’t get your shit together?” Camille exclaimed.

  “Will you never learn?” Symone asked, as she fanned the flames surrounding Camille’s ass.

  “Obviously not,” Scroogess quickly replied.

  “Been there and experienced that sister,” Sassy said, as she rubbed her ass in sympathy, causing everyone to laugh.

  “It’s good to know that I’m not the only one they pick on,” Camille replied, and she offered Sassy a cookie.

  “Thanks! I could use a little pick me up.”

  Cecelia was tired and ready to go home. Her heart and head felt like it had been on the roller coaster ride from hell and it was only getting worse. She hated roller coasters. While Camille‘s antics had released some of the tension in the room, it was short-lived.

  Unable to avoid the terseness is in her voice, Cecelia said, “We need to get started now, if we’re going to bring Dillen back from the dead.” Although they were implied, she left off the words... before it’s too late.

  “Sorry,” Camille replied.

  “Dillen’s not dead. He’s stuck in limbo by an evil witch,” Claire countered, matter of fact.

  “I don’t understand. Then, why am I here?” Cecelia asked.

  “Because if what I’ve seen in my visions is true, then Ariel is right. You’re the only one who can bring your mate back. He’s in danger and needs your help,” Claire said in a soothing voice.

  Cecelia was still confused and unsure as to what in the hell was going on. So, instead of arguing with the Seer, she nodded in agreement and explained what they’d need to perform the spell. Once this was all over and Dillen was back where he belonged, she planned to go home, take a long hot bath, and try to forget about the last twenty-four hours including Dillen.

  “What will you need, Cecelia?” Ariel asked. It was obvious she was ready to get this show on the road.

  Camille spoke up before Cecelia could reply. “We need one pint of goat’s blood and one cup of well sifted sand.”

  Cecelia was grateful Camille had refocused her attention back on the task at hand. But if what Claire said was true, then goat’s blood and a little sand weren’t going to do the trick. She turned, smiled at her friend, and said, “Not today, Cami. I’m afraid that won’t be enough.”

  The two women had a silent conversation of their own before Camille nodded in agreement. “Strike that. We’ll need a black mirror, three black candles, an Azan flower, a pink candle, some rocks, pebbles or sticks, wooden matches, something of the deceased since we don’t have a grave, and faith. Lots and lots of faith.”

  Cecelia was surprised by the ease at which everyone prepared to help. They didn’t balk at any of Camille’s or her requests. They simply prepared to do Dillen’s bidding, which she was eternally grateful for in the end. Mesmerized by the flurry of activity taking place around her, she hadn’t noticed Claire approaching her.

  “I don’t know Dillen very well, but never doubt his love for you. You’ll need it to bring him home. I did that with Jasper and almost lost him. Don’t’ make the same mistake,” the Seer said before walking away.

  How had she known? Cecelia thought, a little dumbfounded by the woman’s ability to read her thoughts.

  When everything had been collected, she asked them to join her in a circle. Normally, Cecelia would have drawn a pentagram over the grave, but there wasn’t one because Ariel had refused to have a service. Not to mention, there was no body, which still left Cecelia a little perplexed. It seemed as though one minute Ariel had been holding her brother’s lifeless body in her arms on the battlefield and the next, it had disappeared. Only, no one knew where to. There were so many things that could go wrong given they had no body, no grave, and a dead man who wasn’t really dead, at least according to Claire. While on all accounts, the situation made no sense to her or anyone else in the room, it was yet just another typical day in Bass Ackwards, Tennessee. If that’s what one would consider a typical day. It all depended on one’s perspective. And right now, hers needed to be on point.

  Once everyone was seated, Cecelia explained that the spell could only be said once. If it worked, a strong gale of wind would blow out each of the candles and Dillen would return. If not, then they would need to try another night because trying twice on the same night was forbidden. In addition, there was a possibility that instead of Dillen coming back, they would summon his spirit instead, which would either protect them or haunt them for the rest of their days. The
y were already taking a risk given that there was a New Moon. She needed everyone to focus because the last thing they wanted to bring back was an evil spirit.

  Then, she handed one black candle to Zoe, Zara and Zelda. She handed another to Ariel, Claire and Sophie. The final black candle went to Camille, Symone and Scroogess. Fabio and Zeva had created a shield to protect the circle from unwanted spirits and the rest of the crew protected the outer circle like always. The pink candle was a symbol of her love for Dillen, so Cecelia held it close to her heart and sent up a quick prayer to the Goddess that everything would work out. Each candle was lit with a wooden match in the order they were received with Cecelia’s being the last. Taking in a deep breath, she began chanting the spell.

  Oh Goddess on high,

  Hear our plea,

  For he who is lost, must now be found,

  Allow thou who sleeps in stone and clay,

  To heed this call by rising up to obey,

  Cecelia felt the moment the Heavens opened up. When the wind picked up and began swirling above, she concentrated harder. She needed each candle to blow out in order Dillen to return. She would not fail him now.

  Take our luck and spin it round,

  Bring him back, he must be found,

  Once he trecks through the mortal door,

  Allow his flesh to assemble and walk once more,

  “It’s working,” Ariel screamed. “Please. Keep going.”

  Three times three,

  So mote it be!

  Everyone watched, as the candle Zelda, Zoe and Zara were holding blew out. Ariel, Claire and Sophie’s candle was next. In the blink of an eye, Camille, Symone and Scroogess’s candle was no longer lit. The only candle remaining was Cecelia’s, but nothing was happening.

  “Say the spell again,” Ariel pleaded.

  “I can’t. It’s forbidden,” Cecelia replied with a sob.

  “If you love my brother, and he’s truly your mate, then you’ll say the damn spell again. We’ve come too far to stop now. Help us save him. Please.”

  “She’s right,” Claire said. “He’s close. I can feel it, but we’re running out of time. It’s now or never. We all need to say the spell. Trust me. If we don’t, Dillen will be lost forever.”

  Against her better judgement, but determined to bring Dillen home, Cecelia began chanting again. Only this time, everyone joined in.

  Oh Goddess on high,

  Hear our plea,

  For he who is lost, must now be found,

  Allow thou who sleeps in stone and clay,

  To heed this call by rising up to obey,

  Once again, the wind picked up, which made it difficult to hear. The doors and windows of the old farmhouse rattled but they would not be deterred.

  Take our luck and spin it round,

  Bring him back, he must be found,

  Once he trecks through the mortal door,

  Allow his flesh to assemble and walk once more,

  Three times three,

  So mote it be!

  As the last words of the spell were spoken, a loud pop occurred in the room and Cecelia’s candle blew out.

  “Incoming!” Fabio yelled.


  Dillen turned and glared at Bertie. “Did you have to be so mean? It was an honest accident.”

  “Okay. I’ll admit that I might have overreacted just a little, but in all fairness look at your clothes Dillen. They’re a mess. I’m mortified that one of my servants was so clumsy.”

  “Stop deflecting Bertie. You overreacted and you know it, but that’s not what concerns me the most. The young lady was terrified of you. Why? What’s going on here?”

  Bertie smiled and waved her hands as if she didn’t have a care in the world. In a singsong voice she said, “Dillen. Sweetheart. I assure you nothing is going on here. What you see is what you get. You believe me, don’t you?”

  Dillen wasn’t the least bit fooled by Bertie’s seductive smile. Something wasn’t right here and he was bound and determined to get to the bottom of it. “Cut the crap Bertie and tell me where we really are. Why are the servants terrified of you? Why am I here? Why are you wearing a wedding dress for Goddess’s sake? More importantly, how do I get home?”

  He watched as her seductive smile was quickly replaced with anger. He didn’t care. He wanted answers and he wanted them now. He had a family and a mate to get back to. It seemed the more he pushed for answers, the more Bertie revealed her true self and from what he’d seen so far, it wasn’t pretty.

  Dillen could tell that Bertie was done with all the questions and games. She stood, slammed her hands on the table and yelled right in his face. “Why does everyone want to leave me? Don’t I deserve love? Am I not worthy enough?” When he didn’t immediately respond, she gritted her teeth and growled, “Answer me.”

  Rubbing his hands through his hair, he still wasn’t sure how everything had gone to hell in a handbasket so fast. One minute, they were enjoying a nice meal and the next, the woman in front of him had turned into Bridezilla. He needed to calm down and put this train back on the tracks before it completely derailed.

  “Look, I told you from the beginning that I’m in love with someone else. Cecelia means everything to me and that’s not going to change. Ever.”

  “Are you so sure about that, Dillen?” Bertie laughed, maniacally. “If your precious Cecelia means so much to you, then where is she now? It’s obvious you need her help to get home.”

  Before Dillen could reply, the wind picked up and the ground began to shake. He watched as the servants ran for cover and the pergola started slowly ripping apart, piece by piece. But that’s not what fascinated him the most. It seemed none of this even fazed Bertie. She was still ranting and raving how she would make him pay for hurting her, which was crazy. Crazy because he hadn’t done a damn thing to the psychotic woman. He also realized that there were more people in this garden than he had originally thought. Where did they all come from? Did they have homes nearby? He really needed to catch up with one of them. Maybe then, he’d get some answers to all his questions.

  Bertie’s scream pulled him out of his thoughts. When he turned to see what all the fuss was about, he realized they were about to be crushed by the pergola. The damn thing was being ripped to shreds by the wind. When Bertie screamed again, his protective instincts kicked in. One minute he was standing on the other side of the table and the next, he was tackling the maniacal woman like a linebacker so the damn pergola wouldn’t crush her. He watched in horror, as the remaining structure swayed and then crumbled to the left, as they rolled to the right. A few seconds later, the ground opened up and swallowed it whole.

  When Dillen raised his head to see if Bertie was alright, he got the shock of his life. The once beautiful temptress no longer existed. Her creamy, porcelain skin was now an artic-white and glistened in the dark, as the sun slowly disappeared. Her luscious, silky hair was straggly and chaotic. The maniacal look in her eyes burned with anger and madness. Her teeth were as sharp as a shark’s fin. Like the agile lion he was, Dillen quickly leapt to his feet.

  “What the hell are you?”

  Bertie slowly stood, flipped her straggly, lackluster hair back and smiled. “Why Dillen, I’m your bride. You said so yourself. Can’t you tell? My friends call me Bertie, but my enemies call me Bridezilla,” she roared. “And I’ve chosen you to be my mate forever, and ever, and ever,” she announced, letting out another maniacal laugh that grated on his last nerve.

  “The hell you say. I’ve told you once and I’ll tell you again. I belong to another and it’s not your crazy ass. I’m not sure what hell hole you crawled out of, but it’s time for you crawl back in it.”

  “Aw, Dillen. You say the sweetest things,” Bertie cooed.

  Before he could make his escape, the wind picked up again. He watched as the Earth split right down the middle; thereby, separating him from his new nemesis. Unsure of which direction to retreat, he was relieved when two of Bertie’s servant
s grabbed his arm and dragged him back to the water fountain. He wasn’t sure if they were friend or foe, but the lion in him had decided they were the lesser of two evils. Unfortunately, before they could reach the fountain, Bertie had managed to block their path. They all stopped mid-stride. Looking around at their remaining options, the warrior in him decided that it was time to prepare for battle. But before Dillen could shift, he was struck by a bolt of lightning so strong that it almost knocked him unconscious.

  Desperate to be anywhere other than where he was, Dillen tried to stand, only to fail. His knees buckled, as his hands grabbed his chest. Although he was positive the bolt of lightning had missed him by several inches, he didn’t understand why his chest felt like it was on fire. When he finally looked down, he was shocked to discover a gaping hole the size of Mount Rushmore. At first, he had no idea where it had come from. He hadn’t been in a fight with anyone. Then, he remembered the battle with Paimon and how his soldier had stabbed him in the chest.

  Does this mean I’ve broken Bertie’s spell and I’m finally moving on to my next great adventure? Will I never get to tell Cecelia that I love her? Will I never see my sister again?

  Overwhelmed by the pain, sorrow, and anger at the mere of thought of never seeing his loved ones again, Dillen let out a roar that shattered the water fountain in front of them. When he finally looked up, he noticed several things. Like Bertie’s face, the garden was simply a façade. It was no longer beautiful and bursting with vibrant colors. Instead, it was cold and dark. Everything in it was dead, including the young man and woman trying to help him. While he’d never seen one up close and personal, he swore they looked like zombies.

  How in the hell did I end up with a bunch of zombies? Am I destined to turn into one? How could I have been so stupid to fall for this façade?

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Bertie asked. Once again, pulling him out of his thoughts. “I’m not done with you yet, my pet.”


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