Covert Game

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Covert Game Page 14

by Christine Feehan

  "Go in?" she echoed faintly.

  He gave her another small, reassuring smile. "I'm hell on wheels as a surgeon, baby, and that's me bragging, pounding my chest and acting like an egomaniac just to impress you."

  She couldn't help but laugh. They were in the air. The cars were sitting on the ground, watching them go. For the first time since she'd been taken prisoner by Cheng, she felt absolute relief.



  ino and his fellow GhostWalkers had brought clothes for Zara with them from the embassy. Just a long skirt Gino had approved, one that wouldn't rub over the bruises or lacerations. He hadn't bothered to have them find shoes for her--her feet were far too damaged. She dressed on the plane with his help and he did his best to be a gentleman, an impersonal doctor, but he knew he failed miserably. Her top was cotton, a thin material that buttoned down the front. There was no underwear, but she didn't seem to care, acting grateful for something to wear other than a sheet.

  He'd been careful to keep her covered with that sheet whenever anyone else entered her room. He told himself it was because no woman wanted strangers, even doctors, to see her naked when she was unaware, but he knew it was because he felt possessive of her. That was new for him and unexpected. He'd spent five days and nights with her now, taking care of her every need and instead of being bored out of his mind, or done with the entire business, he craved more time with her.

  Her breasts moved under the thin material of her blouse, drawing his attention. That wasn't supposed to happen, not when they had a long ride home from the airport. Gino didn't believe for one minute that Whitney would give Zara up. That meant they'd most likely get hit on the way home. Ezekiel and Draden poured over a map of the area, so they could take alternate routes. They also called for some of the other members of the team to meet them halfway and escort them home. He couldn't be thinking about Zara's body when they might get hit at any moment.

  Gino didn't tell Zara any of that. She was floating a little, looking out the window at the landscape as they rushed past. She leaned into him, her head on his shoulder, her eyes searching his face.

  "You're beautiful," she said, touching the dimple at the side of his mouth.

  "You're a little out of it," Gino told her, but he didn't remove her fingers, now stroking gently over the dimple and tracing scars that dissected the heavy shadow on his jaw. Her fingers felt like a caress. He should move them. He should move her altogether away from him since his body was beginning to give him a really hard time--literally. At first, he just ached. Now his cock hurt like a son of a bitch, but that didn't matter as much as having her head on his shoulder did.

  Every time she took a breath, those breasts moved. That wasn't something he was eager to share with his fellow GhostWalkers. He had the urge to cover her up, but he knew he would take the worst razzing of his life. It was going to be bad if the looks he was getting from Draden and Zeke meant anything. Rubin and Diego rarely talked, but he caught them looking once and gave them the death stare. Rubin returned a faint grin; Diego rolled his eyes.

  "Isn't he beautiful?" Zara persisted dreamily, looking at the two men seated opposite her.

  "Yes, ma'am," Rubin said. "We say that very thing to each other every day."

  "And so sweet."

  Gino wondered if he leaned forward and took her breast into his mouth right there, right through the thin material of her blouse, if she'd still think he was sweet. Probably. She'd most likely cradle his head to her chest and he'd be lost. He had to get a grip.

  "We were just talkin' about how sweet Gino is the other day, weren't we, Draden?" Ezekiel chimed in, looking up from the map.

  "Keep it up," Gino warned. "None of you will wake up tomorrow. At least, if you do, body parts will be missing."

  Zara's lashes fluttered and a ghost of a smile curved her lips, bringing attention to her mouth. He wanted to groan when his cock pushed hard against the material of his jeans. It was much more difficult to control his body when he'd never had a problem with that before. She had that lower lip that just begged to be sucked--or bitten.

  "Woman, don't encourage them." He growled the order at Zara and was rewarded when her smile went from small to a little bigger. That smile could stop men in their tracks. Maybe even stop wars. He'd walk through fire for one of those real smiles.

  Zara leaned into him, her body melting into his. Her head found his neck and nestled there. Yeah, she was floating and he didn't care. He'd take whatever he could get. He'd made sure he was the one to see to her every need. He carried her to the bathroom, her slender arms around his neck, her face buried in his neck out of embarrassment, but he'd shut that down with a few harsh commands. Still, he'd done it enough times that she was beginning to joke a little when he took her.

  She couldn't stand on her feet yet, at least not without a lot of pain, and Zeke agreed with him that the tendons were damaged. He didn't give her underwear because of the whip lacerations. The long skirt hid everything. The blouse should have but didn't, mostly because he was very aware she wasn't wearing a bra. He tried to be a gentleman and not notice the shadow of the curves beneath the thin material, but it was difficult when his mind seemed consumed with her. Now, his body was all too aware of her as well.

  He kept her close to him not just there on the seat, but in every other situation, on the long plane ride from Shanghai, to the Louisiana airport and now in the car heading for their final destination--the fortresses they were building in and around the swamp.

  Drone flying overhead. About two miles out. Looks to be heading your way. I can take it out in about two minutes.

  That was Mordichai. He was good with a sniper rifle. Ezekiel had alerted the home team that they were coming in, most likely hot, with the enemy on their heels. They knew they'd be ambushed. It was only a matter of where, not if. Whitney was full of shit, telling the major general that he would leave Zara to them if the GhostWalker team rescued her. He'd make his try before they got home, hoping his supersoldiers could take on a smaller force.

  Take it out, Ezekiel ordered. Trap? Cayenne? You spot anyone in the surrounding swamp?

  As always, Ezekiel sounded calm, almost serene. He could explode into action in a heartbeat, but never seemed that way until it was too late. He didn't sound tense, not even confined in a car with a small team and Zara. They liked to be out in the night where they did their work under the cover of darkness--not to say they couldn't do the same work in daylight hours.

  Took out three of Whitney's supersoldiers, Trap reported. They're armored. You'll have to go for the throat to kill them. These men are souped-up. I'm talking really revved, Zeke.

  Of course Trap would give the report. Cayenne rarely talked to anyone but her man. Sometimes to the women. Mostly she observed.

  Look alive, gentlemen, Ezekiel warned them all. We're about to enter the party zone.

  Drop me, Draden said.

  The car slowed. Adam Cox had picked them up at the airport. He had been one of Whitney's soldiers, but he hadn't liked what the man was doing to the women. He had come after Bellisia but hadn't returned to the fold. He stayed to work with the GhostWalkers. The car was back in motion immediately.

  Could have eyes on us, Ezekiel warned.

  Not for long, Mordichai said.

  They didn't hear the shot, but they saw the drone fall from the sky just ahead of them. The car came to a rolling stop and Draden was out and running into the swamp. The man could run for miles and not get winded.

  Gino was better outside the car. They all knew it. Ezekiel looked at him but didn't order him out, which was a good thing. Gino didn't know if he would obey the order or not.

  "Best chance is me outside, princess. We're about to be attacked. Whitney's looking to reacquire you. We knew that would happen and we're prepared, but I can serve us better outside the car. You okay with that?"

  Zara's long lashes lifted and she looked right into his eyes. He could read fear there. She sat up very slowly. "Just let me ou
t. They'll come for me."

  Gino shook his head. "He doesn't get you."

  "I have a virus in me anyway."

  "One I can remove," Gino pointed out. "You stay. This is our best chance, but I want you on board with the decision. I'm not deserting you, I'm trying to help save you."

  Her gaze searched his for several long moments and then she slowly inclined her head. The movement was barely perceptible. He was very reluctant to leave her, but he glanced at Ezekiel and nodded. At once he could feel the car beginning to lose speed again.

  He caught Zara around the nape of the neck and pulled her close to him. "You stay close to Zeke. I'll come for you in a few minutes." Before she could say a word, he settled his lips over hers. The moment he did, his heart went crazy. A roaring started in his ears. Loud. Taking away his hearing. Robbing him of all his senses with the exception of feeling.

  He felt far too much. He'd kissed a lot of women. It had never been his favorite thing, but he gave them that. Kissing seemed intimate--too intimate to give to one-night stands, but if they expected it, he gave that to them. Kissing Zara was something altogether different. His heart pounded. His stomach somersaulted. Heat exploded through his body, rushed through his veins until he thought he might burn in hell for all time. Maybe one burned in paradise, because kissing Zara was something he could do for a lifetime.

  Ezekiel cleared his throat, and Gino instantly lifted his head. He set her on the leather seat, and let her go abruptly because otherwise he was certain he wouldn't be able to do it. The car slowed to that snail's pace and the door swung open. Gino dove out, rolled to his feet and slipped into the swamp. The car--with his woman inside--moved ahead without him.

  There was a rhythm to the swamp, and over the last few months, Gino had become accustomed to it. He knew the sounds, the way the insects droned, the slight rustle of leaves as mice, shrew and other little rodents scurried along the floor, scavenging for food. He had learned to become part of it, to pass through the swamp without disturbing any of the creatures. He did so now, moving fast, listening as he went, allowing the animal DNA in his body to tell him where the enemy might be hiding in wait.

  He came across a dead body. Draden's work. He kept going, keeping his passing as silent as possible. He felt at home in the swamp. Anywhere outdoors. When he was inside, he felt confined, trapped. Most nights he slept outside, on the roof, on the porch, wherever he couldn't be easily spotted. How was that going to translate to having a woman? A woman like the one he needed? One that needed taking care of.

  He knew most people would say that wasn't a partnership, but for him, it was. Already, Zara gave him a sense of a purpose. Of home. Of affection. To him, giving attention and care was showing love. It didn't matter if others thought his particular needs were fucked-up. He was fine in his own skin. He hadn't thought he'd find the perfect woman, but Zara fit with him. He didn't know what she'd be like when the threat to her was over, but for now, she fit him.

  He wanted--even needed--his woman dependent on him. He wanted her looking forward to his coming home because the things he did for her, no one else would ever do. He wanted to wrap her up in a silken cocoon and give her everything she ever could need or want. He needed her world to be him. He hadn't thought such a thing was possible until he'd met Cayenne and had seen her with Trap. She didn't see anyone else. He wanted that for himself. Cayenne was a warrior woman, but still, that aside, Gino wanted his woman looking at him the way Cayenne looked at Trap.

  The attack came from his left, but he'd known the soldier was there, waiting, hunched down in the brush. He'd felt his energy, a large mass that didn't belong in the swamp. The man exploded into action, leaping toward Gino, hoping to overwhelm him with a blitz attack. He had both hands on his semiautomatic, swinging the weapon in front of him as he came at Gino, his face a mask of determination.

  Gino hurled the knife on the move, not slowing his run, his stride exact. The snap of his wrist as he threw the blade added power. The knife was one of his favorites, perfectly balanced, and he hated to lose it, but he didn't have time to retrieve it, not with Zara's freedom hanging in the balance. He had a gut feeling that if Whitney couldn't reacquire Zara, he would have her killed. He didn't know why he felt that way, but his instincts were usually right.

  Zeke, left my favorite knife in an asshole's throat. Want it back if possible.

  I'll tell the cleaners.


  He was coming up on another one. He timed his steps, veered to his right, throwing the knife underhanded, but using the same hard wrist action that always assured the blade would go in accurately, deep, and do the most damage. The big soldier took several steps and then went to his knees, shock spreading across his face.

  Whitney's men were armored under their skin. They didn't last long. He used rejects from his GhostWalker program for the most part. The men couldn't stand up psychologically to the enhancements. They went downhill fast. Whitney had changed up his experiments, moving into trying new things, like body armor. That had sped up the deterioration of his supersoldiers.

  Found their nest Mordichai reported. Four waiting about one click from your position, Zeke. You're heading toward them fast. Two spread out just ahead of the nest, two behind it. Gino, you're clear. Draden took out the others.

  Where one of the others might have joked about not leaving any behind for the rest to be in on the fun, Draden rarely said anything. He just got rid of the enemy and left their bodies where they fell.

  Gino, you're coming up on the two just in front of the nest. Draden's taking out the two from behind. Malichai is with me and we're going to take the four in the nest.

  It's too damn easy, Zeke said. Look for a vehicle. These are his sacrifices. Find the real threat.

  The shots rang out over the swamp. Four in rapid succession. Mordichai didn't have to report that they'd hit their targets, all of them knew they had. Gino nearly ran right into the first soldier waiting in ambush for him. He was hidden in a patch of elderberry bushes. He came up fast, reaching for Gino, determined to get his hands on him. Gino took several steps to the right, unable to get a good angle on the soldier.

  It was useless to waste ammunition on him. Unless he managed to get a throat shot, there would be no putting him down. The soldiers were slow, but immensely strong. He felt the energy of the second soldier just before the bastard plowed into him. He hit with the force of a freight train, knocking Gino straight at the other soldier.

  The first soldier caught him in a bear hug, squeezing hard, turning him so his partner could stab him with a knife. Gino used his feet, planting both boots' soles hard into the oncoming soldier's chest. He used his enhanced strength, driving the man away from him, hoping to crush through the armor plate, but knowing it wasn't going to happen.

  Using his speed and strength and the force, he continued his momentum, pushing off the soldier's chest and flipping over him, wrenching his arms free as he did so. He landed on the soldier's back, took his head in a firm grip and jerked. There was an audible crack. He landed behind the dead man and held him in place as a shield to take the barrage of bullets.

  Simultaneously, over the head of the remaining soldier, he saw the silk of a spider web descending from the tree surrounding them. One of the thick gnarled branches glistened with silken strands, the anchor for the silky rope snaking down toward the soldier. It wasn't alone. More lines were cast. Gino couldn't help but admire the way Cayenne threw the silk. She was an expert at it.

  The first looped around the soldier's neck, never once touching his skin, so he had no idea he was in any kind of peril. The second dropped over the barrel of his semiautomatic at precisely the same time she pulled the first one tight. The silk, stronger than any steel, tightened around the enemy's vulnerable throat and he was dragged upward, off his feet, as the second line stripped the gun from him.

  Gino dropped the soldier he'd killed and turned toward the road. Are we clear? Thanks, Cayenne. Always admire the way you use that s

  Whitney had never conceived that his creations, once out of the lab, might turn on him. Cayenne had been scheduled for termination. They'd always been afraid of her, but Trap had sprung her loose and now she was with the other GhostWalkers. In a fight, she was invaluable. Silent. Deadly. Just what they needed.

  Don't like this, Ezekiel said. Stay away from the car, Gino. I think ...

  The sound of an explosion rocked the night. Gino swore and turned back toward the sound. What the hell, Mordichai?

  His heart accelerated with every step he took. Calm and cool deserted him completely. That hadn't happened since he was a kid with his family falling all around him. He realized, in that moment, as he ran back toward the car, he'd already let Zara in. Somehow. Someway. That damned fast. She was in. She was his.

  Has to be a drone. They fired from a mile or more out.

  Find the fucking thing and get rid of it, he ordered. He leapt over a fallen, rotting tree trunk and stopped himself from bursting out onto the road.

  The car was surrounded. The road was gone in front of the car, leaving a gaping hole where it had been. No one moved. The soldiers couldn't get into the car, and Ezekiel wouldn't hand Zara over to them.


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