The Countess

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The Countess Page 16

by Lisa Doughty

  Cordelia laughed uncomfortably. Good lord, this could turn out to be a disaster! Roth was watching their approach with an unwavering stare. He said something to Lady Esme, but did not take his eyes off of them as he spoke to her. His features were expressionless as they approached, but Cordelia sensed fury just under the surface.

  “Hardly, your grace. In my line of work, I have learned the art of avoiding such gentleman. Lord Roth is merely here to escort his sister. He has been bored to tears since his arrival, I dare say!” She laughed, feigning confidence.

  “That is good to hear, Lady Cromwell, but I wish to offer my protection should you need it. I want you to know that.”

  “I am honored, your grace. I hope this concern will not infect your opinion of his sister. She has nothing to do with her brother’s reputation, nor is it her fault that he is here. He is a tad overprotective of her,” she said, concerned.

  “Overprotective, you say? That hardly fits with what I have heard about the man.”

  “Rumors can be cruel, your grace, and are usually greatly exaggerated. Lord Roth has been nothing but a gentleman to my guests since he arrived,” At least that much was true. “Maybe it would be prudent to make your own a judgment. Of both Lord Roth and his sister.”

  “Certainly, I have often been the butt of gossip and loathe the whole business. Of course, you are right.”

  Cordelia was relieved that the Duke was willing to be open minded about Lady Esme, despite what he’s heard about the Marquess. She smiled at him and tried to pull her arm away, but the Duke would not let go. Was this a power play for Lord Roth’s benefit? Did he want Roth to know she was under his protection? Cordelia groaned inwardly, as she curtsied to Roth and Lady Esme.

  “Lord Roth, Lady Drayson, may I present his grace, the Duke of Hanover, Lord Beaufort.”

  “Your grace,” Roth bowed.

  “A pleasure, your grace,” Esme said demurely, with a curtsy.

  Roth’s eyes returned to Cordelia. She gave him a tentative smile, but it did not seem to help his scowl. Cordelia tried to remove her arm from the Duke’s again, and this time he let her. What she wouldn’t give to have her hat or parasol to hide behind!

  “Roth, you are the last person I expected to see here. I thought you rarely left town,” the Duke commented, in a slightly condescending tone.

  “Hardly, your grace. Why, I have an estate that I visit often not twenty miles from here,” Roth replied, flatly.

  “My brother has a fondness for horses, your grace. He frequently escapes to the country to ride for endless hours,” Lady Esme added.

  “Is that so? Do you like to ride as well, Lady Drayson?” The Duke asked Esme ignoring Lord Roth and her.

  “As often as I can, your grace, I find it a most pleasant diversion.” Esme gave him a demure smile.

  Cordelia recognized the look on the Duke’s face as he stared at Lady Esme. Pride swelled, as her prediction came to fruition before her eyes. She looked at Roth triumphantly, expecting to see him humbled, but he looked even more furious than before. She pinched her brows together in confusion and starting to get angry herself. She caught his eye, then glanced at the Duke and his sister, willing him to pay attention. He could not possibly be upset about the introduction! He just stared at her his expression steadfast. Cordelia became frustrated and angry. What an arrogant arse! She turned back to the couple, ignoring him.

  “How wonderful! I too enjoy a ride, although my stables would no doubt seem inadequate in comparison to the Duke’s or the Marquess’. I would love to arrange a ride for us. There is a lovely waterfall just to the west of Middleton Park. It makes for an enjoyable destination,” Cordelia suggested, with enthusiasm.

  “That would be lovely!” Lady Esme matched Cordelia’s verve, then pulled back. “That is, of course, if his grace is willing?”

  “A capital suggestion,” he answered not taking his eyes off Esme. “Roth?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it,” he answered flatly, and Esme narrowed her eyes at her brother.

  “Then I shall make arrangements for tomorrow morning, say eleven?” To Cordelia’s relief, everyone agreed. She was on pins and needles being this close to Roth. She simply could not gauge his mood. What to do now? She should excuse herself and let Roth chaperone his sister. After all, that was why he was here. She opened her mouth to make an excuse to leave, when Lord Roth beat her to it.

  “If you will all excuse me, I have a few correspondences I need to put in this afternoon’s post. Esme, I will see you at luncheon.” He bowed. “Your grace, Lady Cromwell.” After another round of bows and curtsies, he left without a word.

  “Do you enjoy lawn bowling, your grace?” Lady Esme asked.

  “On occasion, if I have a worthy adversary,” the Duke replied, with his usual charm.

  “Oh, are you any good?” Esme challenged, and the Duke laughed.

  “Are you?” he answered, taking the bait.

  “There is only one way to find out…,” Esme retorted, confidently.

  “To play?”

  “To wager,” Esme answered with an attractive sardonic smile. The Duke raised his eyebrows.

  “Then lead the way, my lady,” he stated, with a wave.

  Lady Esme readjusted her parasol once the Duke fell in step next to her. She used it to covertly shield them from the rest of the guests. Cordelia followed appreciating Esme’s skill with the accessory although at this point she felt like an intruder. To her pleasant surprise, the Duke had forgotten about her.

  “What shall wager?” the Duke asked. His hands clasped behind his back as he regarded Esme. Cordelia saw him make a fist, perhaps in hopeful anticipation of her answer.

  “You can choose, your grace, I hardly know what would be appropriate,” Esme answered, and looked away unassumingly. She took a deep breath, drawing the Duke’s eyes down to her charms. “I am sure there is nothing I possess that you do not already have.”

  Cordelia smiled. The last thing Lady Esme needed was her help! As expected, she was doing very well on her own. As soon as they settled into the game, she would excuse herself and let the nature take its course. It was then that she realized their association would be over. A stab of melancholy hit her. She had to admit that it had been exciting having Lord Roth to spar with, even if the man consistently kept her off balance.

  Cordelia settled herself to the side of the bowling green, waiting for an appropriate time to excuse herself. A footman carrying a silver tray appeared with a missive.

  “Thank you, Frankie,” she said, as she took the unfolded paper from the tray.

  Be in your study in five minutes, or I will be out directly to carry you there.


  Cordelia’s stomach jumped into her throat. Good lord, adrenaline started flowing through her veins. He was angry about something! Was it because she had left him last night? Or, that she had introduced his sister to the Duke? It could be anything. How dare he summon her like a servant! Threatening with humiliation, no less! The arrogant cad, true to form as ever.

  Cordelia knew he would follow through on his threat. How could he even think of embarrassing his sister in front of the Duke in such a way? What would everyone think if he were to come storming out on the lawn? It would be the exact disaster she had predicted. He had left her no choice. She would have to go to him. Cordelia checked to be sure everyone was settled. The Duke and Lady Esme were whispering to each other. The rest of the world could have been on fire, and Cordelia doubted they would notice.

  “If you will excuse me, your grace, Lady Drayson, I am called to the house.”

  Esme curtsied in her direction, but the Duke barely noticed. Cordelia’s heart started pounding in her chest as she made her way to the east entrance, the one closest to her study.

  Chapter 27

  The study doors were closed when she approached. Whatever was bothering Lord Roth he did not want it overheard. Cordelia gulped. He was in there waiting for her, alone. Her nerves started getting the better of h
er. Why did this man knock her so off balance? She tried to remember that she was angry at being summoned and threatened.

  She dismissed the footmen standing by the door. The last thing she needed was for this conversation to be overheard. She took a deep breath, put her hand on the knob, then turned it.

  When she stepped through, her arm was yanked forward propelling her into the room, and the door shut and locked. Roth pinned her against the door. He was so close she could smell his scent, that unique scent that was expressly him. Her heart raced away from her.

  “Just what do you think you are doing, Cordelia?” he hissed, his face close to hers.

  Her eyes darted between his, confused by his question. In them, she saw his fury. And desire. Butterflies took flight, as her eyes dropped to his lips involuntarily. He leaned in, their bodies almost touching. The urge to close the gap and kiss him was overwhelming. Would he let her? Why was he so angry? Would he overpower her, take her, if she did? The raw strength radiating from him both scared her and excited her at the same time.

  “I…I do not understand, my lord?”

  “Rhys. Call me Rhys, and I will call you Cordelia. I am on a first name basis with all the women I fuck. Or, in your case, who fuck me,” he hissed, his hot angry breath searing her lips. White hot heat shot down to her sex. She tried to concentrate on his words, but he was so close. His angry words did not frighten her. Somehow she knew he would not hurt her. No, she could feel the passion building behind his words and could feel the heat starting to swirl inside.

  “We have never…”

  “Oh, yes we have, and you well know it. I may not have been inside you…yet…but there are many ways to get fucked by someone.” His hips brushed hers, and she could feel his arousal. With a moan, she grabbed his jacket to pull him to her. His mouth curled into a sardonic smile at her reaction. “You wish to use me to tease your Duke?”

  “What!” That question knocked her out of her haze. What was he accusing her of now? The Duke only had eyes for his sister! Any imbecile could see that! She let go of his jacket and pushed his shoulders. That he would think such a thing! The self-centered, self-absorbed….she didn’t know what! “How dare you think I…”

  “I am no young buck you can trifle with, Cordelia. If you insist on treating me like these children you entertain, then I shall return the favor.”

  “Oh! You would think that, wouldn’t you! Let me go! You have no right…”

  “I have every right! You came to me, remember. You might as well learn right now I am not one to be toyed with.”

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the settee as he yanked off his cravat. Cordelia struggled to free her wrist from his grip.

  “Unhand me this instant!” she demanded angrily, but wasn’t afraid, only becoming angrier by the moment.

  He jerked the cravat from his neck. Her chest slammed into his when he pulled her around, wrenching her arm behind her back. Before she could guess his intent, he took her other hand and tied them together.

  “Just what do you think you are doing?” she demanded, as she struggled to get away. Her belly fluttered with excitement. What was he going to do to her?

  “I’m going to teach you a valuable lesson. This is what happens to little girls who tease men.”

  After he tightened the cravat around her wrists, he leaned in, and she thought he was going to kiss her. Instead, he sat, and put her over his lap. Immediately, his intentions became clear. He meant to spank her! She started to struggle harder, but he easily held her down, putting a hand around her wrists at her back, and a heavy leg over her ankles pinning her down.

  “You have no right to treat me like this! Let me up this instant!”

  “So you can run away again? Hardly! You will learn your lesson here and now.”

  Cordelia felt her skirt lifted, then thrown over her back, and covering her head. She knew he could see everything, her thin lace pantaloons, and silk stockings, tied with matching blue ribbons hiding nothing. Furious and embarrassed, she groaned and struggled to get free, but his grip only tightened.

  “Be still, or this will be far worse for you.”

  She should cry out but could not decide whether being discovered like this would be more humiliating than what he was about to do. At least no one would know but him. She tried to reason with him.

  “I have done nothing to deserve this! Unhand me!” she demanded.

  “Oh, you’ve done nothing you say? Then what was last night, pray tell? A selfish indulgence?” He threw her words back at her.

  “No more than what you did to me in the closet!”

  “I did not prance you in front of my lover the next day, now did I?”

  His hand came down on her ass with a whack. She flinched. It stung, but the pain was not intolerable. She was surprised that it did not hurt worse, but she would not let him know it.

  “Alright. You have had your fun. Now let me go!” she spat.

  “I have just begun, Cordelia. I intend to take my pleasure on your beautiful little arse and watch you submit to the pleasure I am giving you. Then we will see if you wish to return to your Duke.”

  “What? Wait!” she exclaimed. Pleasure, was he mad?

  His hand came down on her again. This time, it was closer to her the junction of her thigh. Delicious vibrations rippled through her sex. She arched her back and yipped in surprise. Why did this feel good? Wasn’t it supposed to hurt? A whack on the other side had the same effect. She bit her lip so she would not moan, not wanting him to know how much she liked it. His hand slipped inside her pantaloons and caressed where he had just hit her. His touch felt erotic sending waves of heat to her sex. She suppressed another moan, barely able to resist the urge to rotate her hips. She vowed not to give him the satisfaction. But, when his fingers dipped between her thighs and brushed her intimate lips, she could not help but move slightly. He slid his fingers back and forth slowly, as he brushed ever so lightly against her sex. Heat like she had never experienced built in her core, and she arched her back, trying to push herself against him. His hand slid out of her pantaloons. Cordelia did not know if she if she was disappointed or relieved. He had all the power, and he knew how to use it. It scared and excited her at the same time.

  When he started to pull down her pantaloons, she gasped. It wasn’t over! Oh god, how was she to stay in control if he continued? He pushed the lacy undergarment down to her knees, and his fist tightened on her wrists as his hand roamed over her derriere. She heard him moan. Then came another whack, pushing her leg into her sex which sent another round of vibrations everywhere. She gasped and arched her back. Oh god! What was he doing to her? Two more smacks in quick succession had her head thrashing. He rubbed her now heated skin again, this time his finger dipping deeper into her intimate folds. It felt so good she that tears pooled in her eyes.

  “Open for me, Cordelia,” he whispered. There was hunger in his tone.

  She gave in, and spread her legs wider, wanting whatever he planned to give. To her surprise, he removed his hand, and it came down at the bottom of her arse at her thigh. A few of his fingers landed between her legs. Cordelia could not hold back a moan as the erotic vibrations engulfed her. She heard him groan, and his hand moved quickly after that. Slaps to the left, then right, then directly on her sex. She cried out, as white-hot heat shot straight to her nub, which had become hard and started throbbing. What was happening? He did it again, and she tried to lift her hips to receive it better. Next, he removed his leg from her ankles, so she planted her feet on the floor and raised her ass. Every time he connected with her sex she thought she’d die with pleasure.

  “Oh god, oh god…,” she heard herself chanting, as the familiar white light and heat began to build, threatening to explode.

  His hand came down on her sex again but this time lingered, rubbing up and down on her folds, stopping to circle her engorged nub. Then, he plunged two fingers into her entry. Cordelia’s knees started to buckle.

hell!” he exclaimed, then removed his fingers.

  She wanted to cry out. No, please! But no words would form. He threw her skirt over her behind. Her silk underskirt was cold against her hot skin. Disappointed, she went limp on his lap. To her surprise, he rolled her over in his arms, and his mouth came down hard on hers. His arm slipped under her knees as he lifted and carried her to her desk. He did not stop kissing her as he sat her on the edge and untied her hands. Cordelia could only concentrate on his tongue as it made love to her mouth, she hardly realized she had put her hands around his neck. He pushed the paperwork aside and leaned her back on the desk.

  “I have to be inside you,” he whispered against her lips, as he gathered the hem of her dress, “while your skin is pink and hot from my hand.” He rubbed her skin on her derrière where he had spanked her, then ripped her lace pantaloons off one leg to spread them apart. She gasped.

  He pulled her hips to the edge of the desk, putting one leg over his shoulder as his kiss traveled to her ear then down her neck. Cordelia melted, hardly noticing that his hands had gone to his trousers to unbutton them. When the tip of his erection teased her entry, her eyes flew open. Oh god, he meant to take her! Fear engulfed her. He would find out that she was a virgin. Him, of all people! She tried to scoot away.

  “Wait! You do not understand…”

  His mouth covered hers silencing her protests as he slowly pressed into her. His cock deliciously stretched her sensitive skin as he filled her. Rhys lifted off her and threw his head back in ecstasy as he pushed in further.

  “Wait…oh god…wait,” Cordelia said, weakly warring with herself and the pleasure. It felt so good, but she was petrified he would discover her secret. She wiggled her hips trying to move away.

  “Hold still. I don’t want to hurt you. You are so tight…so hot and wet, god damn…”

  He pulled her hips back to him, pushing in further. She felt a tug as he pressed against the proof of her virginity. He paused, breathing heavily. Cordelia raised her head and looked at him. He was staring at her shocked.


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