The Countess

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The Countess Page 19

by Lisa Doughty

  Tilly prattled on, as Cordelia’s mind whirled with thoughts of Rhys. She pulled a corner of his shirt from beneath her pillow, closed her eyes, inhaled his scent, and sighed. Everywhere he had touched her tingled. Was this what it was like for lovers all the time? Was this the feeling Roddy and Emelia had wanted her to experience? It was wonderful. Suddenly, she agreed with Rhys. Dinner seemed days away. What was she to do with herself until then? She would drive herself mad with thoughts of him if she did not keep herself busy.

  “Did you eat luncheon, my lady?”

  “No. I didn’t feel up to it.”

  “I will order you some soup. That will fix you right up. Chicken soup cures everything that ails you, as my mother always says.”

  “That would be nice. Thank you.”

  Chapter 31

  An hour later and a half later, Cordelia was driving herself mad thinking about Rhys. She had bathed, washed her hair, which Tilly brushed into waves, ready for Roddy to style for dinner. She donned a simple chemise, intending to lie down, but could not keep her mind idle. Her thoughts went from excitement to apprehension. How could she have let it go so far? She had given herself to the man! In one day! After all these years and all the noblemen, she had rejected, refused or rebuffed, she had given herself to the most arrogant, self-absorbed rake in all of England. In one day! He had not even had to seduce her! Ugh!

  Cordelia sighed. She may be able to put an act in front everyone else, but not in front of herself. Why wasn’t she ashamed of her behavior? Shame inevitably followed after her encounters with the Earl, but not this time. She knew she would do it again in a second. It was the way he made her feel. Powerful, wanted, and beautiful. They were all addictive emotions, especially the power she felt as he gave his body to her. Her stomach pinched as she relived last night. But, submitting to him was equally intoxicating. He took her to places she never knew existed. Roddy had tried to tell her, but she paid him no heed, thinking he was exaggerating as usual. Experiencing it was a completely different matter. A sense of longing was already creeping up her core. She had officially become wanton! Rhys would only have to glance at her with those piercing green eyes and she would lay right down and beckon him! Ugh! Everything about the man was irresistible. Damn it to hell!

  Cordelia looked out the window, hoping to get a glimpse of her guests. She hoped everything was progressing and her absence was going unnoticed. The ball was tomorrow night. If the guests had not found a solid match by now, the infusion of half of society would surely distract them from the ones she had arranged. A lot of expectant parents were going to be attending, and for the first time, she was worried. She had been too distracted by Rhys to do her job. To encourage the couples in the right direction. She had to have faith that Emelia and Roddy had handled everything appropriately.

  It was then that Cordelia realized that she did not care anymore. What was once a passion had become a job, as if she was a governess to other peoples’ children. Even though most of her clients were only slightly younger than she, she felt decades older than them. Instantly, she knew that she was done with this business. When it came to matters of the heart, one needed to be wholly engaged, not distracted by selfish pursuits. It was time to hand the business over to Emelia and Roddy. It had run its course for her. Her heart was not in it anymore, and if she weren’t careful, it would show in her work, leaving nothing to pass along to them.

  A flash of blue, followed by pink, caught her attention. Lord Tilman was pulling Lady Verness into the trees. She looked a tad reluctant, but he didn’t seem to be forcing her. Lady Verness looked over her shoulder before they disappeared behind the foliage. Cordelia could only see her pink hem as Lord Tilman backed her against a tree in an embrace. A moment later, her leg came up and wrapped around his waist. Cordelia groaned with memories of Rhys. The man was becoming an obsession, an addiction. She could not stop thinking about him. The couple righted themselves, then snuck out the way they came. Cordelia did not need to see them to know what they were feeling. That small interlude had not been enough, not enough by far.

  That was it! She had to get out of this room or she would drive herself mad! She needed to free herself from her mind, if only for a little while. And, she knew just how to do it.

  “Tilly!” The maid came bounding in. “I am feeling much better, and I need to go to the stables and make arrangements for tomorrow. Can you please bring me one of my riding dresses? I am going to take my mare out for a short ride before dinner.”

  “But my lady, your hair…”

  “A simple braid will do. I intend to sneak out the back and avoid the guests.” She smiled, to put her maid at ease. “Please Tilly, don’t look at me like that. This may be my only chance to have a moment to myself until after the guests leave.”

  “As you wish,” Tilly curtsied, and went into the ante chamber.

  Cordelia took Rhys’ shirt from under her pillow and hid it in the back of one of her personal drawers. She was not ready to share him with Tilly, Emelia or Roddy yet. After tonight’s dinner, there would be no hiding the fact that there was something between them. She had never placed a gentleman next to her because she was interested in him before tonight, ever. Emelia had done so on several occasions, but Cordelia had never made the request herself. The entire staff would know of her interest in Lord Roth, and after that, they would be under constant scrutiny. She would just as soon avoid that torture for as long as possible.

  Ten minutes later, she was walking toward the stables. She tried not to think about what Rhys might be doing. Stalking his sister, no doubt. The only woman who truly had his love. Her heart pinched. She had never thought about love, until he looked at her, his face full of desire and hunger. The way he kissed her as if there was a promise of something more. There! She was doing it again! Hoping for things that would never come to pass. She needed to remember he was an experienced rake. She must always protect her heart. He knew how to woo women. He may have been her first, but she was one of many. She could not let her thoughts run away from her. Cordelia shook her head and quickened her pace. She could not get to her mare fast enough.

  Her mare was in the first stall, not in the pasture as usual. None of the stable boys were about, so she greeted her grey.

  “What are you doing in here?” She patted her muzzle. “Where is everyone?”

  The grey snorted and pranced in place. Cordelia walked down the line of stalls. There were four beautiful blacks on one side, and a row of beautiful brown bays on the other. Cordelia assumed were either the Marquess’ or the Duke’s carriage horses. In contrast, she could tell how inadequate her horses were in comparison and decided it was time to more attention to her stables. A stable boy came running through the back doors with an empty bucket. Once he saw her, he bowed awkwardly. He couldn’t have been more than ten years old.

  “Milady,” he stammered. “Are ya looking fer the stablemaster?’

  “Why yes, where is everybody?”

  “Outside lookin’ at his lordship’s stallion. He just got here. Never seen such a beauty before, milady, ever!” The boy said animatedly. “He sent me in here to get a bucket of oats.”

  “His lordship’s stallion?”

  “Aye. Midnight he calls him.” The boy bowed quickly and rushed into the grain room.

  Cordelia started toward the back door. She heard the murmurs of excited male voices as she approached.

  “Easy there, Midnight, easy boy.” She recognized Rhys’ voice.

  Cordelia’s heart stuck in her throat as she took in the scene. Rhys sat on the most enormous black stallion she had ever seen. His long mane fell in inky black waves down his neck, and his tail brushed the ground as he swished it proudly. Rhys sat upon him regally, and was leaning forward, patting his neck soothingly. They were made for each other. They both radiated masculine strength and virility. Midnight pawed the ground impatiently.

  Rhys looked up and saw her standing in the doorway behind the crowd. Cordelia’s stomach jumped into he
r throat as his green eyes lit up with pleasure. He smiled and dismounted. The stable boy whisked by her, struggling to carry the heavy bucket of oats. In his enthusiasm, he ran straight for the stallion and Rhys. The horse threw its head. Rhys lunged forward and picked up the boy, bucket and all, before he could be trampled under the stallion’s hooves.

  “Careful son! You’re going to get yourself killed running up to Midnight like that!” Rhys chastised, before putting him down.

  “Jimmy!” the stable master bellowed. “What in tarnation do you think yer doin’?” He took the stable boy’s hand and yanked him to his side. “I apologize for the boy, yer lordship. He’s new to the stables. I just took him under me wing.” The youngster looked at his feet, dejected.

  “I sent him for the oats. The fault is mine. I should have warned him of the danger.” Rhys took the boy’s hand and handed him the bucket. “Now son, you never run up to a stallion. You approach him slowly to win his trust.” Cordelia watched as they walked up to the horse hand in hand. “Now, place the bucket on the ground in front of him and let him approach it on his own. When he does then you can pet him.”

  Cordelia’s heart pinched. How could her first opinion of him have been so wrong? He was not turning out to be as she had first thought. He was compassionate and caring. It was so unexpected. He looked at her over his shoulder, and she smiled at him. So much for riding this man out of her head. She was doomed to be tortured by his presence. He came to her and bowed leaving Midnight to the stable master.

  “Are you feeling better, my lady? I heard you were suffering from a headache.” He gave her a sly smile.

  “I have fully recovered, my lord.” She gave him a curtsy in return.

  “I am pleased to hear it,” he said softly. His deep voice sent tingles all over her body. Midnight snorted, and Rhys turned toward the sound.

  “I thought you came by carriage, my lord. I did not know you rode your mount.”

  “I did not. You mentioned that your stables were lacking, so I sent for him and my sister’s mount. I also took the liberty of bringing a spirited mount for the Duke. We would not Esme to outrun his grace, now would we?” he teased.

  He chuckled and gave her a rakish smile that made his handsome face even more attractive. Butterflies swirled in her belly. She caught herself staring at his mouth. His smile slowly faded when he noticed. For god’s sake Cordelia, control yourself! She jerked her eyes from him and walked back into the barn before she could make a fool of herself, leaving him to follow if he wished. She heard his footsteps right behind her, and her heart skipped a beat.

  “That was very thoughtful, my lord. How were you able to get them here so quickly?” she asked, over her shoulder.

  “I have a country seat less than twenty miles from here. It was simply a matter of sending my groomsmen for them. It turned out to be only an hour and a half round trip,” he explained, as he strode behind her.

  “I guess I should thank you for saving me from embarrassing myself in front of the Duke and your sister. It is apparent that my stables are lacking more than I realized.”

  Cordelia stopped at her grey’s stall, and the horse nudged her arm. She laid her cheek on the horse’s muzzle. Rhys sighed.

  “Your grey is a beautiful mount.”

  “Thank you…for everything,” she said sincerely, and gave him a tentative smile. Rhys took a step toward her.

  “I have to kiss you,” he whispered, then moved even closer.

  “That is not a good idea, my lord.”

  “Why not?” He sounded desperate, hungry. Cordelia locked eyes with him. Good lord, she wanted that kiss. She told him the truth.

  “Because it would not be enough,” she whispered. Rhys groaned.

  “You’re right.”

  Rhys grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the stables. He stopped, looking around.

  “What are you doing?” Cordelia hissed, and pulled her arm weakly, but in truth her heart had taken flight, and she wanted to go wherever he took her. She saw a maid come from the back door carrying a basket of laundry. They were in plain view pf the house. She remembered Lord Tilman and Lady Verness. “Someone will see us, we are in plain view of the house.” She pointed out.

  “As exciting as that may be, it is not what I had in mind. Voyeurism is not in my playbook.”

  “What? Your playbook?” she asked, confused. Rhys’ eyes darted about looking for something. “What are you looking for?”

  “There has to be a tack room or storage…”

  “The tack room is around the side…”

  “This side?” He pointed.

  “Yes… but why do you need…”

  He pulled her in that direction.

  “Rhys!” she whispered, desperately trying to understand what he was doing.

  He pulled her to the side of the barn and pushed her against the wall. His mouth was on hers in an instant. His kiss was full of hunger and desire as his tongue plunged into hers. Cordelia tried to keep up. Her blood raced, and that familiar heat started to build in her core. He pressed his body hard against hers, and she could feel his erection on her hip. He was just as aroused as she! The sudden and overwhelming need to have him inside her both surprised and excited her. She pushed at his chest. He let her go, and she grabbed his hand, pulling him further down the wall toward the tack room.

  “Over here,” she said breathlessly, and pulled him through the tack room door. The smell of leather and horses permeated the air. Rhys followed her in and pushed her against the door, closing it, locking them in.

  “I want to take you fast and hard,” he whispered, as he kissed her ear, her stomach pinched with excitement at his words. Then he paused. “Are you tender?”

  “No, I do not think so,” she answered barely able to concentrate on his words.

  Rhys’ hot breath on her ear sent her nerves into a tizzy. His hand slowly started gathering her dress, hesitating in case she wanted to tell him to stop. Cordelia became impatient and helped him, yanking it up to her waist eagerly, and pushing her underclothes down enough that she could wiggle out of them. Rhys smiled then frantically jerked at the buttons on his pants.

  Cordelia stepped out of one side of her pantaloons and lifted her leg. Rhys grabbed her thigh, and she immediately jumped up to straddle him. He looked into her eyes as he guided himself into her. Her mouth dropped open, and her eyes hooded as his cock slowly penetrated her. It felt so good she thought she may faint, her eyes fluttered shut. How was it possible that this time felt better than the last?

  Once Rhys reached her core, he started pounding into her wildly. It felt so incredible that Cordelia could help crying out in ecstasy. Her head thrashed from side to side as she moaned with pleasure. Rhys covered her mouth with his hand to muffle her moans. He held her still as he thrust into her over and over. Every erotic vibration was amplified as he hit her core, over and over, harder and harder. She submitted her body to him, and the blissful, erotic sensations surged everywhere. Overcome, she moaned into his palm hand. She was entirely his, to do what he wished. She prayed he would not stop, ever. She arched into him as excitement consumed her, wanting more as he continued to thrust into her. Cordelia felt the world fade away, then she exploded, pulsing around his cock. She pressed her hips into him as hard as she could using the wall to brace herself.

  “Bloody hell, you feel so good,” he hissed.

  Rhys’ guttural moan escaped, it sounded thunderous in the quiet space. She felt his seed burst inside her, and his groans became louder. Cordelia slipped her hand over his mouth as he cried out, lost in his orgasm. His hot breath on her fingers burned as he groaned, thrusting into her a few more times before his head fell forward on her shoulder. Cordelia let her hand drop from his mouth and watched his shoulders rise and fall heavily as he caught his breath.

  His hand slowly slid down her mouth then, to her surprise, he pushed his thumb into her mouth. Cordelia closed her lips around it and sucked on it lightly. Rhys lifted his head and replaced
his thumb with his mouth. His hand slid around to the nape of her neck and pulled her to him to deepen the kiss. Cordelia was struck hard by emotion. She felt sated and beautiful, wanted like never before in her life. It felt like much more than lust as he kissed her, which made her heart swell. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her chest kissing him back with all the emotion she felt, wishing he could feel it radiating from her chest. He pulled away, his chest heaving.

  “Cordelia, what are you doing to me? You have turned me into a rutting beast,” he whispered.

  His words felt like being doused with a bucket of cold water. A rutting beast? What had she expected? Words of love? This man was a rake, lest she forget. He was very good at getting a woman into this position, and she had to admit that she was no exception. It would do her no good to read more into these intimate moments than what they were, no matter how much she wanted it to be different. She forced a laugh.

  “I bet you say that to all the ladies,” she teased.

  Rhys stiffed, and his expression instantly turned angry. More than angry, he looked hurt. Cordelia immediately regretted her joke. He had never promised her anything, after all, especially emotional words. She felt like a silly girl. A stupid, naive, silly young chit.


  “No, do not say anything. I apologize, that was a bad jest,” she rushed to explain, hoping that she hadn’t muffed it up too horribly. “I have never had a liaison before, Rhys. I’m not sure where the boundaries are.”

  She felt her cheeks flaming. His hands gripped her thighs tighter, making her acutely aware of their intimate position. His eyes locked on hers, and she could tell he was struggling for words. She did not want to hear his words of indifference, how they were just having fun, and how she shouldn’t be acting this way. The last thing she could take at the moment were words of reprimand. It would completely ruin what they had just shared, if she hadn’t already done so.


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