Kingdom Come

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Kingdom Come Page 5

by Terri E. Laine

  “It doesn’t matter,” he said. “I’m going back to Scotland tomorrow. The only reason I didn’t go with Kalen is because of you. Because of tonight.”

  Her shoulders slumped and her head bent forward as if she was staring at the floor. For a moment, I wanted to rush in and punch Griffin and not to pay him back for the other night. But for her.

  But instead of saying anything to Griffin, she turned and came directly to me. I had no idea what she was about to say.

  “You won.”

  “I did,” I said.

  “I’m a woman of my word, but I can’t make good on it tonight.”

  So the weasel had won. What I didn’t know was if he had convinced her to sleep with him. The notion somehow bothered me. But I schooled my features and reached in my pocket, pulling out a card. I handed it to her. It was all black, and the raised numbers were black as well, though they were shiny against the matte background.

  “Call me and we’ll set up a time.”

  Her beautiful eyes narrowed. “You trust me?”

  “I trust you’re a woman of your word.”

  She nodded and put the card in her pocket before heading over to Griffin, who was at the bar—settling the tab, I supposed.

  The other damnable thing was how I felt about Griffin leaving with my prize. I was still hard from getting a peek of the small mounds under her shirt every time she’d taken a shot while playing with Griff. I needed to work off the tension, so though I hadn’t planned it, I paid my tab and got on my bike, heading to the club.

  As I walked in, music poured through the speaker. I headed straight for my office to change. All black was the costume of the ring master, so I put on black leather pants, no shirt, and prowled the floors of my club. Everything about the place had made me happy until recently. I couldn’t pinpoint when things had changed. I felt restless and out of sorts for reasons unknown to me.


  I turned to see Lana, a short brunette with curves for days. She was my type in every way. But nothing. I felt nothing, only numb.

  “Yeah, love?”

  Her eyes were too bright and glassy, which meant a conversation before the end of the day. I didn’t allow my employees to be under any influences while on the job. It was too dangerous. Something could get out of control. My members had iron-clad contracts of confidentiality and I couldn’t allow anyone with a loose tongue to be in my employ.

  Plus, even though I ran a sex club, no one was an actual sex worker. Sex was freely given here by a consensual partner. Someone on drugs couldn’t consent or be trusted to approve the consent of the members.

  “Our newest member wants a scene with you,” she said.

  It wasn’t hard to spot the beauty across the way. I didn’t let in newbies often. Her father was some big shot in the Middle East, according to the background checks and long conversations I’d had with Griffin. Despite our mutual hate for each other, he headed my security. Although we didn’t get on, I trusted him. He had warned me it might be a bad fucking idea to approve this woman’s application, since it could backfire if her father found out and didn’t like that his daughter had kinks.

  I didn’t often do a scene with someone. A seductive song came on with a beat and a melody that fit my dark mood yet sparked something in me, so I asked, “What does she want?”

  “To be spanked,” Lana said with the shy baby voice she used when she was turned on.

  “Fine,” I said a little sharply, annoyed that I also had a personnel problem to deal with at closing and made my way to the center platform.

  Normally a scene played out organically, without calling attention to it. But I knew this member wanted a show.

  “How’s everybody’s night?” I said in the mic that had been discreetly handed to me by one of my staff. And with those words, I felt that familiar cockiness that always turned heads come out of me. “Who feels bad tonight?”

  All the women, and some men, in the audience raised their arms, hooting and hollering like I was some rock star, fueling that showman in me.

  I made eye contact with our newest member. “Come here, love. Tell me just how bad you’ve been.”

  My team worked as efficiently as a theatrical group, because in a way, that was exactly what the various stages around the vast room were meant to be. They were platforms for live performances for all the voyeurs. Dressed all in black to blend in, one of my staff helped her up the few steps to reach me. At the same time, I handed one of them the mic. I would need my hands for what came next.

  Her shy smile should have given me a semi. When my traitorous dick didn’t respond, I continued with the script I’d written in my head when Lana told me about her request.

  I bent my head and said in her ear, “Just how bad have you been?”

  From there, everything went on autopilot as I played my role, the one I’d been born into. A chair appeared without me asking. After I sat, I laid her across my lap and lifted the little skirt she wore. I directed her to count out the punishment she’d requested. There was a fine line between pain and pleasure.

  Though she may like pain, as some did, by the time I was done, I’d also made her come. I soothed the reddened skin with rubs before flipping her over and cradling her in my arms. She was spent.

  I stood with her in my arms because I couldn’t just leave her. Even though she’d wanted this, it was still my responsibility to take care of her all the way until the end.

  Griffin appeared at the bottom of the platform and raised a brow. I hadn’t expected to see him after what had happened earlier. Likely he wanted to see if I’d be here or with the blonde. But Griff also enjoyed a little play. I’d never asked him if my brother knew Griffin frequented the club.

  “I can take her,” he said.

  I couldn’t tell if he was doing me a favor or stabbing me in the back for losing earlier. But damn him, I trusted him.

  “What do you think, love?” I asked the woman in my arms. My number one rule was to respect everyone’s wishes. I wouldn’t just pass her off because it was convenient.

  She nodded, so I put her in Griff’s arms, knowing she’d be safe with him.

  That turned out to be a good thing. Not long after, I was being called to a situation in the back rooms. Through the picture window, the viewer was given a front-seat view of the show in what appeared to be a bedroom. It was for those who wanted semi privacy but still enjoyed being watched.

  A woman pinned to the bed was shaking in fear as she yelled no.

  “Has she said it?” I asked Dwight, the security team leader standing nearest me. Once a safe word was spoken, it should be respected. My team had video surveillance of everything except my private office.

  He nodded, so I went to open the door. That’s when I noticed security was emptying the main hallway.

  “He’s blocked it,” Dwight said. “I can send them in if you want.”

  “For fuck’s sake.” I hurried around back where a secret hallway had been built behind the rooms. “Let me handle it.”

  I unlocked the door that, from the inside, looked seamlessly like the wall. Security had cleared the main hallway because we kept these doors secret on purpose. If members like the asshole in front of me knew about them, he would have blocked this one too.

  “Move away,” I said. I heard security file in behind me.

  The senator’s son who thought he could do anything he wanted had the woman by the throat. “What the hell?”

  “Step away,” I said more forcefully.

  His eyes narrowed. “She agreed.”

  “Did she say please?”

  He hadn’t moved off her, but I waved my security team back.

  “I don’t know,” he claimed. “It’s a fucking rape scene. She’s supposed to say no and shit.”

  I didn’t judge anyone or their kinks. I’d learned a long time ago that I needed complete and total control in a relationship. Though that was an illusion. My job was always to keep my partner happy, which meant sh
e had me by the balls.

  I directed my attention to the woman. “Do you want this to be over, love?”

  She nodded as tears continued down her face.

  “I fucking paid you, bitch,” the dickhead yelled.

  “That’s it.”

  I signaled to the team to take him down. It happened fast, soon he was restrained but still raging. The stupid SOB was on something.

  It was the second time that night I’d had a woman in my arms. This time at least I hadn’t been the one to make her cry. Not that I made a point to make anyone cry. But it happened—usually when someone wanted emotions I didn’t have to give, no matter what type of relationship I was in.

  Waving my second-in-command over, I directed Eliza to get the woman home. My security team would look to see if in fact money had changed hands. We had protocols, and members weren’t allowed to bring anything but themselves into the club. But clothing had pockets. It was possible money traded hands outside of the club. I could revoke her membership as well. But right now, I had to deal with a man who didn’t want to play by the rules.

  I walked in the office as he was telling security I had no right to keep him here. He shut up when I stepped in front of him and leaned against my desk as I crossed my arms. “You know there are no second chances, yet here you are, fucking up your second chance.”

  I’d made an exception I now regretted.

  “She fucking agreed.”

  I held up a hand. “You not only broke the number one rule to respect safe words, you traded cash for sex in my club.”

  “Her daddy cut her off.”

  “This is why there is no paying for sex in my club. You assumed that meant you could do whatever the fuck you wanted. It’s done. You’re out.”

  He jumped to his feet. I didn’t move, only arched a brow. Feeling as restless as I did, I itched for him to take a swing at me. Though I didn’t allow the security team access to the video surveillance in my office, I’d already triggered the cameras when I walked in.

  “I pay a lot of money for membership.”

  “So does she, and you broke the rules. Your dues are forfeit.”

  He moved in. “You think you’re the shit.”

  Still, I didn’t move and kept the bored expression on my face.

  “Take Ronnie here for a ride,” I said to no one in particular.

  “I’m Ronald Winchester the III.”

  I nodded at security. The next thing, he was bound, a black hood over his head. It was all in the contract. Nothing shady would happen to him, but I couldn’t have him knowing about the back entrance the staff used. Especially because Ronald Winchester III would be looking for retribution. That was the type of guy he was. He’d be dropped off at his residence.

  Ronnie’s access card had been removed from his pocket. Within a matter of minutes, that card and its electronic signature would be wiped from my servers in case he’d cloned the card. His picture would be listed in security as persona non grata.

  By the time I finished for the night—having fired Lana for drug use on the job—I was so wound up, I had no desire to go home. Griff had left, though I thought there had been something with him and my newest member. They hadn’t had sex, but I had a feeling it wasn’t the first time they’d met. Something else I needed to find out.

  I would have headed to Soho, but my prize didn’t know I knew where she was staying. As unlikely as it seemed, I found myself eager for her call.



  The car ride home with Griffin was awkward as hell. He sulked the entire way, barely speaking a word to me.

  When he pulled up to the complex, I said, “So you’re not going to say anything to me?”

  “What’s the point? You’ve made your choice.”

  “You say that like you know the guy,” I chided.

  “Would it matter if I did?”

  I blew out a long breath, exasperated by the situation.

  He took the opportunity to say more. “Didn’t think so. I’m leaving for Scotland, so I won’t be here to catch you when you fall.”

  What I loved about Griffin was his sunny disposition, something he wasn’t displaying now. I’d never seen him with a scowl before, and it bothered me.

  “So, you’re just going to be a dick to me?”

  “You’re breaking my heart. What do you expect?”

  I would have laughed if I couldn’t have cut the tension with a knife. “You aren’t in love with me.”

  “Maybe not. But I could have been.”

  “Griff,” I said and put my hand on his arm.

  “Just go, Lizzy. It’s late.”

  “Early, depending on your prospective,” I teased because it was barely after midnight.

  “If you’re not inviting me to your bed, I suggest you take that skinny ass of yours upstairs.”

  I faked shock, hoping to provoke a smile out of him. “Are you calling me skinny?”

  “Chan eil. Tha thu bòidheach.”

  “What does that mean?” I asked.

  “Look it up.” His brogue had grown thick in a space of seconds.

  “Look it up?” I repeated. “I can’t even spell it.”

  He shrugged. “Time to go, darling,” he said, back to his normal accent. Still Scottish, but not as thick.

  Reluctantly, I pressed a chaste kiss to his cheek before exiting the car. Once again, I was left wondering if I was doing the right thing. Being the man he was, he didn’t peel off after I closed the door and stood there, taking him in for another minute as if it would be the last time I ever saw him. He waited until I’d entered the building before leaving. I lifted a hand to wave, but I was too late. He was gone.

  I’d made so many mistakes with men, and I wondered if Striker would be my strike three and I’d be out. As I rode the elevator up, I fingered the card he’d given me. But I pushed aside any thoughts of calling him. Who I wanted to call was Bailey. But it was around five in the morning where she was.

  Instead, I grabbed a bottle of expensive wine from the stash. Served Kalen right as it was his fault I was in this position. It was his best friend he’d put in my path and look what a mess of things I’d made.

  “This calls for a movie,” I said to no one.

  With the bottle, a glass, and the remote, I flipped through the options. I wasn’t in the mood for comedy, though that probably would have been a better option. I also wasn’t in the mood for some quirky girl finding the perfect guy movie. I ended up with Brokeback Mountain.

  “Perfect,” I said, until I was a sobbing mess on the sofa a couple of hours later.

  Since it was sometime after seven in the morning in Scotland, I opened my laptop and rang Bailey through a video chat app we used. When her face appeared, I was overcome with emotion. Her smile was welcome. I hadn’t seen her do a lot of that lately.

  “I hope I didn’t wake you,” I said.

  “No. Just enjoying the view.” She shifted her screen so I could see what she saw. Across a short street, a wave crashed in and the sounds of the water filled in the spaces between our words.

  “I wish I could be there,” I said.

  “I have to say, never in a million years did I think I’d be in Galway in a flat.” She laughed after she used the European word for apartment.

  She’d left Kalen in Scotland and fled to Ireland on a private flight.

  “So he hasn’t found you yet?” The he was Kalen, the love of her life if she’d just admit it.

  Her expression dimmed. “I don’t think he’s looking for me. He’s otherwise occupied.”

  She and I didn’t agree about that. I was sure Kalen, with his billion-dollar resources, knew exactly where she was–unless he was a total jackass. He hadn’t seemed worried about her whereabouts when I’d stormed his office a while back, so I was sure he had eyes on her. That was why he’d taken her overseas in the first place.

  “Is that a good or bad thing?” I asked, hoping to prompt her to express her actual feelings.

  “Jury’s still out.” I knew my best friend better than she knew herself and she had moon eyes for only one man. “But what about you? How did things go? How are you handling staying at Kalen’s place?”

  “Bad and unsure and great.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “Bad because Griffin’s not happy with just being friends.”

  “And you?”

  “Second-guessing myself again, much like with Hans.”

  “Is that the unsure or great part?”

  “The apartment is great and mine will be better when it’s done,” I said.

  “Have you decided if you’ll sell? I really loved that place.”

  “Me too, and undecided there. I’m still on the fence about how safe it is. They got past Griffin’s security.”

  “I know. I’m sorry,” she said, glancing away.

  “Not your fault.” When she looked back in the camera, I held her gaze. I hadn’t meant to make her feel like shit.

  “It is, and we both know it. And yet we still don’t have answers for sure who’s behind it all. It’s a mess. I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I’m staying in a penthouse in Soho. What’s bad about that?”

  “Nothing, I guess,” she said, sounding a little said. “So what’s the unsure part?”

  That was the best part about having a friend I could trust. I could tell her anything free of judgment.

  “Do you remember that guy from the bar?” I asked.

  Her jaw dropped. “The one who called you a princess?”

  “That’s the one. He was there at the bar tonight.”

  “Why were you at the bar?”

  “That’s where I took Griff. I thought I’d play his wingman, which I did by the way. He just wasn’t on board with playing mine.”

  I laughed when she gave me dagger eyes. “You are not just going to stop there. What happened?”

  “There might have been a game of pool and a wager,” I said, then filled her in on the rest.

  “You didn’t?”


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