Twist (Off Balance Book 4)

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Twist (Off Balance Book 4) Page 41

by Lucia Franco

  "Don't be a dick, Kova. I don't like it—or you. Now go away."

  "That is not what you said this morning…or last night," he growled in my ear, his hand on the glass jar.

  I gave it to him willingly—more in fear that it'd fall on the tile floor and break—as he dropped a gentle kiss right under my ear again. His warm breath tickled my neck. Smiling, I curled into him. Kova hooked his arm around my neck and yanked me to him while his other hand was pressed to the small of my back. He laid a hard kiss to my mouth and just as I was about to give in, he looked up and froze in horror.

  "Kova?" I tried to look over my shoulder to follow his gaze, but he swiftly spun around with me. I tried to look past him, but he blocked me.

  "Adrianna," he said under his breath.

  My smile faltered and my heart dropped at his grave tone. "What is it?"

  Kova moved my sunglasses from the top of my head to sit on my nose. He corrected them, then said, "I need you to grab the bags, turn around, and go straight to my car with your head down. Do not turn back, just go and I will meet you there."

  Alarm rang through my bones. I knew it. Something in my gut had warned me against coming here and now I knew why.

  "What's going on, Kova?"

  Kova stared down, begging me to adhere to his request. Reaching into his pocket, he handed me his keys. "Just listen to me, please. I will explain, just go to my car and wait for me."

  Dipping my head slowly, I did as he asked. I reached down and grabbed the bags, then turned and quickly walked toward the exit. I could feel Kova's eyes burning on me the whole way, watching me. Just as I was about to leave, I pulled my sunglasses down just a fraction and drew to a stop to peek over my shoulder. I had to look. I needed to see what he saw, what made him go from teasing and fun to somber and serious. Carefully, I twisted around just enough to get a look.

  My lips parted.

  All sound faded around me.

  I was numb, unable to move, unable to feel, unable to hear. I should've listened to him, because nothing could have prepared me for what I saw.

  I could only stare at the couple embraced behind Kova. So in love and so…

  My dad.

  And my mom. My real mom.

  I couldn't see her full face, but I'd met her once to know it was indeed Sophia. In my heart I knew it was. Her height and hair were similar to mine, and we had an almost identical body shape, only I was much thinner than her. Sophia turned to the side and Dad gave her a kiss on her cheek. They looked up at each other, so in love and so normal. I was stuck for a moment at the simplicity of them, and the blow of betrayal booming through me. I knew Dad was divorcing Joy, but I didn't expect him to be with anyone else, especially not my biological mother. I thought he only gave her updates about me. This was not that. There was a familiarity and understanding with her that came over time, not overnight.

  My heart ached, shattered with lies and deceit. With Kova's subtle waving urging me to leave, I turned away and walked out.

  It only took me a matter of minutes to get to his car. I sat slouched to the side, hiding in the shadows, silently begging for Kova to hurry up. My nerves were frayed, and my fear was sky high as my heart pounded viciously trying to analyze what I just saw. There were so many thoughts spinning through my head that when two knuckles tapped on the tinted glass, I nearly jumped out of my skin.

  Kova got into the car and dropped a bag onto the floorboard by my feet. He’d still bought the dumb candle.

  "I can't believe it," I said quietly once we were on the highway. "I can't believe he's with my mom."

  "I had a feeling that was your mother."

  I turned toward him. "How so?"

  "She looks just like you," he stated, slamming on the accelerator. "I just never realized it until now how similar you guys look."

  Dread filled my veins. "What the hell are you talking about?"

  "I have known for a long time Frank is not a monogamous man."

  "Back up. What do you mean you never realized that was my mom until now?" My heart was racing faster than the speed of his car. "Where have you seen her? How do you know her?" Terror filled my blood. "Oh my God. Do not tell me you've been with her."


  Kova’s eyes widened like he was offended.

  "No, I have never cheated on Katja except with you," he spat. "I am not a cheater, and I have never been with Sophia."

  I let out a whoosh. Kova exited the highway and pulled up to a red light. I stared straight ahead in a daze.

  "You knew he was a cheater," I whispered in understanding.

  He shot me a fleeting glance and placed a hand on my knee. Remorse was written all over his face.

  "Of course I knew." He lowered his voice, and said, "I have seen him with her before. I just never knew it was your mother until I saw her again just now. I forgot about her, to be honest."

  My head spun. I felt like I was missing a huge piece of the story. Kova took note of the expression on my face and continued. "He has brought her to my home in the past for Christmas parties. We have had quick holiday weekends away with them here and there. It has not happened in a while, so I forgot about her."

  My eyebrows shot up in anger. "You knew he was cheating and you were okay with it? I can’t believe you went along with it like it was nothing. For how long? Didn't it bother you?"

  "What he does in his spare time is none of my business. I know it bothers you but do not take that out on me."

  I turned back in my seat and looked ahead. He was right. "I'm sorry. I just didn't think adultery was a casual thing."

  Kova was quiet. "It is not a casual thing for everyone," he said low, like he was hurt.

  I released a pent-up sigh. This day was going all wrong. "Do you think my dad saw you?"

  "Oh, he saw me."

  My lunch was going to come up. "I'm gonna throw up again," I said, holding my stomach. "What happened?"

  He shrugged as if he wasn't fazed. "Nothing. I bought your candle and left."

  "I don't understand. That was it?"

  "I was not going to strike up a conversation while his daughter was hiding in my car, Adrianna. I said hello and left. What would you like for me to have done? Ask him to have a drink?"

  I pursed my lips together but didn't respond. He had a point, so I let it go.

  "Did they ask you who you were with?"


  My heart stopped. Quietly, I asked, "What did you say?"

  "I told them I was alone and that I’d come to pick up candles for Katja since I knew she loved that store."

  Kova pulled into a parking spot and turned off the car and looked at me.

  "Has she ever been there? With you?"


  I threw the door open and stepped out, but Kova was already moving toward me. He invaded my space and pressed his body flush to mine, making sure I felt all of him. He cupped the back of my neck and pressed his forehead to mine, breathing into me.

  "While I get hard seeing you jealous, I just want to make it clear that I did not take you where I took Katja, you crazy little psychopath. I would never do that. I lied to your father," he admitted before smashing his mouth to mine.

  I kissed him back because I couldn’t not. He played me, but I let it go. Kova knew how to subdue me with his tongue, his touch, his hold, and that’s exactly what he did. He shoved his tongue into my mouth, and I moaned and clenched his shirt in my hand, wanting to push him away, but all I did was tug him closer. He kissed me, his mouth bruising hard, and I sighed, melting into him.

  "I really thought you took me where you’d taken her for a second," I said. "I was going to kill you."

  Narrowed eyes pierced my heart. "Stop thinking I am always lying to you or trying to hurt you," he said against my lips. I felt the dejection in his words and immediately regretted how I acted. "I told you, full disclosure." Kova thrust his hands into my hair, tugging on the strands at my nape. My stomach tightened when he pulled hard, my body coming

to life and aching for him.

  Reaching between us, I cupped his swollen length and gave him a good, hard squeeze. His eyelids dropped, heavy with unchained lust. I unbuttoned then unzipped his pants and stuck my hand inside to pull out his hard length. He was bare as usual and rock hard. We were standing so close together no one could see what I was doing. I wrapped my fingers around his shaft and stroked him. Kova groaned, his jaw flexing in an effort to keep it together.

  Hands on my neck, he angled my face to his. Goose bumps prickled down my arms as his seductive words circled round me, "Do you know how easy it would be to fuck you out here with no one to ever know?"

  My cheeks burned with heat and I squeezed his length without realizing it. I just planned to work him up, not have sex here. He dropped a little kiss to my lips and looked down.

  "Look around," he said. "No one will see us."

  He was probably right. There were trees everywhere, and in front of the car was a cement wall surrounded by more bushes. There wasn't a person in sight. Leaning down, he nuzzled my neck, his unshaven jaw enticing me to agree.

  "All I have to do is lift your dress and slide right in, and your clothes would hide everything," he whispered, drawing in a breath through his teeth. "Let me fuck you out here. No one would know, they would think we are just kissing." Kova was ridiculously hard in my hand, and throbbing. I felt a little moisture and used it to run my hand over his tip. "Let me show you how I barely need to move to make you come." Kova groaned and I knew he'd kill for it to happen. "Let me in that little pussy of yours. I will make it quick."

  His hand skimmed up my thigh and under my dress to cup my ass. Cool air breezed past my skin and I shivered. Thankfully it was my thigh that was facing the wall, that way if anyone walked past us they still wouldn't see anything. Swiftly, he dipped his fingers into my panties.

  "You’re so confident it will happen quickly. No way," I said, my voice a little breathless. "You're not quick—you like to take your time."

  "I am a man hell-bent on winning every challenge presented to me. Now stroke my cock, Ria, and do not go light. Do it hard. Use your wrist and twist and squeeze the head."

  Heat zipped down my spine as I did exactly what he demanded. Taking me by complete surprise, he leaned forward and licked my lips like he was licking an ice cream cone. I gasped and automatically squeezed my legs together as his finger caressed my clit.

  "You play dirty," I said.

  "I play to get what I want. Now spread your legs for me, malysh."

  I shook my head, but my stupid body complied with him once he started rubbing a finger in circles on my clit. I couldn't not. It was impossible. Kova grinned, then slid a finger down my wet crease.

  On a lusty whisper, I said, "I'm sure there are cameras out here."

  He raised a pointed brow and dipped a finger into my entrance. "Does it not make it that much better?"

  My mouth fell open and I struggled to stay quiet, clutching his shirt, pushing and pulling him.

  "You do not want to push me away," he teased, "someone might see what we are doing."

  My heart was racing, my body on fire for this reckless man who made me do things that were not something I'd typically do. I loved it, though. His gaze was as dark as the devil’s and filled me with cravings I wanted him to satisfy. I looked deep into his eyes, inviting him. He could have whatever he wanted. With one pull, he ripped my panties at the crotch. He bit my neck and lifted one leg so my ankle was inconspicuously hooked around his hip.

  "I need to be deep in you. Do not deny me."

  Bending his knees just slightly, Kova angled himself at my entrance. In one swift motion, he surged inside. We both groaned at the same time, falling into each other. He shoved my hips down and I clenched around him, throbbing from the tightness.

  I exhaled a painful breath. "Fuck, Kova. This hurts."

  "Eyes on me, Ria."


  Kova carefully dropped my leg so I could stand, then fluffed my dress on the other side to hide anything that may show. I winced at the snugness, holding my breath. Little silver stars danced in my vision.

  "What are you doing?" I asked, standing on my tiptoes. I glanced around, nervous that someone would see us. He was swollen and thick and it almost hurt to have him at this angle.

  "Wrap your arms around my shoulders and fucking kiss me. Let me take care of the rest."

  So I did.

  I understood what he meant now. Kova barely had to pull out for pleasure to burst through me. It was a slow, hard fuck. This angle made his cock caress my clit with every move he made and hit me deep inside. Warm, powerful strokes, and I was soon trembling on the edge of desire. My nails scored his biceps. I moaned into his mouth, sucking on his tongue, not caring if anyone heard. We rocked into one another, and the hard and shallow drives of his hips worked exquisitely. I wanted to bite him, eat him, devour him until he fucked me senseless. I began panting, my breathing deepening as I felt an orgasm climb almost immediately.

  "I told you," he said as breathless as I felt. "I fuck like a champ. Three minutes tops. Maybe less."

  "Why… Why didn't you just tell me that from the beginning?" I joked.

  Kova placed both hands on my hips and rolled his pelvis into mine. My eyes rolled shut, closing from the bliss strumming through me.

  "I need more."

  He clucked his tongue. "Always so greedy for my cock. You act like you do not want it and then you beg."

  "Just shut up. I'm going to come any second."

  "That is good. Because a couple is walking this way now."

  My eyes flew open and locked with Kova's. I panicked, but a lazy grin spread across his handsome face like he was pleased with himself.

  Dropping his voice, he said, "I am going to come deep inside your pussy when they walk past us." His grin was enough to push my orgasm closer to the brink of insanity. "Try not to make a sound now."

  Lips parting, my heart beat rapidly against my ribs. My cheeks flushed as the sound of footsteps drew closer. I placed my hands on his shoulders and chest, hoping it would look like we were talking.

  Without taking his eyes off me, he said, "They are getting closer."

  Then he thrust two more times, pulling all the way out to where I truly thought we were going to get caught from the way his body surged back and drove in. He shoved my hips down so I couldn’t move when I felt him spasm inside me. His jaw flexed and his nostrils flared, eyes a dark pit of euphoria. I started coming just as the elderly couple walked past us. I feigned a breezy smile in their direction as Kova dipped his chin to greet them. I came even harder, pulsing around his swollen cock. As soon as they passed us, Kova leaned in and devoured my mouth as he pushed in one last, hard time as far as he could go. He let out a deep, guttural moan from his chest. My nails dug into his skin and I sighed, taking his cock the way he liked.

  "Holy fuck," I said, breaking the kiss.

  "Slow and steady wins the race." He grinned, then looked at his watch. "Next time we time it," he said. "I bet I can have you finishing in two and a half minutes."

  "You're such an ass. Why do you do this to me?" I teased, still out of breath.

  "Do not even act like you regret it," he said, pulling out of me with a pop. He fixed my dress so I was covered again.

  I clenched my thighs, hoping it wouldn’t drip down my legs as we walked through the building.

  Kova leaned down and dropped a soft kiss to my lips. I took a step away but Kova stopped me. "Let me grab your bags."

  I'd completely forgotten. I watched as he reached inside the car to get our stuff. He slammed the door shut and engaged the alarm, then reached for my hand. He briefly looked at me with a simple smile. Hand in hand, we walked toward the sliding glass doors. There was an energy buzzing, an excitement spreading inside me, and I wondered if he felt it too. I leaned on him as we went up the elevator in silence and mused over the day, what we’d talked about, what had happened between us.

  As soon as the d
oor shut and we were in my condo, Kova dropped everything and slammed me up against the wall. I gasped in shock, my breath lodging in my throat.

  "The clock starts now."

  "What—" I said but was quickly silenced by his devilish mouth.

  "I am not through with you. What happened outside was only an appetizer compared to what I’m going to do to you. This day, being out with you like we were, has made me incredibly hungry for you."

  His fingers were in my pussy, pushing his cum back inside me. My hips moved against his hand, desire roaring back through me. A little whimper escaped me.

  "After today, you are getting on birth control," he ordered, almost out of breath. "I want you all the time and I do not want to worry about you getting pregnant. It will be better for both of us."

  I swallowed hard, choking on his words. All day I'd forgotten I was pregnant until now. Melancholy belted me but before I could react, his mouth was on mine and I let it go. Soon he'd know the truth. Until then, I wasn't going to worry.

  My cell phone rang in my purse and Kova pulled back. "Do not even think about it," he warned. His wild eyes holding me captive and I leaned into him, listening. "Take the dress off now or I will rip it to shreds."

  It was off in seconds. He reached behind his head and pulled off his shirt, then dropped it to the floor. His mouth was back on mine as he kicked off his shoes and pants.

  Both of us completely bare, Kova picked me up and consumed my mouth. I should've known he wasn't done with me. Passion engulfed the air surrounding us and we caved to our decadent desires. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, my ankles locked around his hips as he carried us across my living room. My cell phone rang again, but I ignored it. Only Avery ever called me back-to-back like that. There was no way I was stopping now that I knew it was her.

  Breaking the kiss, my lips moved across his jaw and followed his alluring cinnamon scent I loved, suckling his neck and biting down hard. Kova paused. A low guttural sigh rumbled in his throat and then his hand came down and slapped my ass hard. Sexy as hell, it made my skin tingle.


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