The Doctor's Bride (Brides 0f Brimstone Book 3)

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The Doctor's Bride (Brides 0f Brimstone Book 3) Page 10

by Laura Fletcher

  An evil grin twisted up the ends of his mouth. He rested his hands on his hips, right where the handgrips of his pistols protruded from their holsters. His tin star flashed on his vest front like a sick joke laughing in her face.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. At that moment, he ceased to be a fearsome menace. He was nothing but a hollow scarecrow trying to frighten everyone into submission so he could do what he wanted.

  These bandits never backed down unless someone stood up to them. She made up her mind and braced her spine to walk forward when a movement caught the corner of her eye.

  Two more men appeared at the far end of the alley. Another three materialized on her left side. Four others sauntered into view from the other side of the Jail. They spread out to box her in against the boardinghouse wall.

  Lily shrank in on herself. She recognized every one of these men from her violent confrontations, and the awful memories of her arrival in Brimstone rushed back to oppress her.

  The gunmen inched closer, and their hands migrated to their weapons. Tension crackled through the air. Lily cast a desperate glance around, but she didn’t see anybody to whom she could call for help. If she started screaming, would anyone come to rescue her?

  She shot a quick peek the other way, and her soul rejoiced to see Marshall Faulk step out of the boardinghouse. He let the door bang shut right next to her. He cast his heartfelt smile at her and tipped his hat. “Morning, Mrs. Kearney.”

  She gasped in blessed relief. “Good morning, Marshall Faulk. How lovely to see you!”

  His eyes skated right and left. He cast a meaningful stare at the men surrounding her, and his gaze settled on the Sheriff. For a long, tense moment, he stared these men down.

  Then, as slowly as they appeared, they retreated into the background and vanished out of sight. They slunk into dark corners and became one with the shadows where they belonged.

  Lily’s shoulders sagged, and she let out a shaky breath. She pressed Marshall Faulk’s arm. “Thank you, Marshall.”

  He settled his hat on his head and cast his sparkling eyes over the town. “Heck, Ma’am. I’m just out for a morning stroll. Nice day for it, don’t you think?”

  She burst into a bright smile. “Yes, it is. It’s a perfect day to be out for a stroll, if I do say so myself.”

  “I guess I’ll be on my way now,” he went on. “I think I’ll take a turn around the town and see how the land lies, if you know what I mean. You have a pleasant morning, Mrs. Kearney. You give my kind regards to the doctor, will you now?”

  His apple cheeks shone rosy in the sunshine, and his eyebrows twitched with suppressed mirth. Lily beamed. “I most certainly will. You have a pleasant walk, Marshall. I hope I see you again soon.”

  “I’m sure you will.” He strode away. “I’m certain of it.”

  He strolled off in the direction of the saloon across the street. Lily watched him go. No one would ever guess he commanded as much power in those steely clear eyes of his as all Merrill Fox’s hired guns.

  He tipped his hat to everyone he met, and they greeted him back. He did more to clean up Brimstone with a flick of his eyebrow than most men could do with a whole army of guns and men.

  Lily shook herself out of her reverie and pressed on to the alley. She turned down the stairs to Abigail’s laundry with a spring in her step and a song in her heart. The town of Brimstone would never be the same again.

  The End.

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