Alpha Ascending

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Alpha Ascending Page 12

by Alicia Montgomery

  Her fingers gripped the wheel, her jaw tightening. Of course Lucas had a date. Why wouldn’t he? She couldn’t help that tiny pinprick of jealousy in her chest. Okay, not so tiny, really, but she had no right to feel it. Maybe she could just call him to apologize. Or send an email in the morning. After all, it was obvious, despite the fact that it had been less than forty-eight hours since she was in his arms, he had already moved on.

  The tightness in her chest grew as she watched them step inside his town car. She shifted the gear fully intending to head home, but she was on the same side of the street as Lucas’s vehicle, so she had no choice but to maneuver the car behind them. Of course, he was also heading downtown, so she trailed them for a few blocks. When it came time for her to turn east, the town car signaled west. She bit her lip and followed.

  She was a damned idiot. She wasn’t a police detective tailing someone now, but rather, just a woman on a fool’s errand. Would she approach him with his beautiful date? Or wait until she left? Would she even leave or would they go back to his or her place? The thought made her stomach clench.

  The town car headed into the trendy SoHo district, then stopped outside a restaurant. I really must be a masochist, she told herself as she parked across the street. Lucas stepped out followed by his date, and they headed inside. Petite Louve announced the elegantly-scrawled sign over the door. The restaurant sure was busy for Monday night. Several more cars arrived with people dressed to the nines. The last car that she observed was a gray Dodge Charger, and a woman wearing a red gown alighted by herself.

  Sinking deep into her seat, she crossed her arms and let out a huff. She wanted to leave, but somehow, her guilt was making her stay. But then, she didn’t know what she was supposed to do. Crash the party? Force him to talk to her?

  She slipped out of the car into the cold night, hoping that maybe some fresh air would help her brain think clearer. She stepped onto the sidewalk and began to pace. Go home, get to bed, and forget about Lucas Anderson. That’s what she should do, but her traitorous brain kept flashing images of Lucas and his date tangled up in the sheets.

  A frustrated sound gurgled from her throat, and heat rose in her cheeks. She should—

  The hairs on the back of her neck prickled. Someone was watching her.

  Slowly, she pivoted. What. The. Hell.

  A man was leaning against the hood of her car, arms folded casually over his chest, his brilliant blue eyes pinning her to the spot. A gasp escaped her mouth. At first, she thought he was an old man, with his silvery white hair, but when she looked at his smooth, wrinkle-free face, it was obvious he was only a few years older than her. Also, he was huge. Not just tall, but broad too. It was freezing out, but he was only wearing a white T-shirt. Tattoos snaked up his wrists and probably across his chest. How could she have missed hearing such a gigantic man approach her?

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I could ask you the same.” His voice was low and held a quiet menace. “Are you following the Andersons?”


  “Don’t lie to me.” There was a slight hint of an accent, one she couldn’t place.

  “Are you one of the security guards from Fenrir?”

  “I’ve been tasked to protect Ms. Anderson.”

  “Ms. Anderson?”

  “The sister of the man you follow.”

  “I’m not following him,” she denied, but his raised brow told her he didn’t believe her.

  “Are you on official business, Detective?”

  “How the hell did you know—” She closed her mouth. If he was Fenrir Security, of course he knew about her. They probably had her photo up in their office like a wanted poster. There was no use lying to him. Besides, his eyes, the color of which reminded her of the domed rooftops of Santorini, drilled into her with a laser-like focus. “I just need to do something. I just don’t know what.” God, she sounded pathetic. She probably looked pathetic too, chasing after a man across Manhattan. A man on a date with another woman.

  His stony expression changed. “You need him.”

  “N-no!” she denied again. “I just … I should …” God, why was this so hard? And also, this man was a complete stranger to her, and she shouldn’t be discussing her business—work or otherwise—with him. “I’ll leave, okay? You can tell your bosses you got rid of me. Maybe they’ll give you a raise.” And you can afford a freakin’ coat.

  “Do not.”


  “Detective, we have this saying where I’m from. That sometimes, you must take your heart in your teeth.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “It means you must be brave. Dare to do something.” He looked across the street, toward the restaurant.

  How could this stranger read her like a book? Searching his face, she wondered if that look on his face was the same as hers—it was a look of longing. And that’s what he had recognized in her.

  A kind of clarity washed over her. Maybe she should confront Lucas. As soon as possible. Her heart dropped like a rock to her stomach. She needed Lucas, but would he talk to her? Well, there was only one way to find out.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. I hope you can be brave too, she added silently, then slipped back into her car. It would be humbling, but she was going to have to put on her big girl panties. And dare to do something.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Everything all right, Lucas?”

  His companion stared up at him, her delicate brows drawn together. “Yes, Barbara, I’m fine.”

  She smiled and ran her hand up his arm. “Then why do you seem like you’re a million miles away?” Her flowery scent curled around him like talons. “You haven’t even commented on how I look. This dress is the latest Armani from Milan, plus I just had my hair done.” She shook her head, her golden curls shimmering.

  “You look beautiful, Barbara.” He forced himself to let his gaze linger longer. “As always.”

  “Thank you for inviting me here,” she said, her eyes sparkling. “And here I thought you would never call me. I’m so happy to be meeting your parents.”

  “You’ve met them before at clan functions,” he said.

  “Yes, but not as your date.” She glanced around. “Especially at such an intimate family gathering with important guests.”

  Her emphasis on the words date and family made him wince inwardly, but he pasted a smile on his face. “You’re welcome.”

  He turned his attention back to his father, who was seated at the head of the table as he told a funny story about one of his trips abroad. His mother, looking beautiful as ever, sat on his right, her eyes practically shining with adoration. This dinner party in the private dining room at Petite Louve was for their guest of honor, seated on his father’s left, Count Alesso di Cavour, the Alpha of Rome. His sisters were there, except for Isabelle who canceled without telling anyone—much to his parents’ dismay. As owner of the restaurant, his Aunt Holly was also in attendance.

  His mother had sprung this dinner on him, and insisted he bring a date. And so he scrambled to find someone last minute. He had met Barbara Evans several times in the past, and though she was from the Los Angeles Lycan clan, she lived in New York after being transferred here for her job a few years ago. They’d met at the Fenrir Ball last spring and had been trying to get together for dinner, but their schedules didn’t match. It was a stroke of luck that she happened to be free this evening.

  Barbara was everything he could want in a woman—tall, beautiful, curvy, and most of all, Lycan. And she was obviously interested in him. He bet if he invited himself back to her place, she wouldn’t object.

  His wolf, however, did object. It scraped its claws at him, angry at him and hating Barbara’s scent. He knew what it wanted, but he wasn’t going to give in. Not to his wolf, not to his own desires.

  Alesso must have said something really funny because everyone at the table laughed. Everyone except his sister. She seemed to have found her entree intriguing, her head bent do
wn as she picked at her plate. No one else could tell, but he knew: she was miserable. Sure, her face was perfectly serene, and she nodded at the handsome Count next to her when he engaged her in conversation. But it was obvious she was just as happy to be here as he was.

  The night seemed to go on forever, and all he wanted to do was go home. His cousin Dominic, the current head chef of Petite Louve, came to serve them dessert which meant that the meal was almost over. Finally, they left to let the staff clear the plates, and they all went outside to await their vehicles.

  Lucas watched as Adrianna bid goodbye to the Count, her shoulders sagging in relief when he was gone.

  “Lucas, darling,” Barbara cooed. “Would you mind if I went back in? I need to take a quick trip to the ladies’ room.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “Don’t leave without me!” she jested before she stepped back inside. Her hips swayed with a practiced sensuousness that would have brought almost any man to his knees. Almost.

  “She seems nice,” Adrianna said, interrupting his thoughts. “Exactly your type.”

  His sister’s words cut into him. “And what’s that supposed to mean?”

  The loud hum of an engine announced the arrival of another vehicle. When he saw Darius Corvinus stepping out from the driver’s seat, he raised a brow at Adrianna. Not that she noticed him, because her eyes were glued to her bodyguard. Now that was interesting, because Darius was certainly not Adrianna’s type.

  He had heard about what happened to Muccino’s in D.C., and more important, that Darius had been there to save her. So, it was that, and curiosity, that made him approach the other man as he exited the driver’s seat.


  “Yes?” He turned to meet his gaze.

  “I heard you saved my sister’s life.” He offered his hand. “Thank you. If you ever need anything, just ask.”

  “It was my duty.” Darius did take his hand, and much to his surprise, bent his head forward. “Your detective followed you here,” he said in a low voice.

  His shoulders tensed, not really knowing what to do with that information, and nodded a thanks to Darius before turning back to Adrianna.

  “I’m glad I came, if only to see you,” she said.

  “I’m glad too.” He glanced back at the restaurant, then turned to her. “Are you all right, Adrianna?” He’d been wanting to talk to her alone for the entire evening. Call it twin intuition, but he knew something was bothering her. Was it Darius?

  She hesitated. “I’m good. You should go in and check on Barbara.”

  He hated that she was keeping something from him, but it wasn’t like he was any better. “I suppose I should,” he said with a long sigh. “Stay safe.”

  “You too.” Lucas watched the car speed off, contemplating Darius’s words. So, Sofia had been here? Did she still think he was guilty of something? Of course, she wouldn’t stop digging. He would have admired her determination, but right now, it was infuriating. He wasn’t worried about his own reputation at this point—there was no way Kevin’s death could be definitely traced back to him. Everyone involved had been given the forgetting potion, and even official records and autopsies were doctored. But what if she were to uncover their bigger secret?

  “There you go again.” Barbara appeared by his side. “You look like you’ve tied yourself up in knots.” She squeezed his bicep. “I can … take care of those knots for you, if you like. A lot of people say I’ve got magic fingers.”

  His wolf growled and he pulled it back. “Let’s go.” He led her to the waiting car, where Reyes was already holding the door opened. He ushered Barbara in and then slid in beside her. Without a prompt, she rattled off her address to the driver and they were soon off to the Upper East Side.

  Yes, by all accounts, Barbara was everything he could want in a woman. He should want her. But unfortunately, he didn’t. Not when all he could think about was orange blossoms and olives and slate gray eyes. Despite everything, and the fact that she could uncover his darkest secrets, God help him, he wanted Sofia Selinofoto.

  “Lucas?” Barbara’s seductive voice broke into his thoughts. “Are you coming?”

  He didn’t even realize they’d come to a stop in front of Barbara’s posh building. Reyes had already opened the door for them, and Barbara had a hand on his thigh. “Good night, Barbara.” He removed her hand.

  The shock on her face registered for only a moment before it was replaced by a cool mask. “Yes, I can feel my migraine coming on. You have a good night too, Lucas.” She left without even looking back at him, head held high as she entered the building.

  Reyes gave him a curious look. “Home, sir?”

  “Yes.” He leaned back in the seat and waited for the car to start moving. Maybe he should have accepted Barbara’s invitation. He was sure she could make him forget his name with those magic fingers. But no, it wouldn’t be fair. Besides, his wolf wouldn’t have given him any peace. It seemed to hate Barbara with a passion, why, he didn’t know. It didn’t react this viscerally to her before, or any woman. Anyone except Sofia.

  When the car slowed to a stop in front of his brownstone, he let himself out and walked up the stoop steps to his door. He was fishing his keys from his pocket when he felt his senses go on alert. Her scent called to him before she did.


  He closed his eyes, wondering if he was hearing things. The last time he heard his name coming from her was Saturday night. “What do you want?” he asked without turning around. Slowly, he began building his defenses. His walls going up so high that nothing would be able to tear them down.

  “I wanted to apologize.”

  And just like that, those walls came crashing down. Slowly, he turned around. Big mistake.

  Sofia looked so stunning in the moonlight, her hair tumbling down her shoulders, eyes so big and luminous as she looked up at him from the bottom of his stoop steps. “How long have you been waiting here?”

  “A while.” When she let out an involuntary shiver, he realized that her cheeks were red and her lips were pale. She tugged her coat tighter around her.

  “Fucking hell, Sofia.” He hopped down, then tugged at her hand, dragging her up the steps. Opening his door, he pushed her inside. “It’s freezing out. You could have gotten sick.” She looked vulnerable right now. She really could have caught a cold or pneumonia, which was a reminder of her humanness. But right now, he couldn’t really care less. He took her hands into his. Just as he thought, they were like ice. Using his own palms, he rubbed them for warmth. “And what do you mean you came here to apologize?”

  She hesitated. “I just … I was wrong. You have the right to your privacy, and I’m sorry.”

  “You were doing your job.” Her hands seemed sufficiently warm now, but he didn’t release them.

  “I know I can be like a rabid dog when I find something and …”

  “What made you change your mind?”

  She cast her eyes downward. “Just … I did my job. I thought I connected the dots, but it turns out there was nothing to connect.” Straightening her shoulders, she faced him. “I want to offer you my apologies. From me and on the behalf of the precinct. If you want to file a harassment suit, then I wouldn’t blame you.”

  “Harassment suit?” Shock coursed through him. Did he fall asleep and was now waking up in a bizarre alternate universe?

  “Yes.” She swallowed. “But I hope you won’t. Because although we can’t be friends—”

  “No, we can’t.”

  She faltered. “We can’t be friends. But I hope we can part without any bad feelings.”

  “You’re right.” The disappointment on her face was obvious. When she tried to pull her hands away, he held them firmly. “We can’t be friends. And we’re definitely not parting.”

  He took a step forward, and he had to admit he enjoyed the way her expression turned to surprise before he kissed her.

  She didn’t respond at first, and her body went stiff. He
pushed her back against the door and trapped her with his body. When she sighed against him, he deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue into her mouth to taste her. She was so sweet, and so utterly Sofia.

  Arms wound around his neck, and he moved his hands down to the front of her coat, his fingers deftly opening the buttons and shucking the damn thing off her and onto the floor. He bent down to cup the back of her thighs to lift her up into his arms.

  She let out a surprised gasp, then a moan as he pressed his lips to her neck before wrapping her legs around his waist. He carried her into the living room, then sank down onto the sofa, letting her settle on his lap.

  He needed her bad, needed to feel her bare skin, but the damned blouse she was wearing was in the way. So, he unbuttoned the front, nearly tearing them off. His patience was rewarded by the sight of her beautiful breasts encased in black lace and silk.

  “Lucas,” she rasped when his mouth sucked on the spot where shoulder met her neck. His lips moved down, blazing a path lower, over the top of one breast and down to the center were her nipple strained against fabric. He latched onto the nub, sucking it through the silk.

  She cried out and ground her hips down. The brush of her against his hard cock nearly made him come in his pants, and so he rolled her over, pushing her down on top of the cushions. He pulled the cups of her bra down, exposing those lovely nipples. Pink and perfect, just as he’d thought. Taking one bare bud into his mouth, he teased her with his tongue, making her cry out.

  Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling at the roots with just enough force to make him moan. His hand snaked down her bare, flat belly and slipped under her trousers and panties, skimming over the soft skin and traveling lower still. When his fingers slid past her neat curls and pressed against her pussy, he groaned when he realized how wet she was. He teased her slick lips before slipping a finger into her.


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