Deviant Sin: A Dark College Romance (Cruel Desires Book 1)

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Deviant Sin: A Dark College Romance (Cruel Desires Book 1) Page 6

by Lee Piper

  Testing his strength, I struggle.

  There’s no give.

  From behind me, he sneers. “Keep squirming. I want to see those tits bounce.” With his free hand, he skims the underside of my breast, his cracked knuckles catching on the fabric of my hoodie.

  “Big fucking mistake.” I lift my leg and slam my foot on the inside of his knee.

  It pops out of place, a bone snaps, and ligaments tear. The stranger, caught between wanting to drop to the floor and hold me in place, howls in agony.

  Figuring I’ll make the decision for him, I brace myself, knowing I’m in for some epic pain. After counting to three, I slam my head back and connect with his face. The satisfying crunch of a broken nose fills my ears. It’s closely followed by a string of incoherent curses as my arms are freed.

  He falls.

  I push my hair back and glare at his crumpled body.

  He’s curled on his side. His face is deathly pale, beads of sweat trail down his cheeks, and his expression is anguished.

  “If you come near me again,” I warn, “if you so much as breathe in my direction, I’ll end you. I don’t care if you’re on your own or if you’re backed by The Collector and his army, it’ll always end the same way—with you wishing you’d stayed the fuck away.” I take in the blood splattering the otherwise pristine office. “You’d better clean this up. The Collector’s not going to like it.”

  I make quick work of the lock on the private exit and slip through, shutting the door behind me.

  Then, and only then, do I fall apart.

  Resting against the wall, I cover my mouth with my hands and choke back a sob. My knees give way, and I slide to the ground. Wrapping my arms around my legs, I hold tight, fearing that if I let go, I’ll fall to pieces.

  It’s the darkness that scares me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Temple slides to the ground, curls into a ball, and drops her head to her knees.

  I want to see the black shit coating her eyes running down her cheeks. I’d smear it across her skin, watch her fall apart in my hands as she pleads for me to put her back together again.

  A fucking sensational sight.

  She took him out in two moves. Makes me hard, knowing she’s capable of shit like that. If it weren’t for Saint, I’d say to hell with it and go back to her. I’d tear the clothes from her body and fuck her against the wall. Thrust my cock deep inside her tight cunt until she screams my damn name. Break, mark, and claim—she’d be mine to do whatever the fuck I want with.



  Knew I shouldn’t have kissed her. But when she said she’d go to Saint for answers, I had to lock that shit down.

  I shove the cell away.

  What kind of man falls for a chick like her? Sure, her curves are perfect, she’s smart as shit, and fights like a boss, but that doesn’t mean Jack. Usually.

  “What the hell was that?” Saint points to the phone in my pocket like a fucking idiot. “You told me she could fight, but Jesus. I didn’t know she could do that.”

  “I did.” From the moment I laid eyes on her, I knew.

  Temple is forged from steel. Not sure if it’s from natural instinct or some shit in her past. Doesn’t matter, the end result is the same. She’s tough, strong, and gorgeous.

  The whole damn package.

  Turning a corner, we push through an unsecured exit and boost from the stadium.

  Saint’s quiet, never a good sign. “She needs to go.”

  Like fuck she does. “Hard pass. Temple stays, and the plan doesn’t change.”

  “Dude, you saw what happened. Something triggered her back there. We can’t ask—”

  “Did you grow a vagina when I wasn’t looking? We’re not asking for shit.” Jumping the chain-link fence, I pump my legs faster, pissed that Saint’s found his motherfucking conscience. “Temple’s going to distract Dad, and we’re going to find that damn phone. You know what he’s like, he’d never trust anyone else with it. It’s still there.”

  Saint catches up with me. “Dude, I get it. But it’s obvious Temple’s dealing with some heavy shit. Maybe we could—”

  “No.” We near Angel’s car. “Temple can handle it.”

  “And if she can’t?”

  “She will. I’ll make sure of it.” Since I’m fucking addicted, I take out my cell and unlock the live security footage.

  Temple’s still crouched on the floor. She pushes her hair from her face, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand. Standing, she finds the surveillance camera and glares. “I’m coming for you, Sin,” she mouths with those plump-as-fuck lips. “Be ready.”

  If I wasn’t hard before I sure as fuck am now.

  Chapter Eighteen


  The closer I get to the alleyway, the quicker I storm toward my target. He’d better still be here.

  Only, he’s not.

  “What the fuck?” Panting, I turn in a full circle. Sin’s and Angel’s cars aren’t anywhere. It’s just me, the rats, and the overturned trash can.

  “Dammit.” Staring at the night sky, I wonder where they could be. The parking lot.

  Breaking into a run, I continue my search. “Swear to God, Sin. You’d better be where I think you are.”

  Before long, I arrive at the side entrance. My eyes scan the space, expertly taking in the intermittent flickering lights that do little to cast off the shadows. There are a couple of sedans parked nearby, which I ignore, then, in the furthest corner, I spy sparkling chrome. “Found you.”

  I race toward Sin, who’s leaning against a side panel, his legs crossed at the ankles. His expression is closed off, and there’s a tightness to his profile I haven’t seen before.

  “Hey, asshole.” My voice echoes in the lot.

  His head shoots up. Something flashes across his face, but it’s too quick to name. Within seconds, his features are carefully schooled.

  Saint steps toward me, his arms open wide in greeting. “Temple. Fuck, girl, am I glad to see you.”

  I hold up one hand, stopping him. “Don’t speak to me.”

  His eyebrows shoot to his hairline. “Say what?”

  But I don’t give him my time.

  Angel perches on the hood of his car, silent. His laptop rests on his thighs, and when he sees me nearing, he slowly closes it.

  I point to the piece of equipment. “I hope you’ve backed up your data, because I’m going to burn that thing by the end of the night.”

  Brushing past him, I square off with Sin.

  Straightening, he towers over me, muscular and dominant.

  Sin is beautiful in the way storms are beautiful. From a distance they’re awe-inspiring, but up close, they’re deadly.

  Well, I am too. “You screwed me over. Why?”

  He runs his teeth over his bottom lip.

  “And if you give me the silent treatment, I’m going to fuck you up. I’m done matching the pieces together myself.”

  He takes his sweet ass time. “Jack and our family go way back. We couldn’t risk him seeing us.”

  The name brings me up short. “Jack? That’s the name of the dude who threatened me?”

  Sin stills.

  “So, it’s okay for the creepy-assed pervert to see me, but not you? Have I got that right? Or, have I missed something?”

  “You’ve missed everything.”

  Oh, hell no. “I’ve been left out of every decision tonight, and it ends now. You don’t get to make me feel like an idiot for your mistakes. You should have prepared for every scenario, not balked at the slightest change. That’s what a professional does. Hell, it’s what a human with a conscience does when they’ve got other people with them.”

  Fighting back my rising fury, I continue. “I jumped in on the action without giving you the chance to say no, I get that. But I helped you, dammit. I backed up your lead on how to get out of the office. That’s meant to stand for something.”

  “Is i
t?” It’s like he wants to be punched in the face.

  Lord give me strength. “You torch my garage, steal a client’s car, then break into your dad’s office. Why? What’s the point of all this? You’re running around like a bunch of amateurs.”

  Sin grips my waist, his fingers punishing. “Careful, babe. You’re starting to piss me off.”

  I hate that I like it. “I’m pissing you off? You left me with a deranged psychotic who, and I quote, loves ‘hearing women scream.’ You don’t get the monopoly on being angry here.”

  Tension ripples his taut muscles. “The fuck did he say to you?”

  It’s madness to get off on this. A sane woman would tear herself from his hold and run as far as she could. Only, I’m anything but sane when I’m with Sin, because for some stupid reason…

  I feel alive.

  Turning to Angel, I mock, “Don’t tell me your surveillance equipment doesn’t include audio. You should really get that checked. Don’t want you missing crucial information.”

  Gripping my chin, Sin forces me back to him. His eyes are dark. “I asked you a question.”

  I swat his hand away. “Unlike you, I’m answering it. Your friend, Jack, gets off on assaulting women.” Standing on my tiptoes, my mouth brushes his. “And. You. Left. Me. With. Him.”

  What we’re doing is going to end in death and destruction. Mine, Sin’s, the whole world if we burn bright enough. The promise lay in the heat of his hands, the strength of his hold, and my responding heartbeat.

  Taking my bottom lip between his teeth, Sin bites down. “No one fucks with you but me.”

  I bite back a moan. “No one fucks with me, period.”

  Saint claps his brother on the shoulder. “Dude, pump the brakes. Or, better yet, put this thing in reverse. We’ve got shit to do, remember? The night isn’t over yet.” His gaze darts between Sin and me. “Temple, you need to cool it, girl.”

  “Bite me.”

  “Sin already did.” Saint exhales. “Swear to God, you’re worse than he is sometimes.”

  Sin shakes his brother off. Cupping my face between his hands, he tips my head back. “You knew your shit in The Collector’s office, it’s why we didn’t jump in to save your ass. Get off that high horse you’re riding like a dildo and accept the truth.”

  My eyes flare. “The truth? The truth is, you’re a gutless prick who used me to save your sorry ass.”

  “Never lied about it, babe. If you want to read into shit, that’s on you.”


  But I won’t let him see me hurt. “Tell me what’s going on.”


  I wait him out, but he doesn’t offer up anything else. “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to say?”

  He presses his hips against my lower stomach in answer.

  I try to push him away. Only, he doesn’t move. “Get off me. We’re finished.”

  He tightens his hold. “Not a fucking chance.”

  Kneeing him in the balls would be so satisfying. “If you want a woman who’s going to accept the scraps you’re offering, you’ve got me confused with someone else. I’m no one’s puppet. Not yours, Jack’s, or even The Collector’s. If you can’t fill me in on what’s happening, get your hands off me before I break them.”

  A ghost of a grin appears. “You would, too.”

  Saint curses. “This is some fucked-up foreplay.”

  Holding my stare, Sin lets go. But he doesn’t move back. Instead, he gestures to his cousin. “Give me my keys. You’re going to finish what we started.”

  In my periphery, Angel watches me, his calculating gaze oscillating between grudging respect and accusation.

  No cares to give.

  “Want me to burn the car?” He swaps his keys for my client’s.

  Sin nods. “Make sure it can’t be traced back to any of us.”


  “Are you insane? I’m not going to let you burn the Mustang.” I try to step out from behind Sin. Only, he wraps his arms around my middle, holding me close.

  Angel glares. “You won’t have a choice. It’s a done deal.”

  “Like hell it is.” Struggling, I attempt to unlock Sin’s iron hold.


  “Jesus, are you made of granite or something? Let me go.”

  Dipping his head, his breath tickles my ear. “Already told you. Never going to happen.”

  Saint looks between us then backs up a few steps. “I’m gonna go with Angel. Make sure he doesn’t fuck it up.”

  “Dude, that was one time,” Angel grumbles. “Give it a rest already.”

  “You sound like Eve,” Saint jokes.

  “Don’t say her name to me again, fucker.”

  Saint smirks. Like a porn star on the cusp of an orgasm, he chants, “Eve, Eve—”

  Angel punches him in the stomach.

  Saint’s body folds in half as he clutches his middle. “Goddamn, you hit like a girl,” he wheezes, laughing. “Even Eve could do better than that pissweak excuse of a hit.”

  “Screw you, Saint. Everyone knows you can’t fight for shit.” Angel slides into the driver seat, coaxing the engine to life.

  Sensing he’s about to be left behind, Saint jumps in the car. He winds down the window, resting his forearm on the frame. “It was nice knowing you, Temple.”

  With screeching tires, the car peels from the parking lot.

  Before I can follow, Sin kicks my legs apart.

  “You’ve got some explaining to do,” he growls.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Indignant, I exclaim, “I’ve got some explaining to do? Are you out of your mind?”

  “I’m here, aren’t I?” Releasing me, Sin rests his fists on the car either side of my hips. He’s so close he could brush his fingers against my jeans. He could undo my top button, lower the zipper and shove his hand—


  Sin’s a selfish prick who left me with a predator. Sure, he was right when he said I could handle myself. But I can’t give in to desire. I’m stronger than that.

  Sin flexes his hands against the panel. It’s like he’s trying to suffocate the car with his palms. Or, he’s imagining it’s me he’s squeezing the life out of.

  Either way, I’m not giving him anything. “Screw you, Sin.”

  He rolls his hips. “Planning on it, babe. But I told you before, you’ve got to beg for my cock before I give it to you.”

  My mouth pops open on a sharp inhale, my tongue darting out to wet my top lip.

  His eyes track the movement, darkening. “You owe me answers.”

  The force of his gaze sends warmth pooling in my core. Potent desire morphs into desperate need the longer we stare.

  Angry at my weakness and furious at my body’s response, I grit out, “You want answers?” Wrestling my arm from the sleeve of my hoodie, I show him the bruises on my upper arm left by Jack. “Is this answer enough for you?”

  The marks don’t bother me. I’ve had worse. It’s the way Sin’s stare blazes with unshed rage when he takes in the dark purple marks that has me questioning my sanity.




  They flash across his face like the film reel from a psychological thriller.

  A normal woman wouldn’t like watching the promise of vengeance. She’d back the hell up before going into hiding, terrified of the monster she’d unleashed.

  But I’m not normal.

  That chance was taken from me before I could claim it as mine. Which is why I don’t run. Instead, I tease, taunt, and coil Sin’s wrath around me.

  I gesture to my arm. “Go on, big man. Touch it. I want you to feel what he did to me.”

  His expression is hard. “Get in the car. We’re leaving.”

  I right my hoodie. “Hard pass. After you left me with Jack, I’d rather take my chances and find my own way home.”

  “It wasn’t a question.”

  “Does it look li
ke I care?” I’m being a brat. I’m better than this, but there’s something about Sin that makes me want to push him until he loses control.

  What would happen if he snapped? Would he break loose from the tight confines he puts around himself and unleash the primal, animalistic power that drives me wild?

  Being near Sin is like teetering on the brink of insanity. It’s no longer knowing if the life I’m living is real or imagined. It’s the realization that at any second the world as I know it will detonate, and I’ll fall into chaos, surrounded by pandemonium and hellfire. It’s wondering what it’ll be like to survive the experience with a man like him by my side.

  Sin thrusts his hand into my hair, fists it, and yanks. “I’m getting tired of your disobedience.”

  Need shoots to my core. I hiss, loving his cruel touch but hating it at the same time. “Get your hands off me.”

  “Get your ass in the car and we have a deal.” The steel edge to his tone brooks no argument.

  Mind whirling, I try to make sense of my options. Either I find my own way to Bayside with no money, cell, or sense of direction. Or I catch a ride with Sin.

  The choice is obvious.

  “Fine. But after tonight, I never want to see you again.”

  “Keep dreaming, babe.” He releases me.

  Head aching and heart confused, I ease myself into the soft leather seat.

  Sin does the same, his powerful body filling the space with the tantalizing scent of the ocean.

  Turning from him, I stare out the window into the darkness.

  If I’m going to have any chance of making a life for myself, I need to stay away from him. When we’re together, I forget about the woman I was and the woman I’m trying to be. His presence jeopardizes everything I’ve worked for.

  I won’t do that to myself.

  But I can’t escape the terrible truth.

  No matter what he said, did, or is going to do, a dark part of me wants to be with Sin.

  Chapter Twenty



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