My Sweet Songbird: Requested Trilogy - Part Three

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My Sweet Songbird: Requested Trilogy - Part Three Page 16

by Sabre Rose

  Sebastian backs away from her and sits back on the edge of the bed, facing the closet. “Tell me how you’ve been.”

  Roxy narrows her eyes, this behavior more cause for suspicion than him wrapping his fingers around her throat, but she relents and sits beside him, her demeanor softening.

  “She’s been gone for eight days now. The police are almost certain that whoever wanted her the first time, took her again, but they’ve got nothing. No leads. Nothing. It’s almost as though she’s disappeared into thin air. Her parents are beside themselves. Getting her back only to have her taken again devastated them. Abigail barely leaves the house. She sits by the phone just in case Mia calls.” Roxy’s voice breaks and Sebastian places his hand on her knee gently. She looks over at him cautiously.

  “I know I’ve kind of ignored you lately,” she says, “and I’m sorry for that, but it’s…” She lets her voice fade away. “It’s just the most surreal feeling, you know? I don’t mean surreal in a good way, not like I’m in a dream, more like I’m in a nightmare. Sometimes, for a few minutes when I wake in the mornings, I forget. I lie there thinking life is normal and everything, and then I remember that she’s gone. And then my mind starts spinning with all the things that could be—” She chokes, a giant sob escaping her. “You see?” She half-laughs, half-cries. “This is why I wanted to fuck. This is why I didn’t want to talk. For just one night I wanted to forget and I thought that you’d help me, but now you’ve gone all sensitive man on me and that’s not what I signed up for, Sebastian Atterton.” I can’t tell from the sounds she’s making if she’s laughing or crying. I’m not sure if she knows either.

  Turning my gaze to Sebastian, I notice he’s staring straight at the closet, his blue eyes piercing through the slats as though he can see me behind him. There’s the faintest of smiles on his lips. More the suggestion of a smile. One twisted with sadism. Slowly, he turns his gaze back to Roxy.

  “I’m so sorry,” he says, the lie falling from his lips easily.

  “She called her mother, you know.”

  That gets his attention and he straightens his posture. “When?”

  “The morning she disappeared. There was a missed call on her phone.”

  “So there was no message?”

  She shakes her head. “They found the phone on the road I live on all smashed and broken. They think she dropped it trying to get away from the bastard who took her.” She sighs and leans against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

  I can tell from Sebastian’s expression he doesn’t like the affection, but he doesn’t move away from her. It’s like I’m frozen, watching the scene before me play out like a movie. It’s cruel being this close to her, this close to freedom and escape and not being able to do anything. I try to call out again, but it’s pointless. The sounds in my throat are as trapped as I am.

  Roxy turns her head so she’s looking into Sebastian’s eyes. “Be rough with me,” she pleads. “Make me forget.”

  I thrash my whole body but the sounds just get muffled in the clothing. But when I look back through the slats, Sebastian’s head jerks over to me. Maybe some of the noise got through.

  Twisting his hand into the back of her head, he yanks her hair, exposing her neck. “Tell me you want me.” His voice is a low growl. “Tell me all the things you want me to do to you.”

  She moans and tries to move her head, but he holds it in place, her neck stretched out before him.

  “Beg for it,” he commands.

  “Please,” Roxy says, her voice heavy with need. “Please Sebastian, fuck me. Make me yours.”

  He gets to his feet, controlling her to do the same by the grip of her hair and pushes her to her knees.

  “Suck me.”

  She starts fervently fumbling with his pants, slipping them over his hips once the buttons are released. She pulls him out but looks up at him questioningly when he flops before her, only slightly aroused.

  “Suck it!” he yells.

  She takes him in her mouth and he leans over her, resting his hand on the door to the closet. His eyes gleam through the slats as he twists his other hand back through her hair and forces himself further into her mouth.

  I thrash and scream and Sebastian moans loudly to cover the muffled sounds. “Good girl,” he coos. “This is what you wanted, wasn’t it?”

  She releases him and lifts her head. “Yes,” she breathes. “I want you, Sebastian. I want you to—”

  Rearing my head backward, I ram it into the door.

  Roxy lets go of Sebastian with a pop. “What was that?”


  Sebastian tries to shove her head back down, but Roxy shakes out of his grasp.

  “No, seriously. I heard something. Did you not hear it?”

  I throw my head against the door again, screaming and crying into the gag, flailing any part of my body I can into hard surfaces.

  Roxy’s eyes grow wide. “What is that?”

  Sebastian tucks himself back into his pants and grabs her hand, tugging her toward the door.

  “What was that?” Roxy asks again, and she reaches down to grab her dress.

  Sebastian pulls her out of the door. “Okay, so you caught me.”

  “Doing what?”

  Sebastian replies but he speaks too softly for me to hear.

  Then Roxy laughs loudly. “You pervert.”

  And then they are gone, their laughter and their voices fading down the hall.



  I dissolve into a pile of despair, sinking down to the bottom of the closet and not caring about the pain and discomfort the position brings.

  She was so close.

  So close.

  Then my name drifts through the darkness, hushed and desperate.


  It’s Ryker. I start thrashing about the bottom of the closet, kicking my bound feet against the door and creating as much racket as I can.


  The doors are ripped open and Ryker peers down at me, his ocean-blue eyes darting over my body, scanning for signs of injury. Reaching into the closet, he pulls me into his arms and embraces me tightly.

  There’s a gasp of shock behind him and I lift my gaze to see Everly watching, her eyes wide with horror. Reaching out, she strokes a strand of hair from my face.

  “Are you okay?” She looks at Ryker as he lowers me to the edge of the bed. “What’s happening? What’s going on? I don’t understand.” She looks around the room as though the answers might pop out at her.

  He darts a hesitant glance her way as he fumbles with the knot at the back of my head which holds the gag in place. “I’ll explain later, I promise I will, but right now we need to get her out of here. We all need to get out of here.”

  “Did Sebastian do this?” Everly asks.

  He stops what he’s doing. “I swear I’ll tell you everything later, but we need to leave. Now. You understand?”

  Her chin wobbles and she nods in acceptance.

  “Undo the knots around her hands, would you?” He turns to me. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

  I shake my head vigorously, relief and panic combining to create this surge of adrenaline within. My heart pounds. My skin feels as though it’s been pricked with a thousand needles. My throat feels as though it’s been scorched with fire. When Ryker finally tugs the material from my mouth, I cough and splutter, drawing in a deep breath. Then I look over his shoulder and my world stops.

  “Sebastian.” His name comes out as a brutal whisper.

  Who knows how long he has been standing there watching. His head cocks to the side. A lopsided smile stretches across his face.

  “It’s Maestro to you, is it not?” He takes a step closer. “I had a suspicion that you would be up to something. I didn’t want to leave you alone for long, so your friend is being escorted home, since you ruined our little reunion.” His gaze moves to Ryker. “A wise decision, I see.”

  Everly, h
aving finally released the knots around my hands, turns and faces him, hands planted firmly on her hips. “What’s going on, Sebastian? Why was this girl locked in your closet?”

  Sebastian doesn’t even acknowledge her as he stalks toward me, hands behind his back as though attempting to show his nonchalance. Ryker rises to his feet, putting himself between me and Sebastian and the two men stand face to face. Sebastian’s eyes skip over Ryker’s face excitedly. I expected to see rage bubbling beneath the surface, but there’s almost a childish exuberance to his stance, a skittishness to his movements.

  “Junior,” Ryker says his name as a low growl.

  Sebastian’s eye twitches, just once, then the smile fades from his face as his disposition changes, and the simmering anger I expected to see before finally shows its face. The gleam to his eyes reforms, from animated to enraged.

  “Move out of the way.”

  Ryker shakes his head. “Make me.”

  “Ryker?” Everly’s voice is shaky and small. “Ryker, he has a gun.”

  Sebastian’s smile is back. “The girl is right.” He lifts one eyebrow. “I do.”

  The muscles of Ryker’s body almost recoil, twisting back, trembling as though they want to be set free.

  “Everly, leave.”

  Without taking his eyes off Ryker, Sebastian’s hand rams into Everly, shoving her to the ground. “Stay right where you are, Everly. Unless, of course, you’d like me to shoot your brother, right here, right now?”

  Tears run down Everly’s cheeks. “I—I—I don’t understand,” she hiccups. “Sebastian, please. I—”

  Sebastian withdraws the gun and holds it against Ryker’s head. “Silence!”

  Ryker doesn’t flinch, doesn’t move away. In fact, he steps forward, pressing his forehead against the barrel of the gun, testing Sebastian’s resolve.

  “We’re leaving, Sebastian. I’m taking Everly and I’m taking Mia and we’re walking out of here and never coming back.”

  “My father won’t allow it.” His eye flutters with annoyance. “I won’t allow it. You forget that I’m the one who has a gun to your head.”

  Ryker keeps his eyes on Sebastian. “Mia, Everly, I want you both to leave, okay? Everly, show Mia the way out. Run as far away from here as possible and hide, okay?”

  Everly shakes her head before he’s even finished talking. “No. I won’t leave you. Sebastian, please. You’re frightening me. Put down the gun. We’ll go get Senior and talk this through.”

  “There’s nothing to talk about. Your brother is trying to take what is mine. I won’t allow it.”

  “Pull the trigger then!” Ryker yells, stepping forward, forcing Sebastian backward. “Do it! Pull the trigger! Do it!” Ryker’s voice vibrates around the room. Everly covers her ears with her hands.

  Sebastian’s finger shakes over the trigger. “Don’t think I won’t.”

  “Then do it,” Ryker says. “Kill me. Show Everly who you really are, nothing but a pathetic excuse for a man who likes to hold women captive, who is so insecure within himself that he can’t possibly imagine that anyone would love him for who he is, so he has to force them.” He steps forward again and the gun trembles in Sebastian’s hand. “Tell Everly how you beat Mia. How you left bruises on her throat. Tell her who you really are, Junior. Pathetic.”

  Sebastian lowers the gun, moving the barrel down to point at Ryker’s knee. “Oh, I don’t plan on killing you, not yet. And for all your attempts at bravery, Ryker, you are forgetting one thing. With you gone, they will still be here.”

  He tugs his phone out of his pocket. “My bedroom. Now,” he barks down the phone.

  “Now Ryker and I are going to go for a little walk while Cameron looks after you ladies, okay?”

  I take a hesitant step toward him. “Sebastian,” I beseech.

  Rage licks his irises and I swallow a knot of fear, pushing it back down to the pit of my stomach.

  “Maestro,” I correct. “Let them go. I’m here. I’m here with you. I want you.” I don’t look at Ryker as I say the words, keeping my gaze firmly fixed on the devil before me. “You don’t need them. I don’t need them. It’s not Ryker I want, it’s you.” The lies fall from my mouth easily, knowing that they might be the only things capable of saving Ryker.

  The door opens and Cameron walks in. He looks startled at the sight, his eyes narrowing when he sees the gun, but quickly looks to Sebastian for instruction.

  “Stay here with the girls,” Sebastian says. “Do not let them leave.”

  Cameron nods. “Should I call your father?”

  “No!” Sebastian’s yell echoes around the room. “This is something I can handle on my own. He’ll approve once he finds out that his precious Ryker was going to throw everything in his face and betray him by stealing my property. He would do the same thing.” He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and falling. “Walk,” he orders Ryker.

  Cameron stands in front of the door as it closes behind them, assuming the position of guarding us.

  “What are you doing?” Everly asks. “Let me leave, Cameron. Let me leave right now!” She stamps her foot on the floor, but Cameron remains impassive, staring straight ahead, eyes fixed on nothing.

  I start toying with the knots around my ankles, freeing my feet. Everly whirls around to face me.

  “Who are you? Why were you in the closet? How does my brother know you? Where is Sebastian taking him?”

  “I don’t know,” I say, walking over and placing my hand on her arm in an attempt to calm her. But the contact only makes her more frantic.

  “What do you mean you don’t know?” she screams. “Would someone please tell me what’s going on?” She turns back to Cameron, beating her fists against his chest. “Why does Sebastian have a gun? Why has he taken Ryker? Let me go!”

  She beats her fists pointlessly against his chest until she falls into a sobbing mess on the ground. I just stand there looking at her, helpless. The only world she has ever known was crashing around her. The only family she has ever known has turned on each other before her eyes.

  We sit in silence, each trapped in our own minds, so many unanswered questions floating between us until Sebastian strides back into the room.

  Everly bounds to her feet. “Where did you take him?”

  “Take her away,” Sebastian spits at Cameron. “Keep her in her room until I decide what to do with her.”

  Cameron salutes in acceptance and gathers a screaming and crying Everly into his arms, throwing her over his shoulder before walking out. The door closes behind him and I am left alone with Sebastian.

  I don’t know whether I should kneel in submission or stand in defiance. Sebastian just leans against the door, eyes downcast as though he’s contemplating his options. Finally, he lifts his head and the coldness I see in his gaze cuts like a knife through my soul. Of all the fear I’ve felt before, none has been filled with the dread that grips my heart like a vice now.

  His lip curls. “Is this how you repay me?” He stalks forward. I want to be strong. I want to lift my chin and face whatever punishment he’s intent on doling out unflinchingly, but I’m terrified.

  I slide off the bed, sinking to my knees.

  “Oh, it’s a little late for that, don’t you think? And here I was being so generous, so kind in allowing you to see your little friend. Did you like it, hmm? Or were you jealous of the attention I gave her? I didn’t want to touch her, of course. I’ve got no need for her now, but I didn’t want to arouse suspicion. After all, she was used to being used as a fuck-toy. It’s what she expected.”

  Sebastian strokes my cheek, running his finger over my skin until it rests under my chin, the pressure tilting my head upward. I look at him through tear-stained eyes.

  “So beautiful.” He takes his hand away only to draw it back and slap me across the face.

  I grit my teeth, trying not to show the pain that knifes across me. He grips my chin, forcing me to look at him again.

  “You really
shouldn’t have fallen for a guy like Ryker. He’s not a very nice man.”

  I shake my head. “I never fell for him. It’s only you, Maestro.”

  Pain forces my head to the side again.

  “Don’t fucking lie!”

  I suck my lip and taste blood.

  Grabbing a fistful of my hair, he jerks me to my feet, and tosses me on the bed, starting to undo the buttons of his pants. “Shall I tell you about Ryker? Shall I let you know the secrets of the man you think you want?”

  His door doesn’t have a lock. I lurch from the bed, making a desperate dash for escape, but Sebastian catches me easily, his arm wrapping around my waist and tossing me back to the bed. Just that single motion was more terrifying than anything else I’d felt up until this moment. The way he flung me so easily. I am nothing to him.

  “Oh, don’t think you can get away so easily, my sweet songbird,” he growls. “I’ve given you too much, loved you too much to let you walk out that door. You will never escape me. You will always be mine.”

  Stripping naked, he presses me to the bed, pinning me down with his weight. His breath is hot in my ear as he speaks.

  “He is my father’s right-hand man. He has been for years. Whenever my father needs someone to do the dirty work for him, it’s Ryker he calls. He’s beaten men within an inch of their lives just because my father told him to.” He runs his tongue up the side of my face, leaving moisture to cover the pain. “He’s stolen. He’s betrayed people who trusted him. He is nothing. He is a feeble excuse for manhood.”

  There’s no point in pretending anymore. “Where is he? What did you do to him?”

  His mouth moves against my ear. “He killed Marcel.”

  I shake my head, trying to pull away from him.

  “You don’t believe me?” he says. “It’s true. It’s all true. Ryker is a very, very bad man just like you’ve been a very, very bad girl.”

  His fingers wrap around my throat viciously, cutting off my air supply. I thrash and toss beneath him but it’s pointless. My struggle only serves to excite him more. He squeezes tighter and black starts to cloud the edges of my vision.


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