Chasing Red

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Chasing Red Page 17

by Kelsey Cheyenne

  “Why are you here so early?” I roll my eyes. “I’m on my way to work and my secretary called out ‘sick.’ What happened with Vanessa?”

  “We weren’t a good fit.” That’s an understatement.

  “Was she bad in the sack?”

  I think my best friend is a sex addict.

  With a heavy sigh, I confess. “I wouldn’t know.”

  “What? You never even slept with her? You were dating for like, a year. Is she a part-time nun or something?” The incredulous look on his face is comical.

  “No, I just wasn’t into her.” I shrug, brushing it off before he blows it out of proportion. “Did you come all this way to question me about your secretary?”

  “As a matter of fact, I didn’t. Kenzie and I set a date. We’re getting married in May and I didn’t want to wait another minute to make you my best man.” A smile forms on my face, and though I shouldn’t be surprised, I am.

  Hunter and I have been through the wringer these past few years. When he was engaged to Alison, I didn’t have a shot in hell at even being invited to the wedding, and now I’ll get to stand beside him while he marries the true love of his life.

  I don’t always believe in the 'everything happens for a reason' bullshit, but in this case, I do. Hunter told me about Alison losing their baby and I can’t imagine the pain they both experienced.

  But if not for that loss, he’d still be with her and away from his family. He’d never have found Kenzie and, truthfully, considering she cheated on him at least once, was the baby even his or was it a trap?

  I’ll never ask him any of these questions, but as his best friend, I can’t say they haven’t at least crossed my mind. Now he’s close to his family again, and I got my best friend back. I wish he hadn't had to suffer through that loss, but sometimes good things come from the unthinkable.

  “Dude, of course I’ll be your best man. It’s about damn time. Now I have to start planning your bachelor party.”

  As teenagers, you assume your bachelor party will be a high class blow out in Vegas. In reality, being almost thirty, we’ll probably go to a Flyers game and Xfinity Live.

  “You do that. We’ll talk flights to Vegas later.” With a punch on my shoulder he stands. “I gotta get to work. I’ll catch ya later.” The door to the rink opens but doesn’t close. “Yo, just to warn you, Hailey’s maid of honor. Did I forget to mention that?” He backs out the door like the freaking pansy he is.



  “Oh my God, Kenzie, you look like a freaking princess.” I drove home for the weekend to accompany my best friend on her mission to find a wedding dress and I’m pretty sure she just found it. She has on an A-line off the shoulder wedding dress, with a tulle lace overlay, and a court train. A gorgeous belt accents her midline and the sweetheart neckline is classy and tasteful while showing off the goods. It’s the perfect dress.

  She nods, but at the same time, sobs rack her body and tears fall down her cheeks in a thick, heavy torrent.

  “Kenz, it won’t be that bad marrying my brother. If you’re that upset about it, why did you say yes?” That earns me a half-hearted laugh from my best friend and a smack on the arm by my mom. “Ow.”

  I rub away the sting as she admonishes me.

  “Sweetie, what’s wrong?”

  “I’m sorry, I love you guys, it’s just,” a fitting room attendant comes by with a box of tissues and Kenzie blows her nose into it, “I wish my mom were here too.”

  My mom and I stand from the couch we’re perched on, rushing to the bride-to-be’s side.

  “Just because she’s not here in the physical sense doesn’t mean she’s not here in spirit. Your mom would be so proud of you and the woman you’re becoming. Look at everything you’ve accomplished! Most people would’ve crumbled under the weight of the loss, but not you. Mackenzie, you’re one of the strongest people I’ve ever known and I’m so lucky I get you as a daughter. Seeing how much my son loves you and how you treat him is the best gift in the world. I wish your mom were here too, in the physical sense, but I know she’s watching over you.”

  Kenzie cries into my mom’s shoulder while I wipe away my own tears that are definitely not related to my mom’s speech. Nope, I just have something in my eye. They should really dust more often in here. These dust bunnies are lethal.

  “Hails, are you crying too?” I step in to hug my best friend when my mom pulls away.

  “Of course not. But I do think your mom would be so proud of you. She’d disapprove of your taste in men, but you can’t help who you love.” I wink with my back toward my mom.

  “Hailey Nicole! You knock it off.”

  I spin to my mom, offering her a winning smile.

  “Just kidding, Mom.” I turn back to Kenzie once more. “I’m so glad we’re finally going to be sisters for real.” We jump like school girls and I know my friend is hurting, but I’ll do everything in my power to make the day easier for her.

  “So, are we saying yes to the dress?” The consultant comes back in the room with a broad smile and glitter pouring out of her ass. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

  With a nod and squeals heard ‘round the world, we purchase the dress and exit the shop. Who knew wedding dress shopping could be so exhausting when you’re not even the bride?

  After I get back to my parents' house, I’m a woman on a mission.

  “What in God’s name are you doing? Those are Kenzie’s private things.” My mom reprimands me for snooping, but it’s for a good purpose, I swear.

  “I’m looking for something in particular. I know it’s in one of these boxes.” I’m rummaging through her parents' things. Kenzie hasn’t had it in her to go through any of the boxes despite it being several years since her parents died in a freak car accident. I don’t blame her and now it works in my favor.

  “It’s not your place to go through their things. If Mackenzie wanted it, she’d find it herself.” I give her a look that screams, seriously?

  “You know that’s not true. She’ll appreciate it, I promise.” I find a box with items wrapped in newspaper and I’m sure this has to be the right box. All of her parents’ delicate treasures are in here.

  At the bottom of the box, cushioned on every side, I find the item I’m looking for. Bingo.

  “Oh, Hailey.” My mom crouches down on the floor with me, offering me a side hug when I show her what I was looking for. “How did I raise two good kids?”

  “I don’t know about Hunter, but I think you got pretty lucky with me.” She laughs and rolls her eyes at my constant hounding of my big brother. Truth be told, my parents did a damn good job with both of us, I’ll just never admit that to anyone.

  “When are you going to give it to her?”

  I smile and close the lid. “I know the perfect time.”


  As I’m pulling into my apartment complex at school, a sense of nostalgia overwhelms me. This weekend with my family and experiencing the important moments was important. I’m glad I could be there to help pick out a dress and I know I’ll be back home in a few weeks for the holidays, but it seemed harder today to leave.

  It’s late when I get home, but my neighbor’s door is open and boxes are piled into the hallway. I’d rather just crawl into bed and crash, but I’m too nosy to not figure out what’s going on.

  I knock on the door even though it’s open. “Landon, are you here?” He comes into view, shirtless despite the frigid November temperatures outside. His body is slicked in sweat, a piece of his raven locks falling into his face, and he’s carrying a large box marked DONATE.

  “What’s going on?” His place is almost entirely packed up.

  “I got offered a position in New York after I graduate. I found an apartment up there already, so I figured I’d start packing my things and making the transition while I have the time.” Is he really leaving already? It seems like just yesterday he showed up on my doorstep with a package of Oreos, welcoming me to the bui

  “Wow, congratulations, Landon. That’s so exciting. I’m happy for you.” I’m standing dumbstruck in his doorway, unsure what to say. “Can I help you pack?”

  “No, I’m almost done. All I have to do is carry the boxes down to my car and what kind of gentleman would I be if I made you help lug around my shit?” He offers me a half smile that doesn’t meet his eyes.

  We’re stuck in a stare-off. We both want to say things but we don’t know where to start. Nothing I say to him will change anything that’s happened thus far.

  “I’m glad to know you, Landon. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me here. I really do wish you all the happiness in the world and I hope, somehow, we can stay friends.” His face falls and a pitiful smile pulls at his lips.

  I back out of his place and head next door. As I insert my key into the lock, he calls my name. “Hailey, wait.”

  I rest my back against the door as my sexy, shirtless neighbor comes running toward me. He surrounds me in a bear hug and some of my hair sticks to his sweaty chest.

  “I hope you get him.” He backs away before I can say anything else.

  So do I, Landon. So do I.



  The wedding will be here before we know it—one short month to be exact—and tonight we leave for Hunter’s bachelor party. Instead of heading to a hockey game, a small group of us are driving to Atlantic City for a weekend of reckless debauchery.

  I open my nightstand to grab condoms—not necessarily for me, but for the other single guys joining us on this trip—when I see an old notebook buried under a bunch of other junk. I haven’t seen this book for ages.

  I open to the first page and the title at the top takes me back to my first date with Hailey. Bucket List.

  The items on the list are varied and random and I grab a pen to see how many items I can cross off the list, the first being crash a wedding.

  Skimming the list, I see items such as partake in a flash mob, spend the night in an igloo, get my pilot’s license, and a bunch of other things I’ve never accomplished and, at this point in my life, don’t have a chance at accomplishing in the foreseeable future.

  I’ve only managed to cross two items off my list and aside from becoming a wedding crasher, the only other item is getting in the Guinness world record book. There was a time when I was younger when I had the largest comic book collection and was able to make it into the book. I don’t hold the record anymore, but I still have the proof that I did for a brief time.

  There’s one final item on the bottom of the list that I added forever ago, when I was full of mushy shit like hope and love. Marry Hailey Nicole Blake. A couple of years ago I would’ve sworn she was the woman for me. Hell, I’m still certain she is. I just wish she was sure I was the guy for her.

  I toss the notebook back in the drawer and grab my bag. This weekend is bound to be a total shit-show, but I need it and Hunter does too. He’s been so wrapped up in Kenzie that I’ve hardly seen him since they started wedding planning.

  “Yo, Hunter, let’s go.” I bang on his front door, my fist rattling the frame. We’re already running late and I know it’s because he’s antsy about being away from his fiancée for the entire weekend, but I’m sure she’ll be in good hands. Hailey’s, to be exact. And I know just how good those hands are.

  The drive to AC is short enough, and after we check in we head to the bar. Hunter and I are bunking together while two of his coworkers, Aaron and Eric, are sharing a separate room. His two work buddies are single and ready to mingle. They were all for going to a strip club tonight but Hunt declined. I wouldn’t be surprised if they still ended up at one themselves.

  Women flock around us at the bar, scantily dressed and half-exposed. Aaron and Eric hightail it away to dance with a group of them the first chance they get, leaving me and Hunter behind to fend for ourselves.

  Despite the fact that I too am very much single, I’m not acting as such and I don’t feel like a bachelor. I’m almost envious of the carefree way Aaron and Eric can act around women when I’m still acting like a bitch, pining for what could’ve-would’ve-should’ve been.

  It’s as if Hailey has turned me asexual and ruined me for other women. I wish I’d had that same effect on her. Who knows if she’s still dating that dude Hunter told me about?

  What if she brings him to the wedding? Should I bring a date too?

  No. I’m not going to play those stupid, childish games. I can use the wedding to size her up and win her back.

  I smile and feel optimistic for the first time in a damn long time. I motion to the bartender and when she comes over, I order. “Two shots of Jager.”

  “What’re you smiling about? You’re either about to kill or fuck someone and since you haven’t gotten laid since the stone age, I’m afraid of your answer.” Hunter claps me on the back as our shots are set in front of us.

  “First of all, fuck you. Second of all, I think I’m onto something.” We take the shots, reveling in the burn. “Let’s get you thoroughly drunk. It’s time we start acting like bachelors.”


  “What a weekend.” I don’t think I remember half the shit that happened, but I know I woke up in my bed alone every morning, which is a good sign.

  I pull up to Hunter’s house to drop him off at the same time Kenzie pulls up in her car. The lovebirds embrace as if an ocean had separated them and they’d been apart for an entire year. It’s almost sickening, how in love they are. I’m fucking jealous.

  I was also hoping Hailey would’ve dropped Kenz off at home, but I didn’t get so lucky.

  “Wanna come in for a while? We can order a pizza and soak up the alcohol together.” Kenzie’s offer makes me smile and normally I’d decline and give them some time alone, but I could use quality time with them.

  “Sure, thanks.” I follow them in, taking a spot on the couch while Kenzie calls for food.

  Hunter offers me a beer, which I’m tentative to accept. 'Hair of the Dog.' I take it and down the contents, ready to start the inquisition, but my best friend beats me to the punch.

  “So, babe, what’d you guys do this weekend? How was your bachelorette party? Did you guys behave?” Hunter gives me a look. I can’t tell if he’s curious about his fiancée’s weekend or asking for my benefit. Either way, I’m eager for the answer.

  “It was super low key. Just a few strippers, some body shots, penis paraphernalia, the usual.” My heart skips erratically in my chest at the thought. It’s ridiculous. I have no claim on Hailey and she’s beautiful. It’s no surprise guys would flock to her, but it still scares me to think about it.

  I cough and take a drink, drawing the attention to me. “Sorry, went down the wrong pipe.”

  “You didn’t even drink anything.” Kenzie calls me out.

  “I meant the air went down the wrong pipe…” My argument is invalid and the lovebirds share a look with one another.

  “I’m just fucking with you. We went to a spa, stayed in a hotel in the city, and stayed in, drinking and reminiscing. No boys were even in the vicinity. Does that make everyone happy?”

  “I trust you, baby.” They kiss and I think my gag is audible.

  “You good?” My best friend eyes me like he knows exactly what I’m thinking and planning.

  “Peachy.” Just one more month to get my life back on track. I’ve waited this long. I can wait thirty more days.



  Tomorrow is my best friend’s wedding day. Mackenzie and Hunter, my parents, and I are preparing for the ceremony in the backyard of my parents’ estate. My nerves have been jittery all day knowing that tomorrow Chase and I will be reunited for the first time in years. He’s still under my skin and I don’t see him ever not affecting me.

  I’m arranging chairs around the tables when the air changes. It becomes charged and the hair on the back of my neck stands on end. I don’t have to turn around to know without a fraction of a doubt tha
t Chase is here.

  “Hey, bud, where do you want these?” I attempt to be subtle as I glance over my shoulder to where my ex walked through the gate and into the backyard. He’s carrying a large box filled with fragile centerpieces. The muscles in his arms are straining, his veins bulging with the effort. Hunter responds but I don’t hear what he says because I’m too busy checking out his best friend.

  Chase is dressed in a light blue t-shirt and tan shorts which accentuate his fine ass. His hair is mussed and I want to run my fingers through the soft strands. My thighs clench just from staring at him.

  He must sense my stare because his eyes dart across the yard and land on me. I look away, too afraid to confront him and my overwhelming emotions. I’m trapped. Chase is standing too close to the house for me to sneak by and he’s still blocking the exit gate to the yard.

  My palms sweat and I drop a chair on my foot. “Sonofabitch!”

  “Are you okay?” I jump at the proximity of my voice. Chase is so close he’s breathing down my neck, but I refuse to turn around and face him.

  “Yup. All good. I’m just gonna—um, Kenzie needs me to—I have to—go. I have to go.” I keep my head down as I walk away. As I pass by Kenzie, I grab her arm to drag her in the house with me.

  “Ow, I’m going to have a bruise in my wedding dress tomorrow, you bitch.” Kenz rubs her arm after I release her.

  “That’s what your makeup artist is for.” I wave her off. I know this weekend is all about her, but right now I’m too pissed off. “Why didn’t you tell me Chase was coming?” My hands flutter over my outfit and push my hair back, knowing that working all day made it frizzy and sweaty.

  “I didn’t know he was coming.” She shrugs but smirks at me. “I think you need to—” I hold up my palm to shush her.

  “Save it. I’m not interested in any relationship advice today. Or non-relationship advice considering Chase and I are nothing. We were never really anything to begin with. I want to hurry up and get this done and avoid him for, well, ever.” With a frown, Kenzie shakes her head. “One more thing. How do I look?” She laughs and I can’t even blame her.


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