Mysterious Destiny Bright Lights and Thunder Part I

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Mysterious Destiny Bright Lights and Thunder Part I Page 41

by D. J. Holmes


  A short while later, Jon and Julia, Jacque and Isabelle, arrive at the battle support area of the French. Getting off their wagon they all begin walking through the small make-shift village next to the battlefield.

  Julia notices that people are looking at her. Since she is an exact duplicate of Jehanne, the peasants begin to comment.

  “I thought that Jehanne was in her tent.”

  “I was told that she was taken off the battlefield by Pierre and is recuperating.”

  “If she is all right, why is she walking around our village in those clothes while a battle is going on, rather than leading her soldiers?”

  Hearing the comments, Julia pulls up the hood of her robe to hide her face.

  A blacksmith who works for the French nobles is a friend of Jehanne’s family. He notices Jacque and Isabelle, as they are walking toward the soldier’s tents, “What are you doing here?” he asks.

  “We are looking for, Jehanne,” Jacque responds to the Blacksmith’s question.

  “She has been injured and is in her tent.”

  “Would you please direct us to her tent?” Isabelle asks with concern.

  “…Of course.” Pointing with his hammer he indicates the row of tents, and says “It is the biggest tent just to your right at the end of this road.”

  “Thank you. It is good to see you,” Jacque says extending his hand to his friend.

  “It’s always good to see you,” replies the Blacksmith.

  Approaching the tent the Blacksmith had indicated, Jacque and Isabelle enter finding Pierre sitting by Jehanne’s bed side.

  Shocked, Pierre stands up and says in amazement, “Jacque, Isabelle, how did you know?”

  “We didn’t, Pierre.”

  “What happened to Jehanne?” asks her mother.

  “Jehanne was hit by a flail on the right side of her jaw bone and cheek. She had her helmet on, but she is unconscious.”

  Julia and Jon have followed Jacque and Isabelle into the tent. Julia pushes her hood back onto her shoulders attracting attention as she does so. Pierre is shocked. Standing up, he says, “You look exactly like, Jehanne.”

  “That is what I have been told,” she says matter-of-factly.

  “We need your help,” Pierre pleads. “I know that Jehanne would want me to say this. The soldiers will leave the battlefield as soon as word reaches more of them, realizing that Jehanne is not by their side. You look exactly like her. Well, except for the color of your eyes and hair. But your hair can be covered up with a dark cloth and a helmet. No one will remember the color of her eyes. I wonder….”

  Somewhat surprised at the implied suggestion, Julia asks, “You want me to be Jehanne?”

  “Yes,” he says grateful that he didn’t need to argue or explain in detail. “I need you to put on, Jehanne’s armor, get on her horse and fly her standard throughout the battle. Don’t be frightened I’ll be by your side at all times.”

  Placing his hand on her shoulder, Jon states, “maybe that’s why we’re here, Julia. If you decide to go, I will also be by your side.” Looking at Pierre, he says, “that is, if you get me a horse.”

  “Julia will use Jehanne’s horse. Jean gave us an extra horse in case either one of us needed it. You can use that one. I’ll go and find you some armor, Jon.”

  “Thank you.”

  “The faster I am dressed the faster we can get out onto the battlefield,” Julia states, anxious to be of help.

  “Isabelle, will you help her?” Jacque asks.

  With Isabelle’s help Julia is soon dressed in Jehanne’s armor, ready to get on her horse.

  As they start to ride away, Jacque suddenly says to Isabelle, “We should have told them that Pierre is actually Running Deer, the person they are looking for.”

  “We’ll tell them when they return after the battle, Jacque.”

  Riding by the French nobles, Julia doesn’t even look at them. But, Pierre stares directly at the French noble wanting to jump off of his horse and beat the arrogant smirk from his face. Instead, Pierre takes a firmer grip on his horse’s reins. Inwardly he is seething. In his mind he promises, “I will take care of you later,” as he passes by the noble whose flail hit, Jehanne.

  …Surprised… the French noble comments “I don’t understand this. I hit her hard enough that she should never be able to ride again. Obviously, we will need to think of something else. We can’t continue to allow her to win these battles.” Watching them ride toward the fighting, he asks, “I know Pierre. But who is that other man riding with her?”

  “I don’t know. We’ll have to find out.”

  As, Julia rides onto the battlefield flying Jehanne’s standard, shouts of “Jehanne…Jehanne…Jehanne,” can be heard over and over again, as the French soldiers breathe in renewed strength pushing the English back once again.

  After the battle is won, Julia, Jon and Pierre return to, Jehanne’s tent. Entering the tent and taking off his helmet, Pierre asks, “How is she?”

  Isabelle answers with concern. “She is still asleep.”

  “Has she been awake at all?”

  “No. I can barely hear her breathe,” Isabelle states still concerned for her welfare.

  Jacque looks over to Julia and asks, “How did everything go?”

  “With, Jon and…do you know what? We have never been introduced?” Julia says as she looks toward Pierre.

  Quickly Jacque says, “I tried to run out to tell you before you left for the battle, but I missed you. His name is, Pierre.”

  “Hello Pierre, you are a wonderful soldier. I would love to learn your skills.”

  “Thank you, Julia.”

  Turning to, Jon, Julia says, “You did a great job also, Jon.”

  “Why thank you, Julia. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a battle.”

  While they are taking off their armor they look in the direction of, Jacque and Isabelle, noticing that both of them are smiling.

  Jon comments, “Why are you smiling? Jehanne is still unconscious.”

  “Yes, she is. And we are sad for that. It’s just that…” Isabelle takes a breath and then continues, “Jon and Julia. Pierre came to our home about two years ago and we have loved him since that day. He is Running Deer, the boy that you are looking for.”

  Shocked, Jon and Julia look at, Pierre.

  Pierre looks at Isabelle, wondering why she has just called him Running Deer. A name he hasn’t heard since the day she changed his name to Pierre as a way of fitting into their family and their society as a whole.

  Looking at, Pierre, Julia walks over to him. “Pierre, would you look at these pictures please?” she says as she opens her locket.

  Taking a few moments to look at the images, he says, “Yes, this is how I looked when I was very young. Why are there two pictures of me?”

  Pointing to one picture, Julia says, “This is you. The other picture is of your brother, Gray Wolf.”

  “Gray Wolf…Gray Wolf….” As he says the name, an image flashes in his mind.

  Julia, explains, “Running Deer, your father has a mark of a star on his heart. When you and Gray Wolf were born, both of you had that same mark on your heart also. Your mother felt that you would be protected during the day by the sun, and during the night the mark of the star would show you the way.”

  As, Julia is speaking to him, his mind begins to open. Multitudes of pictures of his family flood into his mind: Learning the Eagle dance from his father, dancing at tribal ceremonies, standing on a line in the ground that his father has drawn as he and his brother are taught how to shoot a bow and arrow; faces of his tribe, as his whole family is riding together on their father’s horse, watching his mother race her horse.

  Thinking for a while he begins, “My mother’s name is, Snow Flower. My father’s name is, Blue Cloud.”

  “Yes. You are correct.”

  A sudden swell of emotion sweeps over Running Deer. Memories of being kidnapped by his uncle flood into his heart as h
e remembers watching the pain on his father’s face, as his brother is killed and he is carried off by his uncle.

  “…My father and mother…. Where are they?”

  “Do you remember what happened to you in the Hall of Corridors?”

  Relaxing for a moment as he tries to remember, “The fish…. Gray Wolf was riding on the tail of that huge fish. The tail hit me. I fell back and for a while I was in a tunnel. I began to grow as I slowly moved in the tunnel. I could see a dim light through the walls but I couldn’t escape its hold on me. After a while I began to hear loud noises as I was pushed out of the tube, joining the pouring rain as it fell to the ground from the sky. I remember the brightness of the lightning, and the extremely loud booming sound of the thunder.”

  “Running Deer, with Daniel’s help we found the portal that you were thrown into. In order to enter the exact dimension and area you were sent to, we had to wait a week. During that time, Daniel taught us languages and survival tactics.”

  Jon adds, “Your mother and father sent us here to find you while they search for Grey Wolf.”

  “It’s all very complicated, but we are here to take you home to your parents. Would you go with us?” Julia asks.

  “What about Jehanne?” Running Deer states with a great deal of concern.

  “We don’t need to leave now. We can wait until she recovers,” Jon answers.

  Julia adds, “I’ll continue to take her place until she is completely healed. What should we call you?”

  Relieved, Pierre answers her question. “While we are with, Jacque and Isabelle in France, I would like you to continue to call me, Pierre.”

  “Pierre it is.”

  “Where can we find a place to rest, Pierre? It’s been a very long day.”

  Pierre considers, “I think that all of us should sleep in the same tent. That way no one will find out that, Julia is taking, Jehanne’s place.”

  Agreeing, Julia says, “You are right, Pierre. We need to keep this all to ourselves.”

  Isabelle quietly adds, “Don’t worry about, Jehanne. I will sleep by her side, just as I did when she was sick as a child.”

  “Thank you, Isabelle. If you need any of us, be sure to wake us.”

  “I will.”

  Strangely, the crow of the rooster could not be heard as the morning dawns. The sounds of a horse walking swiftly toward their tent, awakens Pierre. “Quiet,” he warns as he puts his right index finger up to his lips.

  Leaving the tent, pulling the door coverings closed behind him, Pierre comes face to face with a French messenger.

  “Sir, I come from Compiegne. Jehanne has promised to protect our city. We have received word that soldiers from Burgundy allied with the English, along with English soldiers, are on their way to ravage our town. Can we count on Jehanne’s help?”

  Pierre does not hesitate to answer. “If, Jehanne has pledged to protect you, then she will do so. Ride back and tell your commander to watch for our coming. We will be there soon.”

  “Thank you, Sir. I will pass the word on to my superiors.”

  “…God speed.”

  “And to you… Sir….”

  Somehow inside the tent, Jehanne hears the message given by the messenger and raises her head. “I’ve sworn to protect them. I have to go.” Falling back she is once again unconscious.

  Pierre enters the tent with concern written on his face.

  “What did she say?” Julia asks.

  “Jehanne has sworn to protect Compiegne because of their loyalty to, King Charles VII. They rely on her protection from the Burgundians and the English,” Pierre answers.

  “Then we have to go, Pierre,” Julia states.

  “Julia, I don’t know if you should go,” he says with concern.

  “How can I not go, Pierre? Am I not representing, Jehanne? If she has sworn to protect Compiegne, then we must go to their aid.”

  “Julia, if you are sure that you want to go. I will make sure that we bring some of our soldiers with us.”

  “That would be a good idea, Pierre.”

  With their horses ready for the journey, Jon, Pierre, and Julia, along with two hundred other soldiers, quickly ride to Compiegne. Knowing that the city is surrounded by a forest of beautiful Oak trees, Pierre uses this to their advantage and enters Compiegne by way of its back entrance.

  As the reinforcements enter their city, word of their arrival draws the occupants out of their houses, hurrying into the streets to proclaim their thankfulness. Lining up along both sides of a narrow road, the people of Compiegne learn that it is Jehanne who has come to help them, just as she had promised. Waving to each soldier as they ride past, smiles and tears can be seen as the town’s people show their sincere appreciation.

  Once again the hearts of the people of Compiegne burn with renewed courage. With Jehanne’s help, they will be able to fight the great English army and their allies camped outside the city walls, across the Oise River. Since the river runs along the complete length of their city, until the battle begins, their guards will need to be very vigilant.

  The Mayor of Compiegne walks out of his quarters as the parade of horses with their soldiers pass by. Pierre stops his men. The Mayor extends a greeting. “Jehanne, Pierre, we are so grateful that you are here.” Gesturing to the townspeople, the mayor asks, “Please take the soldiers into your homes. Make them comfortable. Feed them and take care of their horses. I will take, Jehanne and Pierre, with me.”

  Pierre speaks up, “Would it be all right if Jon also comes with us?”

  “…Of course.” Assigning some of his own men to care for their horses, the Mayor leads them to the highest tower of their city. “I hope that you don’t mind if we look at the location of the enemy forces across the river before we find you something to eat. I thought that over dinner we could talk about some strategies.”

  “That would be an excellent idea. We have no time to waste,” Pierre states.

  As they get to the top of the tower, the Mayor points out the scene before them. “There are fires all along the shore. They stretch as far as the eye can see. From what my spies have found out the English, the Flemings, the Burgundians and the Picardies have come against us. Their goal is for us to become a part of their alliance. They have told us that if we do not become allied to England, everyone seven years and older will be put to the sword when they take our city.”

  “We are here. Have faith. God will deliver this city,” Julia promises, as Pierre and Jon look at her in amazement.

  Pierre marvels at what he has just heard. “That sounded just like, Jehanne,” he says to himself.

  The Mayor states, “Let’s go eat, and talk over some strategy. We don’t want to leave everything to God. He has too much to do.”

  During dinner the Mayor states, “The one thing that we do have in our favor, is that the supply lines for our enemies are fifteen miles away. It will slow them down when they run out of anything.”

  “Who is giving the orders to their army?” Julia asks.

  “That’s a good question, Jehanne. To my knowledge it is, John of Luxembourg.”

  “He is ruthless. He always does what he says he is going to do,” Pierre adds to the discussion.

  “He’s not going to kill all of my friends in Compiegne. They have sworn their allegiance to Charles VII,” Julia confidently states.

  “That is why we have asked for your help, Jehanne.”

  “Would you mind if we all get a good night’s sleep? After mass in the morning I will have a plan ready for you,” she says with confidence.

  “That sounds good to me, Jehanne. In the morning then…. come let me show you to your rooms.”

  The bells are heard slowly ringing in the crisp, clear morning air.

  “Jehanne always loved the sound of bells in the morning. She was always the first one up and out the door to go to morning mass,” Pierre comments.

  “I guess we had better get up then,” Jon said tapping, Julia on her shoulder.

; Eating breakfast as quickly as possible without appearing rude Julia, Jon and Pierre, walk to the chapel. Julia informs them, “I have a plan. It’s like Jehanne was talking to me throughout the night. She or her angels gave me a plan. I’ll tell you after Mass.”

  Surprised, Pierre says, “You are acting more like Jehanne everyday Julia.”

  In the chapel, Julia confessed and communicated. She stands by a pillar and begins talking to several townspeople. Children gather around her as she asks, “Please pray for me. They have sold and betrayed me.”

  “Across the hall, Jon and Pierre watch Julia interact with the citizens of Compiegne. “Look over there, Jon. Julia is speaking to the townspeople. I wonder what she is saying.”

  “I don’t know. She has a concerned look on her face.”

  “Do you mind if we go to the parapet walkway and get another look at the enemy encampments across the Oise?” Jon asks as Julia walks over to them.

  “That sounds like a good idea. That river is quite wide.”

  “With the light of day we can get a better look at the numbers of troops that they have,” Pierre adds.

  A short while later as she has studied the enemy, Julia expresses, “Jon and Pierre there are so many of them; we will have to take them by surprise.” Looking toward the city Julia asks, “If you don’t mind, I’m going to go to the Priest and get a blessing from him.”

  “That would be fine. Jon and I will stay here and continue to watch what is happening over there,” Pierre states as he continues to survey the enemy encampments.

  A short while later Julia walks back up to the parapet and over to, Jon and Pierre. “Let’s go and get some lunch. We have a war to fight and we need energy to win it.”

  Pierre looks at her and says, “Julia, usually the battles start in the morning. It will be close to four in the afternoon by the time we finish eating.”

  “Then they won’t be expecting us, will they?”

  “Tell everyone to eat. And then to meet at the front gates ready for battle.”

  Soon lunch is finished and everyone is waiting for Jehanne at the front gates.

  After Julia arrives she talks to Pierre. “I know that I’m not the real, Jehanne, Pierre, but I feel that I need to say something to the men before we begin. Is that all right?”

  “Everyone here feels that you are Jehanne. Play the part, Julia. You are becoming her in spirit.”

  Smiling at Pierre, Julia begins talking to her troops and the soldiers of Compiegne.

  “I know that as you have looked across the shores of the Oise River that you have been concerned with the amount of soldiers that wait to do you harm. I wish to remind you that for every sword that they brandish, you will have the same strength with your sword. The difference is that they fight to take your city, something that does not belong to them. …You fight to be able to keep your allegiance to King Charles VII. You fight to keep your families safe from the terror that the English and their allies will bring. And you fight to keep Compiegne! Never let your fear keep you from defending what is truly yours. With enemies such as these we must fight with all our might to keep our freedom and to keep all things that we hold dear. …Brothers, carry within your hearts all of these reasons, but in your mind stay focused on the enemy that you are fighting with. All of this will give you courage to continue, no matter what happens. Our enemies will not be ready to fight so late in the day. Be of courage, and know that we are led by God.”

  Looking up at the guards, she yells, “OPEN THE GATES!”

  At the head of her troops with, Jon and Pierre close by her side, Julia storms across the bridge leading her troops into battle.

  As Julia had predicted the enemy troops on the opposite shore are caught unprepared. Julia rides through the encampment of the Picardies, who scatter to the English and Burgundian encampments, warning them of the attack. Julia continues to lead her men through to the Fleming encampment while the other enemy camps desperately try to pull their forces together. As the fight rages on between the French and the Fleming forces, the English and the Burgundians finally come at her ready to do battle.

  With more and more enemy troops now ready to fight, Pierre realizes that they are horribly out numbered.

  “…Retreat! Jehanne, Retreat!”

  “…My brothers. Retreat!” she yells. Her troops ride back across the bridge to Compiegne as Julia, Pierre and Jon continue to fight, guarding the troops retreat. Once the troops have entered Compiegne, thinking that everyone is back in the city, a command is heard. “CLOSE THE GATES. CLOSE THE GATES.”

  Safe within the city the soldiers look for Jehanne’s standard.

  “Where is Jehanne?”

  “She was guarding our retreat…. I thought that she was right behind us.”

  Her standard could not be found within the city walls.

  “Have you seen Pierre, or Jon?”

  “No. I don’t see them either.”

  Fear grabs their hearts. Jehanne is not within the city; their great commander cannot be found.

  “Run up to the parapet and see if she is outside the walls.”

  Several soldiers run up to the walkway to look over the stone walls.

  “Who gave the order to close the gates?”

  “There they are,” one of the soldiers yells from the parapet walkway, pointing his index finger in their direction.

  “We must save them. We’ve got to save Jehanne.”

  “It’s like ants coming to a feast, there are too many of the enemy, they are surrounded.”

  At the same time many of her soldiers are trying to let the gate keepers know that Jehanne is not with them, that they must open the gates.

  “Open the gates, Jehanne isn’t with us.”

  “I’m sure that I heard her voice asking me to close the gate.” Quickly looking out the small windows by the front gate, the gate keeper sees what the other soldiers have seen from the parapet walkway.

  “She is surrounded; all three of them have no chance. We can’t even shoot our arrows into the enemy for fear of hitting our fearless commander.”

  With their own escape cut off, Pierre, Jon and Julia continue to fight, knowing that their soldiers are safe.

  Seeing the quandary that Jehanne is in, the English send in the Burgundians, once allied with the French, but now allied with the English, who forcibly separate, Jon and Pierre, from Julia, who they think is Jehanne. Their Captain yells pointing his sword at her, “SURRENDER, JEHANNE!” Looking directly at him, she yells, “I WON’T SURRENDER TO YOU, YOU TRAITOR!” as she raises her sword to him.



  Dark, overhanging clouds burst forth and torrents of rain begin to pour down upon them. As the rain hits her face, she yells back to the captain, “IF YOU WILL LET ME TALK TO MY COMPANIONS AND IF YOU LET THEM GO PEACEFULLY, I’LL GO WITH YOU. IF YOU WILL DO THIS, THERE WON’T BE ANY TROUBLE.”

  “You can talk to your companions. But remember Jehanne, if there is any trouble, even the slightest amount of trouble, your companions WILL DIE!”

  With determination as she looks directly at him, “I understand,” she says quietly.

  Jon and Pierre are led to Julia. Unable to calm their excited horses, they dismount so that they will be able to speak to each other. “I need you to leave here. I need you to leave me with them,” Julia quietly says to them.

  “We can’t leave you!” Pierre vehemently declares.

  “Why would you ask us to do this?” Jon questions, as he remembers the
pain of having to be parted from her before.

  “I want both of you to be safe. If you are safe Jon, then I can continue to live. If something ever happened to you, I wouldn’t care if I lived or died. You must promise me that if something does happen to me that you will get this young man back to his parents. That’s why we came to this dimension in the first place, isn’t it?”

  “I don’t know if I can do this or not. Not again, Julia!” Jon reluctantly says as tears fill his eyes.

  Pierre adds, “Julia, I am the one that asked you to take, Jehanne’s place. I am responsible for what has happened. I told you that I would protect you. How can I do that if I leave?”

  “I think Pierre, that if you look around,” gesturing with her hand toward all the soldiers waiting for their decision, “there are three of us left, and hundreds of enemy soldiers surrounding us. We are a bit out numbered.” She adds quietly with pleading eyes, “I need both of you to go back. I need you to take care of our friend. That person is more important than any of us.”

  Knowing her words to be true, reluctantly Jon and Pierre mount their horses, leaving Julia with the Burgundy soldiers.

  Realizing that Julia’s safety depends upon their quick return, Jon and Pierre ride quickly back to tell Jehanne, Jacque and Isabelle what has happened. They stop only once…at the top of the first ridge to look back and hopefully see what is happening with Julia. They can see the Dapple Gray ‘Rouncey’, with Julia on its back, in the middle of hundreds of the soldiers from Burgundy. Apparently they were given the responsibility to take their prisoner to those who had paid for her capture, while the soldiers continued their fight to take Compiegne.

  Riding back to their tent after Julia has been captured, seems to take forever. Finally arriving, Jon and Pierre quickly dismount their horses running toward the tent doorway. Isabelle has heard them return and meets them at the doorway.

  “She woke up yesterday, Pierre. Jehanne is awake!” She says with excitement. Looking at Jon she continues, “When she woke up, Jon, I told her everything. I told her how Julia has been taking her place so that the soldiers would continue to fight.”

  “Jehanne, this is wonderful. I’m so glad that you are finally awake,” Pierre says as he sits next to her on her bed.

  “Father and Mother, have been telling me how Julia looks so much like me. I never thought that could ever be possible, Pierre.” She looks toward Jon. Seeing the blank look in her eyes, Pierre explains, “This is Jon. Julia and Jon arrived here with Jacque and Isabelle.”

  Smiling, she greets him, “Hello, Jon. I am glad to meet you.” Looking around anxiously, Jehanne asks, “Where is she? I want to see this woman….”

  There is no answer coming from either Pierre or Jon. Their pain prevents them from telling her the truth.

  Feeling something is wrong, Jacque walks to the tent door and asks, “Why are there only two horses? My Dapple Gray ‘Rouncey’ is not here.”

  Isabelle walks over to the tent door and confirms what Jacque has just said, “Yes, there are only two horses. Where is Julia?”

  The look on the faces of Jon and Pierre reflect extreme sadness. Jehanne senses something horrible has happened. Sitting up as straight as she can, she grabs Pierre’s shoulder, “Tell me, Pierre. Where is, Julia?”

  “There were too many of them to fight. We told our soldiers to retreat and they rode back toward the walls of Compiegne. Jon, Julia and I continued to fight, so that our soldiers could make it across the bridge. As soon as they were safe, we were about to cross the bridge ourselves when we heard the command to close the gates. That’s when we realized that our means of escape no longer existed.”

  “That’s when they took, Julia prisoner,” Jon added.

  “Who took her prisoner?” Jehanne questions shocked at the knowledge of Julia being held by the enemy.

  Pierre answers her question, “The soldiers of Burgundy…. When we were at Compiegne, Julia led your troops through encampments of Picardies and Flemings. When we had no escape, the Burgundians separated me and Jon from Julia. That’s when they demanded her surrender.”

  “You went to Compiegne?”

  “Yes, I remembered that you pledged your support to them whenever they were under siege from the English. They asked for our help and we went, taking Julia as your substitute.”

  “I am grateful that you kept my word for me when I wasn’t able to do so.”

  Jon begins to speak, “Jehanne, what do you think that we should do?”

  “First of all, they will not harm her. To have, Jehanne as a hostage is one of the greatest possessions any army could have.” Looking at Pierre she asks, “Do you know why the soldiers from Burgundy were given the pleasure of capturing the great French Commander Jehanne?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Do you remember the name of the gate when we entered Orleans, after we took that city back from the English?”

  Looking at Jehanne, a smile comes on Pierre’s face, “Of course I do. It was the Burgundian Gate.

  “Yes, they wanted to make a point to me and to the French.”

  “Speaking about making a point, are we going to take an army with us?”

  “No. That is what they will expect.”

  “How are we going to get her back if we don’t take an army?”

  “We’re not going to get her back.”


  Looking directly at Jon with sympathetic eyes, Jehanne simply says, “You, Pierre and I will be the only ones….”

  “Are you crazy?” Jon questions.

  “I’ve been called that many times in my life. My plan, Jon, is to exchange places with her.”

  “Why exchange places, Jehanne?”

  “Because there will be too many soldiers around her. If we take an army in, many more of my French soldiers, my French brothers, will be killed. I couldn’t live with that. Please, eat. Go and sleep. We will get to where she is as quickly as we can.”

  While Jon is sleeping, he is awakened by a beeping sound coming from his arm. “The bracelet that Daniel gave to all of us,” he says to himself. He quickly pushes up his shirt sleeve. He sees a picture of Julia, “Jon, she says quietly, they’ve taken me to Beaulieu. They’ve put me in a tower of a castle in Beaulieu.”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “How is, Jehanne?” Julia asks.

  “Jehanne is awake. We’ll leave at first light.”

  “I will watch for your arrival, Jon. I suggest you bring a lot of soldiers with you. I am surrounded by guards all of the time.”

  “We’ll be there as soon as we can, Julia. Please be careful.”

  “I will. See you soon.”

  At first light, Jon, Jehanne and Pierre begin their journey to find, Julia. “We will need to be careful. Compiegne still has a lot of English and Burgundy soldiers surrounding it.”

  “She’s not by Compiegne, Jehanne. She’s in Beaulieu.”

  “How do you know this, Jon?”

  “Before we came to your dimension to look for, Running Deer, we were given bracelets through which we can communicate. Julia talked to me through this device last night. She told me where they had taken her.”

  “What did she say?”

  “She said that they have taken her to Beaulieu that she is in a tower there.”

  “Can you talk to her through that device now?”

  “I can. But the noise would alert her guards that she has a communication device and they would take it away from her. I would rather wait for her to call me.”

  “You are very wise, Jon. We will ride to Beaulieu then.”

  On their way to rescue Julia, they begin sleeping during the day, and traveling by night.

  Days later, Jon expresses, “Your suggestion to travel by night, and sleep during the day is wonderful, Jehanne. We have seen very few enemy soldiers so far.”

  “Actually, Pierr
e taught me how to use this to our advantage. This is what we would do when we went ahead of our troops to survey land that we knew we were going to have to fight on.”

  With a smile on his face Pierre comments, “I remembered this technique from the stories that my father would tell my family. This is how he and his tribal brothers would be able to get around their enemies and connect with other family members beyond the enemy border.”

  “Your father is very smart. I hope that we will be able to rescue Julia this way, I can’t bear the thought of anything ever happening to her.”

  “Don’t worry Jon, Julia will be safe. She will be with you again.”


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