Savannah and Martin at 219 Harper's Cove

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Savannah and Martin at 219 Harper's Cove Page 6

by Deanndra Hall

  Martin says, “So, we’ve been watching and that Livingston woman is coming over here to snoop.”

  “Has she seen anything?” Ainsley looks pretty concerned.

  “Nah. The blinds have been drawn and the downstairs bedroom’s been converted into our home office. She’d have to climb a tree to see in the upstairs windows, although I wouldn’t put it past that snoopy bitch.” Martin chuckles a little and everyone seems to relax. “So Harrison had a good idea.”

  “Yeah, okay, so here’s what I was thinking.” Harrison outlines the whole thing and we all start to laugh.

  “Oh my god, that would be fucking hilarious if it works!” Tristan says, laughing so hard he’s choking.

  Maura’s practically rolling. “Can we get pictures of this?”

  “Oh that we could,” Jeremy snickers. “I’d love to see those.”

  “So we look at the camera after tonight and see if she’ll do what we’ll bait her to do. Then we’ll set everything up before next week and be ready. Baby, you know what to do, right?” Martin says, turning to me.

  “Yep. I sure do.” I’m still giggling. I can’t wait to see this plan in action.

  After everyone leaves, taking their cupcakes, of course, I do what I’m supposed to: I open the blinds on the front door and head up the stairs for the evening. And this time it’s with Ainsley!

  “I really didn’t think this was ever going to happen,” he tells me with a grin. “I’d just about decided that we were going to wind up in a brother-and-sister kind of relationship.”

  “Yeah, it was looking that way.” I start up the steps, then say, “Okay, you go on up. I’ll get us a couple of bottles of water apiece and some snacks. Once we go upstairs, we can’t come back down, so we need to get everything right now.”

  I get a dish and spoon out some more of that crack dip, grab a bag of pretzels, and find two big Honeycrisp apples. Then I grab four bottles of water and put them in a bag and carry all of it upstairs. Halfway up, I run back and snatch the roll of paper towel off the holder and throw it in the bag.

  “Oh, this shit is delicious.” Ainsley manages to get four pretzels loaded with dip into his mouth―at once.

  “Yeah, it’s positively addictive.” I finish off the one I’m eating. “Wait! What was that noise?”

  “I didn’t hear anything.” Ainsley cocks his head and listens.

  I jump a little. “There it is again!”

  “Okay, I heard it that time. Want me to go check it out?”

  I shake my head. “No. I think we both know what that was.”

  He grins. “I think you’re right. We’d better not go back downstairs, at least not until morning.” He sneaks another pretzel and drags it through the dip before shoving it in his mouth.

  “So, what do you want to do?”

  He smiles at me. “Well, first, you’ll think this is weird, but I want to brush your hair.”

  I’m shocked. “No, I don’t think it’s weird. I think it’s wonderful.” I retrieve my hairbrush from the bathroom, then sit down on the bed yoga-style and wait. Ainsley’s fairly tall, so he can sit behind me and brush it, no problem. He starts a methodical stroking. “Oh, god, that feels so good.” I’m groaning with pleasure.

  His voice is quiet and gentle when he says, “Too many men don’t do the things that their partners really need them to do. I like to take care of my women. A woman feels special if her partner takes the time to make her feel cherished.”

  “I like the way you think.” By the time I can get the words out, the hairbrush is dropped on the floor and he’s kissing me. In under five minutes, he’s buried inside me and it’s incredible. We spend the entire time he’s here just plain old making love. Ainsley is talented, but he’s also tender in a way that’s erotic as hell and makes me feel passionate and adored. Martin’s good, but he could take some lessons from this young man; matter of fact, I think every other man in the group could. Marissa is a lucky young woman.

  We spend a little time lying across the bed on our backs, my head on his shoulder and his arm under me, staring at the ceiling. “You know, Savannah, I thought when we started this that I’d feel all freaked out that we were sleeping with other people, but now it just seems natural. Do you think the human animal was ever meant to be monogamous?”

  “Nope.” I drag my fingertip up his side from the top of his hip to his ribcage and he shudders. “I don’t think we were. I think variety was a way to ensure survival of the species, and I also think it’s only natural to have sexual feelings for more than one person. Society is the animal that’s limited it, not Mother Nature. And man’s desire to dominate and own one specific mate reinforced that. But I think it’s a shame to limit ourselves that way.”

  From the corner of my eye I see him smile a lazy smile. “This is a very safe way to explore those feelings, and I’m really glad we found you guys. We’re a lot younger than some of you, and yet you’ve made us feel so welcome and comfortable. Thanks―thanks for that. It means a lot.”

  “You two mean a lot. Things wouldn’t be the same without you.” I shift so I’m lying on my stomach, my arms folded on his chest so I can look into his face. “And after all this time, I’m glad I finally drew your keys. I was beginning to think you didn’t want to spend time with me!”

  “Nothing could be farther from the truth, Savannah. You’re a beautiful woman, and pretty damn talented too!” He chuckles and I can’t help but laugh. “Wanna get busy again?”

  “You betcha!” I wrap my arms around his neck and drag him up and over me, and he hardens delightfully against me. I’ll stay up all night to feel this way, his hardness filling me until I can’t form a cohesive sentence or keep my eyes from crossing.

  Damn, I think I’d rather fuck a hard and gorgeous man than anything else in the world. Except eating those pretzels and that amazing dip. That stuff is frickin’ awesome.

  We watch the video the next morning after Martin gets home and there she is. We can clearly see Gloria on the porch, and sure enough, it’s about the same time I heard the noise―I’d looked at the clock and made a mental note of the time.

  “So now what?”

  Martin grins. “We’re going to have a big surprise for her next week. I can barely wait to set this in motion. And the best part? The whole damn neighborhood is going to know something’s going on. If we’re lucky, at least a few of them will make it to their doors to look out and see what’s going on before she manages to hide. Oh, this is gonna be delicious, baby.”



  I sneaked over there to the McIntosh’s on Friday night. They’d left the shades open on their front door. There was a light on, but when I managed to get a peek inside, I couldn’t see anyone. I thought I did, but then there was no movement, so I’m not sure.

  When I told Russell I couldn’t see anything, he said, “Gloria, it’s a good thing they didn’t catch you or they would’ve charged you with trespassing.”

  “They can’t,” I told him. “It’s a front porch. There’s an expectation that people will walk up on it unless you’ve got it posted for no trespassing. No one would convict me.”

  “Oh, brushed up on the legalities of spying on the neighbors, huh? Sounds about right. Look, if you get in trouble poking around, I’m not getting you out of it. You’ll answer to the court system, you hear me? Maybe they’ll send you to rehab. That would be good, since you won’t go on your own.”

  “Rehab?” I shrieked. “I don’t need rehab! Why in the world would I need rehab?”

  “Gloria, please,” he said. “Stop acting like nothing’s wrong.”

  Wrong? I’ll tell you what’s wrong. I’m trying to take care of our neighborhood and I’m not getting any cooperation from anyone―none. You’d think they’d be interested in what’s going on right under their noses, but no one seems to be. It’s ridiculous. People are doing weird, nasty things right here next door or down the street from them and they don’t seem to care.

I’m going to find out what’s going on if it kills me. And it might too. People like that are dangerous and devious. No telling what they’ll do to me if they catch me looking for the truth.

  I watch out the window this evening and I see her, so I run outside. And it’s odd; unlike before, she seems to be waiting for me, almost like she’s hoping I’ll come over. When I make it to her, she smiles. “Hi, Gloria! What’s new with you?”

  Wow. That’s a change of heart. Wonder if they’re burying people in their crawlspace and she wants to fake me out? “Oh, nothing really. Was just wondering about that card game. Any idea if we’re going to be invited to be part of the ‘in’ crowd?”

  “Oh, I keep forgetting! Hope I remember tomorrow night. Say, would you like to come in for a drink?”

  I can’t believe it. She’s inviting me in? Now I’m sure they’re some kind of axe murderers, but a margarita does sound delicious right about now. “Um, yeah, sure. Is your husband home?”

  “Why? Got a crush on him or something?” She’s chuckling. How obscene.

  “No! I was just wondering if this was ‘girls’ time’ or something.” Is she a lesbian? Is that what they’re hiding? That wouldn’t make sense.

  “Nah, just a friendly drink. Come on in.” She heads for the house with me trailing behind. I look back at my house―will Russell know where I am if anything happens to me? Hell, will he even care? We mount the steps and next thing I know, I’m sitting on the couch.

  “I’ve got beer, wine, homemade sangria―”

  She could’ve put anything in the sangria. “I think I’ll take a beer, thanks.” I look around. “You’ve done wonders with this place! It’s beautiful.”

  “Oh, thanks! Just a work in progress.” I watch her twist the top off the beer and hand it to me. Unless she injected something into it through the metal cap, it’s positively fine, and I take a big draw off the bottle. Nope―I didn’t fall dead. “So what do you like to do in your spare time?”

  She’s actually interested in me? That’s a shock. “Well, I read a lot. I love to practice mixing drinks; I have a bartender’s manual and I’ve learned to make quite a few different ones.”

  “That’s interesting.” She sips on her wine cooler as we talk. “I’ll have to sample some of your concoctions.”

  “Yes!” I think I’d like to invite her over for drinks one afternoon. That could be nice, her and that good-looking husband of hers. “We’ll have to have you and Mr. McIntosh over some early evening.”

  “Please, it’s Savannah and Martin.” She smiles around the top of the wine cooler bottle and I wonder what she’s up to.

  I’m absolutely positive it’s no good.



  I laid the groundwork. That nosy bitch now thinks we’re friends.

  When I notice Donna Millican’s car in the driveway, I decide it might be a good time to go over and ask a favor. I make my way down the sidewalk and up their front steps. I’ve only seen her in passing. I knock and in just a few seconds, the door cracks open. “Yes? Can I help you?”

  “Hi! Um, Donna, right? I’m Savannah McIntosh. From down the street? I don’t want to take up your time, but could I ask a favor of you?”

  She opens the door a little farther. “Sure, I guess. How can I help you?”

  “Well, we’re having trouble with a nosy neighbor and―”

  “Oh, you too, huh?”

  “You guys?”

  “Oh, god, yeah. She’s a real piece of work. I know for sure that she’s been over here spying. Has she been doing that to you?”

  I nod. “Yep. Every chance she gets. We have these get-togethers on Friday nights and she’s determined to know what we’re doing. We’re pretty sure she’s been looking through the windows.”

  “Oh, god! Yeah, if there’s something I can do to help you, by all means. I’ll be glad to. I’ll have to check with Connor, but I’m sure it’ll be okay. He’s pretty upset about her too.”

  “Well, this is what we need.” I outline the plan to her, and she nods. When I’m finished, she grins.

  “Oh, that sounds perfect! Sure. And I’m sure it’ll be okay with Connor too. Wait―let me get my phone and get your number.”

  “Better yet, give me yours and I’ll call it. Then you’ll have mine too.” She recites her number so I punch it into my phone and hear hers ringing inside the house. “Done! Listen, thanks so much, Donna. If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please, let me know. Seriously.”

  “I really appreciate that. Thank you. So this is this Friday night, right?”


  “Well, good luck. I hope it works.”

  “Oh, if it works, you’ll know,” I grin. “The whole damn neighborhood will!”

  “Okay, I’ve got the Millicans on board, so everyone can park behind their house and walk down the alleys until they can come up the back yard. What about the technical stuff?”

  “Hayden’s got that covered. And it’ll be a scream―literally. He’ll be over in the morning at about two thirty to work on it. He says it won’t take long. I can’t wait.”

  “Me neither.” I’m practically itching to get going with it.

  I can’t help it―I can’t sleep. I’m tossing and turning until I hear the back door open; Martin gave Hayden a key. He calls out, “Hey! You guys up?”

  We both come bounding down the stairs. Martin’s pulling on a tee and I’m in my pajamas. Hell, I’ve had sex with the guy. Who cares how I’m dressed, or even if I’m dressed? “I’ve been waiting for this all week. Yeah, let’s get to it.” Martin goes into the dining room with him and they start looking at all the paraphernalia.

  “You guys want coffee?” I call from the kitchen. I get “YES” in unison, so I start a pot. Hayden’s talking when I stroll into the dining room.

  “So I’ll wire all of these into this one switchbox. We mount the switchbox on the porch banister rung. Then, we stretch the wire across in front of the window. Not the door―anybody could come to the door. But the window will definitely be her. I’ll be the last one out the door and as I go out, I’ll pull the wire across and hook it on the switch. She comes up onto the porch, goes to the window, and BAM―all hell breaks loose. Ready?”

  “Aw, hell yeah!” Martin laughs and they high five each other. I go to the kitchen, get their coffee, and put just a few drops of almond flavoring in it. Everybody goes on about my coffee, and that’s my secret. Just enough to add something without being able to tell what it is.

  They work for about forty-five minutes until Hayden says it’s all ready, and then he heads back home. We go back to bed, but I’m so wound up that I can’t sleep, so we just alternate between making love and fucking until the alarm clock goes off. Then the day starts. And it’s going to end like no other.

  We all gather on the couch. “Here’s what’s about to happen.” Martin lays everything out, and everyone agrees it sounds like a winning idea. We take our time, eating snacks, talking and laughing, having a few drinks. Then it’s time for everyone to leave.

  They make sure to leave almost as a group, then stand on the porch and talk for a few minutes. Hayden is in the back, so no one would notice him bending down and hooking the trip wire onto the switch. He nonchalantly says, “We’re good,” and everyone knows that means they can leave. They drive away, then come back to the next street over, turn into the alley, and pull in the back of the Millicans’ house. They straggle, one couple at a time, down to our backyard, and walk up and into the back door. I’ve got almost all of the shades drawn―all but the one at the window where the wire is. When everyone’s back inside, we decide to do something to draw her: We all start to dance. I’m pretty sure she’ll be like a moth to a flame when she sees our shapes through the shades, so we just party like tomorrow’s never coming.

  And then it happens. I mean, I knew it was going to happen and I still jump! There’s the sounds of a siren and an old-fashioned car horn that goes “ahh-OOOO-gahhh!” and
we can see red, yellow, and blue lights flashing all over the front of the house. Everybody starts to shriek with laughter, and we all run en masse to the front door.

  I can see her running as fast as she can down the sidewalk. Better yet, lights are coming on at houses all up and down the block, and dozens of people are watching her run like a bat out of hell toward her house. When I see that she’s inside, I tell the guys, “Quick! Shut it off!” Hayden runs out and trips the switch, and everything goes silent. I see Donna down the street, and she’s waving and laughing. Greg Henderson is at the end of his walk, looking up and down the block, and he sees all of us on the porch and starts to laugh. The Reynolds were having some kind of get-together too, and all of them have poured out of the house and are looking up and down the street. I wave to them, and they all wave back.

  “Oh my god, we DID IT!” There are high fives all around and everyone is laughing and slapping each other on the back.

  This is the most awesome night ever. We start all over again, and this time I draw Hayden again. And I’m really, really glad.

  We’ve been all over each other for about three hours when we take a little break. I decide maybe it’s time to ask. “Hey, how are things going with you and Angel? Seems a little better.”

  He nods. “Things are a little better and getting better all the time. We started going to counseling and they wound up diagnosing her with bipolar disorder. They put her on medication and so far she’s doing really well. It’s helping to level her out some and she’s not so flighty. Plus she’s more focused. She’s actually kinder to me.” It makes me sad to hear a man have to say that about his own wife.

  “Good. She should be. You’re a great guy.”

  He shoots me a tiny little smile. “Think so?”

  “I know so. I hope she does better. I really do.”


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