The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 2

by Nikki Rose

  “Ms. Cole?” Theo’s voice made me jump. I clutched my chest as my heart threatened to break through my breastbone.

  “Geez, you scared me half to death. I thought you guys were done.”

  “I’m so sorry I startled you. I just needed you to sign one more paper before we go. It just says that we delivered everything listed and the condition of each piece was satisfactory.” He held out the clipboard and I signed. “Thank you, Ms. Cole.”

  “No problem, and it’s Addy.”

  Theo turned to leave but stopped at the door. “Addy, do you have plans next weekend?”


  “I just thought since you are new to the neighborhood, you might like to have someone local show you around some of the good spots.”

  Wow. I didn’t see that coming. “Look, Theo. You seem like a really nice guy but I just got out of a pretty serious relationship. I’m not ready to date.”

  “Date? Oh God, no I’m sorry. Let me try that again. I was wondering if my wife, Stephanie, and I could show you around. We only live two blocks down. You seem like a really sweet girl. I was new to the city a few years back and know how hard it can be to find your way.”

  “Oh.” I felt so stupid. Of course, he wasn’t hitting on me. “You know what? Sure. Why not? That would be great.” It would be nice to know someone in this city and I’d love help finding the best coffee shops and take out places nearby.

  “Great. Let me talk to Stephanie and see what time works for her and we’ll give you a call. Is it okay to use the number you listed on your order?”

  “Yeah. That’s my cell.”

  “Perfect. Either my wife or I will give you a call later.”

  “Thanks again.”

  “No problem. Oh, and Addy? Welcome to the neighborhood.”



  Eleven o’clock came too fast. I stood outside the old mill, looking up at the grimy building as memories flooded my mind from the last time I was here. I hated that I was back again. I’d sworn I’d never do this but they needed my help. What could I do?

  As I walked down the old gravel walkway to the entrance, two guards stepped out of the shadows armed with very large guns.

  I recognized the larger of the two from when I was a regular here.

  “Hunter,” his warm booming voice cut through the quiet as he slapped my shoulder. “I thought they were kidding when they told me you were coming back.”

  “Hey, Charlie. Good to see you again.”

  “You too. Boss is inside waiting on you.”


  Charlie moved to the side. I stepped inside the small entryway. Every window was covered, making the inside dim with exposed light bulbs that cast deep shadows. Just one of many ways we made sure to disorient and control captives. I looked down the long hallway to my right remembering the way to that dreaded room. The first step was forced but with each following step, it grew a little easier knowing that the sooner I got this over with the sooner it would be done and I could go home again.

  I wanted nothing more than to get this day over with. There were innocent people at risk. This man put innocent people, men and women that I work with, in danger because he betrayed us. I needed to get information from him. I needed to know who he told this information to and what details he shared so that we could protect the people he left exposed.

  I reached the room with chairs lining a wall and the two-way mirror against the other side. This was the viewing area but no one was there. Moments after I walked into the room, the door on the opposite side opened revealing my boss, Mr. Applegate, one of his associates, and my old buddy Chris.

  “We are so glad you were able to make it tonight.” Applegate reached out his hand and I shook it. He knew I wasn’t happy to be here. Not that it truly mattered to him as long as I got the job done.

  “Let’s get this done. Is he already in there?”

  “He’s waiting for you.”

  “Any specifics I need to know?”

  “We’ve already prepped him. We just need to know what intel he passed along. Anything you can get will help. Then, we can guide the questioning depending on what he says.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I yanked the heavy steel door open and took a deep breath before I stepped inside. For this to work he couldn’t see any hesitation or any reluctance to do what needed to be done.

  “Thanks for waiting on me before things got started.”

  “It’s not like I had much choice.” He snapped.

  “You have made some people very angry.” I kept my tone casual as I strolled deeper into the room. I approached the empty chair in the corner and grabbed the back of it. The legs dragged across the concrete floor, scraping and screeching until even I fought to cringe at the noise.

  I placed the chair just out of his reach though he was handcuffed to the chair. I plopped down casually and studied him for a minute. His face was beaten and bruised with heavy bags under his eyes. They’d been using sleep deprivation tactics. My guess is that they had also been deploying sensory bombardment techniques. Usually, those consisted of placing the detainee inside a bright white room with blinding lights that would periodically turn on or off. That way the subject could never adjust.

  Along with the lights, there would be loud obnoxious noises. The high pitch would feel as though the person’s eardrums were going to explode. This would go on for days. The lack of sleep and mental exhaustion made it less likely that the person would be able to lie. Their brain wouldn’t be sharp enough to maintain their story if it weren’t the truth.

  It was a time-consuming yet very effective form of interrogation. I was glad they had already gotten that part out of the way before I got there. I didn’t want to stay there for days. I wanted it over. I hoped the guy would crack easily so I wouldn’t have to resort to anything too terrible. But when it had to do with our agents' safety there wasn’t much my director wouldn’t do.

  “I need you to tell me what information you compromised and to whom.”

  “Why should I tell you? I’m either dying here tonight or rotting in a cell.” I wasn’t surprised he still held onto his aggression.

  “True. You’ll die either way. But how you die, when you die, and how painful it will be is all determined by what answers you give me here in this room.”

  “Why should I make this any easier on you?”

  “On me? Oh no, it’s a question of how easy do you want to make this on yourself?” I pulled out my pocket knife and opened the blade. “You see I don’t want to torture you. That’s more work for me.” I played with the knife in my hands. Sometimes it wasn’t so much about what I actually did to the subject. It was important to keep him on edge—to make him question what I might do with the knife. “I’d be just as happy if you told me everything I needed to know now. I could send you to a nice comfy cell and be done for the night. But that’s up to you.”

  “I’m not telling you shit.”

  I let out a loud sigh and stood up from my chair. He instinctively cringed thinking I was about to hit him but I didn’t. I turned my back to him and paced the floor. This guy wouldn’t be easy. I wouldn’t be able to get him to talk with simple tactics like this.

  I glanced toward the two-sided mirror and nodded. It was time to bring in some help. Moments later two large men entered the room.

  “Let’s get him shackled,” I commanded.

  They moved the chair out of the way and dug through the small unassuming wooden chest in the corner. The smaller of the two pulled out the metal chains and manacles. A sickening feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as they chained the weak, struggling man until he could barely stand on his tiptoes.

  This position was very uncomfortable. It strained the legs and shoulders all at once. It was impossible to find a comfortable position. The more uncomfortable I could make him, the more likely he was to talk.

  “I need answers,” I demanded as the other men left me alone
with him again. “I know you’re tired. You haven’t slept in how long? Just tell me what I want to know and this can all be over.”

  “Go to hell.”

  I laughed, not letting him rattle me in the least. “Didn’t you know? We’re already there and you—you’re my special guest.” I patted his cheek hard enough to let it sting.

  “Now, tell me who you were sending intel to?”


  “Not feeling chatty?” He glared at me so I continued. “That’s okay. I’ll talk. You obviously aren’t important to whoever they are. They let you take the fall. They aren’t coming to get you. You were just a chess piece they used and now you’re nothing to them. Why do you hold loyalties to them? They don’t deserve it.”

  “I’m not telling you anything so you might as well kill me now.”

  “You’re not going to get out of this that easy.”

  I strolled casually over to the box and began to dig around again, searching for my next tool to entice him to talk. It was going to be a long day. This was going to get ugly and I knew it. I would have to let my training take over. Otherwise, there was no way of making it through this emotionally intact.

  I shot up in bed, sweat covering my body. I’d dreamt of being back in that room—of the torture I’d inflicted. Never again.

  Already a week had passed but it was still fresh on my mind. It had been close to three by the time I made it home. In the end, he finally talked. They always do. I didn’t want to think about what I had allowed myself to do—again.

  Even though it was the middle of the day, I’d just wanted a hot shower and sleep.

  I’d stripped out of my dirty, blood-stained clothes and stepped into the cascade of scalding water. I stood there for a while, letting the hot water pummel my body until the streams turned cold. I fell into my bed completely drained. I wanted to sleep for the rest of the day and night until my mind forgot everything about that trying day.

  But sleep hadn’t helped. I found myself waking at all hours and having to catch sleep between missions whenever I could.

  The light through my window was dim. I glanced at my clock. 6:00pm. At least I’d managed two hours.

  I slung the covers off and jumped out of bed. I went to the kitchen and poured myself a whiskey sour to help me relax. I made myself a sandwich and took my drink to the balcony to soak in the cold evening air.

  As I leaned back in my chair, movement in the window across the alley caught my attention. It was her, the brunette I’d watched move in last week—in just a towel. I wondered if she was cold. Maybe I should go ask her if she needed me to warm her up? I shook my head and chased away the thoughts that followed. Pervert.

  I knew it was creepy to sit there in the dark and watch the girl as she got ready for who knows what, but I couldn’t help myself. Using my binoculars to get a closer look was beyond the scope of normal. I knew it, but I didn’t care. I shouldn’t keep watching but damn, she was sexy as hell the way she hurried around her apartment in that little scrap of cloth.

  She bent down to dig through a box and I had to take a sip of my whiskey to keep from groaning as the towel rode up the back of her thighs. That woman had curves that could make a grown man cry. Get a hold of yourself. Maybe it had just been too long since I’d gotten laid. The guys did say I worked too much. In any case, after the day I had, I needed a good distraction.

  I admired her as she got ready, though I did turn my head as she got dressed. I wasn’t a total perv. She really needed to get some curtains. Any sick bastard could be watching her through those bare windows. Like you. A flash of anger took over me as I thought about someone else watching her like this.

  I didn’t know this girl, but there was something about her. There was something that drew me to her. I needed to meet her. I needed to be close to her. I needed a plan. There had to be some way of meeting her that wasn’t as creepy as spying on her through the window.

  She was definitely going out on the town the way she was getting fixed up. Jealousy flared as I realized she could be going on a date. I’d kill the bastard. I tensed as she rushed toward her door. I couldn’t see what she was doing but I assumed she was on the intercom because moments later she hurried to put on a jacket and grabbed her purse.

  I got up from my chair and moved to the railing. Looking over, a bulky guy with a petite vixen on his arm stood on the sidewalk waiting. Were these the people she was going out with tonight? They looked like they were together which gave me some comfort. They could just be her friends. Friends were good. A boyfriend? Not so much. From my balcony, I was able to watch the three of them walk down the street. I wished I could just go down there, introduce myself, talk to her, ask if I could join her but how could a beautiful sweet girl like her ever fit into my twisted messed up world?

  I was pulled from my thoughts by the shrill ring of my phone. “Wright.”

  “Hey man.”

  “Hey, Chris. What’s up?”

  “Got a job for you. It’s short notice, but it needs to be done tonight.”

  “Okay. Send me the details.”

  “Will do.” He ended the call and I went to get ready.



  I hurried downstairs to meet Theo and Stephanie for a night out. They were taking me to their local hang out—a little dive bar with great drinks and horrible karaoke as Stephanie had described it. I couldn’t wait to go out and see the city at night. It was about time I had some fun again. I just hoped they were as cool as they’d seemed on the phone.

  “Hey, chica you look awesome. You ready?” Stephanie leaned in and gave me a big hug. She was definitely not what I was used to and I was hesitant returning her hug.

  “Hey, yeah I’m ready. We’re walking?”

  “It’s only a couple blocks up.” Theo smiled and motioned down the street.

  After our short trek to the bar, we were greeted by the loud music and terrible voice of some drunk guy singing karaoke.

  “You girls find us a table and I’ll get some drinks,” Theo yelled over the music.

  “Thanks, babe, my usual gin and tonic.”

  “You got it.” Theo looked at me for my request.

  I’d never drunk much back home so my list of drink choices was slim. “I’ll have the same.”

  “Sure thing. Be right back.” Theo made a beeline for the bar while I followed Stephanie to find a table.

  We settled into one in the middle of the room with a great view of the stage and waited for Theo to return.

  “This place is great.” I was quickly relaxing inside the little bar that felt a lot like back home.

  “We love it. I wasn’t sure if it’d be your kind of place or not.”

  “I’ve never really been to a place like this but it’s definitely my kind of place.”

  “Awesome.” Stephanie grinned at me then motioned to the stage. “This guy is terrible.”

  We were still laughing when Theo found us with our drinks.

  “Here you are, ladies.”


  We took a sip of our drinks and Theo took his seat between us. “You like this place so far?”

  “Yeah, I love it.”

  “Great. We’ll have to make this a regular thing. Sometimes people from work join us too so it’s always a different crowd.”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  “You’re from South Carolina, right?” Stephanie asked between sips of her drink.

  “Yeah, just outside of Spartanburg.”

  “A southern girl.” Theo smiled and nudged me with his shoulder. “I’m originally from Jacksonville.”

  “Oh, I thought you were from here.”

  “Nah. I was a bodybuilder down in Florida for years. I came up here for a competition.”

  “That’s when we met. He was walking into a little coffee shop around the corner as I was coming out. I nearly dropped my coffee when that sexy hunk of a man strolled into my regular morning stop.”

  “And you ju
st moved up here like that?” I was surprised to hear Theo was so impulsive. He seemed so grounded.

  He smiled sheepishly and shrugged his large shoulders. “It was love at first sight.”

  “That’s amazing. And you’ve been together ever since?”

  “Inseparable.” Stephanie beamed at Theo and made me smile.

  “A real-life love story.”

  “So, what brings you all the way to the big city?” Theo wrapped his arm around Stephanie and leaned in closer for my answer.

  “Well, I was supposed to move here with my fiancé...”

  “Ooo. Fiancé?” Stephanie leaned in interested.

  “Ex-fiancé.” I clarified.

  “Uh-oh. I’m sensing a juicy story. Let’s hear it.”

  I wasn’t looking forward to telling them all about the embarrassment that was mine and Eddie’s break up but I had a feeling they wouldn’t be taking no for an answer so I gave in.

  “Eddie—that’s my ex—is the mayor’s son. He was going into politics too and planned to move up here after graduation. We met in high school and dated all through college. It was a fairytale from the start. Eddie was romantic and sweet. He was the perfect gentleman.”

  “So, what happened?”

  “Well, at our college graduation party, Eddie asked me to marry him in front of all our friends and family. It was very romantic and I happily agreed. We planned the wedding and everything was going wonderfully until the week before our wedding.”

  “Uh-oh.” Stephanie leaned in with her elbows on the table as she listened intently to my story.

  “My best friend wanted to throw me a proper bachelorette party with male strippers—the whole thing. I didn’t really care about all that but it seemed like a sort of rite of passage. Eddie was totally against it. He said I was his and he wouldn’t have me going to some strip club to watch mostly naked men dance on me.”

  “I can understand that,” Theo interjected and glanced at Stephanie.


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