The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 7

by Nikki Rose

  I was glad Chris decided to keep me busy with missions in my free time. It made the time before my date with Addy go by faster. It was finally time. I sat across the street from her and looked through my binoculars. Nothing wrong with a little recon before a mission—a date wasn’t much different.

  She was gorgeous in her skinny jeans and frilly burgundy top. The perfect mix of sexy and innocent. I didn’t deserve to be going on a date with a girl like her. Yet, there I was. She paced her living room while she waited for me. I could see her cross the window at disturbingly predictable intervals. It was a good thing she wasn’t a spy. Repetitive behavior like that made it easy for enemies.

  She was nervous. There was something wrong with me that I found her nervousness adorable. It was time to put her out of her misery.

  I knocked on her door and stood waiting for her to answer when that same nervousness took me over. Maybe I should have worn dress pants instead of my dark jeans to go with my black sports coat. It was too late to change now. She opened the door and the view was even better than it was through the skewed glass of the binoculars.

  “Hi,” She breathed out.

  “You look amazing.” I dragged my eyes down her body, caressing her every curve.

  “Thanks. You look too. I mean, you look good too.” Her cheeks grew pink with embarrassment as she stumbled over her words.

  “Thanks,” I tried to hide a chuckle. This girl was adorable. “Ready to go? I made a reservation at Valerie’s. I thought that would be a safe bet.”

  “Sounds good,” I started to lead her from the porch but she stopped me. “There’s just one thing before we go.”

  “What’s that?” Damn it, she changed her mind.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Oh my god,” I laughed. “I never formally introduced myself, did I?”

  She shook her head and I covered my face with my hands as I laughed.

  “I’m Hunter.”

  “Emma.” She smiled and offered me her hand. Instead of shaking it, I slowly lifted it, brushing my lips against her soft knuckles in a feather-light kiss.

  “A pleasure to meet you, Emma.”

  I glanced up at her, smiling against her skin. The look of heat in my eyes reflected back in hers and sent a thrill coursing through me. I straightened up, still holding her hand in mine, I led her to my car. I opened the door and helped her into my sleek black car with the soft white leather seats.

  “Such a gentleman.” She smiled

  “Better get used to that.” I returned her smile and rounded the car to the driver’s seat.

  The car purred to life and we pulled out onto the road.

  “You’re not from around here, are you?” I glanced at her and returned my eyes to the road.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Just to me. It’s a small town and I would have remembered you if I’d seen you around before.”

  “Maybe you aren’t as perceptive as you think. I’ve been here a couple of months now.”

  I looked at her and smirked. “How long have you lived here?”

  “I’ve had a place here for a while but I travel a lot.”

  “I see. I want to thank you again for earlier today at the diner. I could have lost my job. Liz is great, and she’s the one who hired me, but the owner would fire me in a split second.”

  “That guy was a jackass. I was happy to help and you are thanking me. That’s what this dinner is, remember?” I couldn’t help but glance at her again even while I was trying to drive. “Trust me, it was worth it.”

  “So, in a sense, you paid fifty-dollars to take me on a date. What does that make me?” She laughed, finding humor in the situation, but my jaw tightened and heat rushed to my face.

  She had to have noticed my reaction because she straightened in her seat and swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. It was just a joke.”

  I pulled myself together, taking a deep calming breath and forced a smile.

  I pulled into the gravel parking lot of the small building. I wondered what she’d think of the plain brick building with closed shades covering the windows. The only decor on the building was a small sign that read Valerie’s. As I turned off the car, she unbuckled and reached out to open the door. That wasn’t going to work. She clearly hadn’t been out with a true gentleman in far too long. “Stay. I’ll be right around to open the door.”

  “Oh, okay.” She placed her hand back on her lap. From the corner of my eye, I watched her study me as I walked around the car.

  She paused as I offered my hand. As she placed her soft hand in mine, the differences between us were so evident. Her milky skin against my deep tan, soft on rough, small and large. It didn’t take my spy training to see she was uncomfortable with having someone else do things for her. I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. I needed to put her at ease and get her used to being treated the way a girl like her deserved. I rested my hand on the small of her back as I guided her into the restaurant. I liked to think of this restaurant like a diamond in the rough. The inside was much different from the plain outside. Its dark red walls were lit with antique gold sconces and the tables were stained wood and black leather seats. It was the best-kept secret in this little town. Or maybe its exclusivity had more to do with its prices.

  The hostess led us to our table. I couldn’t help watch Addy as she soaked in the new atmosphere. Her large brown doe eyes looked around with amazement. She was no doubt reeling from the contrast of this place in comparison to the small town. She reached for her chair but I cleared my throat making her pause.

  “Please, allow me.” I pulled the chair out for her and she sat.

  “Thank you.” The way she smiled up at me from her seat told me she was already adjusting to letting me do these little things for her. She appeared more relaxed already.

  I leaned in close as I scooted her chair back in. God, she smelled so good—like vanilla and ginger. She shivered as my lips nearly brushed the shell of her ear while whispering. “You’re welcome.”

  I rounded the table and took my seat across from her. The waitress came to the table, bringing us a bottle of wine and two glasses which she started to open but I waved her off and opened the bottle myself.

  “My favorite vintage. I think you’ll like it.”

  “They know your choice of wine here?”

  “I called ahead.”


  I poured her a small sample of wine and motioned for her to taste it. I hope she likes red wine. I held my breath as she lifted the glass to her lips.

  “It’s wonderful.”

  “I knew you’d like it.” I let out the breath I’d been holding and tried to maintain a calm confidence but this girl shook me up. I smiled and filled her glass and she took another sip.

  “So, Emma, tell me about yourself.” I already knew a lot more than she realized but I needed her to tell me what she wanted me to know.

  I instantly regretted asking the question as her sexy, pouty lips turned down. “I’m afraid there’s not a lot to tell. You already know I work at the diner and that I’m new to town.”

  “Something tells me there’s a lot more to you than that.” I locked my gaze to hers silently imploring her to open up to me. I wanted to know her. The real her, not the her on paper.

  “I’m into art.” She shrugged. I already knew this of course, but it was a start.

  “Into as in you make art? Collect it? Admire it from afar?” The corner of my lips tugged up as I leaned in and rested my arms on the table.

  “Making it. I enjoy looking at it too of course, but mostly making it.”

  “Impressive. What type of art do you make?”

  “Paintings mostly.” She tucked a stray hair behind her ear and took a sip of her wine. I wondered if that was a nervous habit of hers. I’d noticed her doing that occasionally while watching her and made a note to pay closer attention.

  “I’d love to see some of your work sometime.” I took a sip of my wine, mirroring h

  “I don’t have a lot here. I left a lot of my art behind when I moved.”

  “Well, I’d like to see what you have if you’d share it with me.”

  “Sure, okay. And what about you?”

  “I don’t make art but I do appreciate beauty when I see it.” I stared into her beautiful deep brown eyes. The air shifted and I knew she felt it too when she squirmed in her seat.

  “I want to know about you.” She took another sip of wine. Was this too intense for a first date? I couldn’t help the magnetism pulling me toward her.

  “I’m from around here but I travel a lot. I mostly keep busy with my work.”

  I loved listening to her talk. I didn’t want to waste our time talking about myself. She had other plans because she continued questioning. “What do you do for a living?”

  “I’m kind of an exterminator.”

  “You mean like killing bugs and rodents and stuff?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Well, more power to you. I couldn’t do that job. Those things give me the creeps.”

  “Me too but it’s a job that has to be done and the pay is good.”

  The waitress arrived and took our orders. I ordered both of us steaks, truffle fries, and salad. It was wonderful and I knew she’d love it. I glanced her way, testing to see if she was offended by my forwardness.

  “So, do you come to this restaurant often when you’re in town?” Good, she didn’t seem upset.

  “Sometimes. It’s one of the only decent places to eat in town.”

  “Oh really?” She tilted her head.

  “Well, here and the diner.” I smiled mischievously. “I do have to say the diner has grown in its appeal to me recently.”

  “Why’s that?”

  “Because you’re there,” I admitted.



  “So, give me all the details.” Liz crossed her arms as I walked to the back to grab my apron before the diner opened for breakfast.

  “It was nice.” I shrugged as I tied my apron around my waist.

  “Nice? That’s it?”

  “Hunter was a perfect gentleman.” I sighed and walked to the front to prep for the day.

  Liz followed right behind. “Uh oh. That doesn’t sound like a good thing.”

  “It was fine, really. I enjoyed the dinner and the company was great.”


  “I thought it went well, but he didn’t even try to kiss me goodnight. Just a little peck on the cheek at my door.”

  “Well, that’s... sweet.”

  “Yeah...sweet.” I rested my chin on my hand and looked out the window.

  “Maybe he was being thoughtful and didn’t want to rush you. Some girls don’t kiss on the first date.”

  “Back in the forties maybe.” I rolled my eyes.

  “I’m not that old.” Liz threw a clean dish rag at me and I laughed as I caught it.

  “He did say he’d call me, though.”

  “Well, maybe he will.”

  “I hope so.”

  “You really like him huh?”

  “I really do. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t dated in a while. I don’t know.”

  “He’s a good-looking man, well off it seems by the fifty-dollar bill he paid to get you out of trouble yesterday, and he’s a gentleman. It sounds like you found yourself a winner.”

  “Let’s not get carried away. I just met him yesterday.” I flipped the open sign on and prepared for the breakfast rush.

  After working a double, I had to practically crawl up my front porch and into my house. I took a shower to wash the diner smell off of me and checked my phone. Nothing from Hunter. It’s only been one day. Isn’t there some kind of three-day rule?

  As exhausted as I was, I just couldn’t sleep. I logged into my computer to check the chat and see if DarkPrince had been on. Before I could load in, he pulled me to a private chat.

  DarkPrince: *Bows* Hello again your majesty. I hope you had a good day.

  SciFiQueen: LOL Hello Darkness, my old friend.

  DarkPrince: Hey! 30 isn’t THAT old!

  SciFiQueen: 30, huh?

  DarkPrince: Yep. So, since I told you how old I am, does that mean you’ll tell me too?

  SciFiQueen: I’ll tell you this... I’m younger than you

  DarkPrince: Oh God. You aren’t 16 or something are you?

  SciFiQueen: NO! Geez! I’m 25

  DarkPrince: WHEW! Since we’re sharing. Any other tidbits you’d like to tell me about yourself?

  SciFiQueen: Umm...what do you want to know?

  DarkPrince: Would a name be too forward?

  SciFiQueen: I think I like “your majesty” just fine LOL.

  DarkPrince: Fair enough. This IS the internet. I could be a crazy psycho for all you know.

  ScifiQueen: LOL Are you?

  DarkPrince: Not today

  SciFiQueen: Haha, well good. At least I’m safe for today. ;)

  DarkPrince: I was surprised you weren’t online last night.

  SciFiQueen: Yeah, I sort of had a date so I didn’t get home until late.

  Ugh. Why did I tell him that?

  DarkPrince: A date, huh? Have a good time?

  SciFiQueen: Yeah it was fun.

  DarkPrince: That’s good. You work too hard and deserve some fun.

  SciFiQueen: What about you? Do you date?

  DarkPrince: On occasion. I’m not a monk or anything

  SciFiQueen: Of course not.

  DarkPrince: So, you gonna go back out with this guy?

  SciFiQueen: IDK he’s supposed to call me some time but he was pretty vague about when.

  DarkPrince: I’m sure he’ll call. You’re amazing. He’d be a fool not to.

  SciFiQueen: Thanks :)

  DarkPrince: It’s true. You’re an amazing woman.

  SciFiQueen: Aww aren’t you sweet

  DarkPrince: I’ve been known to be sweet every now and then. But don’t let that get out. You’ll ruin my rep.

  SciFiQueen: LOL your secret’s safe with me.

  DarkPrince: I knew it would be ;)

  SciFiQueen: I’m pretty worn out from working a double today and I have to be up again in the morning for my shift.

  DarkPrince: Better get some sleep then.

  SciFiQueen: Goodnight.

  DarkPrince: Night.

  I logged offline and shut down my computer before climbing beneath the soft new covers I’d splurged on with one of my first paychecks from the diner. The old one was threadbare and scratchy but this one was soft, fluffy and so comfortable.

  It only took a few minutes before I started to fall asleep. My eyes fluttered closed just as my phone rang, making me jump as it jolted me from my half-sleep.

  “Hello?” My throaty voice sounded deeper than usual and I tried to shake the sleep away.

  “Hey, did I wake you?” Hunter.

  “Not exactly.” I groaned as I tried to open my eyes.

  “You sound like you were sleeping.”

  “I was just getting ready to fall asleep.”

  “I’m sorry. I won’t keep you. I just wanted to let you know that I had a wonderful time on our date. I know I’m supposed to wait whatever is considered the appropriate amount of time before calling, but I just couldn’t. I want to see you again.”

  “You do?”

  “Yes. You’re off Saturday, right?”

  “Yeah, how’d you—?”

  “I want to take you somewhere special. Pick you up at five? It’s semi-formal so a cocktail dress would look nice.”

  “Okay. Where are we going?”

  “You’ll have to wait and find out. Now, get some sleep.”


  “Goodnight, beautiful.”

  Hunter’s words echoed in my mind as I put my phone on the nightstand and dozed off to sleep.



  Saturday took forever to come. It felt like a lifetime until I
could see Hunter again. He was different, and l admitted it was taking time to get used to his gentlemanly ways. I wasn’t used to waiting for a guy to open the door or order my food for me. Eddie never did things like that for me.

  The money I made from the diner didn’t leave a lot for formal wear. Luckily Liz told me about a great little thrift store nearby where I found the perfect thing. It was a little black dress with an empire waist and rhinestone accents. I was lucky enough to find the perfect necklace and earrings to match. It was cubic zirconia but no one needed to know that.

  I managed a decent updo and finished the look with smokey eyes and deep red lipstick for a more made-up look. When I opened the door and saw Hunter in his classic black suit, I knew I’d made the right choice with my look. He was devastatingly handsome and I couldn’t’ take my eyes off him.

  “Wow,” I whispered as I gawked at him.

  “Wow’s right. Damn Emma, you look amazing.”

  I blushed and finally pulled my eyes from him when they were drawn to the floor. I wasn’t used to compliments on anything but my art.

  “Are you ready? We have a bit of a drive ahead of us.”

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going yet?”

  “Nope. It’s a surprise—which reminds me...” He pulled out a smooth black blindfold and dangled it in front of my face.

  “You’re joking.”

  “Oh no, I’m completely serious. Turn.”

  I hesitated before turning around so he could secure the blindfold, putting me into total darkness. “You’re not kidnapping me, are you?” I teased.

  “If I was, you’re making it very easy for me.” He purred against my ear, making me shiver. “Now, take my hand so I can guide you to the car.”

  “Couldn’t you have blindfolded me after I made it to the car?” I reached my hand out and he took it in his.

  “Now what would be the fun in that?” He guided me down the steps flawlessly. I was afraid of tripping and falling. How embarrassing would that be? But, with Hunter leading me, I didn’t falter once.


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