The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 9

by Nikki Rose

  He was going to kill me. That much I was sure of. I’d seen his face now. I knew who he was—what he’d done. There was no way he could let me live. Why hadn’t I pretended not to recognize the tattoo? Why couldn’t I have pretended, just long enough to get out of there and call Daniel?

  I’d reacted without thinking and would pay the price. I sobbed into my hands, not caring that the trunk was opening. There was no way I could escape him. I didn’t know where we were and even if I did, they’d said he was a trained killer. How could I possibly be a match for a man like him?

  I flinched as he reached into the trunk and picked me up, cradling me like a baby still only wrapped in my bed sheet. I couldn’t speak through the painful sobs that ripped through my throat. I was exhausted both mentally and physically.

  I didn’t even look up to see where we were. I just hid my face in my hands and cried the whole way. Women in these situations fight. At least that’s what I’d seen in the movies. They knock the guy in the face when he opens the trunk. Why hadn’t I thought of that before? I heard a door shut. He sat me on a sofa and I finally looked around a rustic living room. Like something you’d see in a the woods...where no one could hear if you screamed.

  My heart threatened to break my chest bone and roared in my ears. I didn’t want to die. I wanted to live. It wasn’t a great or exciting life, but it was mine and I wanted it. I looked up at him. My wide, terror-filled eyes met his somber, pained gaze. Was he sad he was going to have to kill me? Did it bother him even though he’d killed many before?

  “Please, you don’t have to do this. Please don’t kill me?”

  He slowly reached his hand forward and I flinched, pulling back until my head was pressed against the couch. He moved closer, lightly brushing my cheek with the back of his hand.

  “I’m not going to kill you.” His whisper was pained. “But I need to explain. Can you promise to stay still and quiet while I explain?”

  I nodded with tears in my eyes. He’s not going to kill me. Or maybe he’s just saying that so I won’t fight him.

  “It’s been a long drive. Do you need something to drink before I begin? Do you need to go to the bathroom?”

  I nodded.

  “Okay, follow me.” He walked toward an open door. I could see inside the small, half bath which lacked any sense of decor. The whole place was covered in raw wood walls and iron fixtures. “I’ll be right outside the door.” He gave me a warning glance.

  I went inside and was relieved to have time alone. I used the bathroom and washed my hands, taking a moment to study myself in the mirror.

  My makeup was smeared around my eyes and ugly black streaks ran down my face. I was pale and the whites of my eyes were bright red from crying. I splashed cool water on my face and wished I could stay locked in this bathroom. If I took too long, he’d just come in after me. Patting my face dry on the hand towel, I wrapped the sheet back around me and held my breath as I unlocked the door.

  Hunter stood guard just as he promised. “Feel better?”

  I nodded and pulled the sheet tighter over my shoulders.

  “Want a drink?”

  I nodded again, still unable to find my voice. I’d take a drink. Anything to stall him longer.

  He guided me by the arm into the small kitchen where he fixed us both glasses of water. “I don’t come here often so there’s not much to offer. Water will have to do until I can have some things brought in.”

  Brought in? That meant he planned on us being here for a while.

  I took the water and sipped. It soothed my scratchy throat. I hadn’t realized how much it hurt until the pain was taken away.

  “You’re welcome,” he said expectantly.

  “Thank you,” I croaked.

  “Now, let’s go sit in the living room. We have some things to discuss.”

  I took another sip of my water and followed him toward the living room. Panic seemed to hit me in waves. I caught a glimpse of a back door just off the side of the kitchen. Glancing ahead at him, I decided to take a chance.

  I slid my glass quietly onto the table with a trembling hand. I cast one last glance in his direction before darting toward the back door. I could hear him curse behind me as I reached for the doorknob but it was locked. I shook the door, begging it to open but it was no use. Hunter’s strong arms clutched me tight and lifted me from the floor.

  “Let me go.” I kicked and screamed but it was no use.

  “I thought we could have a civilized conversation like two adults but apparently I was mistaken.” He grunted as my heel struck his shin. “That’s it,” he barked, throwing me over his shoulder and hauling me back into the living room. He stopped by a small ottoman near the front door but I couldn’t see what he was doing from over his broad shoulder. He tossed me onto the couch and to my horror, I saw what he’d gotten. Rope.

  He hovered over me as I laid on the couch. I kicked and clawed at him but he was too strong. “No. Let me go. Stop.”

  He gripped my wrists tight with one hand while he secured the rope, rendering them useless. I kicked my feet, trying to keep him away as he went for my ankles but I was no match for him. He easily bound my legs before pulling me up to sit on the couch again.

  “There, now that I don’t have to worry about you trying to run again, I can explain.”

  “Don’t do this. Please, just let me go? I won’t tell anyone anything. I promise, just don’t hurt me.”

  “Quiet.” He snapped. “Or do I need to gag you as well?”

  I shut my mouth and shook my head. I didn’t want him to gag me. The thought of not being able to scream if I needed to terrified me.

  “Good. Much better. First of all, I want to apologize for the rough manner I had to take with you to get you here. It was no way to treat a woman, but under the circumstances, I’m sure you can understand I didn’t have much choice in the matter.”

  Didn’t have a choice? I bit my tongue, not wanting to risk the gag.

  Hunter nodded and continued. “There are a lot of things I can’t tell you right now. But you need to realize that what you think you saw that night in the alley... well, not all things are as they seem.”

  I swallowed hard but didn’t speak. He let out a loud sigh, studying me before he continued.

  “You’ll remember when you asked me what I did, I told you I was an exterminator of sorts.”

  Oh God, he’s a hitman? Tears stung my eyes as I remembered the conversation. I thought we were starting this new and exciting relationship. I was so excited to be out with Hunter. I never saw things taking such a horrific turn.

  “As hard as it might be to believe, I’m not the bad guy here. I was just doing my job. I felt horrible for turning your life upside down. I saw you the night you were taken into police custody and I knew you’d be put into witness protection. There was something about you—something so innocent and sweet. I had to make sure you were okay. When I found you working in the diner, having such a hard time with that jerk. I couldn’t just let it go. I wanted to make your life better. I wanted to help you.”

  “So, you pretended to be some gentleman taking me on dates, holding open doors, all to check up on me?”

  “None of that was pretending. That’s who I am. I was raised to be a gentleman.”

  I scoffed. “A gentleman who kills people for a living.” His jaw tensed. I’d been so shy around him before—afraid I’d embarrass myself or that he wouldn’t like me. I wasn’t worried about that anymore. I didn’t care if he liked the real me.

  “Yes. A gentleman who kills for a living. But I only kill people deserving of such a fate. I don’t kill innocents which is why I would never kill you.”

  I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. “So what? You thought you’d see if I remembered anything? If I was a threat?”

  “No. I knew you hadn’t seen my face. I hadn’t counted on you seeing my tattoo.”

  “So, you were just going to keep seeing me, lying to me about who you really are

  “I told you, I was honest about who I was. I just left out some minor details.”

  “Minor? Are you freaking kidding me? Killing people for a living isn’t exactly minor.”

  “I’d hoped you’d get to know me for more than what I do for a living. Then, by the time you found out, you’d realize there was a lot more to me than that.”

  “You’re crazy. I could never fall for someone... like you. You’re a murderer.” I spat out angrily.

  “I’m sorry you feel that way.” Hunter let out a heavy sigh and stood up. I flinched and noted the hurt look in his eyes. He walked toward the kitchen.

  “Hunter,” I called out to him with tears in my eyes and he turned back to look at me.

  “Please, let me go. I promise I won’t tell anyone anything.”

  “I wish I could believe that.” He walked away, disappearing into the kitchen.

  He thought he could make me understand. Now that he failed in his attempt, would he kill me? How long could he hold me here like this? Who would really miss you? Daniel, Liz. They would miss me. They would search for me. They would see the struggle at my house and know something was wrong.

  “They’ll look for me,” I called out.

  “What?” Hunter looked back in from the kitchen.

  “They’ll look for me. The people from witness protection, people at the diner. They’ll miss me and come looking for me. You have to let me go.”

  Hunter looked at me the way you’d look at a child for thinking silly thoughts. That look scared me more than his anger. How was he so sure they wouldn’t look for me?

  “A buddy of mine is taking care of that.”

  “What do you mean?” Fear pulsed through my veins. Would they hurt them?

  “Your place has been cleaned. Your things have been packed, and if anyone comes looking, they will find a note left on your coffee table explaining how you couldn’t handle witness protection any longer and left.”

  “They’ll know it wasn’t me. They’ll look for me.”

  “They can’t force someone into witness protection. And my buddy is excellent at forgeries.”

  Hunter pulled out his phone and scrolled through. He turned it around to show me a picture of the note.

  If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought I’d written the note. The writing was perfectly mine. No one was going to look for me. A sob bubbled up and spilled out as tears ran down my cheeks.

  “I am sorry it has to be this way, Emma or should I say, Addy?”

  There was a knock on the door and Hunter froze. “Help, please help me,” I screamed.

  Hunter lunged at me and covered my mouth with his large hand. “Quiet,” He hissed.

  “Hey man, it’s me.” A male voice came through the door. Hunter relaxed and uncovered my mouth. That wasn’t a good sign.

  He opened the door wide, allowing a man almost as built as him into the cabin. The man looked a lot like Hunter and I wondered if they might be related. He was dressed casually in jeans and a white tee and his movements were looser than Hunters. More relaxed. Hunter and the new guy shook hands before his eyes met mine.

  “Damn man, what have you gotten yourself into?” He handed Hunter several bags and walked over to the couch. I stiffened as he bent down to look at me. “Hi, I’m Chris. You must be Emma—”

  “Addy. Her name is Addy.”

  “Right, Addy.”

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to put this stuff up.” Hunter held up the bags and walked into the kitchen.

  “Chris, please, please make him let me go? Please help me?” I kept my voice low as I pleaded with the man, I hoped would save me.

  He gave me a pitying look and shook his head slowly. “You don’t know Hunter very well, do you? There’s no making him do anything he doesn’t want to do.”

  “You can untie me, let me run while he’s in there. Please, you have to let me go.”

  “Darlin’ I don’t have to do anything. You might as well get comfortable here. You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.” Chris pushed a stray strand of hair from my face and smiled softly. “He’s not such a bad guy if you give him a chance. Hunter’s my best friend.”

  “Hey Chris, you want to stay for dinner?” Dinner? Had an entire day really passed since I’d been taken?

  “Sure, I could eat.” He got up and started to walk into the kitchen with Hunter leaving me alone in the living room. Tears burned my eyes again but this time I didn’t bother trying to hold them back. I leaned over in my bindings and cried.



  “Dinner’s ready.” Hunter’s voice cut through the sobs.

  There was pity and sadness in his voice. My hair covered my eyes and stuck to my tear-dampened face. Although I couldn’t see him, I was aware of Hunter moving closer and crouching down beside the couch.

  His hand touched my face and my whole body tensed. He slowly moved the hair from my face and I looked up at him with aching eyes. He cupped my cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing lightly to wipe away my tears. The touch was so tender, if I hadn’t known better, I would have never known he was the same murderer I’d watched in that dirty alleyway.

  “I’m so sorry things have turned out this way. It was not how I wanted you to find out about me.”

  “Please Hunter, please just let me go.” I could barely speak.

  “I can’t. At least not yet.” The way he said that sent chills running down my spine. “There is still so much I need to tell you—so much I need you to understand.”

  “Then explain them. Tell me whatever it is you need to tell me then let me go.” I pleaded.

  He looked so sad as he shook his head. “Not yet. You’re not ready. It’s time for dinner.”

  Hunter lifted me from where I’d fallen over in my bonds. He helped me stand but kept my hands and ankles tied. I wondered how he expected me to make it to the kitchen until he lifted me in his arms. He held me the way a groom would carry his bride over the threshold instead of thrown over his shoulder like last time.

  He placed me in one of the wooden chairs at the small kitchen table where Chris was already sitting.

  “I would ask if I could trust to untie you while you eat but I already know better. So, you’ll have to make due like this.”

  I looked down at my plate. A sandwich and chips. This shouldn’t be too hard.

  “Dig in.” Hunter smiled at me and I scowled back at him.

  I twisted my wrists in the rope and managed to lift the sandwich to my mouth without much trouble. It had been so long since I’d eaten anything and my stomach panged with the thought of finally getting food.

  We sat in uncomfortable silence as we ate. The silence was still better than having to talk to these psychos.

  Chris cleared his throat once he’d finished scarfing down his sandwich. “Well, I’m going to take my beer to the living room and let you two chat.” The chair screeched across the hardwood floor and Chris was gone.

  I snuck a glance at Hunter before going back to my food.

  “I really am sorry things had to go this way.” He leaned his elbows on the table and pushed his plate to the side so he could lean closer to me.

  I shot daggers at him with my eyes and shoved the last bite of sandwich into my mouth.

  “Fine. You don’t want to talk? We won’t talk. Finish your dinner.”

  He stood and stormed into the living room.

  The sounds of the T.V. were muffled from the living room but I could tell they were watching the news.

  “In local news, police remain stumped by the murder of Judge Patrick Andrews. Sources say police suspect the killing was linked to four other homicides in the state.” Four other homicides? Hunter’s a serial killer!?

  I couldn’t breathe. My heart pounded and my ears roared as the room started to spin. I was being held captive by a freaking serial killer.

  “Time for bed.” The sound of Hunter’s voice nearly made me jump out of my chair.

  “Please just let me go?” I squirmed so he couldn’t pick me up but it didn’t work.

  “You’ll be staying in my room upstairs.” He leaned down and slung me up over his shoulder.

  We passed through the living room. Chris sat on the couch with the T.V. on. I yelled and thrashed around but Hunter ignored my protests and carried me upstairs. He sat me on the edge of the bed while he dug through the bags Chris had brought—bags of stuff from my place.

  I felt completely disgusting after all I’d been through. I hadn’t had a shower since our date over twenty-four hours ago and since then I’d had sex, rode for hours in the trunk of a car, and had dinner where I’d dropped crumbs all over the sheet I was barely wrapped in. I debated asking Hunter for anything. I didn’t want to seem dependent on him but I craved a warm shower.

  “I know you’ll probably say no, but I feel disgusting. Could I maybe take a quick shower?”

  “Oh, I apologize for my oversight. Why don’t I run you a bath? I’m sure you need it after the day you’ve had.” He walked toward the attached bathroom.

  “That would be wonderful, but...”

  “But what?” Hunter stopped just inside the doorway and looked back at me.

  “Can you remove the ropes, so I can better bathe myself.”

  “I suppose that would be okay. I don’t see you outrunning me in there.”

  “In? You mean you plan to stay in there too?”

  “There’s a window in the bathroom. You’ve already shown me I can’t trust you not to try to escape.”

  “We’re on the second floor,” I said with exasperation.

  “All the more reason for me to make sure you don’t try anything stupid. It’s for your safety.”

  I scoffed. “My safety? What about all this talk about being a gentleman?” I challenged.

  “A gentleman wouldn’t allow a girl to climb out a window and fall to her death. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t seen you naked. I promise I won’t touch you unless it’s to stop you from trying something stupid.”

  I sighed, knowing I wasn’t going to win this battle.


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