The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 12

by Nikki Rose


  Hunter had kissed me. And, I let him. I sat on the couch after lunch, pretending to watch T.V. with Chris while my mind reeled at the feelings stirring inside me after that simple, little kiss. Hunter kissed me. We’d kissed plenty the night we had sex but that was before I knew who he was and what he’d done. He was the one who’d killed a man in front of me and yet I let him kiss me. I enjoyed it. I wanted him to do it again. What did that say about me that I could let a murderer kiss me and crave the touch of his lips again?

  There was something so tender and caring about the way he treated me. But he has killed—who knows how many times. In the short time I knew him before I found out who he really was, I’d fallen for him. But, could I really be falling for the monster who slit that man’s throat?

  “Addy, did you see that?” Chris laughed and pointed at the T.V.

  “Yeah.” I forced a smile.

  Chris stopped laughing and turned to study me. “What’s wrong?”


  “You can’t fool me. What’s wrong?” He insisted.

  “I was just thinking.”


  “Hunter.” Chris raised his brow and waited for me to continue. I let out a sigh. Chris had no reason to tell me the truth, but I had to hope I’d be able to tell if he was lying. “He keeps telling me that he’s not as bad as I think but I saw him kill a man. How can he not be as bad as I think?”

  Chris’s face lit up with realization. “You care about him.”

  “I do not.” I sat straighter and pulled back from him.

  “You care about him,” He accused.

  “I don’t. I can’t... he kidnapped me.”

  “Listen, I can’t tell you the details of who Hunter is. He’ll tell you when he can. But I can tell you that he is a good guy whether you want to believe it or not.”

  “Of course, you’re going to say that. You’re his friend.”

  “Do me a favor. You got plenty of time sitting around this place for now. Think about everything you’ve seen from Hunter minus that one night. See if there is more good or more bad.”

  I sat silently. I had no response to that.

  “I’m going to go find a snack.” Chris stood from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

  I pretended to watch T.V. but I couldn’t get Chris’s words out of my head. He was right.

  The sound of the front door unlocking jolted me from my thoughts. He was home. I went back to watching T.V. not wanting to appear overly excited to see him but the new realization that maybe Hunter wasn’t the evil man I’d made him out to be, gave me new hope. It allowed me to admit the feelings I still carried for him.

  “Honey, I’m home.” Hunter joked and grinned at me when our eyes met.

  “Get all your errands done?”

  “I did.” Hunter carried in a couple of bags of groceries but nothing that stood out as my surprise. The curiosity was going to drive me crazy if I had to wait much longer. Not that I cared so much about getting something. It was more about the fact that Hunter had made a special trip himself to pick up whatever that surprise was.

  He raised his brow at me and smirked. “You didn’t let Chris cook for you, did you?”

  “No, she didn’t.” Chris interrupted as he walked in from the kitchen eating straight from a bag of chips. “She cooked me a grilled cheese sandwich and tomato soup. Just like my mom used to make—but better. She put some leafy things in the soup and it was awesome.”

  “Basil. It was basil,” I expanded on his description of the leafy thing.

  “That sounds good.” Hunter grinned at me.

  “I could make you some if you’re hungry. It was just canned tomato soup but I added some herbs.”

  “Maybe another time. I thought you might want to see your surprise before it gets too late.”

  “Oh yes, please.” I smiled up at him and he beamed down at me. He looked as excited as I felt.

  “Okay, run upstairs and put on some shoes.”

  “Shoes?” I raised my brow.

  “Yeah, can’t have you walking outside barefoot. Oh, and you’ll need a jacket too. It’s pretty cold out today.”

  “Okay.” I excitedly ran up the stairs to find my jacket and shoes. Hunter was letting me go outside. Or was he letting me go? For some reason a sick feeling wretched my stomach at the thought of leaving the cabin and Hunter.

  My excitement turned to nervousness as I put on my shoes and slipped on my jacket. I walked down the stairs much slower than I had gone up them. Hunter was still waiting at the door but Chris was nowhere to be seen.

  “Where’s Chris?”

  “He had to run. You ready?”

  “Yeah. Where are we going?”

  “Just for a little walk.”

  A walk. Okay, so we weren’t leaving. He wasn’t letting me go. I was crazy for being relieved at that.

  Other than a couple of trips to the back porch, I hadn’t seen the outside world in over two weeks. It was a surreal feeling to step out the door with Hunter holding firm to my hand. I knew he was holding me to keep me from trying to escape but I could almost forget I was being held captive when we strolled along the scenic trail lined with green pines and bare oaks.

  We rounded the first bend and Hunter pulled my hand back to stop me. “Okay, your surprise is just around the corner, but I need you to close your eyes.”

  “I thought my surprise was getting to go outside for this walk.” I was puzzled. What other surprises could be out there?

  “There’s more. But you have to close your eyes.”

  I raised my brow, looking at him skeptically but then closed my eyes. I sensed Hunter moving around me and jumped when he put his hands over my eyes from behind me.

  “Just making sure you don’t peek. Now, walk forward three steps then turn to your left.”

  I followed his directions and he moved with me, never letting his hands move from my eyes.

  “Now, walk straight until I tell you to stop.” His raspy voice tickled my ear and sent chills down my spine.

  I took the steps and he followed. It reminded me of our date to the museum when he’d had me wear that blindfold. He knew how much I loved art and taking me to that exhibit was unbelievably thoughtful for a second date.

  Chris was right. Hunter had always been sweet, thoughtful, and gentle with me even under the strange circumstances.

  “Stop here. I’m going to move my hands but don’t open your eyes until I say so. Okay?”


  I squinted my eyes closed tight, fighting the urge to peek as Hunter’s warmth left me. His voice came from off to the side when he finally spoke, “open.”

  I opened my eyes and gazed out at the most beautiful sight I’d ever seen. A serene nook in the woods that I couldn’t have imagined any better. A babbling stream wound its way through a rocky bank, lined with moss. The sun peered down in rays through the tree branches overhead. And, over to the side sat an easel and canvas with a caddy of paints and brushes hanging from a small hook on the side.

  My jaw gaped and my vision blurred with happy tears. It was the best surprise I’d ever gotten. I turned to look at Hunter who was smiling at me with the most genuine, heartfelt smile I’d ever seen.

  I wasn’t sure what came over me at that moment. Maybe it was what Chris said earlier, combined with this unbelievably thoughtful gesture, or maybe it was Stockholm syndrome, but in that moment, I needed to be near Hunter. I needed to feel his touch.

  I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms behind his head, tangling my fingers in his hair as his arms wrapped around my waist and our lips crashed into one another’s. My lips parted to grant him access and he took the invitation, letting his tongue delve into my mouth. Our tongues danced together.

  He broke the kiss just long enough to speak against my lips. “So, you like it?”

  “I love it.”

  He smiled and his hand cupped my jaw as he pulled my lips back to his. He lifted me
and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me closer to the stream. He lowered my feet back to the ground and quickly removed his jacket, laying it out on the soft moss before guiding me to lay back.

  Hunter’s lips trailed hot kisses down my jaw and neck. He nipped softly at the tender flesh at my shoulder, sending a jolt of pleasure all the way to my core. I moaned and lifted my hips to press against him and his hands quickly unfastened my jeans and pulled them down along with my panties. He removed my shoes when they stopped the pants from sliding off. Then, with one firm yank, he pulled my jeans and panties the rest of the way off.

  He stripped off my jacket and shirt, leaving me in just my silky black bra and stripped off his own shirt. He leaned down and kissed me again before unzipping his jeans and sheathing himself with a condom from his wallet. When he gazed down at me, his eyes ignited and whatever control he had maintained finally snapped. He plunged into me with a force that pushed me up farther and farther with each fierce thrust. Before long I’d already slid most of the way off his jacket but we couldn’t stop.

  He pounded into my welcoming flesh. I quivered and clenched around him, beckoning him further inside until he completely filled me. My inner walls stretched to the limit but my greedy body wanted more.

  I dug my nails into his shoulders, pulling him closer to me so that my breasts crushed against his hard, muscled chest. As my pleasure built, it consumed my whole being like a wildfire caught in the wind, spreading and scorching everything in its path.

  I clung to him, crying out as pleasure rippled through me and exploded between my thighs. White light flashed behind my eyelids. I was spinning and falling all at once. Another thrust and Hunter tensed, letting out a violent roar as he riveted his hips harder. We moved together in waves until neither of us had anything more to give.

  He collapsed onto his elbow, barely keeping himself from crushing me as his torso pressed me into the soft earth. His body glistened with sweat even in the cold and he rested his forehead against mine, panting and breathing in each other’s air as we struggled to catch our breath.

  Hunter kissed me again but this time it was gentle and sweet though no less meaningful. He brushed a strand of hair from my dampened face and rolled over onto his back.

  He pulled me against him, my head resting on his chest as his fingertips lazily rubbed over my hypersensitive skin.

  After several minutes, he pulled his jacket around my shoulders.

  “You’re freezing. We need to get you warmed up or you’re going to catch a cold.”

  “I think you’ve done quite well at heating me up,” I smirked at him and nuzzled in closer to soak in his body heat.

  “As much as I’d love to stay like this, we both need to get dressed. It’s freezing out here. Besides, if we don’t, you’ll miss all your light to paint.”

  We got dressed and Hunter made us a small fire to chase away the chill while I painted. He sat watching, enthralled in me as I worked.

  Once I’d run out of good lighting, I packed up my paints. “it’s getting too dark to completely finish, but I’ve gotten enough done, I can do the rest later from memory.”

  “I have one more surprise for you.”

  “Another surprise?”

  “Dinner.” He held up a grocery bag and I could vaguely make out hot dogs inside. “I thought we could roast them on the fire.”

  “That sounds great. I haven’t done that in years.” I grinned and joined him closer to the fire.

  “And, of course, I got dessert.” He held up another bag with everything we needed to make s’mores.

  I squealed and he patted the spot on the ground between his legs. I sat down and he wrapped me in his warmth before we started on our dinner.

  Once we had stuffed ourselves like two kids at camp, we packed our things and hiked back down the path to the cabin. Hunter led me to the bedroom where we peeled each other’s clothes off, leaving a trail to the bed. That time was different. We took our time, worshiped each other’s bodies as we made love.



  The next morning came too soon. I woke up to the annoying sound of my work ringtone.

  I hit accept and brought the phone to my ear without even opening my eyes. “Wright.”

  “Hunter, it’s Chris. We got an issue.”

  Nothing in my line of work can wake you up better than those four little words. I shot up from my bed. The bed I shared with Addy the night before. I glanced down at her, she was still sleeping so peacefully. I didn’t want to wake her. I climbed out of bed and went into my office. “What’s going on?”

  “Got a cop poking around. My connections say he pulled up your DMV records.”

  “Do you know why?”

  “Intel says he caught a break with a security cam near the scene of the murder. I don’t know how we missed it.”

  “So, he doesn’t have solid evidence then?”

  “He has enough to start poking around and making our lives miserable. Not to mention the fact you—”

  “Yeah, I know. I’m going to have to do something about Addy.”

  “My sources tell me he’s checking out your place in town this morning. Is there any way he can trace you to the cabin?”

  “Only if he has a search warrant to go digging through my things, which based on the evidence you said he has, it shouldn’t be enough. I was driving past a security camera, so what? I couldn’t have been the only car.”

  “Well, just in case, I think you need to turn the girl over to the boss and let him deal with detaining her while we get things settled.”

  “You know I can’t.”

  “Yeah, I know you’re a stubborn ass. Just be careful.”

  “I will and thanks for the heads up.”

  We hung up and I furiously rubbed my hands over my face. What the hell was I going to do with Addy if that cop came snooping around here?

  If he was checking my place this morning, I’d only have a few hours before he could make it here if he found my files on this place.

  I went downstairs and fixed Addy breakfast. I knew what I’d have to do. She wasn’t going to like it.

  I knocked on the door to wake up Addy before entering. It was time I started treating her with more of the respect she deserved instead of like she was just my captive. I owed her that.

  “Come in?”

  The door clicked unlocked and squeaked open. She sat up in bed still rubbing her eyes, clearly struggling to wake from a deep sleep. She squinted in the bright sunlight that streamed through the barred windows.

  As I stepped into the room revealing the breakfast tray Addy gave me a sleepy smile and I couldn’t help but grin. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning. Did you sleep well?” I made my way farther into the room, locking the door behind me as I had every morning.

  “Yes. It’s been much better since I haven’t had to use the cuffs.”

  My smile slipped. “I’m sorry. I wish I hadn’t had to do that.”

  Addy frowned before forcing a smile. “That smells good.”

  “Oh, yeah. Hungry?” I pushed past the uncomfortable mention of the cuffs and placed the overfilled tray on her lap.

  “Very.” She licked her lips and fought the urge to dig in. “Have you eaten?”

  “No. Not yet.”

  “Why don’t you join me?”

  “Really?” I raised my brow and studied her for a moment but took a seat on the edge of the bed and took a piece of bacon from the tray. This was new. Sex from the night before could have been excused as a moment -- or two -- of weakness. But there was definitely something different about Addy this morning. Her walls were coming down.

  Addy dug into the French toast and let out a soft moan that made me shift in my place to make sure she couldn’t see the effect she was having on me. I tried to focus on anything else, taking a bite of the French toast I’d made. After about half the food was gone, we slowed down enough to start idle chit-chat.

  I loo
ked up at her and noticed a small drop of syrup just at the corner of her plump, soft lips. I remembered how those lips had tasted—how soft they were as I claimed them the night before.

  “You have a little syrup...” I reached over and dragged my thumb over the corner of her mouth to scoop up the syrup.

  “Thanks.” She blushed though I wasn’t sure why. She lifted the glass of orange juice to her lips to hide the reddening of her cheeks.

  “So, Chris is supposed to be doing a grocery run for us tomorrow. I’m getting him to pick up more of your chocolate ice cream. But this time you’re going to try it my way.” I grinned.

  “With a scoop of peanut butter on top? That’s just so weird.” She laughed and it was one of the best sounds in the world.

  “Just trust me. You’ll love it.”

  “I’ll give it a try, but that’s all I can promise.”

  “That’s enough for me. I thought I might have him pick up a movie and popcorn too. We could make a whole night of it.”

  “That sounds really nice.”

  “What kind of movies do you like?”

  “You aren’t going to like it.” She looked up at me through her lashes.

  “Let me guess. Romance?”

  She nodded and bit her lip. I’d already expected that and had the perfect movie in mind. I tossed my head back dramatically and let out a loud sigh. “It looks like I’ll have to turn in my man card for the night,” I smirked at her and we couldn’t help but laugh.

  “So, what’s going on today?”

  My smile faded and I swore a dark shadow washed over the room. She swallowed hard as the eerie transformation happened right before my eyes. I turned my gaze out the window. This was going to be bad.

  “Hunter? What’s wrong?”

  “I know you’ve been torn about what to think about me. I see you fighting with yourself, not knowing how to feel and I know you want to go home.”

  She looked like she might get sick and my stomach twisted. I didn’t want to undo all the progress we’d made.

  “You’re not going to let me go, are you?” Her voice cracked.

  “Oh, Addy. Of course, I am. As soon as I can I promise I will let you go back home.”


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