The Line: The Complete Series

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The Line: The Complete Series Page 30

by Nikki Rose

  “I slept with her.”

  “You did what?”

  “I slept with her.”


  “Which time?”

  “Chris, what the hell were you thinking?” Hunter lowered his voice conspiratorially and leaned in closer.

  I had to take another gulp of my beer before I could speak again. “I thought there was something there. I thought maybe—”

  “So, you’re saying this wasn’t just a fuck? You have feelings for her?”

  “Yeah.” I sighed and plopped my elbows up on the table.

  “Dude, this is the Director’s daughter.”

  “You don’t think I know that?” My temper rose. I needed help with this, not a damn parrot repeating what I already knew.

  “Do you really? Do you realize this could not only make things difficult for you and for her on a personal level but this could be career suicide? A career you’ve literally poured your blood, sweat, and tears into.”

  “Shit. You’re right.” I shook my head and looked down at the beer in my hand.

  “Does she feel the same way for you too?”

  “I thought so. Then she blew me away this morning by telling her dad that she was planning to go out with this asshat of a guy she’d been seeing before.”

  “Well, all I can say is you better make damn sure she’s worth the risk and if you don’t even know if she’s all in then it doesn’t sound like something worth throwing your whole career away for.”

  “You’re right, man. But, after all this, how do I just pretend everything is fine?”

  “By doing your damn job and forgetting about the rest. We’re trained to compartmentalize so now's as good a time as any to use it.”

  I nodded, knowing what I had to do. “Thanks, man. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  “No problem. You know I’ve always got your back.”

  “I know. Do me a favor and hurry up and find those guys so I can get away from that girl once and for all?”

  “We’re doing the best we can. You just hang in there and try not to commit career suicide in the meantime.”

  “I’ll do my best.” I let out a small chuckle, relieved to have a clear plan of what to do. Leave it to my best friend to be able to lighten my spirits even in the middle of such a shit storm.



  I’d set up a lounge chair on the back patio and was soaking in the warmth of the sun but my mind was on Chris. He was acting fine until breakfast but I’d gotten the last hit with my comment about Derek. In all honesty, I wasn’t really wanting to go out clubbing with him. Compared to Chris, Derek was nothing. That was until Chris started acting cold and distant after everything we’d shared.

  Could it really have all been about the sex? I wouldn’t make another move. If he wanted me, he’d come find me. But I wasn’t going to make it easy on him either way. I picked out my skimpiest little scrap of a bathing suit and waited to lay out until a little while after lunch, knowing he’d be keeping an eye on me if for no other reason than it was his job when he got home.

  A shadow cast over me from someone blocking my sun, making me glance up. Chris. Play it cool, Caroline.

  I sighed and covered my face with my forearm nonchalantly. “You’re blocking the sun.”

  “You’re going to get burned.” His tone was so cold and business-like. Even more so than when we’d first been paired for his assignment. He didn’t sound like the guy who’d just been between my legs that morning.

  His attitude was making me mad. I wasn’t going to just let him get away with his attitude but I had to play this just right or it might backfire like the whole thing with Derek. I took the bottle of sunscreen from the side table and held it out to him without even looking his way. “Then put some sunscreen on me.”

  “I’m not your damn butler. Put it on yourself.” His voice was sharp and he dropped the bottle on my stomach.

  I’d planned to wait until he made a move but I needed to goad him. To get him to break this cold facade and be Chris again even if it was irritated or angry Chris. Anything was better than cold, distant Chris. I needed him to put his hands on me again. I needed to feel his touch but I also needed him to remember the connection we had. The difference between us was breaking my heart. “It’s your job to protect me.”

  “From threats to your life. Not from a little sunburn.”

  I glanced up at him from over my sunglasses. His jaw was clenched and the tendons in his neck were taunt. He was furious and trying to control himself. “Don’t you know, skin cancer is a real threat? Protect me from the evil melanoma, bodyguard.”

  He growled. An actual growl and sat down on the side of the lounge chair. “Sit up. I’ll put it on your back where you can’t reach but you can put the rest on your damn self.”

  Well, that was something at least. I sat up and pulled my hair to the side, turning my back to him. He roughly applied the sunscreen to my back, causing my whole body to move with the brashness of the rubbing. “Geeze, a little easier, would ya?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I thought you liked it rough.” He bit out as he continued to rub the sunscreen onto my shoulders.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. “What is your problem? If the last couple weeks were just a temporary thing, fine, whatever but you don’t have to be such a dick about it. Just be a man and say so.”

  “Fine. It was a way to get it out of our systems so we could move on. Happy?” No. Actually that didn’t make me happy at all and he didn’t seem very happy about it either. In fact, it seemed to piss him off but I had no idea why.

  “There. Was that so hard?”

  “Not at all.” He dropped the sunscreen in my lap as he stood and walked back inside leaving me frustrated and wanting to scream. I stayed out on the patio for another half hour trying to figure out what the hell happened and what I should do about it but I had no clue.


  The next day I was extra careful to be nothing but professional. I had no idea what had gotten into Caroline or why she ran straight back to that jerk. All I knew was that I had to keep my cool and do my job.

  Caroline peeked into the study where I was keeping busy working on my laptop. “Derek is picking me up at eight. You can follow us to the club since I know I can’t go anywhere without my shadow.” Oh hell no. She wanted to ride with him? That was not going to float.

  “You’ll ride with me. He can meet us there.”

  “I’m going on a date. Maybe you haven’t been on a proper date in a while but that usually means he picks me up and takes me out. You were hired to watch me. You can do that from one car back.” She didn’t give me time to respond before turning her back on me and sauntering out. I ground my teeth and took a deep breath to keep myself from running after her and showing her just how much I’d had it with her little attitude.

  This was it. It wasn’t going to last. Outside when she was tanning proved I couldn’t keep my cool when it came to Caroline then again in the study. I didn’t want to resign from my mission but I didn’t know what else to do. I thought I’d combust when she came downstairs in that tiny red and black halter dress and heels that made her legs look irresistible.

  The pulsing lights and pounding music mimicked the blood pumping angrily through my veins as I stood there, forced to witness her grinding on that bastard, prick, Derek. The name was like bile in my mouth. Standing in the dark corner of the club, I fought the urge to push through the crowd and rip her from his arms then I’d tear him apart, throw her over my shoulder and haul her ass home where it belonged.

  But I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t do anything but stand there like a helpless jackass and watch as she practically dry humped him on the dance floor. If she thought I hadn’t noticed the little glances in my direction, letting me know this little show was for me, she was sadly mistaken. Knowing she was doing it to goad me made it easier to fight my urges though. The last thing I would do is let her know she was getting
to me. I’d do my job and be done with it all. Simple as that.

  The prick had the nerve to reach around and squeeze her ass with both hands, pulling her tight against him and grinding into her. One day, somehow, I’d get that guy. I wasn’t sure how or when, but I’d find a way. I was actually glad for the loud music when she pressed her body to his and opened her mouth for him to shove his tongue inside causing a growl to rumble in my chest.

  Do your job, Chris. Stick to the mission then be done with it.

  “Now, what’s a good-looking guy like you doing over here in the corner all by yourself?” I glanced over. A curvy little blonde in a tight black miniskirt leaned her hip against the wall facing me but I kept my gaze on Caroline.

  “Sorry, not tonight.”

  “Are you stuck in the corner because you’re a bad boy?” She pressed her chest against my arm and I moved a step away from her, trying my best to be polite.

  “Look, lady. I’m not interested.”

  “Fine, whatever you say.”

  I glanced over again as she walked away to a group of her friends and heard her mutter to them. “He’s gay.”

  Like I cared what she thought. I shook my head and turned back to where Caroline had been dancing the whole night but no one was there. Not Caroline, and not Derek. Shit.

  If something happened to her I’d never forgive myself. As much as I was angry with her, I never wanted anything bad to happen to her, even if she didn’t want to be with me beyond that one night. I pushed my way through the crowd, trying to see if they might have drifted off mark but there was no sign of either of them.

  “Caroline?” Caroline.” I called again and again.

  I finally spotted her dark chocolate curls and a glimpse of that slinky red dress near the bar. I pushed my way through, not even risking to glance away from her again.

  “Caroline, geez. Tell me before you—” I grabbed her shoulder and turned her around to face me but was met with the shocked expression of a stranger. I released her arm like it was on fire and backed away. “Damn it. I’m sorry.”

  That still didn’t help me to know where Caroline went. I weaved my way through the club which seemed overly crowded that night and headed for the bathrooms. I didn’t even hesitate, charging into the women’s bathroom, calling her name and checking every stall but there was no sign of her anywhere.

  I’d kill whoever touched her. I ran to the bartender and showed him her picture on my phone but he was no help, neither were the bouncers up front but then to them, you’ve seen one leggy brunette, you’ve seen them all.

  I ran out onto the sidewalk and scanned the street for any sign of her and finally, caught a glimpse of a couple making out against the brick wall of the building. I took a second look and confirmed it was Derek and Caroline. With the fear for her safety extinguished, anger filled its place. How could she have been so stupid and careless as to take off onto the streets by herself?

  “Caroline. Damn it.” I yanked Derek off of her and her blue eyes were as big as saucers. “What the hell were you thinking, taking off without even letting me know? Who knows what could have happened to you?”

  “Derek and I were ready to go home. You seemed preoccupied with your little blonde friend so I didn’t want to interrupt.”

  “You are a petty, childish, spoiled brat and one day your little escapades are going to get someone hurt. Come on.” I grabbed her arm and led her toward my car.

  “Chris, what the hell? Let me go. I’m riding with Derek.” I spun around and got right up in her face. “Really? And where is your little boyfriend now? Some big bad guy comes up and pulls him off of you and pulls you off to his car and he does what? Runs away? That’s some fucking catch you’ve got there, Caroline.”

  I pulled her to the car and had to physically sit her down in the seat before climbing into the driver’s side. I was so mad, I knew better than to open my mouth again. God only knows what I might have said with the adrenaline coursing through my body.



  It had been a week since the altercation on the back patio and since then, we’d barely spoken other than to put on an act for the Director. At least she wasn’t blowing the whistle on me to her dad but it would almost be a relief to have him know and get it over with. Maybe he wouldn’t fire me. Maybe he’d just reassign me. A thought that should make me feel relieved to not have to put up with Caroline’s spoiled brat routine but instead left me feeling panicked at the thought of not seeing her.

  Caroline barely spoke to me at breakfast. The tension was so strong, it was palpable from across the table and even Ms. James could tell something was off when she served us our omelets. She didn’t linger, just offered a timid, uncomfortable smile before making herself scarce. We were lucky the Director had been called away early to work.

  The way Caroline acted had me questioning what I’d even seen in her but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t forget those moments when her walls would come down and I could see the real her underneath.

  I was still pissed but, in a way, her acting out helped me. It showed me that there were even more reasons that things between the two of us would never work. She was too impulsive and irrational for me. But getting over her wouldn’t be easy. I couldn’t stop thinking about her but Hunter’s words echoed in my mind, reminding me what’s at stake. Things between us would never work. Her father was my boss and there was no way he’d be okay with me being with his daughter. It would be career suicide—a career I’d dedicated my life to.

  I’d returned to my room after breakfast to check in on a conference call with the Director and our team. Unfortunately, there had been no new developments in the hacker case. I needed to get out of the house and away from Caroline before the pull between us grew anymore and I did more damage.

  As if on cue, my phone blared its loud tone, interrupting my silent thoughts.


  “Hey Chris, it’s Hunter.”

  “Hey, man. What’s up?”

  “I got an issue at the office I could really use your help for. Is there any way you could get out for a couple hours to give me a hand?”

  “You know I’m in the middle of this security gig. I can’t exactly just take off.”

  “I know, I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t really need your help. It’s about the Jackson case we handled a few months back. Interrogators found some interesting information and need our accounts to make sure it's legit. I promise it won’t take long.”

  “I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thanks, man. I owe you.”

  “Yeah, I’ll put it on your tab.”

  Hunter chuckled and we hung up but I had one more call to make. I scrolled through my contacts, selected the number and hit send.

  “Hey, Chris. My man, what’s up?”

  “Hey, Mason. I got a favor to ask of you.”

  “Of course. Just name it. You know I’ve always got your back.”

  “Can you come keep an eye on Caroline for a little while. Hunter needs me at headquarters about a past case and I can’t leave her alone. It would just be at the Director’s house so security shouldn’t be much of an issue.”

  “Yeah. No problem. I’ll be right over.”

  “Thanks. See you soon.”

  I pocketed my phone and walked downstairs, following the sound of clanging to the kitchen. Caroline stood at the counter. Eggshells and spilt flour littered the dark marble countertop. Her back was to me, her long brown hair pulled back in a ponytail swayed with every move. She was stirring something in a large bowl.

  I walked closer, curious to see this new, domestic side to the woman who clearly had more layers than I’d given her credit for. Once I was only a couple feet away, I cleared my throat, startling her. She jumped and spun around on me, holding up a wooden mixing spoon as if it were a sword.

  “Shit, you scared the hell out of me.”

  I raised a brow and studied her dirty apron and wooden spoon dripping with batt
er. “You think I was an intruder? And you were going to—what—Spoon me to death?”

  “Asshole.” She rolled her eyes and turned back to her bowl on the counter.

  “What’re you making?”

  “Cupcakes.” She was being short with me. Her tone was as sharp as a knife.

  “What’s the special occasion?”

  “There isn’t one. I like to bake.” She didn’t look back, her body tense, her words tight.

  “I wouldn’t have taken you for a baker.” I stepped forward and looked over her shoulder but the close proximity drew me in. She was like the sun and I was far too close—caught in to her gravitational pull. I smelled the sweet floral scent of her hair and she shivered as I exhaled against her skin.

  Her body softened, muscles relaxing as she let out a soft mewling sound.

  “That’s because you haven’t taken time to really get to know me.” Her words came out breathy and soft but they reminded me of why I couldn’t get to know this intriguing woman farther.

  Stepping back from her took every last bit of will power I had in me. I took a deep breath to clear my head and cleared my throat. “I need you to stay here for a couple hours while I run an errand.”

  “That’s fine. Whatever.” She sounded like a spoiled child again. This side would make it much easier to stay away from her even if it was all just an act on her part. I was beginning to learn that when she sounded like a spoiled brat, it was actually her walls being built back up. The thought pained me but it was better that way.

  “Mason’s coming over to sit with you and there’s security all around the house so as long as you stay put, you’ll be safe. I’ll only be gone a couple hours.”

  “I said okay. I’m just going to be here baking.”

  “Okay.” I’d half expected an argument about how she was stuck in the house and needed her freedom to come and go as she pleased. I guess she was as flustered by our moment as I was.

  “I’ll have my cell on me if you need me.”

  “Yeah, okay.” She busied herself again with her baking so I turned away and headed for the door.


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