A Beary Christmas

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by Ariel Marie

  A Beary Christmas

  Ariel Marie



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Letter to the Reader

  About the Author

  Also by Ariel Marie

  Copyright © 2017 by Ariel Marie

  Cover by Covers By Combs

  Edited by Dana Hook with Rebel, Edit & Design

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, businesses, events, and incidents are a figment of the author’s imagination and are used fictitiously. Any similarities to real people, businesses, locations, history, and events are a coincidence.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Created with Vellum


  WARNING: Due to the explicit language and graphic sexual scenes, this book is intended for mature (18 years +) readers only. If things of this nature offend you, this book would not be for you. If you like a good action story with hot steamy scenes with wolf shifters, then you have chosen wisely…


  Kendra Sexton smiled as she placed the last returned book in its rightful place on the shelf after looking around the empty library. Two days before Christmas, the Norwich library was a ghost town.

  She was ecstatic to be back in her old college town. She had just graduated with her Masters in Library Science from the University of Idaho, and was offered this job as the head librarian. Two weeks into the job and she knew that she was going to love it here. Mrs. Lane, the librarian for the past forty years, was retiring in two weeks, and Kendra was to be her replacement.

  She pushed her empty cart back toward the check-out desk and glanced at her watch. The library would be closing in fifteen minutes. She had sent Laura, her library assistant, home a half hour early to allow her to finish up her last-minute Christmas shopping.

  She glanced over at the large bay window and saw that the snow was beginning to fall fast and hard.

  “I should hurry up,” Kendra muttered to herself. She figured with how fast the snow was falling, she was sure her car would be covered. She didn’t feel like digging her car out today.

  Her bear snorted.

  “Well, if you would come out, then maybe you could help,” she snapped at her bear.

  Twenty-nine years walking this earth, and Kendra’s bear had gone into hiding, refusing to show herself. Kendra never knew why. She was told that her bear would come when she was good and ready. Her childhood shrinks had said that it might have something to do with the deaths of her biological parents, who were murdered when she was just five years old.

  She had no recollection of her parents’ brutal murder, but she had not shifted since she was five. Life as an unshiftable shifter was hard. Everyone always assumed that she was broken. But she wasn’t. That was why she had jumped at the chance to start over after she had completed her graduate studies.

  Norwich was just what she needed. She had already been in town for a month and had felt welcomed. There was no one whispering behind her back about her being the bear shifter that couldn’t shift. No one knew her secret. Oh, people knew she was a shifter, she just hadn’t gotten around to telling them that she was unable to shift.

  The sound of the bell over the door alerted her to someone entering the library.

  “We’re closing in a few minutes,” she called out, while tapping on the keys of the computer.

  “Why are you still here?” a familiar voice responded. Kendra looked up to find her best friend, Kenia Goff, walking through the library toward her.

  “Because I have a job to do, and we close this evening at six. I’m the head librarian, so I’m the one who has to close up the place.”

  “But no one is going to be at the library two days before Christmas.” Kenia laughed as she arrived at the desk. Her bronze skin almost glowed against her white wool, winter hat and scarf. Kendra couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.

  “I’ll have you know that Mrs. Pennyworth was here this morning checking out a few books,” Kendra scoffed.

  “Everyone knows that Mrs. Pennyworth comes to the library to check out her little naughty romance novels.” Kenia barked out a laugh.

  Kendra laughed as well, as she remembered how red Mrs. Pennyworth’s cheeks were when she checked her out. She had a funny feeling that the older woman’s cheeks weren’t warm due to the cold.

  “Well, at least I know I have one faithful customer,” Kendra chuckled as she shut the computer down. “So, what brings you here?”

  “Well, I’m glad you asked,” Kenia announced. The devilish smile that crossed her face caused Kendra to pause. They had been friends since undergraduate school, and Kendra knew Kenia very well.

  Kenia was a powerful witch who belonged to the local witch coven in Norwich. Even though they were of different worlds, that didn’t deter their friendship. Upon first meeting in college, they had hit it off and had been best friends ever since. It was because of Kenia that Kendra had thought of moving back to Norwich. There was nothing like living close to a really good friend and in a community who accepted all paranormals.

  “I’m not sure I like that look on your face,” Kendra snorted as she leaned her elbows on the counter. She just had to hear why her friend drove through the beginning of a snowstorm to come meet her at the library.

  “So, I know you haven’t really mingled with the local bear clan here in Norwich…” Kenia started.

  “I’ve been meaning to. I just wanted to get settled into the new job and my place first.” Kendra immediately went on the defense. She knew that since arriving in Norwich, she had not really socialized with the local bear clan. She knew that once she introduced herself, there would be questions on why she didn’t shift. No one seemed to understand why she could not bring her animal out, and she was getting tired of having to try to explain it. She didn’t know if she was ready for meeting the clan chief and the rest of the local bear shifters.

  “You don’t have to get all defensive!” Kenia grabbed her hand and squeezed it. “I know the best way for you to meet some of your kind.”


  “I know the niece of the clan chieftain. She had heard that there was a new shifter in town who was hired to run the library. I was able to bum two tickets from her.”

  “Okay,” Kendra murmured, not knowing where Kenia was going with the story.

  “The other ticket is for you, silly!” Kenia exclaimed, swatting at Kendra. “Merry Christmas! Consider it a gift.”

  “Oh!” Kendra’s eyes widened at the realization of what her friend was saying. She would be Kenia’s plus one, but to what, she didn’t know.

  “The Brink’s are hosting a Christmas Eve party tomorrow and you’re going.” Kenia stomped her foot.

  “I don’t know, Kenia. You know about my condition and—”

  “The party is a masquerade party, so you’re going.” Kenia cut her off and crossed her arms. Kendra recognized the stubborn look on her friend’s face and knew that she was quickly losing this battle.

  “Wait—What? A Christmas masquerade party?” Kendra had never heard of such a thing. Her interest was now piqued.

  “The Brink family is known for doing things a little out of the ordinary. We can go shopping for a new outfit and I’ll help do your hair. This will be just what you need.” Her friend bounced in place with excitement. Her
smile was infectious, and Kendra tried to keep a straight face, but she was losing the battle.

  “I don’t know, Kenia.” Could she mingle with the town’s bear shifter population? Would they accept her?

  “You’ll have a mask on. If you feel uncomfortable, we can just leave.”

  Kendra looked at her friend and knew that she would never be able to tell her no.

  “Ok,” she groaned. “I’ll go.”


  Rocco looked around the party, as it was now in full swing. His parents sure did know how to throw a Christmas party. All the paranormals in town looked forward to the Brinks’ parties. His father, Anders Brink, leader of the bear shifters clan, was a well-respected member of the community and he loved giving back. Not only was it a party, but a charity fundraiser for the local paranormal youths, to help provide college scholarships for those graduating and wanting to further their education.

  The local hotel’s grand ballroom was packed with partiers in the Christmas spirit. This was the one event of the year that required him to be in a penguin suite. He’d rather be in his jeans and T-shirt, working on the latest construction site, or sitting around a campfire with a cold beer in his hand. But, as the future alpha of the Prime Grizzlies Clan, it was his duty to show face.

  “Lovely party, isn’t it?” His mother asked as she appeared at his side. He forced a smile on his face as he turned to the Brink’s family matriarch.

  “You’ve outdone yourself again, Mother,” he murmured as he placed a kiss on her forehead. Even behind her rhinestone-decorated mask, he could see her beam with pride.

  “Thank you, my dear. There are a lot of lovely women here tonight…” She began.

  Rocco rolled his eyes, knowing that his mother was going to take the time to lecture him again on being single. He knew that as the next clan alpha in line, he needed to mate, but his bear had not found her yet. He refused to mate just to mate. He knew that if he was going to settle down, it should be with the one that was made specifically for him.

  “Mom, I–”

  “Rocco Brinks, you need to be mated!” She huffed and stomped her foot. He knew that when Free Brink made up her mind about something, they were all in trouble. He saw determination flash through her eyes and knew that there would be no changing her mind. “You should have been mated years ago. There are a lot of respectable shifter women here right now. Just pick one!” she urged, waving her hand around the room.

  He glanced around the room and his bear grumbled. None of the women there were good enough for him. Not one of them appealed to his bear. He would just have to–

  He paused as a new, soft, feminine scent caught his attention. His bear stood up, trying to breathe in more of the delicious smell. Who was that?

  He knew pretty much all the bear shifters in town, but this was one scent that he was unfamiliar with. His eyes scanned the room and couldn’t pinpoint who it was. Thanks to the masquerade masks, it was even harder to tell who was who.

  “Ok, Mom. I’ll circulate the room and chat with the females.” He turned to her to find her beaming at him.

  “Perfect! Make sure you find the Battle’s girl. Her father, Rich, has been suggesting that you two would be a great match for years.” She patted him on the arm.

  “Cassandra?” He shuddered.

  Cassandra Battle was the last person he would consider mating with. He remembered her from high school, and the way she tried to pursue him. He wasn’t proud to admit it, but there were plenty of times he literally hid from the skinny, pimple-faced girl just to avoid her. He’d tried to let her down gently a few times, but she never got the message. Luckily, after high school, he never saw her again, due to them both going off to college.

  “The Battle family would be a strong family to align with. Now that she’s back in town, her father has begun to call your father again to speak of an arranged–”

  “Stop. Mother. I told you that I’m only willing to mate with the one, and until she’s found, I’ll stay single.” He gave her a stern look. He and his bear refused to settle, not for anyone or any cause. Aligning two strong families was not a reason for mating. Their family was the strongest bear clan around and didn’t need help. “I’ll circulate the room. If I see Cassandra, I’ll say hello,” he said, softening the tone of his voice as he laid another kiss on her forehead. She nodded as he brushed past her.

  He had to find who the scent belonged to.

  The scent grew stronger and his bear grew more anxious. The sweet smell drew him across the room. His eyes roamed the crowd as he tried to pinpoint who it was.

  He grew frustrated with the amount of people at the party. Why did his parents have to invite so many people? Every shifter, bear or not, along with the elite members of the paranormal community seemed to be in attendance.

  “Excuse me,” he muttered as he bumped into yet another person.

  “Rocco? Is that you?” a voice called out over the music.

  “Oh, shit,” he groaned. Without turning, he knew who it belonged to.

  Cassandra Battle.

  He paused and slowly turned her way, finding her face covered by a red mask with large feathers. She was still extremely thin and tall, with her blonde hair falling loose around her shoulders. Without removing her mask, he could tell she hadn’t changed a bit since high school, and that he still was not interested.

  His bear growled, not happy with being interrupted in their pursuit.

  “Cassandra, how are you?” he asked. He mentally began timing this encounter. One minute, and he had to go. This would fulfill his obligation to his mother.

  “I’m great. I just moved back to Norwich. We have so much to catch up on. Maybe we could get together—”

  “I’ll have to check my schedule,” he blurted out, interrupting her. It was the first thing that he could think of. Fuck a minute. Just the sound of her voice had him cringing. “I’m sorry, I’m looking for someone.”

  “That’s fine. I can get your number from your father!”

  He didn’t waste any time brushing past her as he tried to pick up the scent again. He cursed under his breath. It was fading. He made it to the corner of the room and used his height to his advantage to look around the grand ballroom.

  A gentle breeze came into the room from an open balcony door.

  There it was.

  This time, much stronger.

  She was out on the balcony.

  He stalked to the open door and paused, finding two women giggling amongst each other. A witch and a bear shifter. Odd combination of friends, he thought to himself, but then shrugged his shoulder.

  They laughed again, and this time, he could tell it was a tipsy giggle from their almost empty wine glasses. A smile came to his face as he leaned against the door. They hadn’t heard him approach, so he took the time to study them.

  The witch was dressed in a red, floor length dress, and heels that pushed her near to six foot tall. Her dark hair was pulled back in one of those fancy buns. Her voice was familiar, but he couldn’t put a name to it with the mask hiding her face.

  But it was the female bear who called to his. She was short in stature, her heels barely bringing the top of her head to the center of his chest. Her mask hid her face, but without moving it, he knew that she would be the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen.

  His eyes greedily took in her black dress that was molded to her body, showing off the delicious curves of her hips and ass. It was an ass so plump that he knew even his large hands wouldn’t be able to hold it all. His pants grew tight with just the thought of sliding his cock inside of her from behind, and thrusting against the luscious mounds of her ass.

  Her bronze skin practically glowed, and he ached to run his tongue along it to get a taste of her, to discover if she was as sweet as she smelled. His bear rumbled in his chest as a growl escaped him.

  They both jumped and turned toward him.

  He was caught, but he wasn’t going to run. His eyes locked with the shifter,
and he knew this female was just who he had been searching for.

  She was the one.

  This was turning out to be a better Christmas than he had thought.

  Her eyes widened as she returned his stare. He sniffed again, and could smell the slight hint of her arousal.

  Oh, yeah. This was going to be a beary Christmas.


  Kendra turned and held back her gasp. The lone figure standing in the doorway stared at her in a way that a man looked at a woman he wanted to devour. Her breath caught in her throat as she returned his stare. Her bear sat forward, curious of the bear standing not too far from them.

  It didn’t take a rocket scientist to recognize that he was a bear shifter. His sheer size alone gave it away. He stood well over six and a half feet, making her feel tiny and delicate. She broke his gaze and glanced at Kenia, who chuckled.

  “That’s him,” she whispered in Kendra’s ear.

  Kendra gulped as her eyes flew back to the masked man who had yet to say a word. He was Rocco Brink, the son of the alpha, and they had just been giggling like school girls talking about him. Her buzz from the wine instantly disappeared. Kenia had been telling her a few of the recent rumors of the future alpha, and how all the single female shifters in town were trying to catch his eye.

  And right now, it looked like Kendra was the one to do what so many others had failed without trying.

  “I sure do hope I’m the “him” that you’re whispering about,” he chuckled. A tremor slid down Kendra’s spine at the sound of his voice. It was a silky-smooth baritone that had her core pulsating.

  She took a step back as her bear slammed against her chest. She gripped the wine glass tight, praying that it didn’t shatter in her hand. She had never witnessed her bear in such a state.


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