Beautiful Thief (Omertà Law #2)

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Beautiful Thief (Omertà Law #2) Page 16

by M. N. Forgy

  Romeo reaches the front door with a throw blanket from his couch in his hands, and my roommate steps out of her room and begins to hassle him.

  “Wait! I need to smudge that!” she says with panic, waving around a roll of burning sage that looks like a giant joint.

  “Cassie, it’s fine,” I tell her, walking into the room.

  Ignoring me, she continues to wave the smoke around Romeo and the blanket, her red hair tied back in a braid with flowers, and her long wavy dress printed with rainbow designs.

  Romeo gives me a look and I can tell he’s two seconds away from shooting her. Snatching the blanket from his arms, Cassie takes a step back, eyeing Romeo. It’s like she can sense his blood lust. She’s weird, I know, but it was either this or having a roommate that hoards everything. I couldn’t even get in the door to find my room. Plus, Cassie got me a job at the Starbucks near Times Square, so she’s the winner. I can’t wait to be able to look out the window at Christmas time and watch everyone walk by in their puffy coats and hats.

  “I’m out of here Luna, but…” He hesitates and my heart begins to sink. This will be the first time without him.

  “I’ll call you,” I promise, and he gives a tight lip smile, before leaving and shutting the door behind him.

  Raising my arm, I chew on my nail nervously. I feel so alone all of a sudden, nervous even.

  Turning to see what Cassie is up to, I find her doing some yoga pose with that damn joint looking thingy in her hand.

  “Hey, do you want to watch a movie, order some food?” I ask her. She doesn’t even look up.

  “NO. I do yoga for an hour, then read, take a bath and go to sleep. I need my energy,” she replies with a strained voice. My eyes sweep to the window behind the colorful couch, it can only be six in the evening. Really?

  I guess I’ll unpack then. Going to my bare room, I grab a box and start to unpack some of my clothes, the quietness deafening.


  Back in my apartment, I stand in the kitchen looking around. It’s quiet as hell in here without Luna. Sighing, I head to my room and find a piece of paper on my made bed. Picking it up, it’s a sketch of a sunflower, only this one is not dead, it’s very much alive. The stalk fully erects, and the head displaying an abundance of petals. It’s beautiful. Luna must have left it here for me to find.

  Climbing on the bed, I hold it in my hand, staring at it. I don’t feel the want to watch TV, go for a walk or even eat. I just want to lay in bed and smell the scent of Luna left on my sheets. My back against the headboard, I open my nightstand and pull out a cigar instead of a cigarette. Putting it in the corner of my mouth, I taste the sweet tobacco and think about the time Luna and I shared a cigarette in this very bed. I don’t think I can be Luna’s friend, her fucking buddy. I long for her in a way that hurts, my chest feels hollow without her here. I am either going to have to have her, or not at all. It’s the only way.



  “So you want a double shot of espresso?” I ask the customer, a little confused, punching in the order on the computer. There’s espresso, mocha, cappuccino, so many choices of coffee that I’m getting confused.

  He nods his head up and down very slowly as if I’m dumb. I sigh, but don’t say anything. My feet are aching, and we’ve been so busy, I haven’t even gotten the chance to people watch out the window. Plus, when I first started, the smell of coffee was amazing, now it just gives me a headache.

  “Oh, can you add a cake pop to that?” that man asks, adjusting his thick glasses.

  I go to our fridge and pick up the only flavor we have left.

  “Will birthday cake be okay?”

  He frowns. “Why is it this place is always out of shit?” His tone is unfriendly. I tuck the cake pop back in its place and stand, adjusting my green apron.

  “I’m sorry, sir, I’m new,” I try to explain.

  “They’re always new,” he grumbles.

  Cassie did say a lot of people up and quit here, I am starting to see why.

  “I want my coffee for free for the trouble!” His voice raises.

  “What’s wrong?” Cassie asks, coming up behind me.

  “He’s mad there isn’t another flavor of cake pop,” I explain, frustrated and the customer gasps.

  “You’re blaming me?” He points to himself with a blocky hand.

  My eyes widen.

  “I-I was just informing her of the situation, sir,” I try to explain.

  “Sir, please calm down!” Cassie says, taking over the order.

  Taking a step back, I blow out a tired breath. This is so hard, why did I think I could do this? Slipping off to the back, I sit on a bag of beans and try to catch my breath.

  I can do this.

  This is what I wanted. Standing, I huff, remembering what it was like inside that cage not so long ago. I’m out here living the dream. I can take this asshole along with any other pansy that wants a complicated coffee order.

  One Week Later

  After another long shift at the coffee shop, I head to the animal shelter. I had to take a cab to get here, and even though I know I’m safe, I can’t help but keep looking over my shoulder. I know I can’t have a pet, Cassie is allergic but I just want to look. Pulling the door open to the building, the smell of dog and bleach wafts past me. I hear dogs barking from the back, and people are yelling so they can be heard at the counter as they sign papers to take home their new family member. A man sitting in the back with his feet propped up on the counter eating a bag of popcorn must notice my lost state because when our eyes meet he stands.

  “Can I help you?” he asks, rubbing his hands on his jeans.

  Stepping up to the counter, I get a better look at his blondish hair that falls just above his eyebrows and soft blue eyes that match his polo. He has a boyish smile, and a sharp chin.

  “Um hi. I just wanted to look around,” I tell him, my eyes dropping to his name tag. Martin.

  “Yeah, just go through this door right here.” He points to the blue metal door to the left of us.

  “Oh, okay.” I tuck my hair behind my ear and head that way. He beats me to it and opens the door for me.

  “Are you a dog person or a cat person—wait let me guess!” He turns, both of his hands up in the air points at me like he has me figured out. “Dog.”

  “Cat actually.” I shrug, even though I’ve never had a pet. I might get a cat and hate it. But I don’t think so.

  He snaps his fingers “I can’t believe I got that wrong”. His eyes linger on mine a second longer than normal and he winks at me. He’s flirting. Suddenly not feeling his kindness, I cross my arms. He’s nothing like Romeo. He’s too boyish, not sharp enough around the edges and there’s no draw of attraction.

  “Here are the cats.” He points his left hand to a doorway.

  “Thanks, I can take it from here,” I tell him, passing him as quickly as I can.

  Hoping he took the hint, I look over my shoulder and see his mouth frown before walking back to the front. I exhale and look about the cages. Wow, there’s so many of them. Maybe I could just sneak one into my room, my roommate would never find out… right? I find so many cats available for adoption. Any color and many different shaped faces. A fluffy white one slides up against the cage and meows, it makes me smile. I bet it’s playful. Stepping out of the cat section, I head to the dog’s side of the building, hearing them bark and whine before I even get inside. Strolling along I glance into the cages, I feel for them. I know what it’s like being in there. Suddenly I bump into someone.

  “Oh my, I’m so sorry!” My hand frantically grabs at the man I bumped into, and honey-brown eyes stare down at me.

  “Romeo?” I ask with disbelief.

  He turns fully, adjusting his tie as he smiles at me. A mental attraction sings between us like we’ve never been apart and I miss him all over again.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He looks to the dog in the cage, a golden retriever wh
o looks really old. He’s not even trying to get our attention, it’s like he’s given up on finding a home. It makes me sad being in here, it brings back too many memories.

  “I don’t really know,” he replies with a strange look on his face.

  I nervously laugh, pulling my hair over my shoulder.

  “Yeah, I can’t have any pets but I thought I’d come look,” I tell him.

  He doesn’t say anything.

  “I tried calling,” I inform him, curious if he was just busy or ignored it on purpose. His mouth opens, but he doesn’t say anything. I knew us being friends after the move would be a long shot. I miss him though, and I want to tell him that.

  An awkwardness falls between us, choking me of my words and I suddenly feel the need to get away from him. I’ve missed him so much. He taught me to come out of a darkness and live a life he lived. Nobody lives like Romeo though. So I’ve been stumbling a little, but I’m finding my own groove slowly but surely.

  “I gotta go,” I tell him.

  His eyes look back at me like he wants to say something but he doesn’t. So I walk away.


  In my kitchen, I open the drawer of condoms and the ball gag. I grab them and toss them in the trash. Just looking at them makes me scowl. I can’t go back to that part of my life, not after Luna taught me what it’s like to feel. She not only taught me how to walk in the light, but how to embrace my darkness. Speaking of darkness. Reaching above the stove, I grab my meds and take them.

  Seeing Luna today made things worse. I was trying to move on, even ignoring her calls so I wouldn’t hang on to the sound of her voice, but now all I want to do is go to my room and sleep. I’m having a low episode, not wanting to see the light or go outside even. It’s been over a week and I still can’t get back to normal. I should be in the office going over the ledger with Leo, but I just can’t concentrate right now. My phone rings, and I pull it out of my sweats. It’s my mom.

  “Hey,” I answer grimly. It’s like moms sense when something is wrong with one of their kids.

  “So, I’m having Dad cremated, do you know where he’d wanted to be spread, honey?” she asks, and I want to tell her the toilet, but she did love him at one time.

  “There’s a bridge in Brooklyn, just under it. That’s where I’d put him,” I tell her, because that’s the day he really died for me. The day he bought Luna.

  “Hmm. Okay! Can you text me the location?” she asks, her voice sounding sober and chipper.

  I wonder if she’s doing AA meetings, or going back to church. Dad dying is the best thing for this family and this is proof.

  “Yeah, I’ll do that,” I tell her, just about to hang up.

  “Hey, you alright dear? Is it the job? I can help, you know, I’ve watched your father—”

  “No, I’m alright,” I interrupt her. She doesn’t know I killed Dad, she thinks a rival did. When she found out, she cried and grieved like any wife would but after him being gone for a few days, things started to settle around her. If she knew I killed him, she wouldn’t be offering her help. She’d probably be drunk and asking where she went wrong in raising us kids. She doesn’t fully understand what it’s like to be in the crew of the DeAngelos. Not from her side.

  Hanging up, I notice lightning just outside my window. Another storm is coming in.


  A white cat, maybe a kitten jumps on my countertop wanting food. Yes, I adopted a cat. I hoped it would bring some warmth into my home now that Luna is gone but all it does is make me think of her. He’s a little fucker though, always hungry, flinging litter out of his box, and attacks my feet when I even slightly move them. He hasn’t even been here a whole day and I want to kick him. Rubbing his chin, I tilt my head to the side, thinking of a name. Even with my dark side, there is a kindness that lingers within me. Maybe it’s from my mother, maybe it’s the meds, I don’t know, but they’re hard to juggle. I hope the cat can keep up with my mood swings. He begins to purr, happy with me and his new home.

  I drop my hand. Luna wanted a cat because they purr. I sigh. I should have gotten a fucking dog.

  A knock on the door has me pause mid-scoop of kitty kibble. I told Henry not to let anyone up. Rubbing my hands on my sweats, I look out the peephole finding it blocked by a hand. Someone is here to avenge my father.

  Shit. Stepping back, I open the bottom drawer of the wet bar and pull out my Glock.

  “Who is it?” I bark, but nobody answers. Having my gun ready in my left hand, I jerk the door open and find Luna standing there, soaking wet.

  Slowly lifting her head, she pulls back the hood of her hoodie and looks me in the eye.

  “I miss you.” She heaves out a breath. Lowering my gun, my brows narrow. I’ve missed her too.

  “I thought maybe I settled for the first man that walked in my life and that wasn’t fair to either of us but the fact is… I love you, Romeo. You’re all I think about,” she confesses, tears filling her eyes.

  I grab her by the chest of her hoodie and pull her to me, our lips crashing. The contact like a jolt of electricity she brings a certain type of light into my soul. Kicking the door shut, I drop the gun on the counter and undress her as we walk to my bedroom. Our lips never leaving each other. Her skin against mine making my body fill with warmth like the days she lived here.

  “Luna, if you come in this room with me, you’re my girl,” I tell her.

  She nods frantically, her arm wrapping behind me and settling on the top of my head.

  “I won’t let you go again,” I threaten, and I mean it. I can’t lose her again, I can’t feel like I did minutes ago by myself.

  That hollow cold feeling eating me from the inside out. Is that what love feels like when your hearts broken? I don’t know, but I never want to feel it again. I’d rather be shot in the head than feel that.

  “Yes, Romeo. I’m your sunflower.” She breathes heavily, and I throw her on the bed.

  Just as I’m about to make love to my girl, the fucking cat starts swiping its paws at my fucking feet. I give it a light kick, trying to make it go away, but it just jumps on the bed.

  Luna’s head turns and her eyes light up.

  “Awww!” And just like that, the cat goes to her, purring like they’ve been BFFs all their lives.

  The Beautiful End


  I don’t even know where to begin. This book came out of nowhere. I knew I was playing with a subject that many might not find tolerable but it was a story I had to tell. No matter how much we don’t like the idea of human trafficking it’s here and it’s real. It’s heart breaking and scares me, so I took the subject and molded it into a away I had control over it. By taking it down.

  I did something different with this book I only let my betas read the first couple of chapter and then I went off and wrote the story by myself without any help. Nobody saw this book until after editing.

  Big thank you to Wild Fire Marketing for helping me release this Beauty. You guys go above and beyond and it’s so appreciated!

  To Pink Ink Designs for the cover! I love this cover so much, it’s Romeo to a T!

  To my editor: Thank you so much! You know I love you and you’re an artist!

  Michelle Hall Casper: You have some eagle eyes for proofing! Thank you so much for your help!

  To my team and Devils: You guys are more than a following or readers, you’re family. Your continued support means so much to me.

  To Mr. Forgy and my kids: You guys are the real heroes, having to put up with my anxiety over releases. Loving my work one day and then hating it the next. Serving me dinner late at night when I’m still in the cave, and sneaking me away for a girls day when I need a break. I love you guys.

  And finally to you, my reader. Thank you so much for reading. I hope you enjoyed this book, and if so make sure and check out the rest of my books! Because of you, I get to keep writing.

  About the Author

  M.N. Forgy is a soccer mom by day an
d a saucy writer by night. She started writing at a young age but never took it seriously until years later, as a stay-at-home mom, she opened her laptop and started writing again. As a role model for her children, she felt she couldn't live with the "what if" anymore and finally took a chance on her character's story. So, with her glass of wine in hand and a stray Barbie sharing her seat, she continues to create and please her fans.

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  Also by M.N. Forgy

  Check out all her books!

  Devils Dust MC series

  What Doesn't Destroy Us Links (Devil's Dust Book 1)

  The Scars That Define Us (Devil's Dust Book 2)

  The Fear That Divides Us (Devil's Dust Book 3)

  The Lies Between Us (Devil's Dust Book 4)

  What Might Kill Us (Devil's Dust Book 5)

  Devils Dust MC Legacy

  The Blood That Drives Us 1)

  The Long Road To Us 2)

  The Prospect Who Saved Us 3)

  Sin City Outlaws MC Series

  Reign ( Sin City Outlaws MC 1)

  Mercy (Sin City Outlaws MC 2)

  Retaliate (Sin City Outlaws MC 3)

  Illicit (Sin City Outlaws MC 4)

  Bloodlines (Sin City Outlaws MC 5)

  Omertà Law Mafia Series

  Beautiful Criminal


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