Hero Falls Kingdom Rises

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Hero Falls Kingdom Rises Page 18

by Farhat Kidwai

  They looked at each other and without much hesitation they started kneeling one by one. And just like that it was over. The Alliance was dead and the world was unified. Omega could finally implement his proposal for the new world order.

  He announced to the horrified press who had just witnessed the assassination of US President. “The war is over. It is time to implement the new rules that will govern human society. I will be assigning an administrator to every continent who will be working with the governments to implement these new rules. I expect full cooperation from all humans and their leaders. All military and law enforcement personnel are now under my command and are required to start implementing the laws effective immediately. It is time to move forward and create a peaceful planet for all the inhabitants.”

  Chapter 15

  The war was over. Even though a lot was going to change in the upcoming years the world could take a collective sigh of relief. The new laws around climate change were going to impact some industries more than others. The fossil fuels and plastics industries were going to pay the biggest price. But where some industries would die out it was going to open the door for new ones like renewable energy to emerge.

  Industries that were dependent on animal products were also hit heavily. Large scale industrial farming of animals was not compliant with the new laws allowing the revival of the local farmers who had been crushed by cheaper supply from these industrial farming businesses. The traditional leather industry would be shut down but it would give way to fake leather products and other humane materials. As long as the demand was still there humans’ ingenuity would find a way to make money off of it. Humans didn’t just rise to the top of the food chain without incredible resilience and ingenuity. They were very good at adapting to the new environments.

  Omega had added a new organization to the United Nations called the Habitat Sustainability Governance Committee led by Elliot along with world renowned scientists and environmentalists. The goal of this organization was to establish global laws that support environmental protection, fair treatment of animals, and long-term sustainability of life on Earth. They had the authority to put an end to any activity that would harm the ecosystem.

  As part of the new world order Omega had unified all military forces and local law enforcement under the UN to enforce the laws being established by the Habitat Sustainability Governance Committee. He had assigned members of the special task force to lead the unified forces on each continent. Kat was assigned all of Eurasia which was a huge responsibility but she was more than capable of handling it. Stan was given the American continents and Sol was responsible for African and Australia. For once in human history there were no wars or conflict going on. Even though there was a lot of anxiety about the future it was also one of the most peaceful times in history. Citizens in war-torn counties were celebrating peace. They were finally able to return to their homes even if in the long run they would have to move again.

  The focus of the world was shifted away from petty regional conflicts and the territorial pursuit of resources to something much larger. The top priority for everyone was enacting the new laws to stop the deterioration of environmental conditions on Earth. Resources and money were shifted towards cleaning up the planet and making it a more habitable place for all species. Giving up habits and traditions that harm or mistreat other species and replacing them with more humane and sustainable options. There was a lot of resentment over all the new laws and accepting Omega as the ruler of the planet but a subset of the population couldn’t have been happier. They had been fighting a losing battle for the environment and the fair treatment of animals. They still could not believe that they had finally won which seemed impossible only a year ago. Even though the work has just begun and it would take a long time to clean up the planet at least the laws were on their side. In order to have a place in the new world compliance was a requirement. It was no longer a choice to disagree with the laws. Personal opinions and feelings didn’t matter. You either comply or you die.

  Humanitarians who were used to taking on the ruthless rulers were still not on board with this idea of the new world. They didn’t like the idea of humans giving up all their rights to be ruled by an alien. Laws requiring humans to evacuate most of the continents went too far for them. If the human population wasn’t cut down to 2.5 billion in 40 years the excess would be forced to leave the planet or be terminated. These were not acceptable term for them so they took the fight to the streets. They used every platform to get their message out. The movement was led by Albert who had the money and the resources to keep it going without any backing from governments. He flew out to meet Elliot at the Habitat Sustainability Governance Committee meeting to try to convince the committee to change their approach.

  “I beg you. You have to change these laws. They are really inhumane. There are other ways to create a sustainable planet.” Albert pleaded to Elliot, Helm, and other members of the committee.

  “There really isn’t. Without fear humans will not act. Without consequences our actions never change. It is not in our nature to care for each other and the planet. It wasn’t a priority until we made it,” Helm responded.

  “I disagree. You don’t give humans enough credit. I have seen the good side of humans in my line of work. I have seen people sacrifice their own well-being, their own lives to save others they have never met. You want to see what humans are capable of? Go visit a war-torn nation and see how they are putting their lives on the line to help strangers,” Albert refuted.

  “I don’t disagree that there are good humans. That is the only reason Omega didn’t wipe us out completely. But let me ask you. In your example who created that situations in the first place? Those are humans as well. For every good person who will risk their life to save a stranger there are ten who created the situation in the first place. All the human suffering is created by humans. The fact that your organization exists is proof that we are incapable of being good if left to our own accord.” Elliot came back with a strong counter point.

  “You guys have already made up your mind so there is no point arguing with you. I would like to speak to Omega about it.” Albert was not getting anywhere.

  “He is in the building but I am not sure if talking to him would help,” Elliot informed Albert.

  “It is worth a try. I don’t have much of a choice.” Albert replied and left to meet Omega.

  In a different part of the building Albert greeted Omega. “It’s nice to see you again. Thank you for your help last time.”

  “It was the right thing to do,” Omega replied.

  “Then do the right thing one more time. Resend these new laws. They are hurting a lot of people. We can work on a more compassionate plan to help you achieve your goals.” Albert pleaded.

  “I will not do that. This is the best way. Fear is the best way to bring about change. Stick always works better than carrots with humans,” Omega replied.

  “You understand that I can’t agree with that approach. I have spent my entire life helping humans and I can’t stop now,” Albert stated.

  “I hope that you can stop resisting and join the cause because you would be a good ally. You are a good person and I respect the intent behind your work even if it is misguided.” Omega did respect Albert’s dedication to saving lives and helping humans.

  “Unfortunately, we will be on the opposite side then,” Albert stated.

  “That is unfortunate because there will not be an opposite side.” Omega continued, “I will make it as painless as possible.”

  Albert was not expecting it but understood exactly what Omega meant. There was no use fighting it.

  “I understand. I fought for the cause and it’s only fitting that I die for it.” Albert spoke his last words.

  Omega put his hand on Albert’s head and Albert closed his eyes and fell to the ground. It was a quick and painless death. Omega didn’t take pleasure in it but it had to be done. The vision of the new world required humans to be com

  Meanwhile around the world, animal rights activists were taking the law into their own hands. Law enforcement was supposed to be enacting the new laws but completely changing the way they had been trained to police was going to take some time. This transition period provided activists a window to dish out punishments on their own. There was no recourse from law enforcement as long as the punishment was justified under the new laws. Even people who didn’t care about animal rights but were prone to violence were joining their cause. This was the only opportunity where ruthless acts of violence against other humans would not result in any consequences and anyone and everyone was trying to take advantage for it.

  There had been rumblings that locals were still secretly planning to conduct the Faroe Island Whaling of the long-finned pilot whales. Animal rights groups had reached out to Omega’s team to inform them that it might happen and they were not getting enough support from the Norwegian government in stopping it. The main reason was that this hunt was regulated by local Faroese authorities under the law. Even though Stan was assigned to American continents this was something he wanted to make sure didn’t happen.

  “I want to go personally and make sure this doesn’t happen.” Stan asked Kat for permission since she was responsible for Eurasia.

  “If you really want to handle this personally then go for it. Just remember, you can’t punish them until they attempt to commit the crime.” Kat told Stan in very indirect terms but Stan understood exactly what she meant.

  “I am jealous of the bond you guys have. Must have been a lot of fun growing up together at the GSRC together with Omega.” Helm told Kat as Stan left the room.

  “It may seem that way from the outside but it is far from the truth. Don’t get me wrong, we were orphans so the GSRC provided security and a future but we weren’t brought in to have fun. We were raised to serve a purpose. It was a lot of hard work and long hours. Everything from combat training to global politics to science and technology. They kept us very busy for us to have too much fun. But we had each other to help us through those grueling days. So, you are right about that part,” Kat responded.

  “Well I didn’t know. I am sorry.” Helm apologized for assuming. “I was a lonely boy growing up. I couldn’t relate to kids my age or my parents for that matter. They just wanted me to be a normal boy; play sports and do the stuff normal kids my age like to do. All I wanted to do was learn about science and technology. Nothing else interested me. So, from my viewpoint I always felt like you guys had my dream childhood. Growing up around all these brilliant minds and learning from them. I guess I didn’t realize it involved a lot more than that. They were training you guys to be weapons.”

  “I am sure Sol and Elliot would have loved to have you here. Only Omega’s alien brain could keep up with Sol. The four of you make quite a team now. It wasn’t all bad for me either. In the end that place made me who I am today. I don’t want to imagine what my future would have been like if I didn’t get picked to join the team. Definitely would have not been responsible for the future habitat for all humans. That sounds crazy when I say it out loud.” Kat finally had the realization of her responsibilities.

  “Omega picked you for a reason. I have no doubt you are the right person for the job. If you managed STF you can manage anything. Plus, you are not alone in this. We will all be here to help you along the way,” Helm replied.

  “Yes. And I really appreciate that.” Kat smiled and felt a sense of relief.

  “Once things settle down a bit I would like to take you to my favorite restaurant before it closes down for good.” Helm had been waiting for a while to ask Kat.

  “I would like that. I would be nice to take a break do something normal.” Kat agreed right before the moment was ruined by others walking into the room.

  Stan flew out to Iceland and informed the animal rights groups to meet them there. He also asked the Islandic government to provide military support and some choppers ahead of the hunt and keep it a secret.

  “Are you guys ready?” Stan asked the animal rights activists upon arrival in Iceland.

  “We are ready. This barbaric practice needs to end once and for all,” one of the activists replied.

  “Make sure you record this. Hopefully you guys can handle blood,” Stan added.

  Once they received the news that the boats were bringing the long-finned pilot whale, which is a large species of oceanic dolphin, towards the beach to try to beach them Stan and team jumped into action. The crowd had already gathered on the coast waiting in anticipation of the hunt. A dozen or so choppers loaded with fully armed Islandic military personnel took off towards Faroe Island with Stan and the Animal Rights activists. Before the hunt could begin the boats and the beach was surrounded by Islandic military. Most of the choppers landed on the beach and arrested the gathering including the local authorities that were in violation of the new laws. Rest of the choppers surrounded the boats and ordered them to head to the coast. As the boats started to break formation it gave dolphins enough room to swim away from the beach.

  After all the boats reached the shore, the rest of the choppers landed with Stan being in one of them. Stan ordered the military to tie up everyone’s hands and walk them into the water.

  “The rules are clear but you think you are above the law. You think you can still slaughter these animals without any consequences? You think you are that special?” Stan yelled at the hundreds of whalers lined up across the beach as waves hit their feet.

  “Kneel!!” Stan yelled. Islandic military forced everyone to get on their knees. They were expecting a firing squad but instead the military pulled out axes.

  The waves turned red with the blood and the air was filled with screams as the military started slaughtering the whalers. Anyone who tried to get up was shot in the legs. No one was given an easy death. Some of the activists who had been fighting to stop this all their lives picked up the axes and joined the military. In the new world order, punishments were going to be just as barbaric as the crime. It was a harsh reminder that compliance is the only way to survive in the new world order.

  Stan walked over and sat on the beach by himself and looked up at the sky and spoke softly. “I know I couldn’t save you sister but I saved them. I know you would be proud of me.”

  After the video went viral, the governments finally jumped into action. Knowingly not talking action was also a crime under the new laws and it wasn’t something people in power wanted to be guilty of. The world belonged to Omega and it didn’t matter if you didn’t agree with that. You needed to get in line to survive. Governments immediately started enforcing the laws and handing out the punishments. Some even retroactively punished their citizens for crimes committed in the past to show their dedication to Omega. They specially punished anyone who had ever participated in big game hunting because it was personal to Omega. Soon there were a lot of heads on spikes in front of expensive homes all over Europe and America.

  In some ways life for humans was a lot simpler now. Live in harmony with other species, stop polluting the planet, clean up the pollution already created, follow the laws, and prepare for the relocation. All other things like greed, fighting for resources, politics, wars, income inequality, racism, religious tensions were all put to the side. For the people that had been suffering from these man-made crises, the world was actually a lot more tolerable now. At least they knew that for once their fate was in their own hands. They didn’t have to live in constant fear of dying just because of who they are or where they live. The new laws were universal and were going to punish people for their actions regardless of their status. Even the individuals who were in-charge were only there to enforce them and didn’t have any real power.

  Omega had broken down the will of humans and made them bow down at his feet. His vision for the planet was being implemented. He should be happy but instead he was indifferent. He knew this needed to be done. Having the power to shape the future made him feel responsible for doing someth
ing to stop humans from going down the same path as his species. Succeeding should have made him happy. It made everyone around him happy but he felt numb. Maybe because of all the bloodshed or maybe because he knew that this wouldn’t really change true human nature. Maybe it was because now that he had achieved the goal he didn’t have a purpose. What was he supposed to do now? He had never felt that way. He always had missions to accomplish and they gave him purpose. What does one do next when you have it all except a purpose?

  “Talk to me son,” Elliot prompted as he sat across from Omega. He could always tell when something was bothering Omega.

  “I don’t know. I feel lost. I don’t understand what I am supposed to do now,” Omega replied. “I did it. Now what? What am I supposed to do next?”

  “In our greed to use you as a weapon the one thing we never taught you is how to just ‘be,’” Elliot added.

  “What is that supposed to mean?” Omega asked.

  “How to be in the moment. How to appreciate life. How to just ‘be.’ How to exist without a purpose. You may be the last of your kind. You need to learn how to appreciate your own life. Figure out what makes you happy.” Elliot added, “We all have finite time. Be a little bit selfish. Find your happiness. If you are really the last of your kind it is ever more important for you to enjoy the time you have. You owe it to your species to have a good life. If you don’t want to do it for yourself do it for me. Do it for me; your father who hasn’t always done right by you. Nothing will make me happier than to see you happy. I played a role in manipulating you. It will help my conscience to see you happy. I want to know that I didn’t completely ruin this precious gift.” Elliot spoke from the heart.

  “I don’t know how. I would like that but I don’t know how. I don’t even know if I can,” Omega explained.

  Elliot put his hand on Omega’s shoulders, “You have to try. When was the last time you were truly happy?”

  That question brought Omega back to how this all began. He knew at that moment what he needed to do next.


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