Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series

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Veiled: Book 1 in the House of Shadows Series Page 4

by Michelle Areaux

  Taking my phone, I powered it on and found several missed messages from Mark and my dad.

  I would make a point to call them later-- if I could find a way to talk and not scream to the high heavens that I was trapped at a Vampire school. Saying it even to myself, I wondered if they would believe me. My dad would probably think I had finally lost my mind and Mark would just concede that I was being dramatic.

  The cafeteria was just as posh and glamorous as the rest of the school’s rooms. A large Buffett sat in front of what I assumed was the kitchen area. A large window looked inside at the restaurant quality kitchen equipment and you could see chefs and waiters moving about inside, cooking and plating dishes to be served on the Buffett.

  I felt like I was dining in a fancy restaurant and not at a school.

  “A waiter will come and bring you plates and drinks and then you can go get the food from the Buffett,” Zane said, sitting down beside me at the table.

  Until now, I had almost forgotten about Zane. Just seeing him so close to me, had my nerves rattled. He was so breathtakingly handsome it was almost difficult to be this close to him.

  I saw Eden wave and when I turned around, I saw her brooding and steamy brother heading our way. My breath caught in my throat. I had never been surrounded by so many good-looking guys before in my life. Add the Vampire quality-- and this was more than any girl could handle.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled, sitting back in my chair. I tucked my phone back inside my pocket and watched as a few more students joined our table.

  “You don’t have to be so nervous,” Zane said, scooting his chair closer to me. “We have all lived among humans for decades. I, personally, am quite fond of humans,” he stated, smiling so deep, I felt like I might just melt right here. “I think it is great that we have a human in our school. It should have happened organically many years ago. In order for us to live in a civilized manner with humans, we must include them in our everyday lives as students,” he finished.

  His words made sense and I found myself nodding along. Everyone began discussing this concept as they each held their own opinions on the subject. I was lost within their voices when suddenly, I felt as though I were being watched. Looking around, I followed the strange sensation until my gaze locked with Donovan’s. He was glaring at me as though he hated me with an extreme passion. I shuddered under his scrutinizing gaze. At first, I thought I should divert my eyes somewhere else; but upon thinking about it more, I refused to allow him to look at me that way. I hadn’t done anything to him and now he was giving me awful looks.

  “He’s not looking at you,” Zane said, startling me from my thoughts and disdain for one moody Vampire.

  “It feels like he is looking at me,” I stated, through gritted teeth.

  Shaking his head, no, Zane gave Donovan a menacing glare before turning back to me with a kind smile. “The Dean’s son and I have never gotten along. Not since we were in elementary school. He is probably just mad that I get to guard you and he doesn’t,” he finished.

  It wasn’t lost on me that he didn’t refer to him by name, but only as the Dean’s son. Seems like there is more to this dislike than what Zane is saying, but my mind is already too full of information today. Finding out what is really going on between Donovan and Zane would have to wait for another day.


  To my own astonishment, I watched as the Vampires around me feasted on a large Buffett of southern inspired foods. Fried chicken, corn bread, greens, and apple pie were all on the menu. While I may have eaten my weight in the delicious foods, I was shocked to see that they also enjoyed the meal.

  The only true revelation came when they all drank deep, crimson red blood instead of the water that I consumed.

  In truth, I had to turn away more than once when they each chugged down the animal blood. The smell of iron and salt almost made me gag, but, thankfully, the delicious aroma of the food around me overpowered the heinous stench of blood.

  It wasn’t until Lane wiped blood from his lips and it stained his chin and jaw, that I felt like I might vomit. I had done well with the blood up until that point.

  Sensing my disgust, Eden loudly scooted her chair away from the table, and called out for me.

  “Hey, Audrey. Are you ready to go crash in my room?” she asked.

  Saving me from my own embarrassing demise, I was grateful for her help.

  “Sure,” I said, standing up so fast, I almost knocked over the heavy wooden chair.

  I could feel the stares of the everyone else in the room, but I kept my eyes locked on Eden in front of me. A few hissing sounds almost made me stop dead in my tracks, but I ignored them for now. I knew they were just messing with me-- at least that is what I hoped for anyway.

  Once we were out of the cafeteria, Eden slowed her pace and turned to face me.

  “Are you ok?” she asked.

  “Yeah. I think watching everyone drink blood was just a little much for my first day,” I said, trying to muster a laugh.

  “I’m sure that was difficult. Just think of it as V-8 Juice,” she offered.

  “That might help,” I laughed. “Hey, I thought Vampires didn’t eat human food,” I whispered to her.

  “We don’t eat it for nourishment. We just like the taste. Plus, we don’t have to worry about gaining weight or destroying our bodies. It’s awesome!” she giggled.

  Suddenly, I felt jealous of her. How amazing would it be to just eat whatever you wanted and not have to worry about the consequences?

  We continued making our way back to my room. We walked along in an awkward silence since the rest of the students were in the cafeteria, the halls were deadly quiet. Finally, I couldn’t take the quiet any longer.

  “What is wrong with your brother?” I blurted out.

  I wanted to reach up and slap myself. I hadn’t meant to sound so abrasive, but I couldn’t get over how Donovan had glared at me.

  I heard Eden sigh as we reached my bedroom door. I took the key out of my pocket and unlocked the door.

  We walked inside and Eden closed the door behind her. “Donovan isn’t very social,” she said.

  “I get that, but why does he seem to hate me and Zane?” I asked.

  I guess I could understand why he hated me-- I was a human that had somehow wound up at this school. But still, I didn’t deserve to be treated this way.

  Eden sat down in one of the lounging chairs by the window. “Zane and Donovan have had this hatred for one another for years. I have no idea why. Donovan doesn’t really talk about it,” she finished.

  I realized even though they were twins, it was clear there were secrets between them. I guess I would just have to figure it out on my own.

  Chapter 8

  Eden moved all of her stuff inside my room in only an hour. I was grateful for the company; but I had to admit, it still creeped me out at the thought of sleeping next to a Vampire. I half expected her to drag a coffin inside my room, but she didn’t.

  After hanging up her uniform pants, skirts, and dresses, she settled down onto her bed.

  “I have Netflix, want to watch a movie?” she asked.

  I pulled the fluffy, lavender comforter back and before setting into bed, I realized I was still wearing my clothes. I rushed into the bathroom, took my phone out of my pocket, and changed into my pajamas. Once I was finished, I came back to the room to find Eden scrolling through Netflix.

  “Do you care if I call my dad before we begin the movie?” I asked.

  Eden gave me a wary look, but then nodded her head in agreement. “Go out to the balcony. Make sure to be careful what you say,” Eden warned. “I’m sure Zane already told you, but everyone will have eyes and ears on you. They could take your phone away at any point,” she finished, giving me a sympathetic look.

  The thought of losing my phone sent chills down my spine. He couldn’t take my phone again-- my only form of communication to the human world.

  I quickly ran out to the balcony and dialed my da
d’s number. Thankfully, he answered quickly.

  The night air was cool and I shivered as I heard his voice. “Hey, Aud. How is your new school?” he asked, breathlessly.

  He sounded like he was tired or moving fast-- most likely both. I could hear the sounds of the hospital on the other end of the line-- beeping machines, people talking, and his computer typing, and knew he was at work. Of course, where else would he be?

  “School is…”

  Now was the moment of truth. I could tell him the truth, that I landed at a Vampire school instead of the performing arts school I had dreamed of my entire life. I could beg him to come and get me and bring an army to help defeat this large group of Vampires.

  Would he think I was insane? Would he even believe me at all?

  I hesitated, allowing the cool, night air to calm my growing nerves. I could be free if I just told him the truth. But, did I want to leave? Eden had been nothing short of kind to me, and I had been granted a team of bodyguards who would protect me. Plus, I had access to the best any school could offer.

  “School is good, dad,” I stated.

  “Great to hear. Send me pictures, I hate that I didn’t get to walk you to your room, or see the grounds. Looks like they take security seriously. I like that as a parent,” dad added.

  I could hear someone trying to talk to him, the voices muffled.

  “Yeah, I’ll make sure to send pictures,” I said, leaning against the cool iron bars of the balcony. Even through the darkness, I could still make out the outline of the forest that surrounded this massive school. I wondered how big this place actually was. I knew my dad was busy, but I still had to ask about how I ended up at this place. “Dad, when did you submit my application?” I asked.

  I heard a sigh before he began to speak. “I assumed this would come up. Aud, you know how tired I get after long shifts at the hospital. I had forgotten to send in your application until I found the forms buried under stacks of patient files on my desk. The deadline had passed, so I looked it up online and contacted the school.”

  “Wait, you forgot!” I almost screamed into the night. “Dad, this is a big deal. You know how much this school means to me,” I cried.

  “I know, and I am sorry. But, once I called and explained the situation and offered a large donation, they gladly accepted you. Only, at that point, I had lost the application again…” he trailed off.

  “Did you check to make sure you called the right school?” I asked, my voice laced with venom. I was so angry. This entire mess was his fault because he had forgotten about my application. For years, I had talked about this

  “Listen, I have to go. New patients just arrived. I will call soon. Love you,” dad said, and then the line went dead.

  I held the phone in my hands long after the phone call had ended. For some reason, I just couldn’t will myself to put the phone down. I stood out there alone for a few more minutes. What had I just done?


  Classes began in one hour and I was still rushing around my room like a maniac.

  I found myself both excited and nervous. The House of Shadows may not have been my first or hundredth choice for a performing arts school; but it is where I am, and I am determined to make the best out of it.

  Because, let’s just be honest; I don’t really have a choice.

  “You need to calm down. Are you always this nervous about school?” Eden asked.

  She had been watching me all morning run around our room and had been silent for the most part. Now, as she stood in front of her dresser, wearing her black pleated skirt, dark blue button-down shirt, and red tie, she eyed me as she fought back a laugh.

  I stopped my movements and whirled around to face her. My hair smacked me in the face and I had to quickly pull it back before I did any damage. “Of course, I am a mess right now! I am about to start school at a Vampire school! Plus, I am always a little nervous for the first day of classes,” I admitted.

  I glanced at myself in the mirror. I looked the same, but inside, I felt vastly different. I had decided to wear the black pants, but same shirt and tie as Eden. They seemed to like to keep it cold in the building, so I didn’t want to freeze in the middle of class.

  Grabbing my books and Chromebook my dad had purchased for me, I took a big breath before heading to the door.

  My schedule was tucked inside my notebook and after the tour with Eden, I felt confident that I would know where I was going.

  Opening my bedroom door, I almost ran into a brick wall that was Jordan.

  “Good morning,” I greeted them, offering a smile.

  Jordan and Lain looked bored but Zain smiled down at me and I felt my heart flutter.

  Calm down, Audrey. I had to tell myself.


  After being escorted to my first class, I expected all three of them to leave. To my astonishment, Zane remained. He found a seat next to me in my world literature class.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, watching him pull out his chair.

  Giving me an odd look, Zane pulled out a Chromebook. “I’m sitting down. What are you doing?” he smirked.

  “Oh, I thought you all would leave once I was safely in class,” I said.

  “The other guys are leaving, but I am the same year as you. This is my class, too,” Zane stated.

  I nodded my head as a woman in six-inch heels sauntered into the room. Her long, silver hair swayed back and forth as she made her way into the class.

  “Good morning, class. Welcome to world literature. I am Mrs. Simms. ”

  She began passing out the class syllabus and I couldn’t help but notice how similar this was to my human classes.

  A few students watched me with amusement and curiosity, but for the most part, I wasn’t as big of a distraction as I thought I would be.

  Until, everything changed.

  After reviewing the syllabus, she asked us to get into groups to create a list of classic novels we have read.

  As I turned to look for a partner, I noticed a few looks of disdain my way.

  “Want to be a partner?” I asked a girl beside me.

  Turning my way, I almost jumped out of my seat as she flashed a pair of pearly white fangs in my direction. A quiet hiss penetrated off her red lips and I felt like I might just die right here. She was so menacing and evil looking.

  “Don’t talk to me, human,” she snarled. “You think you are special because you got into our school. Well, you are not,” she huffed.

  “I…” I couldn’t form words to even defend myself.

  Didn’t she know that this was the last place I ever expected to be? Wasn’t she aware that I was putting my life in danger just by being here? Maybe she did, but I doubted it. Besides, I doubt she would care anyway.

  “Back off, Brie,” Zane growled.

  “Oh, is the human your little pet now?” she smirked, wiggling her eyebrows at us.

  “You know very well she was placed here by accident. Leave her alone,” he added, flashing his very own fangs in disgust.

  Now I really did jump out of my seat. I was fearful for my life as I sat in the middle of two angry Vampires.

  “Class, I need everyone to settle down and get back in your seats,” Mrs. Simms declared from the front of the room.

  Brie and Zane gave one another one last evil glare before returning their attention back to the front of the class.

  I slowly sat back down as Zane scooted his chair closer to me. He leaned over and whispered in my ear. “Don’t worry about Brie. She is jealous of every beautiful girl that comes to this school. She wouldn’t dare hurt you and risk getting kicked out...or worse,” Zane stated, reminding me of the Dean’s warning to the other students.

  I thought about his words and, thankfully, my anxiety began to decrease. Zane was right, if any Vampire here dared to hurt me in any way, they would risk their own eternity and right at this school. At this revelation, my entire demeanor changed. Sure, some of the Vampire’s here could hate me and even env
y me because I somehow ended up at this highly coveted school.

  This changes everything…


  By the time lunch arrived, I had successfully made it through two classes. My acting class wouldn’t be until after lunch and I was giddy with excitement.

  After my intense moment with Brie and my conversation with Zane, I suddenly had a new outlook on my time here at the House of Shadows.

  Walking into the cafeteria, I was greeted by Eden and Donovan.

  “Come sit with us,” she demanded, as she linked her arm through mine and led me to a table by large windows overlooking the vast, green forest.

  I followed suit and noticed Donovan slowly following us. Every time I was around, he seemed to get a gloomy attitude. I knew he probably wasn’t happy about having a human at the House of Shadows, but he could at least be sympathetic to my situation.

  “How were your classes?” Eden asked, once we were seated.

  A waiter walked by and delivered water to our table. I could smell the spicy and sweet aroma of an Italian Buffett just ahead. My mouth began to water.

  Sighing, I began to explain the situation with Brie earlier. As expected, Eden was furious to hear that a few kids were bullying me here. While it was to be expected, it still didn’t make it right.

  “Don’t worry about Brie. She is just a jealous girl,” Eden snarled.

  “She would probably be in a better mood if Donovan would give her the time of day,” Jordan said, from the other side of the table.

  Donovan just gave him a dirty look, before scooting his chair back and heading for the Buffett.

  “Oh, does Brie like Donovan?” I asked. A sting of pain coursed through me at the thought of Brie and Donovan together. I wasn’t sure why. Especially, since Donovan seemed to hate the very thought of me.

  “You could say that,” Lain laughed.

  A few other kids joined our table as everyone began to get their food. We all chatted, but Donovan never came back. I guess he didn’t go to the Buffett.


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