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Deception Page 11

by Toni Goode

  Natalie rushed around the castle as she tried all the exits once more, but it only left her hurt and frantic. Demetri was up to something and she was worried about Aidan. If he went after him and did something, than Natalie would lose her mind. She thought of the hole under the floor boards. She wondered if she could some how fit under the floors to get out. She ran over to it and she yanked another floor board up and then another. There was a small space under there and she crawled into it as she began to quickly make her way under the castle.

  Aidan paced his apartment as he waited for his guest to arrive. It was the witch Marianne who finally got back in touch with him. She had said that she could try and help him for a small fee of course and he knew that nothing was ever truly small for a witch. The sound of a knock on his door made him rush over to it as he opened the door and saw the dark-haired witch standing at his door. Marianne looked to be maybe forty years old but rumored to be much older than that.

  “Aidan.” She smiled.

  “Marianne. Come in. Thank you for coming on short notice.” He said as she walked inside and looked around his place.

  “You seemed distraught so.” She shrugged her shoulders at him. “Nice place, it’s almost homey like for a vampire.” She smiled. “Did you bring what I asked of you?” She said with a smile.

  “Yes.” He said as he handed her a small box of various relics including wolf hair, a vampire fang and a small vile of human blood. “Just so you know this was hard to come by.”

  “Well I would hope so.” She smiled. “Shall we get started then?”

  Marianne set the table up with a candle and book. She opened the book as a chill began to fill the room and it was an odd sensation considering that Aidan was undead, but he did feel the difference in temperature now as she closed her eyes and began to chant words in Latin.

  Natalie crawled under the castle until she saw a light in the distance. She moved quickly towards it and she saw a stone. She used her feet to kick at it and then bright light flashed over her, nearly blinding her as she kicked another stone and then one more until she could look out at the ocean before her. Waves crashed just a few feet away from her as she looked left and then right. She still had no idea where she was, but she jumped in the water anyway. She swam fast, looking for any kind of land.

  Aidan watched as lights flickered around them and then Marianne stopped chanting and she looked at him. “I see water. It’s cold and moving fast. She is in it, she is scared.”

  “Water? Where? Can you see where she is at?” Aidan felt frantic as he listened to the witch.

  “I cant see, she is confused and. I see something else. It’s dark.” Her eyes opened as she looked at Aidan. “He’s here.” She said with wide eyes and before Aidan could react the door to his apartment crashed open as Demetri stood in the doorway.

  “Get down!” Aidan yelled to Marianne before he leapt across the table and both men slammed into each other in mid air with a loud crack. “Where is she!” Aidan yelled as the men spun violently around the room.

  “She is MINE!” Demetri yelled as he shoved at Aidan and he went flying into the nearby wall.

  Aidan was surprised at how strong Demetri was and Aidan had many hundreds of years on him. It was surprising to say the least. Aidan jumped up and lunged for Demetri. They crashed into the wall and ended up in the bedroom as furniture went flying.

  They broke contact as Aidan looked at a broken piece of wood on the ground. Demetri eyed it to as they both jumped for it but Demetri got it first as he almost staked Aidan in the heart, but he was able to move out of the way seconds before the stake came at him. Aidan reached down and grabbed the bed, throwing it hard towards Demetri but he moved just in time as he came fling through the air towards Aidan. The men collided and fought over the wooden stake until it broke into pieces.

  Demetri bit down on Aidan’s arm as he yelled out and used all his strength to shove Demetri at the wall. Aidan looked at the hole in the room leading to the living room. Marianne was standing up looking terrified. Aidan looked back at Demetri who grinned and then ran for her as she screamed.

  Demetri grabbed the witch by the neck as he smiled at Aidan.

  “No!” Aidan yelled as Demetri tore the neck of the witch and she began to bleed out as he tossed her lifeless body onto the floor. Aidan growled and jumped at Demetri as they both clawed at each other and bit wherever they could. They continued to slam into wall after wall until they finally crashed out the front window and ended up on the ground with broken glass everywhere.

  Demetri grabbed a large shard of glass and he sliced at Aidan’s flesh as blood splattered. Aidan tried to grab for the glass, but Demetri was too fast and then he was spinning them around so that Aidan’s back was on the grass and the shard of glass was inches away from his chest.

  “Stop it!” Natalie yelled out with anger as Demetri spun around to see her standing there. It gave Aidan the opportunity to shove Demetri’s body off of him. Aidan looked at Natalie.

  “Natalie RUN!” Aidan yelled as Demetri eyes turned red and he lunged for Natalie as he yelled out.

  Natalie grabbed a piece of broken wood on the ground and seconds later Demetri was grabbing her hard as his eyes got wide and he gasped as he looked at her and then he looked down at the stake embedded in his chest.

  “Me wife.” He said in shock as he touched her face and seconds later he literally exploded into dust as she stood there.

  Aidan rushed over quickly and pulled her against him. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?” He asked her as he frantically looked for wounds on her.

  “I’m ok. “ She said in shock as she stood there. All that was left of Demetri was dust that was flying around on the property now.

  Aidan’s lips crashed into hers in a passionate kiss and then he was hugging her against himself. “I thought I lost you.” He said as he held onto her. “I can’t lose you.”

  The scent of blood was so strong as they pulled apart and Natalie quickly looked around.

  “Shit wait here.” Aidan said as he ran back into the apartment and he saw Marianne on the floor bleeding out as she gasped for her last breaths. “Marianne hang on. I am going to fix this.” He said as he went to cut himself so that she could use his blood to change but she shook her head at him.

  “No. I don’t want to be like you.” She finally got the words out.

  “But you’re dying.” He said as she looked at him.

  “Then that is my fate.” She said with heavy breaths. “This is only the beginning.” She said as her eyes closed, and she took her last breath.

  “Oh my god. What happened in here?” Natalie said as the overwhelming smell of blood filled her body. She felt uncontrollable hunger like she had never felt before.

  “Natalie you can’t be in here.” Aidan said as he looked at her and stood up, but he saw the look in her eyes.

  “So much. Blood.” She gasped as she stood there and then within seconds she was racing across the room as Aidan grabbed her. He held her back as she fought against him. “ Let go of me! Let go!” She yelled as she tried to get to the bleeding woman on the floor. She had an insane thirst and all she could focus on was the smell of all that blood.

  “No! Natalie look at me!” Aidan grabbed her arms and spun her around, forcing her to look at him. Her fangs had descended painfully but she looked at him. “This isn’t you.” He said softly.

  “I have to get out of here.” She began to panic as she looked at Aidan and he quickly got them out of there. He raced them across town and they ended up at her apartment. They got inside, and Natalie honestly felt like she was going to have a panic attack. Everything was so overwhelming at the moment. “Everything is so messed up right now. I’m so hungry.” She said with fear racing through her as she looked at Aidan.

  “It’s ok. It’s a normal reaction to that much blood.” He said seriously.

  “But you’re not freaking out like me.” She began to pace.

  “I’ve had more practice Natalie.�
� He touched her arm and she felt her emotions taking over.

  “Is it really over? Is he really gone?” She said as blood tears began to stream down her face and Aidan pulled her close.

  “It’s really over Natalie. You don’t have to worry about him anymore. You’re safe.” He said as he held her against his chest.

  “Then why do I feel so sad.” She said as she looked up at him. She had overwhelming sadness going through her.

  “Because he was your maker and whether you wanted to feel connected to him or not, he was part of you. The connection is broken now and it’s going to sting for a little bit.” He said honestly. “But I’m not going anywhere.”

  She hugged him tight again as she cried against him. She just wanted to feel normal again and she wondered if she could after everything that had happened.

  Chapter Twelve

  The welcome home party was for Natalie and even though she was surrounded by her friends in the small bar, in her mind things were still scrambled. Aidan said overtime she would feel better, but it had been a week now and she still didn’t feel well.

  Eve was doing a lot better too and Natalie was happy for that, but she held so much guilt inside it was becoming unbearable. Demetri may be gone but she still felt like he had a hold on her. Images haunted her of all the people she had killed.

  “It’s a great party Sis.” Sam said as he walked up to his sister and smiled.

  “Yeah, a lot of people.” Natalie said as she looked around and Aidan smiled at her as he talked to Dante.

  “Everything ok? You look a bit out of it.” Sam asked with concern.

  “Yeah I’m fine. I think I am missing naps and all.” She lied as fidgeted with her hands some.

  A commotion from across the room made them all look as three witches entered the bar. “Where is she?” One of the male witches said as he looked around the room and then locked eyes with a shocked Natalie.

  Aidan looked at the witch and then at Natalie. Everything seem to happen in slow motion as the witch threw something in the air. It went flying towards Natalie as Aidan tried to jump in her way, but he wasn’t fast enough. Natalie got hurled backwards as screams were heard. She felt something burning in her chest and when she looked down she saw a dagger sticking in her chest.

  “Nooooo!” Aidan yelled as he got over to Natalie, but he was too late. Her hand reached out for Aidan before she burst into dust. They all stood around in shock and then Aidan spun and lunged for the witch, but they were gone in a puff of black smoke as he fell onto the ground. Aidan laid on the ground and yelled out as a crushing pain filled his chest. Natalie was gone!

  Six months later

  Sam was worried about Aidan. He was becoming more and more reckless not to mention his vengeance against the witches was at an all time high. Sam missed his sister, but he wasn’t trying to kill everyone around him either. Aidan seem to have it in his head that all witches needed to die, and he was starting an all-out war with them. It was getting dangerous for everyone.

  Aidan’s was spending more and more nights now being completely blood drunk that he couldn’t function. Sam couldn’t help him though he tried but he was usually greeted with a fight. He had moved out of Aidan’s place three months prior with Lana but today he was stopping by to check on his maker. The place was trashed, and blood soaked most of the furniture.

  Sam heard the groans coming from the bedroom and he walked over there as the groans got louder. He pushed open the door and gasped at the sight before him. Numerous dead women were laying around the bed as Aidan pulled his mouth from the neck of the blonde he was draining. “What the hell are you doing?” Sam said in shock as Aidan looked at him and smiled.

  “Do you want some?” Aidan smirked. “I think there is a sip left in this one, or maybe that one.” He laughed drunkenly as Sam shook his head.

  “Your out of control Aidan. I cant stand by and watch you destroy everything around you.” Sam said seriously as Aidan rolled his eyes.

  “Screw you, I’m your maker. You don’t tell me what to do!” He snapped angrily at Sam as he tried to get out of the bed, but he tripped over one of the bodies.

  “I won’t let you kill yourself like this.” Sam said quickly.

  “Get the hell out of here Sam! Go!” Aidan yelled as he got to his feet. He was half naked and covered in so much blood that it actually made Sam feel sick.

  “No! She was my sister damn it!” Sam yelled, and Aidan got in front of him.

  “Don’t you talk about her. Don’t you ever talk about her!” He yelled at Sam.

  “Look at you man. You’re a joke. You can barely stand up straight. She wouldn’t have wanted this!” Sam yelled as Aidan grabbed his neck and held him up in the air as Sam struggled to move.

  “Get the hell out of here Sam. I release you, so go. NOW!” Aidan tossed him over by the door as Sam rubbed his neck.

  “Don’t do this Aidan.” Sam said in shock.

  “I said I release you now get the hell out of here!” Aidan yelled as Sam looked at him. “GET OUT!” He yelled once more as Sam looked at him and then quickly left.

  Aidan turned and looked at all the bodies on the ground. There was so much blood. He ran a hand through his unkempt hair as he looked around. The pain he felt was unbearable and so he did the only thing he could think of . The only thing to make it all go away. He shut off completely to the world. He didn’t want to be in a world that Natalie wasn’t part of and since he couldn’t kill himself he would just rot. He fell to the ground and his body hit into the bodies on the floor and he looked up at the ceiling. Everything turning black as he cut himself off of this world. The house that was surrounding him began to crumble and the walls crashed on top of him. The ground began to suck up the entire property as he laid there and welcomed the darkness.

  Sam hadn’t gotten very far when he heard the loud crash and he could see smoke in the distance by Aidan’s house. He ran over to it and witnessed the ground swallowing it whole as he watched in horror. He tried to get to Aidan, but it was useless. He was gone and to be honest Sam was sort of happy about that. Maybe now Aidan could find peace somehow. He quickly left as the house disappeared.

  Days turned into weeks and weeks into months and months into years. A total of fifty years had passed since that fateful day and the world was a much different place now. The human population was no longer, and you were either part of the wolves, vampires or witches. Humans were no more and life as we know it was gone.

  The devastation from the nuclear wars started by the human governments left the world in rubble and the only ones to outlive the turmoil was the immortals. No one had seen a human for thirty years and after the rebuild the cities were definitely something out of a science fiction movie. Synthetic blood companies popped up and it became the single most important thing to the vampires especially since humans were no longer available. Even though there was some intermingling of the species it wasn’t something of the norm and most of the species stayed in their own territories and they all lived by a set of rules put in place by the elders of each group. This was the new world!

  Three young witches made their way through a deserted town untouched by the new world order. It was a good place to find old relics that survived the bombings so many years ago.

  One of the girls named Emma used a tweezer to pick up the remnants of an old glass bottle. “Hey, come check this out!” She called out to the other girls, Clare and Tami. They were all twenty years old now and done with their studies for the meantime. It was trips like this that Emma liked the most. It almost gave them a glimpse of what the world was before. “Look at this, what do you think it belonged to.” She held up the shard of glass from an old liquor bottle.

  “Oh, I have seen that before, My Uncle Scott has a bunch of those bottles in his house. He says he is waiting for a special occasion to drink them, but I think he drinks them when no one is looking.” Tami laughed some and so did the other girls.

  “This place is boring, we sho
uld go visit the wolves.” Clare smirked big.

  “No thanks Clare. You know were not supposed to be going over by them.” Emma said quickly.

  “Emma’s right Clare. Last time we went there my dad nearly killed me.” Tami said with a shake of her head.

  “You guys are no fun. I’m gonna go. I’m not scared.” Clare smirked but then a sound was heard a few feet away. It was like a rumbling.

  “What’s that?” Emma said as she backed up and so did the other girls.

  “Just the ground settling you scaredy cat.” Clare laughed and then raised her wand over to the ground. She swooshed it around and pointed at the ground, but a loud groan was heard and they all backed up now.

  “What the hell was that!” Tami said with fear in her voice.

  “I think the ground just growled or something.” Emma said as the girls moved closer to it and then they heard the groan once more and they jumped back and let out a small scream before laughing nervously.

  “We should go.” Tami said quickly.

  “Yeah, we shouldn’t be here.” Emma said as they began to back up.

  “Oh, come on, there is nothing here. Just the ground settling.” Clare said with a roll of her eyes as she walked closer to the place where the groan was heard.

  “Clare cut it out, ok. Lets just go.” Emma called out and Clare rolled her eyes.

  “You guys are a bunch of babies!” Clare huffed but then a hand came up from the ground. It grabbed Clare’s booted foot as she let out a scream and so did the other girls. The hand wouldn’t let go and the ground began to move as Emma and Tami ran over to Clare and grabbed her arms. “Get it off of me, get it off!” Clare yelled in fear. The girls pulled on her arms until they all fell backwards and the sight of a body coming out of the ground, covered in dirt groaned loudly.

  The girls got up and screamed before running off though Emma looked back just in time to see blue eyes staring at her inquisitively. They belonged to a man, albeit he was covered in dirt she could tell it was definitely a man.


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