Billy's Geeky Quest

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Billy's Geeky Quest Page 4

by J. B. Buell

  Scott laughed, hard. He sort of hugged himself as he laughed too, and that was real adorable.

  “So, wholesome but not kinky. That’s what you think of me?” Scott asked.

  “Well, no, I didn’t mean…Oh, God.” Billy put down his food so he could facepalm, knocking his glasses askew in the process, as Scott laughed at him. “Can I get a do-over?” Billy asked meekly.

  “Sure.” Scott wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to subdue his laughter. “Well, who would you cosplay?”

  “I’m already huge and hairy,” Billy said, “so I’d give Vultan a whirl.”

  “Erm, doesn’t he wear a kinky leather outfit too?” Scott pointed out, biting his lip to keep from laughing.

  “Uh…I guess so,” Billy muttered. “It’s just a kinky movie, alright? No escaping the outfits.”

  “Were the comics kinky too?” Scott asked.

  Billy shrugged. “I have no idea, but I’ll add it to my research if you want.”

  “Okay,” Scott said. “So, just to recap, you’re Vultan, and I’m Flash. Have you done cosplay before?”

  “Uh…sort of.” Billy felt shy now. “When I was less chubby.”

  Scott was quiet a moment, then he said, “I think you’d make an awesome Vultan. You should do it.”

  “Only if you do Flash,” Billy countered.


  “Have you cosplayed?” Billy asked.

  “No.” Scott ducked his head shyly. “Seems like a lot of fun. I, er…don’t really have any friends into this sort of stuff.”

  Billy felt sad at that and he said without hesitation, “Well, now you got me.”

  Scott looked up, and gave him a shy, small smile.

  * * * *

  Billy got his head in the game, and took some good notes during the rest of the movie. Scott paused it when Billy asked him to, so he could point out backgrounds or set pieces to use as reference and inspiration for their comic.

  Scott was attentive, and used his phone to take pictures of the screen, for drawing reference.

  “You ever background study a movie before?” Billy asked him, as the movie neared its end. “Like, ignore the main actors and dialogue, and concentrate on all the background stuff and settings?”

  “Not really,” Scott admitted. “I use Google images or stock photos, but I haven’t watched anything specific like this for ideas.”

  “It’s really useful.” Billy chewed on his pen. “So, what’s next on the list?”

  “A personal favorite.” Scott sounded excited, and got up to go fetch a DVD.

  “Is it Defenders of the Earth?” Billy joked.

  “Better.” Scott offered him the DVD, and Billy took it and looked at the cover.

  It took him a moment to recognize it, as he’d never seen a DVD copy before.

  “Ulysses 31!” he shouted, gripping the DVD. “Holy shit!”

  “Right?” Scott bounced on the balls of his feet, clearly pleased. He reached for the DVD. “Let’s put it on.”

  Billy went to hand back the DVD, and held onto it when Scott tried to take it. “It is the thirty-first century,” he started, affecting a deep voice to mimic the intro sequence.

  Scott tugged on the DVD case. “Let go and I’ll put it on.”

  Billy laughed, and he let Scott have the DVD. He settled back into the couch with his notebook, squirming with delight as Scott set up the DVD.

  “Have you seen the longer opening theme?” Scott asked when he sat back down.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  “There’s, like, an extra-long theme song, with more verses and stuff,” Scott explained, and turned up the volume on the TV.

  “What?” Billy’s jaw dropped open. “No? Oh, my God! Even more exciting!” He watched the screen eagerly. “I used to love this show,” he muttered quietly, as the intro started with its beautiful animation scenes of space and the funky ‘80s electronica.

  The animation and theme song were slightly different than what Billy was used to; clearly a longer original edit. Billy covered his mouth with his hand, completely awed. “Oh, wow!” he said, muffled by his hand.

  “I know, right?” Scott said, grinning happily.

  Billy allowed himself a little squeal behind his hand. “It’s like…seeing it for the first time all over again.”

  When the familiar chorus started up, Billy fanned his face with his hands. “Aah, I’m gonna cry! I’m really emotional over here.”

  “Are you okay?” Scott checked, though he was smiling. “This is cool, right? You like it?”

  “Scott, this is so cool, I am legit going to steal this DVD off of you.” Billy took a deep breath in. “I used to love this show so much as a kid.”

  “Hey, you can borrow the DVDs,” Scott said easily. “I got every season.”

  “Scott!” Billy wailed. “Don’t tell me that! Now I have to watch them all. Aw, man,” he gestured at the screen, “look at those backgrounds. Space never looked so pretty, I swear.”

  “Yeah, the animation is stunning,” Scott agreed. “Especially for its time. This is the remastered version, not cut for TV.”

  As the episode began, they quieted down to watch it for a few minutes.

  “I loved his voice,” Billy declared, a bit overly excited. “Don’t you think he was hot? For a cartoon, anyway.”

  “Yeah, for sure,” Scott agreed.

  A beat passed, then Scott added, “You could cosplay him.”

  “Huh?” Billy looked to Scott. “Who?”

  “You could cosplay Ulysses,” Scott said, the corner of his mouth tugging into a smile. “You got the hair, and the beard. You just need the suit, and that light saber thing.”

  Billy blinked at him, then laughed it off. “Right, a fat Ulysses.”

  “I think you’d look awesome,” Scott insisted gently.

  Billy laughed again, then tapped his pen on his notepad. He glanced at Scott to gauge his reaction.

  He wasn’t laughing, like he hadn’t intended it as a joke.

  Billy hadn’t expected that.

  “You…really think that?” he asked.

  Scott smiled warmly. “Yeah, you’d make a hot Ulysses.”

  “Oh…um, thanks.” Billy wasn’t sure what to do with that, so he stared at his notebook, then tried to watch the TV screen.

  Ulysses was there, looking all beardy and hot.

  He wasn’t helping.

  Billy looked to Scott, who noticed him looking, and smiled at him.

  “How many beers have you had, Scott?”

  That made Scott laugh, but he held up his bottle. “I’m only on my second, and it’s a lite.”


  “Do you want one?” Scott offered.

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.”

  Scott nodded, and then went back to watching the screen. Billy tried to as well, when he caught Scott looking at him, so he looked at Scott, but then he got nervous so he looked away again.

  They looked at each other a couple more times before Billy felt bold enough to blurt out, “Are we flirting, or…?”

  “Um.” Scott wet his lips, and answered, “Well, I mean, I was trying to?”

  “Oh.” Billy hurriedly looked back at the TV as he tried to process that.

  Scott was flirting with him? Billy bit his lip, then looked at Scott.

  Scott smiled at him, a bit awkward and unsure, and that’s what gave Billy the courage to shift himself a little closer on the couch.

  “So, what would your moves be?” he asked.

  Scott took the hint and shifted closer too. “Er, I guess I would try the old arm on the back of the couch move?”

  Billy couldn’t help grinning. “I think that would work just fine.”

  Scott leaned back into the couch and stretched his arm out, and sure enough, Billy felt Scott’s hand touch on his shoulder.

  Billy smiled, ecstatic, and leaned into Scott, into the opening he’d made.

  He didn’t do more than that, and pretende
d to focus on the TV, not on Scott and the warm press of him all along Billy’s side.

  Billy’s heart thudded heavily, excited. After a long moment of anticipation, he felt Scott’s hand move a little, his fingers gently toying with the long strands of his hair.

  Billy stayed perfectly still, hoping Scott wouldn’t stop. It felt nice, having his hair played with, being touched. Billy breathed carefully, not wanting to ruin the moment, and gripped his pen and notebook a little tighter.

  Scott kept stroking his hair, and said so quietly Billy could only just make it out, “I think you’re really cool, Billy.”

  Billy couldn’t help the abrupt laugh that escaped him. “Scott, we are literally taking notes on geeky space stuff. Are you sure cool is the word you’re looking for here?”

  Scott chuckled too and said, “These are not the words you’re searching for.”

  Billy rolled his eyes at the Obi Wan reference. “Ha, ha.”

  “Seriously, though.” Scott sat back a bit, retracting his hand. “I do think you’re cool. And, um…”

  Billy looked at him expectantly, and angled his body to Scott in encouragement.

  Scott fiddled with his hands. “I wondered if you…maybe want to go on a date with me sometime?”

  Billy grinned, feeling like he was so happy right now, he would float up to the ceiling. “Is this not a date?”

  Scott glanced up at him and looked a little like a deer caught in the headlights. “Uh, I guess? I wasn’t sure if you…I mean, I wanted to hang out, but I also want to ask you out.”

  “Both sound good to me,” Billy said softly. He didn’t make a move, didn’t want to frighten Scott off. The guy seemed nervous, and Billy was nervous too, but he was also patient.

  He didn’t mind being patient for Scott, not one bit.

  “Yeah?” Scott smiled, like he was surprised at Billy’s answer.

  “Yeah, definitely.” Billy smiled back, then looked away and tucked a lock of hair behind his ear. “Wasn’t sure if I was your type. You know I’m trans, right? I just…I know I’m pretty tall, and a lot of people think I’m a cis guy because of that, but I was assigned female and I’m trans masc now.” He glanced at Scott, feeling nervous again. “Thought it was worth mentioning that now…um. Just so you know.”

  Scott nodded, but he became quiet for a moment. Billy couldn’t decipher his expression, if he seemed surprised and hid it well, or if he had already guessed as much.

  He just didn’t know.

  Scott rubbed a hand on the back of his neck, and said finally, “Is this a good time to mention that I’m pansexual?”

  “Oh?” Billy perked up at this, relief flooding through him. “Yeah, that’s…really cool.”

  “I’m also demisexual,” Scott said, seeming to fidget again. “I prefer going into things slow. Like, get to know each other before I even think about…you know, taking it further. I know that might seem boring?”

  “No, no way,” Billy insisted. “Slow is fine, that’s more than fine.”

  “Oh.” Scott seemed surprised, and then he smiled. “Well, that’s awesome, I…thank you, Billy.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, you dork,” Billy said with a laugh.

  Scott laughed too. “It seemed polite! Shut up.”

  He poked Billy in his fleshy side, and as Billy was extremely ticklish there, he yelped involuntarily.

  “Wow,” Scott said, drawing back. “That was a pretty high pitch. Congratulations.”

  Billy hid his face in his hands. “Oh, God. No tickling, Scott.”

  “Sorry. No tickling,” Scott agreed. “Although, that was technically more of a poke.”

  “Same thing,” Billy argued. He flicked his hair back with both hands, and gave Scott a little grin.

  Scott smiled back before ducking his head, still shy.

  “So,” Billy ventured, “how would you feel about some hand holding? Like, now? Or is that too much?”

  “No, that would be good,” Scott agreed, and offered his hand palm up.

  Billy slid his hand into Scott’s, reveling in the touch of skin, the excitement of what was starting between them. He held onto Scott’s hand, careful but firm, and smiled when he felt Scott squeeze back.

  “Okay, then,” Billy said. “Cool.”

  He still had his writing hand free, so he turned his attention to the TV again and made a few notes, hoping to put Scott at ease.

  It may have been a bit dorky, but holding hands and watching space shows made Billy feel indescribably happy.

  When he stole a glance at Scott, Billy saw that he was smiling too.

  Epilogue: The Continuing Mission

  Billy felt himself begin to panic. His heart-rate spiked, his temples pricked with sweat, and the fact he was wearing a tight, silver PVC catsuit didn’t help matters.

  He stared out the window of the Uber car as they left Brooklyn behind them, and tried to calm himself down.

  Scott was sitting next to him in the back of the car, and reached for his hand.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “You okay?”

  Billy managed a watery smile.

  At least Scott was dressed up too. Billy felt ridiculous, but he didn’t feel ridiculous on his own, which made a huge difference.

  “Bit nervous, I guess,” he admitted.

  Scott squeezed his hand in response. “You’ll be fine, Ulysses.”

  That made Billy snort a laugh. “Yeah, right. As long as we don’t bump into a giant cyclops, I’m sure we’ll be cool.”

  The car dropped them off outside the hotel in Times Square.

  Scott jumped out and went to get his wheely case from the trunk while Billy struggled to get out of the car gracefully in his tight suit, cape, and ‘70s style platform boots.

  “Ugh, screw this,” he grumbled, finally standing up with all his costume intact and getting out on the pavement. “Why did I let you talk me into this, Scott?”

  Scott, the jerk, was only in tan pants and a green jersey, with a metallic headband over his hair. He’d gotten lucky with his costume choice, as it was pretty simple.

  He had shaved off his beard, though. And he looked real cute all fresh faced and smooth.

  “Pretty sure Ulysses didn’t complain this much in the cartoon,” Scott sassed.

  Billy put his hands on his hips and mock-gasped. “How dare you speak to your father like that, Telemachus. I should put you over my knee right now.”

  Scott grinned slyly. “This is way kinkier than I was expecting it to be.”

  Billy felt his face flush but he laughed it off. “Yeah, that…came out a bit kinky. Oops, I guess?”

  “Don’t let me stop you,” Scott teased. He grabbed the handle of his wheely case with one hand, and offered his other hand to Billy. “C’mon, Ulysses, the universe needs you.”

  Billy smiled happily, and took Scott’s hand. “Our journey begins!”

  * * * *

  Inside the hotel, they got their passes and goodie bags, and followed the signs for vendors, trying not to get too distracted by the geeky merch being set up, and people prepping their cosplays.

  “Wow, they all look amazing,” Scott breathed quietly. “I hope we get a chance to look around some later.”

  “My friends promised to watch our table for a while,” Billy assured him. “So we’ll get a chance to nose around at the other stalls.”

  Scott smiled at him, and together they found the artist’s alley and the table Scott had reserved. Scott opened his case and began unpacking his art and comics.

  Billy was in charge of the standing posters. He’d ordered them online and they were pretty neat; two free standing posters to show off Scott’s beautiful art, including cover art for one of the small preview comics they’d made together and had printed up.

  Billy arranged the stands behind the table, then went around front to admire them. “Awesome,” he declared, then noticed the way Scott was setting out his products and business flyers on the tabletop.

” Billy said, “not everything has to be so neat, you know?” He went to rearrange some of the flyers, and then laughed at the mortified expression that flashed across Scott’s face. “You gotta make it look inviting for people,” Billy told him gently. “We should have a comic or two out of their packets, so people can browse through them.”

  The worried look Scott gave him made Billy snicker. There were times when Billy thought he was actually dating Sheldon Cooper.

  “It can be one of the free preview ones, if you like,” Billy added. “They’re made to be given away, remember?”

  Scott sighed in defeat. “Yeah, you’re right.” He took one of the comics and slowly slid it from its protective cover, his brows pinched together in a concerned frown.

  Billy nodded solemnly. “It’s for the best, Scott.” He held his hand out and waited for Scott to hand it over. “C’mon, big guy. I mean, son.”

  That made Scott laugh, breaking the frown on his face. Billy had found he was good at making Scott laugh, especially when he got too serious.

  And Scott was good at making him laugh too, so they made a good team.

  It was a wonder they’d gotten around to making a comic at all, with the amount of goofing off they did between them.

  Billy placed the comic at the front of the table, between stacks of art prints Scott had made. He kind of wanted to rearrange the display, but as Scott was very particular about arranging things, he didn’t want to give the poor guy a stress headache this early in the day.

  “We’re all set,” Billy said, checking his watch. “And the doors are opening soon. I’ll go get the coffee before things get busy.”

  “Um, okay.” Scott fidgeted a little, then forced a smile. “I might take a decaf. Bit too keyed up for caffeine right now.”

  “You want something else instead?” Billy asked. “Tea? Juice?”

  “No, decaf is great. Thanks.” Scott sat down on one of the plastic chairs and started wringing his hands.

  “Okay,” Billy confirmed. “And, Scott, don’t sweat it. This will be awesome and we will have fun.”

  They’d been doing a lot of affirming about having fun today, in the weeks leading up to the Con.

  “Yes,” Scott agreed, nodding stiffly. “This will be an awesome day.”


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