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Witch's Sorrow: A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy (Alice Skye Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Taylor Aston White

  “Hello?” She knocked louder, knowing someone would have to be in.

  “It’s open.”

  “Oh.” Alice pushed the door, stepping over the threshold into what looked like a spaceship. Computer monitors were arranged around the large room, each screen showing something different. A half built computer tower sat in the middle of the room, bright wires attempting to escape.

  “Hey, Alice.” Lewis, one of the I.T. guys swung his chair around to give her a little wave. Crisps layered in his incredibly long beard, long enough that it covered most of his bright green t-shirt.

  “You on the late shift, Lewis?” Alice asked, closing the door behind her gently.

  “Yeah, me and Billy. He’s gone to go get us some more crisps.” He lifted up the empty crisp packet, even tipping it upside down just to emphasise how empty the packet was. “What can I do to help you doll? I don’t normally see you down here.”

  “It’s not letting me log in. Just keeps giving me an error message.”

  “Ah okay, let’s take a look shall we.” He spun his chair to face one of the monitors, his chubby fingers racing across the keys as he typed something into the computer. “It looks like you have been locked out.”

  “Locked out?” She leant over to look at the screen. “How can I be locked out?”

  “Looks like…” He clicked some more buttons. “Commissioner Grayson has put you on medical leave. Look.” He pointed to her picture on the screen, the one every member of the building had for security. Her picture was easy to spot, her blonde messy hair bright compared to the darker tones of her colleagues. It hadn’t helped she wasn’t aware it was picture day, so she had the previous night’s makeup smudged across her face. They wouldn’t let her retake it.

  The words ‘Medical leave until further notice’ flashed across the bottom of the picture.

  “Shit. Is that why I can’t access any systems?”

  “Pretty much.,” He read the small print. “Top restrictions too.” He shrugged his shoulders, the motion causing some crisps to escape from his beard and land on his stomach.

  “Okay.” Crap. “Can you reverse it?”

  “Not without risking my job.”

  “Fair enough.” She lifted her hand to her face, wiping across her eyes. Shit.

  “I might not be able to reinstate your restrictions, but…” he beamed at her. “I don’t have such restriction.”

  “You sure you won’t get into trouble?” she said hesitantly.

  “I owe you. You helped me catch my cheating wife, if it wasn’t for you, I would still be with the bitch. What do you need?”

  “Thanks Lewis, you’re a star,” she grinned, grabbing the notes from her pocket.

  Chapter 16

  This was a stupid idea, Alice thought to herself as she sat in her car outside a large derelict house, scowling at the crumpled map in her lap. Squinting her eyes, she double checked the roads that were supposed to lead to Sun Kiss Pride.

  “This can’t be right?”

  The large Georgian house was set back in a few acres of land, the pale bricks crumbling. Green and brown ivy hugged the walls, hiding most of the damage. The surrounding trees and bushes were a spectrum of the same dire shades, a mixture of browns, reds and yellows, summer pushing into autumn. There were two large windows at the front of the house, all covered by heavy dark brocade curtains, an uncomfortable contrast to the dirty white of the window frames.

  Black smoke darkened the sky above signalling someone was home, yet the drive was empty of all other vehicles but her own, which was parked slightly behind a large overgrown bush.

  A shrill ring made her jump in her seat. Scrambling for her phone she checked the number before answering.

  “Hello, you have reached the mobile of Alice, please leave a message after the...”

  “Alice, you’re not funny.”

  “Hi, Sam.” She heard his small laugh at the end of the line.

  “Why are you in Little Birmingham?” His voice took on a serious tone.

  “Well, to be honest I’m currently staring at a house.” She had actually been staring at the house for a while, waiting to see if anyone moved behind one of the windows. So far nothing. “Wait, how did you know where I was?” She sat up from her slouch, frowning at the phone.

  “Rex turned up and...”

  “Rex? What’s he doing there?”

  “He... Rex... turn...” he began, voice breaking up.

  “Hello? Sam? I think I’m losing you.”

  “Sorry about that,” he said, voice strained.

  “Just tell him I’m checking out this house, it’s supposed to be the pride’s den. But, I’m pretty sure Google lied.”

  Something moved in her peripheral vision, a twitch in the curtain. She watched carefully, waiting for it to move again. When it didn’t she released a breath she didn’t know she was holding.

  “Pride?” a slightly deeper voice said, ending with a snarl, “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?”

  Alice could hear Sam arguing in the background, the microphone unable to pick up his exact words. “Why are you with Sam?” She felt her face scowl. “Put Sam back on.”

  He ignored her request. “You were supposed to ring.”

  For a man that was emotionless, he sounded pissed.

  “Well if you were there when I woke up I could have told you then couldn’t I?” Okay, she was only a little bit sour.

  “Sun Kiss Pride?” A growl. “Don’t do anything stupid and wait for me. You shouldn’t have gone there alone.”

  “I’m not stupid Rex, I have thought this through.” She hadn’t, but she wasn’t going to admit that. “I was only going to ask a few questions.”

  “Wait for me. I’m leaving now, I’ll be there in three hours.” He would have to make up some serious speed to get to Little Birmingham in three hours. “How did you even know where I was?”

  “Just wait.”

  “Rex I don’t need your help.”

  Another snarl. “Wait.” He wasn’t giving her much choice. “Meet you at Manor Green Park.” He gave her the directions and once she confirmed she understood he hung up without a goodbye.

  “Arsehole,” she scolded the phone before throwing it onto the seat beside her. Laying the map back over her lap she checked where the park was, happy to see it was only a short drive away. Car in gear, she took one last look at the house. It probably wasn’t the right place anyway.

  Alice watched an old man walk painfully slow across the path towards the ducks, stale bread clutched under his free arm, the strong breeze doing nothing to stop his journey. Cold, Alice pulled her jacket around her tighter as she looked around the park, enjoying the sun’s warmth between the gusts of wind. A group of shifter and human children were running around the grassy area, kicking a black and white football around. A shout as the ball went wide, heading towards the flock of ducks sitting by the pond. With a loud squawk the birds fluttered away, landing further up the pond and away from the children’s ball.

  The old man stopped his walk, puffing. With determination, he set off again towards the other side, back towards the ducks.

  Alice smiled despite herself.

  She’d been sitting for long enough for her arse to go numb. She had already walked around the park several times, resigning herself to just sitting and watching. It didn’t help that anger still bubbled, not being able to let the conversation with Rex go. She was getting grumpy.

  Flicking her phone on she scrolled to Sam’s number, hitting the video call.

  “Alice, I can’t talk now.” Sam lifted his phone to reveal half his face. “I’m still at work.” She could just see the collar of his work t-shirt, his hair in his usual plaits.

  “I want to know what happened with Rex? How did he know where I was?”

  “He just turned up here,” Sam propped the phone up on something, the angle revealing the top half of his torso. “Had to get him kicked out by the bouncers...”

  “Sam, wha
t is that on your face?” Alice tried to zoom in on the image. “Is that a bruise?”

  Sam touched his cheekbone, brushing across the purple mark that was already healing, would be completely gone by tomorrow.

  “It’s nothing.” He buffed a glass before placing it onto a shelf. “What do you even see in Rex?” He tossed the rag onto his shoulder. “He’s getting a bit territorial.”

  “No, he’s not.” Alice quieted her voice as someone sat beside her. “It’s nothing.”

  “He’s an Alpha…”

  “We’re just working together.”

  “Sure, baby girl.” A sphinx smile. “Don’t ya think it’s strange? The way you were hired for the job?”

  She hadn’t given it much thought. He had lost three wolves, and had been hunting alone before he hired her. So what made him change his mind?

  “Look, I’m getting off in an hour, we’ll talk then.” A yawn, eyes sleepy as he bent to his phone. “Love ya baby girl.”

  “Wait, Sam…” The phone went dark. “Dammit.” Unable to sit any longer she started to walk the length of the park once more, heading towards the iron wrought bridge.

  “Salve dominam,” a voice gurgled as soon as she stepped onto the first step.

  Startled, Alice searched around for the owner of the voice, seeing no one close enough to have spoken.

  “Lonii pro troll?” the voice gargled once again.

  “Toll for the troll?” she repeated in English, her Latin rusty. She still knew some basic words, Latin a language taught to all children, especially as it was used in spell-work as well as being favoured amongst the older Fae.

  “Oh yes mistress, toll for the troll.” Long black fingernails burst through the green sludge on the wall on the underside of the bridge. It grasped the sides, pulling the rest of its body through the small hole with a wet noise. Rust from the metal moulded itself into the sludge, hardening to become scaly skin as small black ovals popped out of the top, eyes staring. Trolls were the only Fae that iron didn’t affect, indeed an annoyance to the High Lords of each caste considering they were classed as the lowest of the Fae possible.

  Alice stepped off the bridge, making sure she stood in direct sunlight. “Why should I pay the toll when I haven’t crossed your bridge?”

  “Silly malefica, you always pay Muck.”


  “Muck myself.” He leant over an arm, bowing towards her. Well, as much as a bow as a creature with no bones could do.

  “Hello, Muck, nice bridge you have.” The troll slurped in response. “I don’t plan to cross your bridge, but I’ll pay the toll if you answer some questions for me?”

  “Questions?” His black eyes squinted in confusion.

  Great. An intellectually challenged troll. “Questions as in…erm, interrogo?”

  The troll smiled, showing a row of pointy nails along his jaw. His green skin swirled, melding into a calmer blue before hardening again. “Ask away mistress.”

  “Erm, okay.” She tugged her jacket in thought. “Who are the local shifters?”

  “Bestia leo.”


  “Yes.” Muck grinned even further, enjoying the game.

  “Any other local bestias?”

  “No local.” He paused for a moment, thinking. “Visitors.” He shook his head, sludge slopping across the floor. One bit reached her boot, the sludge sizzling before hardening in the sunlight. As subtle as possible she tried to dislodge it, but it was impossible.

  “What sort of visitors?”

  Muck smiled, showing even more teeth. “Toll.” He held out his hand, stretching as far as possible without coming into direct sunlight. Alice removed one of her gold stud earrings, trying not to touch his skin as she dropped the gold into his hand. “Gratias mistress.”

  “You shouldn’t be talking to the bridge dweller,” a new voice said from behind.

  Alice turned, watching the painfully thin man approach.

  “They will tell you anything for some gold.” The stranger stood a few feet away, his dirty blonde hair scruffy, his long stubble a shade darker.

  “HSSSSSSSS LEO.” Muck spat towards the man, the sludge barely reaching him as he gave a garbled growl. “Nec leo.” Muck braced his arms on the iron, sludge splitting into two legs as he absorbed the surrounding water, gaining mass.

  “Shit.” Alice stepped back, not wanting to be anywhere near Muck when he reached his full size. “Muck, look at me.” She waved her arms, trying to get his attention.

  “Aut tu præterieris.”

  He wasn’t listening.

  “Muck, what visitors?” She tried again, but his attention was completely on the man walking towards them.

  “I think you should step away from the…”

  Alice grabbed the stranger’s outstretched arm, twisting it behind his back.


  Alice knew the hold was painful, but it was hard to keep pressure with the height difference.

  She slowly stood on her tiptoes, whispering into his ear. “I don’t know who you are, but you shouldn’t touch me.” She put more weight on his bent elbow, getting her a hiss in return. With a last twist she released him, her eyes trained on his muscles, waiting to see if they tensed for an attack.

  Muck made a thunderous noise, his skin becoming a sickly green, head and shoulders taking up almost the entire space underneath the small bridge. Without taking her eyes off the lion she reached to her other ear and removed her remaining earring, tossing it at him. It bounced off his hardened skin, landing in the sun. He would have to wait until dark to claim it.

  “I don’t think he likes you,” she said to the tall man who held his arm protectively to his chest.

  “No.” A worried glance. “I’m Preston, from Sun Kiss. Coleman sent me.”

  “He did?” She felt her eyebrows rise, remembering from her research that Coleman Grant was the Pride Leader. How did he even know I was here?

  A nod. “He’s expecting you for dinner, if you would follow me I can take you…”

  “How did you know who I was?” she interrupted.

  “Mr Wild is at the manor…”

  He couldn’t possibly be calling the derelict house a manor? Surely she had the wrong place before.

  “He told us you would be here.” Preston looked at his watch. “We have to hurry, dinner will be ready soon and we can’t be late.” He shifted his eyes to look around the park, as if he was worried someone might overhear.

  “That didn’t answer my question,” she pushed him. “How did you know who I was?”

  “Mr Wild has a photograph of you in his wallet.”

  He does? Alice saved that information for later. “I’ll follow you in my car.”

  “NO!” A panicked look. “Cole was specific, I have to drive.”

  “No thanks, I can drive myself.” She folded her arms across her chest.

  “Please let me drive you.” The panic started to grow, his eyes darting around as he licked his dry lips.

  Guilt settled in her stomach. “What about a compromise? I’ll drive, but you can come in the passenger seat?”

  “I suppose… yes. That should be okay.” Open relief on his face.


  She guided him towards the car park, making sure he walked slightly in front.

  Lions were predators. Everything about this man, from the scruffiness of his clothes to the gauntness of his face suggested he was more prey.

  Chapter 17

  “Nice house,” Alice commented as she pulled into the same large driveway she was in earlier, the only difference was there were around six other cars along its edge. Car parked at the end she stepped out onto the stones, glancing up at the neglected house. It was just as bad as it was earlier, the darker sky not hiding any of the damages.

  Preston said nothing as he walked slowly towards the front of the house, or manor as he laughingly described it. The loose stones crunched beneath her shoes as she paused next to him, trying no
t to stare at the huge claw marks and cracks patterned along the inside of the columns. The large door opened at their approach, revealing a hollow cheeked young man dressed in a white shirt and slacks.

  “Preston,” the man greeted. His eyes roamed across her, taking in the black Chelsea boots, blue jeans and black t-shirt with ‘Sorry I’m late, but I didn’t want to be here’ written across it. Fitting really.

  Alice tried not to crack a smile, knowing she looked severely underdressed for a formal dinner.

  He sniffed as if unimpressed. “We’ve been expecting you.” He walked down the hallway, leaving the door open.

  The walls, which she tried not to gawk at as she followed the man, weren’t as bad as she would have guessed from the outside. The striped wallpaper looked freshly applied, albeit a bit badly and the paint was newly coated if she went by the strong smell.

  “If you would wait in here,” the nameless lion pointed into a room at the end of the hall. “My Pride Leader will join you shortly.”

  That wasn’t weird at all, she though as he left her alone.

  “Miss Skye.”

  She froze in the doorway, fisting her hands.

  Rex sat at the large tale, watching her with pure focus. She held his gaze, letting him know from the tension of her shoulders that she was beyond angry. He had recently shaved, his skin smooth enough to caress. His light brown hair had been pulled into a bun, a few strands framing his face. She wasn’t a fan of men with buns, yet she felt the strongest urge to stroke it, to paste her body against his like a dog in heat. She had never quite felt such a strange compulsion.

  “Nice of you to join us.” He stood, stalking towards her.

  Alice allowed her nails to cut into her hand, the pain stopping her from pulling him against her. “Nice scratches.” She stared at the trio of claw marks across his face, the wound already fading to a pale pink. “I wonder how you got them.”

  “You should have called me.” He barked out the words like bullets, his hand coming up to her jaw.


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