Witch's Sorrow: A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy (Alice Skye Series Book 1)

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Witch's Sorrow: A Witch Detective Urban Fantasy (Alice Skye Series Book 1) Page 26

by Taylor Aston White

  He released her as abruptly as he had grabbed her, his face contorting as he controlled himself. “You will kill someone unless you learn to control yourself.” His voice had dropped a few octaves, almost husky as he panted gently through his mouth. He stepped back, widening the space between them. “What are you?” he asked, no hint of humour in his voice.

  “What am I?” Her voice was weak, an intense calm coming over her. “What are you? You just…” She had no idea what he had just done. “Took my magic away?”

  His fists clenched as he ground his teeth. “How could you possibly hold that much chi and not know how to control it?” He mumbled something incoherently. “Touching you was like standing in a big fucking ley line.” She couldn’t feel ley lines so couldn’t compare, however, she once heard it was like sticking your finger into a power socket.

  Her pulse fluttered as she tried to remain calm, she couldn’t speak, couldn’t react. She felt drained as if he took something from her. Feeling suddenly too hot she pulled off her jacket, throwing it against the sofa where it missed and thudded to the ground. Riley’s eyes automatically appraised her, his once silver mirrored irises returning to normal.

  “Your eyes?” Those same eyes closed off, dark lashes coming down to hide.

  “We need to look at the object you found. Everything you have done up to this point is meaningless unless we figure something out. You’ll need something to tell your wolf...”

  “My wolf?” She felt the fevered skin on her face drain, replaced with an intense cold. “So you knew who hired me in the first place?” Of course he did, he knows fucking everything. Needing to think and put some space between them she bent to grab her coat, storming into her small kitchen to place the jacket down on a counter, staring at the bulge in the pocket.

  “What did you pick up?” he asked, his deep voice breaking the silence.

  “I don’t know,” she replied to the jacket. If he believed she was solely doing this for Rex she had an advantage, something he didn’t know.

  “Alice, we need to know what you found at the witch’s cabin.”

  "The necromancer," she corrected him.

  "Semantics. All witches can become necromancers. It's the magic they study that gives them the name."

  He was right but... still. Biting her tongue she answered. “I’m not sure what it is, I just picked it up and shoved it into a pocket.”

  “That’s the first sign of kleptomania you know.”

  “Funny.” She opened her pocket to reveal the rectangular object, staring at it intently. “It’s a book.”

  The book was reasonably small, only slightly larger than her palm with wraparound brown leather. What she assumed were either privacy or protection runes scratched around the corners, the leather turning to suede at the deepest points. Alice squinted at the symbols, not recognising the harsh lines. Turning it in her hands she eyed the clasp, an off-bronze latch with a small circular indent. Looking it over she couldn't tell how to open it.

  Pressing down onto the small indent she felt an intense cold, cold enough it stung her skin. With a small yelp, she dropped the book from her hands.

  Riley snatched it before it hit the floor. Sucking her finger into her mouth she narrowed her eyes as he examined the book himself, seeming unaffected by the intense cold.

  “It’s locked.”

  No shit, she smirked to herself before taking her still throbbing finger out of her mouth. “Can you open it?”

  “It’s locked by a Pandora charm.”

  “A what?” she asked, genuinely confused.

  “You know the story about Pandora’s box? A box that wasn’t supposed to be opened otherwise evil would reign down on earth. A Pandora charm literally stops people from opening things, such as chests, boxes, doors and in this case a book.” He slammed said book down onto the counter. “It’s attuned to blood.”

  "Blood?" Of course, because nothing is ever simple.

  "Well, can you open it?" she asked, watching the book intently on the counter.

  “Probably.” He crushed the palm of his hand to his face. “Without the specific blood needed it is hard. But I should be able to do it.” He caught her attention. “I’ll need to take it with me.” He reached forward.

  “NO.” She exploded from her position and knocked the book onto the floor. "It stays with me." She nudged the book with her foot, bringing it closer. She couldn’t trust him, she had no idea who he was, what he was capable of or how to find him again.

  “This is more important than your bloody contract,” he growled.

  Oh if he actually knew.

  “It. Stays. Here.”

  “Stubborn.” He unclenched his jaw. “Fine, at least let me void the tracking runes.” Tracking runes? Alice stared at the book on the floor. Who exactly was tracking it? Alice bit her lip at the thought.

  “Fine,” she grudgingly accepted. Bending down she hesitantly picked up the book, careful to not touch the clasp. “I'm sure you can do it in my kitchen.” Riley just glared with his unusual eyes.

  "All I need is salt and a container." Riley glanced around the small kitchen, picking up her bag of salt from the corner.

  "A container?" Reaching up to one of the top shelves she grabbed a Hello Kitty lunch box, smirking as she offered it to Riley.

  "It will do." He opened the obscenely pink lunch box, tossing the book inside before closing the latch. Without turning he poured salt onto a counter around the lunchbox. He started teasing the grains into what looked like a Celtic knot, but one that ended in points rather than curves.

  Alice stepped closer, watching the rune being drawn when she heard his voice whisper in a language she didn’t recognise. Stepping even closer she strained her ears. She decides it might be an adaption of Latin? Or maybe Gaelic?

  "Is it done?" she asked his shoulder.

  She went on her tiptoes to have a better look, never having seen anything like it. Her knowledge of tracking runes, admittedly lacking, was nothing like this. She reached her hand across, intending to see if she could feel anything coming from the salt when Riley grabbed her arm.

  "Don't touch it." He turned her away from the salt. "I haven't got time or the ingredients to void it so I have had to just block it. If you remove the box, the tracking runes will reignite. I don't think you really want whoever is tracking that book to find you in a... compromising position."

  "I wasn't going to touch it." She wasn't, probably.

  Riley broke into one of his smiles, the one that turned his face into something dangerous, highlighting his sharp cheekbones. She didn’t trust that smile at all.

  “Can I trust you not to try and open it without me?” He stepped towards her, crowding. She instinctively stepped back, right into one of the kitchen counters. He came further, caging her with his arms on each side. “Promise me you will not open the book.” His gaze was intense.

  “You said not to move the box.” She bit out the words, the events of the day wearing thin on her temper. “It’s just a book.”

  “If you try to open it the wrong way, you will ignite the Pandora charm.” He leant forward even further, making her bend to keep away. “It turns deadly.” He whispered the last part against her lips. Alice struggled to concentrate, the heat of him radiating against her as she felt the energy building within once again.

  His eyes reacted, slowly swirling, becoming mirrored, yet not. His own breath became laboured, mixing with hers as she struggled to control herself. The energy spiked, making her want to moan before she caught the noise.

  "ALICE?" A door slammed.

  Her eyes widened in panic at the interruption. She pushed against Riley, forcing him to step back, the cuts across his chest glowing through the fabric of his t-shirt.

  What the hell had just come over her?

  “Looks like your wolf is back,” Riley whispered a second before Rex appeared, his usual closed off face awash in anger.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Rex snarled, releasing his claws. />
  “How did you get in?” she retorted, her early anger renewing from the embarrassment of Rex walking in on her. But she wasn’t doing anything wrong? Was she?

  “She's mine,” Rex stated, ignoring Alice before trying to grab her. Only falling short when she quickly stepped away.

  “Rex. Stop it.” He wasn’t listening. “This is Riley, he's a friend.”

  Riley leant against the worktop, his body relaxed but his eyes hard.

  “He was helping me with research.”

  “She’s mine,” Rex groaned low in his throat, his eyes completely wolf. He shook his head like a dog, his teeth growing bigger inside his mouth, large canines protruding through his lips.

  Alice turned back to Riley. “I think you should go.”

  At the mention of his name, he looked down at her, his eyes holding the unusual silver gleam in them, something ancient and animalistic staring out of those silver irises. Blinking, they returned to his normal grey.

  “I don’t think you should be left alone with him.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  Riley hesitated before slowly nodding. “I will be back as soon as I can get the equipment.” With that he quickly left.

  “Oh, hey baby girl,” Sam walked through the partially open front door. “Why did I just walk past...?"

  A howl echoed through the flat.

  They turned to the kitchen where Rex paced in the small space.

  “Rex?” she asked again, concern and a question all in that one word. He snarled, spit spraying the room through his sharp teeth. Spinning he slammed his fist into the wall cabinet, a dent appearing around his hand.

  Closing her eyes, she breathed through her anger, not wanting the fire to build to uncontrollable proportions again.

  “Who the fuck is that?” he roared at her. Alice ignored him, continuing to just calm her temper with her eyes closed. “ALICE!”

  “I already told you,” she scowled, her tone like ice. “He’s just a friend.”

  “Bullshit.” His eyes were still an electric blue, his control fracturing, the wolf fighting for dominance.

  “Who the hell are you to talk to me like that?” She met his eyes.

  Sam tensed as he pulled them both down to their knees against the floor. “Be lower than his head,” Sam whispered against her ear. “If you are not lower, the wolf will presume you are challenging his authority.

  “But I’m a witch?” She didn’t have to follow the same rules as shifters.

  “He isn’t acting rational,” he said, worry underlying his tone. He caught her eye. He’s like a pup, how the fuck is he an Alpha?

  Alice shook her head. She didn’t know.

  “Who is that wolf?” Rex roared again.

  “Wolf?” she asked, confused but keeping her voice calm. “He isn’t a wolf.” The next roar shook the room.

  “He smells like one. A fucking predator in my territory.”

  He started to pace.

  Alice stayed on the floor, the tiles cold against her bare knees. Enough time later for her calves to cramp, Rex finally stopped pacing, his movements less edgy. Taking that as an indication he was calmer she stood, staring daggers at him. She had finally hit her limit.

  “What the fuck was that all about?” she seethed.

  “He was challenging me,” he replied matter-of-factly. As if that was a good enough reason to redecorate her kitchen.

  “He isn’t a wolf. He isn’t even a shifter.”

  “Is that what he told you?” He laughed, rage in the lines of his body.

  “Yes.” She barely got the word out before Rex was on her, his hand gripping as he crushed his mouth to hers, the force bruising.

  “You are mine,” he snarled, nostrils flaring. “You smell like him.” His voice went deeper. Electric blue swam across his irises as he kissed her again, a fang digging into her lip.

  "Rex, back off," Sam hissed beside them, his own cat reacting to the situation.

  She called for her aegis, not wanting Sam to make the situation worse. Her circle encased them, leaving Sam on the outside.

  “Get. Off. Me!” she snarled against his mouth. Challenge in his eyes he grabbed her hand, sucking one of her fingers into his mouth, his tongue rolling around the tip.

  She remained calm, watching the wolf tease across his features. She tuned out Sam’s snarling, his hand banging against the circle.

  “Are you finished?”

  “You work for me.” He put on his usual mask, and once again she found herself annoyed, yet amazed at his ability to control his emotions so fully.

  Copper filled her mouth.

  “Why was he here?”

  “He isn’t a shifter,” she carefully replied, not wanting to set him off again.

  “I know exactly what he is.” Rex leant forward as if he was going to kiss her again.

  “I think you should leave.” She stared into his eyes, showing him her anger.

  Rex stared back for a few seconds before turning away, facing the edge of her circle. “Miss Skye?”

  She reached to the side, fingers connecting to her aegis before her chi resonated back. Rex stood for a moment, facing the wall before he quietly walked past a seething Sam and out of their flat.

  “What the fuck was that about?” Sam quickly touched her face, checking her lip for any damage. Reaching for a paper towel he blotted the corner of her mouth, soaking up any excess blood.

  “I don’t know.” Why would Rex react like that?

  “Are we going to talk about the fact you left me outside the circle?” Sam threw the paper towel away.

  No. She shook her head.

  If he touches you again, I will kill him. Sam started to stroke her hair, purring gently in his chest.

  “Why was Riley here?” Sam asked.

  “Riley? You know Riley?” She leant back to look at his face. His eyes were slightly crazed, the leopard pacing.

  “Of course I know him, he’s the new owner of The Blood Bar.” He tilted his head to the side. “Did you not recognise him?” Sam walked out the kitchen, returning within moments with a magazine underneath his arm. “Look.”

  Alice scanned over the front, her pulse loud in her ears. "You have got to be joking."

  ‘London says hello to one of our top bachelors… Riley Storm.’

  “That’s Riley Storm.”

  He’s a fucking Storm? Holy shit.

  The Storm family was one of the most influential in London, owning a large chunk of the real estate. They casually touched elbows with high-end politicians and celebrities, one of those families that were just famous for having money. Looking down to the photograph Alice stared into Riley’s grey eyes, his face in open joy, laughing at something the photographer must have said. His dark hair was dishevelled as if he had just run his fingers through the strands. He was bent slightly at the waist, his white shirt open revealing a tanned chest, his tattoos peeking through the gap.

  ‘The Storms’ only son Riley has returned from his travels to learn the family trade.’

  Alice's eyes glazed as she read the article, confusion mixing with shock.

  Things have just gotten even more interesting.

  Chapter 28

  Alice paced in front of Dread's office, the rain battering against the large windows, aggravating her further.

  I’m in over my head.

  “You sound like an elephant stomping around like that,” Barbie tutted to herself, her attention on the emery board she was pushing across her nails.

  Alice decided to stomp even harder, continuing her course around the sitting area.

  “You should have made an appointment,” Barbie continued. “He’s a busy man you know.”

  “It’s an emergency.” Likely, probably, she wasn’t sure. Alice finally came to a chair, sitting down heavily. “I only need to speak to him quick.”

  “Yeah, well, he’s in an important meeting. You’ll have to wait.” She sniffed before turning away. “You could have just called

  Alice sighed, sinking further into the chair as she closed her eyes. She concentrated on breathing, in and out, the fire inside aggravated, reacting the more upset she became. She needed to purge, her chi overwhelming.

  But she was scared.

  How could she possibly hold as much chi as she was without just combusting? Riley had said it was like standing in a ley line, but surely he was being dramatic?

  She needed to speak to Dr Dave.

  “Thank you sir, you will not regret it,” a voice broke through her thoughts.

  “It has been a pleasure Michael. Don’t let me down.” Dread’s voice flowed through the sudden gap in his office door.

  “I won’t, sir.” Mickey swaggered out of the office, a grin from ear to ear that stretched even further once he noticed Alice.

  “Oh Alice babe, did you hear about my promotion?”

  “Promotion?” she echoed, eyebrows drawn together. She hadn’t heard about any promotions going?

  “I have been specifically chosen by The Council for some liaison work. They only wanted the best.”

  “Well Michael, everyone knows you’re the best,” Barbie added, pushing her breasts out as she leant over her desk. “You obviously deserved it.”

  Oh, ew. Alice tried to hide her disgust. “Congratulations Mickey, will you be away from the office for a while?” Please say yes.

  “Probably. I’m hoping to get my own office within The Council. Soon I might even be Commissioner.” He smirked, pushing a hand through his slicked back, greasy red hair. Alice wanted to laugh, Mickey the weasel would never have the balls to run The Tower, never mind actually being in the room with all the members of The Council at once. Alice had never met any of The Council, but had heard the rumours.

  Michael would probably piss himself, she mused to herself.

  “Fascinating stuff.” Alice leant forward so she could see Barbie, “Barbie can I go in now?”

  “Oh, whatever Alice, can’t you see I’m talking to Michael? You’re so rude.”


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