Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack Book 2)

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Wolf in Gucci Loafers (Tales of the Harker Pack Book 2) Page 10

by Tara Lain

  Lindsey jumped up from the bench. Oh damn, don’t overreact. Who knows how he feels today?

  “Hey, Jazz.” Seth walked into the shady cubicle and stuck out his hand.

  “Hey, Seth, great to see you again.”

  Seth’s gold eyes looked up at Lindsey. For a second he hesitated. Then he stepped over and kissed Lindsey on the cheek. Oh. My. God.

  “Wow!” Jazz rolled back on the straw. “You two are together. Cool, man.”

  Lindsey just stared. “Uh—”

  Seth cocked that smile. “Glad you approve. Am I in time for some juicy, greasy food?”

  Lindsey nodded, took a deep breath, and managed to get out, “Right on time.”

  Jazz jumped up, startling Chiron. The horse shied and the boy instantly soothed him. “Sorry, guy, I forgot myself. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

  Lindsey smiled. “Good lesson. I told you, you’re a natural.”

  Seth walked out of the stall and Jazz followed him, talking like a Chatty Cathy. “Guess what? Lindsey says he’s going to give me riding lessons. That is so dope.”

  Lindsey followed them. The boy waved his arms wildly and bounced as he walked.

  “And then I can learn to play polo and maybe even get to take care of Chiron and—” His steps faltered; he stumbled and fell to the brushed-dirt pathway.


  By the time Lindsey reached the boy, Seth was already cradling his head on the ground. Jazz’s eyes were open but his color had drained from his face. “What happened? How do you feel?”

  Jazz shook his head but frowned and stopped doing it. “Sorry. Feel like such a derp.”

  Lindsey put a hand on the kid’s head. Even though he looked icy, his head felt hot. “Those weren’t exactly the feelings I meant.”

  With Seth’s help, Jazz sat up. “It’s happened a couple times. The doc says it’s blood sugar. I’m growing so fast it’s hard to keep enough food in me.”

  Seth grinned. “Hey, we can fix that in a hurry.”

  Lindsey nodded and helped get Jazz back on his feet. The boy seemed better. Color flooded his face, and he started walking beside Seth toward the car park.

  Blood sugar. How many times had Lindsey heard that when he was growing up? Hmm.

  By the time he caught up, Jazz was dancing in the parking lot because Seth had invited him to ride the Ninja. “Can I, Lindsey? Is it okay?”

  He didn’t even want to think about how happy it made him to have Jazz ask. Like he was the boy’s dad or something. “I don’t know. You just passed out. If you get woozy on the motorcycle, it could be dangerous.”

  Jazz dug in his jeans pocket. “Wait. See.” He pulled out a mangled and ratty granola bar, ripped the wrapper, and sucked the pieces sticking to the inside. He chewed and swallowed. “See, all better.” He took another bite and grinned with his mouth full.

  Lindsey laughed. “Okay, I’m convinced. You’re riding with the police. What could be safer? Put on the helmet.” Seth fastened the extra helmet under Jazz’s chin. Clearly, he’d planned for this moment. That made Lindsey weirdly happy too. They might be too young to be Jazz’s parents, but the kid needed some men to guide him. Well, one man, one werewolf.

  He hopped in the Tesla and followed the two-men-on-a-bike all the way to the hamburger joint Jazz had picked from a list. Inside, they scooted into a back booth. They ordered burgers and fries with a milk shake for Jazz and iced tea for him and Seth.

  Jazz’s leg kept bouncing. Lindsey reached over and grabbed it. “We need to teach you to calm down. You’ll wear yourself out.”

  “Sorry. I’m just so hungry.”

  “Got it.” Lindsey flagged a waitress. “Will you bring us some rolls and butter or anything we can have fast? What about some of the cheese they use for the burgers.” He slipped a twenty from his pocket. “For your extra trouble. Please hurry.”

  “Oh, thank you. I’ll get it right away.”

  “Thanks, Linds.” Jazz pressed his palms together and held them between his bouncing knees.

  This was all too damned familiar.

  The waitress hurried back with both bread and cheese. Lindsey grabbed it and spread the cheese on the bread, squirted on a little mustard, and handed it to Jazz. The boy pushed it into his mouth, trying to smile and look polite at the same time. As he chewed, he sighed. It took three bites to consume the impromptu sandwich.

  Seth chuckled. “Man, you wolfed that down.”

  Interesting choice of words.

  Jazz nodded. “Sorry. I get so hungry, I feel like I’m falling apart. Especially when I’m excited.”

  Lindsey put a hand on his arm. “You have no need to be sorry, about this or any of the other things you keep apologizing for. If you do something to offend someone, Seth or I will tell you. Until then, no need to be sorry.”

  “Oh, sorry.” He clapped a hand over his mouth, but his eyes crinkled.

  “I know just how the starvation thing feels. I was the same way growing up.” Exactly the same way.

  “Really? None of the other guys seem quite like me. Must be the blood sugar thing.”

  The waitress arrived with their food, and Jazz’s eyes lit up like he hadn’t just eaten a cheese and mustard sandwich and an antique granola bar. He’d ordered his burger rare, and the blood ran on the edges of the plate. He tried really hard to keep his hands in his lap while Lindsey and Seth got their food.

  The second Lindsey picked up a fry, Jazz grabbed the burger and ripped a huge bite from it. A couple of little murmuring sounds escaped his throat as he chewed.

  Lindsey looked at Seth, who raised both eyebrows. Yes, that kind of hunger must seem weird to a human. Not to a wolf.

  Once Jazz slowed down, Seth said, “So you’re excited about the riding lessons?”

  “More than, man. I can’t wait to tell the other guys that this great polo champion is going to pay for me to have lessons. They don’t know shit—I mean, they don’t know anything about polo, but they sure like horses well enough.”

  Seth gazed at Lindsey. “Might be good to have your grandfather do the arrangements with the boy’s school. The state can be pretty weird about gay men and kids.”

  Lindsey nodded. “As if we were more inclined to be pedophiles than all the straight men out there abusing children. Still, it’s a good idea.”

  Jazz waved a french fry. “So what’s it like to be gay?” He glanced between Lindsey and Seth.

  Lindsey wiped his mouth with the edge of his paper napkin. “It’s hard to say. I’ve never been anything else. My family’s rich, and they’ve protected me to some degree. I’m a decent fighter, so I didn’t get abused as many boys do. What about you, Seth?”

  “I’ve kind of been both. I didn’t come out until college, so I know how differently people treat you when they know you’re gay. It’s crap.” He paused and frowned. “As if God created them but not you. As if you’re the work of the devil. There are places in the world where it’s perfectly legal to kill gay people. Imagine if you woke up one day and discovered it was okay to kill you because you have dark-brown hair. You’d run out and dye your hair blond and be desperate for no one to see the roots. Yeah. It’s crap being blamed for something you just are.” He looked up like he had just remembered they were there. “Sorry.”

  Jazz laughed. “Lindsey says you’re not supposed to say that.”

  Seth crooked his half smile. “Yeah.”

  Lindsey winced. Poor kid. If he is homo-curious, that should kill his desire to come out! “There are good things about being gay.”

  Jazz shoved the last bite in his mouth. “Yeah? What?”

  “Want another burger?”

  “Would that be okay?”

  “Of course.” He waved at the waitress, who scampered over. “May we have another very rare burger with lots of cheese?” He looked at Seth. “What about you?”

  “Apple pie would be good.”

  “Great. Please bring three apple pies as well.”

hen she left, Jazz leaned forward. “So what’s good? About being gay, I mean.”

  What the hell was good? “True love, for one thing.”

  Seth’s eyes widened. “What?”

  “Think about it. Men and women get together for various reasons. They’re expected to get married by their families or their church. Society offers married couples a lot of benefits. The woman gets preggers, or her biological clock is ticking and she wants a husband to get her preggers. It’s better to have two parents, because raising kids is hard. Stuff like that. For gay men, none of that stuff applies usually. If we’re going to be together, it’s by choice.” He looked down at his hands. “There are lots of reasons not to do it. Being a couple takes a lot of work, and society makes it even tougher by denying us rights. But some men take the risk and commit because they love each other. It’s really brave.” Really wonderful.

  He glanced up. The boy and the man both stared at him. Seth was blinking hard.

  The waitress brought the food and placed it on the table. She looked at them and hurried away.

  Jazz didn’t even grab his burger. “Wow.” He picked up his milk shake glass and sipped the last of the chocolaty mixture. “I’m pretty sure I’m gay.”

  So Seth was right. “Why do you think so?”

  He shrugged. “The guys always show me girlie pictures and shit—stuff. I don’t get it.”

  Seth took a bite of pie but looked very interested. “Not all guys like those big-boobed females. Maybe you like simpler girls. Girl next door.”

  Jazz chewed another bite thoughtfully. Swallowed. “Nah. I like girls as friends, but not much more.”

  “How do you feel about guys?”

  He grinned. “I like their asses.”

  Lindsey smiled. “That might be an indicator.”

  “I don’t tell anybody. Since I told the shrink, that is. I think he told everybody from child services. Shit, doctor/patient privilege, my ass.”

  Lindsey frowned. “Do you get harassed?”

  “No. The other kids think I’m straight. That lady you met kind of tries to pray away the gay on me, but no big organized effort.”

  “You’ll tell me if they bother you, right?”

  Jazz looked at him steadily; then he smiled like he had just gotten a present. “Yeah. I’ll tell you.”

  Lindsey reached in his pocket. “I got this for you so we can organize your lessons.” He handed him a phone.

  The kid’s smile got bigger. “You’re kidding?”

  “No. Not kidding. Don’t call China.” He smiled.

  The gold eyes got wider. “You mean I could?”

  “It’s a regular smartphone. You have an e-mail account? We’ll set it up so you can get e-mails if you want.”

  “I can text with it?”

  Lindsey laughed. “It’s a regular phone, Jazz. Do anything you want.”

  “Holy shit.” Suddenly his eyes filled with tears and he looked away.


  He shook his head.

  Seth put a hand on his arm. “Nobody ever give you anything before?”

  Jazz shook his head and kept staring at the wall.

  “Enjoy. You deserve it.”

  He finally seemed to get control of himself. “Thank you.”

  Lindsey put his hand on top of Seth’s. “You’re welcome. You’re really welcome.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lindsey pulled in to the garage. The rumble of the Kawasaki sounded behind him and he shivered. Good shivers. He turned off the car and got out in time to see Seth nestling the beloved motorcycle in the space between the two Teslas. They had dropped off Jazz. He’d ridden with Lindsey on the way back to the foster home where he lived, so no one would freak out about the motorcycle.

  Seth dismounted—a highly sexy maneuver all by itself—and walked over to Lindsey. He touched his face. “How you doin’?”

  “A little sad. Jazz doesn’t like the home where he lives, but he stays there because he’s been shuffled between so many foster families he’s got whiplash.”

  “Boys that age are hard to place. Men often resent them. Teenagers are tough even when you’re related to them.”

  “I wish I could take care of him.”

  Seth cocked his head. “That’s a huge statement. You’re what, twenty-five?”


  “You’re more the age of a brother than a father. And you’re a single, gay man.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “A very rich, single gay man. Sometimes, money talks.”

  “There is that.” He touched Lindsey’s cheek. “But don’t do anything rash. Help the kid. Give him lessons. He’s only got five more years in the system. He’s resilient. He’ll make it.”

  Lindsey shuddered. “I hate that he has to spend five more days.”

  “You’re really attached to Jazz.”

  “Yes. I don’t even understand it myself.”

  Seth grinned. “Some people would say you were related in a past life.”

  “Would you?”

  “Hell no. One life is plenty.” He laughed. “So do I get to see those clean sheets you promised?”

  Lindsey’s cock gave a huge leap. “Oh yes, kind sir. Follow me.”

  As they walked through the hall from the garage and into the reception area, Seth looked around. “You know, I’m not much for the stuff money can buy—”

  “Except for the Kawasaki.”

  “Yeah, except for that. But I like this house. It’s got a nice mix of old and new. For something seriously grand, it’s still pretty comfortable.”

  “Thank you. My grandparents have let me put some of my stamp on it.”

  “I would have guessed that.”

  Lindsey smiled. He was scared to breathe. How could things possibly be going this well for him? Of course, he had sex to maneuver once again. He’d been okay outdoors, where the event was kind of raw to begin with. In his suite, not so much. He didn’t want his bedroom to end up looking like a scene from Twilight.

  He led the way up the stairs. As they approached his suite, Seth put a hand on his back. “Hey, you look nervous. Are you?”

  He looked down at his loafers. “A little.”

  Seth coaxed his chin up with a finger. “I don’t seem to recall you’re the shrinking violet type.”

  “No.” He looked up. “That’s what I’m nervous about.”

  “Ah. You figure I may not let you get away with being so bossy in the bedroom.” He opened the door and pushed it in. With a bow, he waved Lindsey into the room. “I guess we’ll have to see, won’t we?”

  What would his wolfy side do if it was challenged? What he didn’t want to see was Seth get eaten! He walked into the room and stopped in the middle. Holy God, Seth was here. In his suite. Almost in his bed. It was like having a love life for the first time. Damned if he’d wreck it by worrying. Seth hadn’t seemed to mind his aggressive side last night. Maybe he’d be okay.

  He turned with a smile. Seth stood with his back against the closed door, looking sultry and mysterious.

  Lindsey giggled and then slapped a hand over his mouth. “I don’t believe I just made that sound.”

  Seth walked toward him slowly. “Really? I kind of liked it.”

  Lindsey stuck his hip out and propped a hand on it. “I thought you didn’t like any of my effeminate characteristics, Lieutenant.”

  Seth stopped and frowned. Damn, he should have kept his mouth shut. Seth shook his head. “I don’t, in theory. Or rather, I don’t usually like queens. But damn, just about the time I think I’m going to see you in a ball gown next, you turn around and out-alpha the alphas. You confuse me.” He reached down and cupped the very prominent bulge in his jeans. “But I must like being confused because man, you turn me the fuck on.”

  Lindsey felt breathless. “Usually, men who like my queenly side hate my aggressive streak, and the ones who like the athlete hate the queen.”

  “I’m not usual, baby. And I don’t want to see any of those u
sual guys hanging around you anymore.”

  “You don’t?” he squeaked. Yes, squeaked!

  Seth cleared the distance between them in two steps. He grabbed Lindsey and pulled him in close, staring into his eyes. Oh wow, the feeling of their cocks rubbing together through all that denim made conflagration a possibility. “You like that?” Seth was the one growling this time.

  Lindsey nodded. It was tough keeping his eyes open when his whole brain wanted to go live in his cock.

  Seth grabbed Lindsey’s ass and tightened the connection further. He nuzzled Lindsey’s ear. “I hear you like to top?”


  “I enjoy a good poke in the ass, but I like being the poker sometimes. What about you?”

  What about him? Hell, his brain was willing, but would the wolf take exception? “I don’t know.”

  Seth pulled back and stared at him. “You’ve never bottomed?”

  “Not since I was a boy.” A pup, more to the point.

  “Okay, I’ll bottom. I don’t care as long as I get to fuck you soon. I officially dreamed about this on my entire shift and kept having to hide my boner behind my desk.”

  “I love being the boner, darling.” Lindsey fluttered his lashes.

  Seth started to walk toward the bed.


  Seth stopped and looked over his shoulder.

  “I’ll bottom if I can be on top.” Lindsey snorted. “You know what I mean.” Then the wolf might not feel trapped.

  Seth grinned. “Sure. You just want another polo pony, right?”

  “Right.” That idea clearly made his cock ready for a chukker.

  Seth pulled off his brown leather jacket, which was not quite as amazing as the black one, but still very studly. He tossed it at the chair as he walked toward the bed. His powerful back muscles stretched the cotton of his long-sleeved T-shirt. With a grab, he pulled the T-shirt from his pants and up over his head in one move.

  Oh my God. His first view of Seth’s upper body. Lindsey swallowed. “Your skin certainly does a lovely job, darling.”

  Seth peered over his shoulder with a grin. “How’s that?”

  “Covering all those muscles.”

  Seth turned and ran a hand through the light smattering of fair hair covering his beautiful pecs. Oh sigh. “You approve?”


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