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by Peter Frankopan

39. Quoted in The Economist, “Western firms are coining it along China’s One Belt, One Road,” 3 August 2017.

  40. Goldman Sachs, “The Rise of China’s New Consumer Class” at​our-thinking/​macroeconomic-insights/​growth-of-china/​chinese-consumer/.

  41. Zhidong Li, Kokichi Ito and Ryoichi Komiyama, Energy Demand and Supply Outlook in China for 2030 and A Northeast Asian Energy Community—The automobile strategy and nuclear power strategy of China (2018).

  42. Robin Mills, “China’s Big Play for Middle East Oil,” Bloomberg, 10 May 2017; Elena Mazneva, Stephen Bierman and Javier Blas, “China Deepens Oil Ties With Russia in $9 Billion Rosneft Deal,” Bloomberg, 8 September 2017; Anthony Dipaola and Aibing Guo, “China’s CNPC pays $1.18 billion for concessions in Abu Dhabi,” World Oil, 21 March 2018.

  43. US Energy Information Administration, “China surpassed the United States as the world’s largest crude oil importer in 2017,” 5 February 2017.

  44. Reuters, “Kazakhstan to produce nuclear fuel for China,” 26 May 2017.

  45. Fred Gale, James Hansen and Michael Jewison, China’s Growing Demand for Agricultural Imports, US Department of Agriculture, (2014), pp. 11–12.

  46. China Water Risk, “North China Plain Groundwater,” statement, 26 February 2013.

  47. South China Morning Post, “Air quality worsening in China’s Yangtze River Delta in 2018, figures show,” 23 May 2018.

  48. Li Gao, “Greening Chinese Patent Law to Incentivize Green Technology Innovation in China,” in Yahong Li, The Role of Patents in China’s Industrial Innovation (Cambridge, 2017), pp. 79–105.

  49. See, for example, Xinhua, “President vows vast battle with pollution,” 19 May 2018.

  50. International Monetary Fund, Press release 18/200, “IMF Staff Completes 2018 Article IV Mission to China,” 29 May 2018.

  51. Yan Chunlin, “Visible and invisible hand in creating and reducing overcapacity,” in Scott Kennedy (ed.), State and Market in Contemporary China: Toward the 13th Five-Year Plan (Lanham, 2016), pp. 30–32; Peter Ferdinand, “Westward ho—The China dream and ‘one belt, one road’: Chinese foreign policy under Xi Jinping,” International Affairs 92.4 (2016), pp. 941–57.

  52. Andrei Kirillov, “В Казахстане регулярно говорят о некачественном ремонте дорог,” Kapital, 26 June 2014.

  53. Asian Development Bank, Meeting Asia’s Infrastructure Needs (2017).

  54. ICE, PeopleResearch on India’s Consumer Economy, 360° survey 2016.

  55. Tom Hancock, “US fast food chains chase growth in small-town China,” Financial Times, 18 October 2017; Salvatore Babones, “China’s middle class is pulling up the ladder behind slowly,” Foreign Policy, 1 February 2018.

  56. Tom Hancock and Wang Xueqiao, “China’s smaller cities compete to increase population,” Financial Times, 20 July 2018.

  57. Zhao Lei, “Xinjiang’s GDP growth beats the national average,” China Daily, 20 October 2017; Frank Tang, “Xinjiang halts all government projects as crackdown on debt gets serious,” South China Morning Post, 4 April 2018.

  58. Joseph Hope, “Returning Uighur Fighter and China’s National Security Dilemma,” China Brief 18(13), 25 July 2018.

  59. Emily Feng, “Crackdown in Xinjiang: Where have all the people gone?” Financial Times, 5 August 2018.

  60. Nectar Gan, “Ban on beards and veils—China’s Xinjiang passes law to curb ‘religious extremism,’ ” South China Morning Post, 30 March 2017.

  61. The Economist, “China has turned Xinjiang into a police state like no other,” 3 May 2018; Stephanie Nebehay, “UN says it has credible reports that China holds million Uighurs in secret camps,” Reuters, 10 August 2018. For re-education camps, see Radio Free Asia, “Around 120,000 Uyghurs Detained For Political Re-Education in Xinjiang’s Kashgar Prefecture,” 22 January 2018.

  62. Feng, “Crackdown in Xinjiang,” op. cit.

  63. Human Rights Watch, “Eradicating Ideological Viruses.” China’s Campaign of Repression against Xinjiang’s Muslims (London, 2018).

  64. Weida Li, “Beijing responds to Xinjiang policy criticism, blames ‘anti-China forces,’ ” GB Times, 14 August 2018.

  65. Associated Press, “China to UN panel: No arbitrary detention in Uighur region,” 13 August 2018.

  66. Radio Free Asia, “Xinjiang Political ‘Re-Education Camps’ Treat Uyghurs ‘Infected by Religious Extremism,’ ” CCP Youth League, 8 August 2018.

  67. Zhang Hui, “Xinjiang City Urges Terrorists to Turn Themselves In Within 30 Days,” Global Times, 19 November 2018.

  68. Philip Wen and Olzhas Auyezov, “Tracking China’s Muslim Gulag,” Reuters, 29 November 2018.

  69. Xinhua, “President Xi vows intense pressure on terrorism,” 27 June 2014.

  70. Reuters, “China stages another mass anti-terror rally in Xinjiang,” 19 February 2017.

  71. Adrian Zenz and James Liebold, “Chen Quanguo: The Strongman Behind Beijing’s Securitization Strategy in Tibet and Xinjiang,” China Brief 17(12), 21 September 2017.

  72. Abdullo Ashurov, “Аз донишҷӯёни тоҷик дар Чин хостанд, рӯза нагиранд,” Radioi Ozodi, 9 June 2018.

  73. Nurtai Lakhanuly, “Это было как в аду.” Рассказы побывавших в китайских лагеря,” Radio Azattyk, 23 May 2018. Also see Bruce Pannier, “China’s New Security Concern—The Kazakhs,” Qishloq Ovozi, 8 August 2017.

  74. Xinhua, “Xi calls for building ‘great wall of iron’ for Xinjiang’s stability,” 10 March 2017.

  75. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, “Chairs Urge Ambassador Branstad to Prioritize Mass Detention of Uyghurs, Including Family Members of Radio Free Asia Employees,” 3 April 2018.

  76. See, for example, Franz J. Marty, “The curious case of Chinese troops on Afghan soil,” Central Asia-Caucasus Analyst, 3 February 2017.

  77. Paul Goble, “What Is China’s Military Doing on the Afghan-Tajik Border?,” Eurasia Daily Monitor 15(20), 8 February 2018.

  78. Farhan Bokhari, Kiran Stacey and Emily Feng, “China courted Afghan Taliban in secret meetings,” Financial Times, 8 August 2018.

  79. Reuters, “Pakistan scrambles to protect China’s ‘Silk Road’ pioneers,” 11 June 2017.

  80. Permanent Court of Arbitration, “The South China Sea Arbitration (The Republic of Philippines v. The People’s Republic of China),” 12 July 2016,​web/​view/​7.

  81. Richard A. Bitzinger, “China’s Plan to Conquer the South China Sea Is Now Clear,” The National Interest, 10 May 2018.

  82. Vu Huang, “Vietnam asks China to end bombers drills in Paracels,” VnExpress, 31 May 2018.

  83. Manuel Mogato, “Philippines takes ‘appropriate action’ over Chinese bomber in disputed South China Sea,” Reuters, 21 May 2018.

  84. US Department of Defense, “Remarks by Secretary Hagel at plenary session at International Institute for Strategic Studies Shangri-La Dialogue,” 31 May 2014.

  85. Ankit Panda, “How Much Trade Transits the South China Sea? Not $5.3 Trillion a Year,” The Diplomat, 7 August 2017.

  86. China Power, “How much trade transits the South China Sea?” 2 August 2017.

  87. Tanker Shipping & Trade, “China looks beyond the Middle East for its crude oil fix,” 29 August 2017.

  88. See, for example, Ian Storey, “China’s ‘Malacca Dilemma,’ ” China Brief 6(8), 12 April 2006.

  89. Japan Times, “China-Japan maritime crisis would undermine ‘Belt and Road’ initiative: PLA document,” 23 September 2018.

  90. Japan Times, “Japan developing supersonic glide bombs to defend Senkaku Islands,” 25 September 2018.

  91. Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Global Shan
ghai, 1850–2010: A History in Fragments (London, 2009), p. 1.

  92. For example, James A. Millward, “Is China a colonial power?” New York Times, 4 May 2018.

  93. Keith Johnson, “Why is China Buying Up Europe’s Ports?,” Foreign Policy, 2 February 2018.

  94. Seatrade Maritime News, “Cosco reveals $620m Piraeus development plan,” 29 January 2018.

  95. For OOCL, see Costas Paris, “China’s Cosco Agrees to Buy Shipping Rival OOCL,” Wall Street Journal, 8 July 2017.

  96. Janet Eom, “ ‘China Inc.’ Becomes China the Builder in Africa,” The Diplomat, 29 September 2016.

  97. David Dollar, “China’s engagement with Africa. From Natural Resources to Human Resources,” John L. Thornton Center at Brookings (2016).

  98. Xinhua, “Full text of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s speech at opening ceremony of 2018 FOCAC Beijing summit,” 4 September 2018.

  99. Yusuf Alli, “Obasanjo urges African leaders to ensure peace,” The Nation, 28 June 2018.

  100. Rogerio Jelmayer, “Chinese investment, loans to LatAm staying high,” BN Americas, 25 June 2018.

  101. TeleSur, “China Approves US$5Bn Loan For Venezuelan Oil Development,” 3 July 2018. For inflation in Venezuela, see Reuters, “Venezuela’s hyperinflation soars to 24,572 percent,” 12 June 2018.

  102. América Economica, “Venezuela recibirá US$250M del Banco de Desarrollo de China para impulsar producción de crudo,” 4 July 2018.

  103. Haley Zaremba, “Maduro looks to China for a bailout,”, 23 September 2018.

  104. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, “China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean (full text),” 5 November 2008; Carlos Torres and Randy Woods, “China Is Boosting Ties in Latin America: Trump Should Be Worried,” Bloomberg, 3 January 2018.

  105. People’s Daily, 习近平致信祝贺中国—拉美和加勒比国家 共同体论坛第二届部长级会议开幕, 23 January 2018.

  106. Digital Belt and Road Program (DBAR), Science Plan. An International Science Program for the Sustainable Development of the Belt and Road Region Using Big Earth Data (2017), p. 2.

  107. Hillman, “How Big Is China’s Belt and Road?,” op. cit..

  108. See, for example, Fernando Ascensão et al, “Environmental challenges for the Belt and Road Initiative,” Nature Sustainability 1 (2018), pp. 206–9.

  109. Leo Timm, “The Authoritarian Model Behind China’s ‘One Belt, One Road,’ ” Epoch Times, 21 May 2018.

  110. Jonathan E. Hillman, “China’s Belt and Road is Full Of Holes,” Center for Strategic and International Studies, 4 September 2018.

  111. Joseph S. Nye, “Xi Jinping’s Marco Polo Strategy,” Project Syndicate, 12 June 2017; Sarah McGregor, “China Boosts Its US Treasuries Holdings by Most in Six Months,” Bloomberg, 18 April 2018.

  112. James Kynge, “How the Silk Road plans will be financed,” Financial Times, 9 May 2016.

  113. Testimony by Jonathan Hillman, Statement Before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 25 January 2018.

  114. Quoted by Mark Magnier and Chun Han Wang, “China’s Silk Road Initiative Sows European Discomfort,” Wall Street Journal, 15 May 2017.

  115. US Department of State, “Remarks—Secretary of State Rex Tillerson On US-Africa Relations: A New Framework,” 6 March 2018.

  116. Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in the Republic of Zimbabwe, “All-weather Friendship between China and Zimbabwe Beats the Slander,” 26 May 2016.

  117. For Mugabe’s fortune, see Wikileaks, “Assets of President Mugabe and Senior Goz and ruling party leaders,” 29 August 2001. For Grace Mugabe’s Ph.D., see News24, “Grace Mugabe’s PhD the greatest academic fraud in history: academics,” 3 February 2018. For China’s role, see Simon Tisdall, “Zimbabwe: was Mugabe’s fall as a result of China flexing its muscle?,” Guardian, 21 November 2017.

  118. Xinhua, “Xi announces 10 major programs to boost China-Africa cooperation in coming 3 years,” 4 December 2015.

  119. Victoria Breeze and Nathan Moore, “China has overtaken the US and UK as the top destination for anglophone African students,” Quartz, 30 June 2017.

  120. James Carey, “Tired of US ‘Aid’ (Exploitation), Africa and Global South Look to China,” Mint Press News, 18 January 2018.

  121. Howard French, “From Quarantine to Appeasement,” Foreign Policy, 20 May 2015.

  122. Colum Lynch, “Genocide Under Our Watch,” Foreign Policy, 18 April 2015.

  123. Amitav Acharya, “Asia after the liberal international order,” East Asia Quarterly 10.2 (2018).

  124. David Pilling and Adrienne Klasa, “Kenya president urges rebalance of China-Africa trade,” Financial Times, 14 May 2017.

  125. Business Day, Kenya’s Nairobi–Mombasa highway faces delays as legislators fret over debt,” 12 April 2018.

  126. David G. Landry, “The Risks and Rewards of Resource-for-Infrastructure deals; Lessons from the Congo’s Sicomines Agreement,” China Africa Research Initiative, Working Paper 16 (May 2018).

  127. David G. Landry, “The Belt and Road Bubble is starting to burst,” Foreign Policy, 27 June 2018.

  128. Center for Global Development, Examining the Debt Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative from a Policy Perspective, CGD Policy Paper 121 (2018).

  129. Charles Clover, “IMF’s Lagarde warns China on ‘Belt and Road’ debt,” Financial Times,12 April 2018.

  130. Alexander Sodiqov, “Tajikistan Cedes Disputed Land to China,” Eurasia Daily Monitor, 24 January 2011.

  131. Jeffrey Reeves, Chinese Foreign Relations with Weak Peripheral States. Assymetrical economic power and Insecurity (London, 2016), pp. 78ff.

  132. John Hurley, Scott Morris and Gailyn Portelance, “Examining the Debt Implications of the Belt and Road Initiative from a Policy Perspective,” Center for Global Development Policy Paper 121 (March 2018), p. 17; also see IMF, “Lao People’s Democratic Republic. 2017 Article IV Consultation,” March 2018.

  133. Joaquim José Reis, “Mais de metade da dívida ao estrangeiro é à China, a quem cada angolano já deve 754 USD,” Expansāo, 11 May 2018. For Angola’s per capita income, see​country/​Angola.

  134. Tatyana Kudryavtseva, “State debt of Kyrgyzstan reaches $703 per each resident,”, 11 April 2018; World Bank, GDP per capita (current US$), Kyrgyzstan.

  135. Nurjamal Djanibekova, “Kyrgyzstan: Power plant blame game threatens political showdown,” Eurasianet, 18 May 2018.

  136. P. K. Vasudeva, “Sri Lanka’s Handing Over Hambantota Port to China has Enormous Ramifications,” Indian Defense Review, 30 January 2018.

  137. Gulf News, “No more flights from Sri Lanka’s second airport,” 6 June 2018.

  138. NewsIn.Asia, “Mattala airport in south Sri Lanka may help India strengthen links with ASEAN,” 17 August 2017.

  139. Times of India, “Arun Jaitley’s remark on ‘One Belt, One Road’ shows unease in ties with China,” 8 May 2017.

  140. Ministry of External Affairs, India, “Official spokesperson’s response to query on participation of India in OBOR/BRI Forum,” 13 May 2017.

  141. Indrani Bagchi, “India slams China’s One Belt One Road initiative, says it violates sovereignty,” Times of India, 14 May 2017.

  142. Zhong Nan, “World loves belt and braces approach,” China Daily, 15 May 2017.

  143. Zhang Xin, “Indian Ambassador to China optimistic about future of bilateral relations,” Global Times, 25 January 2018.

  144. Liaqat Ali et al., “The potential socio-economic impact of China Pakistan Economic Corridor,” Asian Development Policy Review 5.4 (2017), pp. 191–8.

  145. Ankit Panda, “Geography’s Curse: India’s Vulnerable ‘Chicken’s Neck,’ ” T
he Diplomat, 8 November 2013.

  146. India Today, “Full-scale India-China war likely soon, Washington will back New Delhi: Meghnad Desai,” 5 August 2017.

  147. The Hindu, “Army prepared for a two and a half front war: General Rawat,” 8 June 2017.

  148. See Frankopan, Silk Roads, pp. 294ff and above all Christopher Clark, The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 (London, 2012).

  149. First Post, “Pakistan seals $5 billion deal to buy eight Chinese attack submarines,” 31 August 2016.

  150. Christopher Clary and Ankit Panda, “Safer at Sea? Pakistan’s Sea-Based Deterrent and Nuclear Weapons Security,” Washington Quarterly 40(3) (2017), pp. 149–68.

  151. Asian News International, “Chinese navy ships in Gwadar a concern: Indian Navy Chief,” 1 December 2017.

  152. Yuji Kuronuma, “Maldives lifts state of emergency, defusing China-India tensions,” Nikkei Asian Review, 23 March 2018.

  153. Manu Pubby, “No confrontation or warning shots at Chinese warships near Maldives: Indian Navy,” The Print, 28 March 2018.

  154. Brahma Chellaney, “India’s Choice in the Maldives,” Project Syndicate, 19 February 2018.

  155. Ai Jun, “Unauthorized military intervention in Malé must be stopped,” Global Times, 12 February 2018.

  156. Saurav Jha, “Successful Pre-Induction Trial of India’s Agni-V Intercontinental Ballistic Missile Takes It Closer to Deployment,” Delhi Defence Review, 18 January 2018.

  157. Yin Han, “India naval exercises inflame tensions with China, expand potential conflict from land to sea: observers,” Global Times, 26 February 2018.

  158. The Economist, “Australia is edgy about China’s growing presence on its doorstep,” 20 April 2018.

  159. Catherine Graue and Stephen Dziedzic, “Federal Minister Concetta Fierravanti-Wells accuses China of funding ‘roads that go nowhere,’ ” ABC News, 10 January 2018.

  160. David Wroe, “Australia takes over Solomon Islands internet cable amid spies’ concerns about China,” Sydney Morning Herald, 25 January 2018; prime minister of Australia, media release, “Australia and France sign future submarine inter-governmental agreement,” 20 December 2016.


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