The Misplaced Man: Who is in charge of his destiny?

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The Misplaced Man: Who is in charge of his destiny? Page 8

by Nick James

Chapter 18

  Tuesday, 18 February 2020

  Stuart Goddard

  Here we were again, that bloody woman. I headed into the bank and towards the two blondes behind the reception desk.

  ‘Ah, Mr Goddard, welcome back,’ said one of them with a slightly strange smile on her face.

  ‘Er…thank you,’ I uttered, trying to give her a smile that showed the confidence I seemed to be lacking. ‘I have an appointment with Miss Li.’

  The woman nodded. ‘Yes, sir, they are expecting you. They’re in meeting room two on the fifth floor,’ she said and pointed to the lift.

  I frowned. ‘They?’ I looked at the email from Jones. ‘I was meant to meet only with Miss Li?’

  ‘I’m afraid I couldn’t say, sir, but you’d better hurry. Bunny doesn’t like to be kept waiting,’ she replied.

  I hit the tiles trying to make sure I wasn’t late. When I made it to room two on the fifth floor as instructed, I was met by a young, hot-looking secretary. That’s when I noticed that everybody looked impeccable. As a result, I felt underdressed in my cheap suit bought from the supermarket.

  ‘In here, sir,’ said the secretary, and then she opened the door to the meeting room.

  I took a deep breath and walked in. There sat Miss Li between an older Chinese gentleman maybe in his fifties and an Englishman also about the same age.

  ‘Good morning, Mr Goddard,’ said the Englishman. ‘My name is Andrew Golden. I’m the bank’s in-house counsel and my friend here Mr Chow is Miss Li’s boss,’ Andrew explained.

  I responded with a friendly, ‘Good morning,’ and then sat down after he offered me a seat.

  ‘Thank you for seeing me again, Miss Li, but I thought this meeting would just be the two of us,’ I said politely as I pulled out my pad and pen.

  She didn’t even blink as I addressed her; instead, the lawyer took the lead.

  ‘Well, we take security very seriously. So, after the debacle of your last meeting, we thought we would tag along to see fair play,’ the in-house counsel said happily.

  I noticed that both Miss Li and her boss remained stony-faced. ‘I understand, and please accept my apologies for last time, Miss Li.’ I received a curt nod in response. ‘Okay, let’s get started. You are Bunny Li and you are Sam Blades’ partner?’


  ‘Do you have a middle name?’ I asked politely with a smile.


  This is going well, my mind moaned. ‘And you live in Barking with Sam?’

  ‘With Mr Blades, yes I do,’ she said coldly.

  I rubbed my forehead. ‘May I ask your parents’ names?’ I requested. This was like pulling fucking teeth!

  ‘Yes, Mr and Mrs Li,’ Bunny replied.

  I huffed, which made the three people opposite harden their faces again. ‘Full names, please?’ I pushed.

  ‘Well, I call them Mum and Dad,’ said Miss Li.

  My luck is just shit. ‘But what are their Christian names, please?’

  Bunny raised an eyebrow. ‘They are not Christians, Mr Goddard. Are we done yet? We all have work to do,’ she said, ice forming on every word.

  The room seemed to be closing in. ‘No, I’m afraid we have a long way to go,’ I answered curtly. My patience was running thin, too.

  ‘Now, listen here, Mr Goddard, my parents are nothing to do with this. I am only his girlfriend, but one day I will be his wife and, on that day, you can ask me about my family, but until that most happiest of days, please keep your questions about me,’ she spat, making the two men lean away from her.

  I leant forward. ‘This is an in-depth security check on your boyfriend, and there are questions that we need answered,’ I demanded.

  ‘I see. Is that why you threatened Mr Blades yesterday?’ she growled angrily leaning forward herself. ‘Oh yes, we talk, Mr Goddard. I tell you one thing, threaten my boyfriend or myself again and we shall come after you and your little company.’

  I gave out a mocking laugh. ‘Little?! We are growing year on year,’ I replied, laughing as hard as I could in retaliation for her cheek.

  Suddenly, Mr Chow leant forward. ‘And we are your bankers, Mr Goddard. Our security checks are better than yours. Not only does Miss Li work here as my PA and confidant, but I have met Mr Blades and carried out our own stringent checks. Both passed with flying colours,’ he announced angrily.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mr Chow, I didn’t mean to imply—’

  ‘Mr Goddard, we are done here. If there is anything more, you will need to email myself,’ interrupted the lawyer before passing me a business card. ‘Good day, Mr Goddard.’

  They all stood up and walked out. Miss Li looked directly at me sneering until the door closed behind them.

  I hope I never see that bitch again, I murmured.

  I made my way out of the godforsaken building and out into the busy streets. Somehow, I made it back to the tube station. As I sat on the rocking train, my thoughts went back to the meeting. I hoped it was all a bad dream.

  When I made it back to the office, I was ushered straight into my boss’s office. It was not a fun meeting. I was shouted at by Jones because he and the CEO had received emails and phone calls from the lawyers and president of Miss Li’s bank. They expressed their displeasure at how we go about our business.

  My boss looked over at me. ‘Go home, Stuart. We’ll start afresh tomorrow.’ He took a shot of whisky and passed me one before refilling his. ‘Just keep watching Blades for us.’

  ‘Will do, sir, all the time.’ I downed my drink and headed out and home while trying to ignore the smirks of my so-called work colleagues.

  I walked straight to The Slop Bucket for a drink, and then headed home to end this horseshit day.

  I hate you, Sam Blades.

  Chapter 19

  Thursday, 26 March 2020

  Michael McAllister

  Another fucking meeting. Same people except for a very angry man by the name of Goddard.

  ‘So, we have watched Mr Blades at home and work, and we have traced every email and phone call. What do we have to show for it, gentleman?’ Charles Madison asked his subordinates.

  Albert Kettering checked the file in his hand. ‘Well, he calls his in-laws “Mum” and “Dad” only, as his girlfriend stated. He enjoys eighties music and films way too much,’ he said and flicked a few more pages. ‘His work record is good. He’s well liked in his group. They have drinks after work each night, but only one.’

  ‘What about his girlfriend?’ John Jones asked.

  Kettering shrugged. ‘About the same. They don’t go out much; they seem to enjoy each other’s company. Mr Blades gives a busker money every day for some strange reason,’ he stated.

  The CEO frowned. ‘Why strange, Albert?’

  ‘Because he’s shit.’ The bald man chuckled.

  I fought a yawn. ‘Anything else? What about his online habits?’ I asked, hoping he was into some sick shit just to perk this meeting up a bit.

  ‘Nothing really. Auction sites, the normal one you and I buy from. He has a taste for fan fiction, but no inappropriate stuff,’ replied the external security director. ‘His girlfriend has a thing for role playing, whether he’s been good or bad.’ He chuckled, and then finally closed the file. ‘Less screams when he’s been good,’ he concluded, making everyone laugh apart from the Goddard bloke.

  Once again, Charles stood up and looked through the window. ‘Okay, let’s rein in the checks. Take off the home stuff and just continue to monitor the work PC, for now.’

  ‘Yes, sir,’ we all said. Everyone stood up and headed towards the door.

  ‘Albert, Stuart, a word, if you please?’ said the CEO, who then smiled at me as I left.

  I caught up with Jones. ‘What’s that about?’ I asked quietly.

  ‘Not a clue, Mike. Keep your head down and let them have their secrets,’ John advised and strode off to his office.

  My phone buzzed making me jump. I opened it and read the message: Limping Drag
on 7pm, party time, Tiger and Q. Well, duty calls. I’m only human, after all.

  Chapter 20

  Stuart Goddard

  ‘Right, gentlemen, I’ll make this short. You’ve both fucked up this Blades thing,’ Charles Madison said angrily to Albert and myself. ‘There’s still so much uncertainty about this, and you haven’t removed that uncertainty. Why haven’t we reached the point where we can say either yes he’s involved or no he’s not?’

  Albert and I looked at each other.

  Before we could respond, Charles continued, ‘Go and make the fucker talk. Hurt him if you have to, but find out one way or the other.’

  Albert gave a big sigh. ‘No problem. We’ll try and get him to provide us with some dreams by threatening that we’ll hurt his girlfriend. That should make him spill it,’ he said.

  ‘But he can’t know it’s us. Just give him a push,’ the CEO said worriedly while rethinking his actions.

  ‘I’ll do it tomorrow. His girlfriend always stays at work later on a Friday,’ I said. It was the day I had been waiting for. The piss-taking had gone viral since the second meeting with that bitch. I’ll make them pay.

  Both men looked at me.

  ‘I’ve been tracking them. I know they’re dirty; we just need him to crack,’ I explained with a smile.

  Worried looks flashed across their faces, but I could see the cogs turning in their heads. If it went wrong, they could present it as a one-man vendetta against a man he was known to hate. It was a win-win for them.

  The CEO nodded. ‘Get it done!’

  Chapter 21

  Friday, 27 March 2020

  Stuart Goddard

  This was the day that bastard and his bitch were going to get it. ‘No killing,’ they’d said. ‘Fuck that,’ I spat, cradling my new purchase.

  It was a .22 pistol with silencer. I bought it from some bloke called Tiger. He said it was perfect for quiet work, but I had to make sure I was close because it was a small bullet.

  It was too easy to break into that shithole of a flat. Although, my trainers will always smell of piss – fucking lift. I was given their door key by Kettering. His man had taken a copy so they could put listening devices and bugging software on their laptops.

  The flat was dark and quiet. The only noise was the fridge and a fish splashing about in a tank on the sideboard. I hid in the main bathroom just off the hall and waited. I made sure the gun had a bullet in the chamber.

  The door opened and a light flashed on. I could hear the dick singing and dancing all the way down the hall. I crept out behind him. He suddenly spun around singing, so I twatted him with the gun, making him drop like a rock. I saw the little clown fish look at me.

  ‘Fuck off!’ I spat at the fish, and then gave Blades a few kicks.

  When Blades came to, it was then that I knew I should have just shot him straight away. He was a fucking idiot. Every question I asked, he came back with a stupid answer. It was like he didn’t care. Finally, I’d had enough. One in the back of the head, you annoying prick, I thought and pressed the gun against his neck. I clicked off the safety; with one squeeze of the trigger my life would be a hundred times better.

  Chapter 22

  Bunny Li

  I felt bad for winding up that bloke at Sam’s work. I know he gave him a mouthful yesterday about something. As an apology, I came home early and put on my Hogwarts uniform with all the lights off. I then waited for the man I love to come home. At some point, Cho Chang, the lazy cow, fell asleep. I jumped awake as I heard a strange man talking in our flat. Sam was winding the bloke up, as usual.

  I slipped off my heels and managed to open the door slowly. Some prick was holding a gun to Sam’s head. You are fucking dead, I thought.

  ‘Weapon, weapon, weapon,’ I muttered quietly. I scoured the bedroom quickly trying to find something that would suit the situation. I saw my whip hanging on the wall. I muffled a laugh. In a split second, I imagined striding out donned in my catsuit and heels with my cape blowing in the breeze as I dispensed justice on Mr Whippy. Call me insane if you want, but Sam loves me.

  My eyes then locked on to Sam’s Christmas present. It might make a mess, but I’m sure Sam would help me clean up. I took the sword out of its case. It was lucky that only I had the key; Sam couldn’t be trusted with such things. Then again, perhaps neither should I given the butter knife incident. But the way he welcomed me back the next week meant we would be together forever.

  ‘Right, let’s kill this prick,’ I whispered.

  I gently opened the door. The man was now standing behind Sam with the gun at my darling’s neck. They were both facing the window. Luckily, the twat was focusing on Sam so much that he didn’t seem to register me creeping out from his right. I still wasn’t sure what to do with the sword, but I knew I had to save my Sam. There was no one in the world like him.

  I almost burst into laughter when he said that I’d be mad about the mess on the carpet if he shot him. I do love that man of mine.

  So, with all my energy, I thrust the blade into his back where I thought his black heart would be. I could feel the hot blood flow onto my hands and my once clean carpet.

  He fell to the ground; the rug muffled the sound of his body hitting the floor.

  I leant over Sam’s shoulder. ‘What have you got yourself into…round eye?’ I whispered, placing a kiss on his ear.

  ‘Fuckkkkkkkk! I love you, Bunny,’ said Sam as I placed another kiss on his cheek.

  ‘You have a lot of cleaning up to do, my love,’ I said, walking away to throw up. The last thing I heard was my husband-to-be kicking the shit out of the body.

  The End

  The sequel Chasing the Dragon will available in 2019.




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