Hack: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates Book 1)

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Hack: A LitRPG Novel (Tower of Gates Book 1) Page 24

by Paul Bellow

  To my surprise, he stepped forward before throwing his arms around our priest and giving him yet another hug.

  “You knew I’d be back,” Benji said in a strange accent.

  I glanced over at Sarah then back at Captain Riggard.

  “And who are these two?” he asked.

  “We may look like riff-raff,” I said. “But we were the ones who stole the Cursed Pendant of Visions from Magi Inyontoo. We’re working on destroying it. Can you help?”

  “Do you know who I am?” Captain Riggard asked.

  I shook my head.

  “No. Who?” I asked.

  “Consider me carefully.”

  [PC] Captain Riggard the Warrior

  * * *

  METAToG WARNING: Do NOT talk OOC with me on this level. If you do, the rest of the guild is instructed to take appropriate actions. You will not escape our wrath. We do not forget.

  My eyes widened in shock.

  Yet another player? No OOC warning?

  “And who are you?” Captain Riggard asked.

  “My name is Drex,” I said. “Of Harrisburg.”

  I might as well stay in character.

  “That’s a mighty offensive armor you’re wearing,” Captain Riggard said. “Why shouldn’t I have my men kill you right now?”

  “I’m just doing my part to make this world more inclusive,” I said.

  Captain Riggard snorted derisively.

  “The world would be great with no goblins at all,” he said. “Like the dwarves. If you only knew half the things they’re doing to people in this and other realms.”

  “We’ve had our run-ins with them,” Sarah said. “That’s why we came here. We need your help.”

  Captain Riggard turned to Sarah.

  “And what do you need help with, elf?” he asked.

  Sarah stared him down, not looking away.

  “We need the list of ingredients for Dawn Acid,” she said. “With that, we can destroy the Cursed Pendant of Visions.”

  The Captain turned his attention back to me.

  “Dawn Acid, huh?” He tilted his head back. “That stuff’s not safe.”

  “We know,” Benji said. “The recipe is still around, isn’t it?”

  “You know it is, old dog,” Captain Riggard said.

  “Do you want to join us and help?” I asked.

  Captain Riggard laughed again then said, “I’m too experienced to join the likes of you three, but I’ll help you with the ingredients for Dawn Acid. Destroying that pendant is important if you ask me. Magictology needs to be stopped for good.”

  “Thank you,” Sarah said.

  Captain Riggard continued looking at me and ignoring Sarah.

  “The only problem is that I don’t personally have the recipe,” he said. “It’s so powerful that the only known copy was hidden away after the Great Wars. Everyone on both sides have left it alone.”

  “Where is it hidden?” I asked.

  “The Ruins of Esterhollow,” Captain Riggard said. “My scouts tell me Snargao the Impatient is headed there to retrieve the list of ingredients. Word of your theft is spreading, and the forces of evil are worried. This is a perfect time for us to attack them as a united front.”

  “You’re coming with us?” Benji asked in a suddenly Scottish accent.

  “While I normally wouldn’t travel with the likes of you, I’ll come along to make sure this potent magic item is destroyed,” Captain Riggard said. “Besides, Benji. You and I have some catching up to do.”

  Something about his hardcore role-playing struck me as positive on a personal level. I wanted to go OOC, but I kept my mouth shut.

  “We need new horses,” Benji said. “And supplies.”

  “Not a problem.” Captain Riggard patted him on the shoulder. “You three rest up and eat. In the morning, we ride.”

  He turned and left the room.

  Servants came in a moment later with plates piled high with fresh bread, fried chicken, and all the fixings.

  “Eat up, Benji,” I said. “Sarah and I need to talk.”

  “I’m kinda hungry,” she said.

  “Can you hold off a bit?” I asked. “This is important.”

  “Sure,” she said. “What’s up?”

  “Come outside with me.”

  I walked across the room toward the door we’d come in. She followed me outside to the muddy courtyard.

  “This game is driving me nuts,” I said. “Why won’t this player talk with us like a normal person?”

  OOC penalty!

  -10% xp in your next encounter

  “What did you want to say OOC?” Sarah asked.

  “Just needed to vent,” I said. “It’s about Captain Riggard. He’s a PC, but the game told me he would kill anyone who went OOC with him.”

  Her eyes narrowed, and her cute elven nose scrunched up.

  “That’s odd,” she said. “But thanks for telling me. I wonder why I didn’t get notified of that information.”

  “I have rogue skills,” I said. “We need to watch out for each other. There doesn’t seem to be any designated PvP zones which means he can probably kill us anywhere he wants.”

  “I’m so tired of this game…” Sarah glanced around the courtyard. “We’ve been in here for days and days, and we’re no closer to getting out. I’m scared.”

  “Me too…”

  Another slight lie wouldn’t hurt. While trapped, the ability to walk and have fun in the game felt great. Sarah being with me made it even better.

  “Really?” she asked while staring into my eyes.

  I opened my mouth to speak, but Benji walked over.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  I nodded. “Yeah. We’re fine.”

  “Good night, you two,” Sarah said. “I’m off to get some rest and think.”

  “Don’t stay up too late reading your books,” Benji added, as I watched her go back inside.

  “We’ll finish this quest, boss,” Benji turned to me. “I’m with you until the bitter end.”

  “Thanks.” I put my hand on his shoulder. “We do appreciate you.”

  He perked up.

  “Enough to let me join your party?”

  “Not now, okay?” I shook my head. “Soon. I promise.”

  Lips pursed tightly together, he nodded.

  “Anything you want to say?” I asked.

  “Yes…but…I can’t…”

  He groaned, and I narrowed my eyes.

  “You okay?” I asked.

  “Forget it,” he sighed. “Just forget it…”

  He turned and walked back inside, leaving me curious and confused.

  Then I stayed up a few hours, scouting the castle on my own. When I didn’t find anything odd, I made my way to the room and settled into bed.

  And sleep overcame me.


  Random Overland Encounters


  We woke early the next morning. Captain Riggard met us in the dining hall. More food filled the table than the night before.

  After getting our fill of all sorts of treats, we mounted horses then rode east toward the Ruins of Esterhollow.

  End of the quest?

  Captain Riggard rode ahead of us.

  “I’ll keep my eyes open for new spells when we’re at the ruins,” Charlotte said. “We should always look to expand our power.”

  I smiled.

  “Good idea. Maybe we’ll find something useful.”

  As I rode next to Eric, I wondered if we’d ever successfully complete the main quest and get out of the game.

  How I miss reality.

  Miles went by in silence.

  Could we trust Captain Riggard? Why didn’t he want to talk out of character with anyone? Penalties?

  I’d seen the message about his guild when we first met him. But what did any of it mean? I rode—lost, deep in my thoughts.

  “Riders approaching from behind,” Benji warned.

  I peered over my shoul
der. Four dark figures in cloaks rode toward us. Each had a hood over their head, covering their faces.

  “Whoa,” Captain Riggard yelled and stopped his horse.

  Before they reached us, the mysterious riders went off the road and galloped around us. I watched as they quickly returned to the road.

  “What was that all about?” I asked.

  “Likely bandits,” Captain Riggard said. “But we’re on another quest. We should keep going. Destroying the cursed pendant is important.”

  “I can scout ahead,” Eric said.

  “Not necessary.” Captain Riggard pulled out a glowing gem. “I have powerful magic to help warn us. Let’s ride.”

  He spurred his horse then took off down the road.

  If he wasn’t worried about them, I shouldn’t be either.

  “Won’t they attack us later tonight?” Eric asked as his trotted to the left of Captain Riggard.

  “They wouldn’t dare fight me,” the high level PC replied. “Only one man in the realm has the power to defeat me, and we’re on the way to deal with him now. Soon, I’ll be the most powerful man in the realm.”

  Was he stuck like us?

  I felt tempted to go OOC and straight up ask him, but I held off. Questions continued to fill up my mind as we rode.

  After so many days in the game, I had no proper sense of time. Everything ran together in a blur—including my dreams.

  We rode all morning and into the afternoon. At dusk, we stopped and made camp near a group of trees. I glanced to the left and saw a long since abandoned field overgrown with tall grass and weeds.

  Scary spot.

  Captain Riggard took charge, setting up camp quickly. I appreciated the light and warmth from the decent campfire.

  Eric shifted next to me on the log we’re sitting on. The flames in front of us flickered, casting strange shadows.

  “Quiet.” Captain Riggard tilted his head.

  I heard a wagon approaching.

  “Someone’s coming,” Eric said.

  Everyone stood as the sound got closer.

  Captain Riggard stepped toward the road with his sword drawn.

  I stayed back, ready to cast a spell if necessary.

  “Hold, travelers!” Captain Riggard yelled.

  A broken down cart pulled by two old horses appeared out of the darkness. It slowed as it approached the light of our fire.

  “Halt in the name of the law,” Captain Riggard said.

  The woman sitting next to an unkempt man holding the reins raised her hands above her head.

  “We don’t want no trouble,” she said. “The goblins are attacking again. We were with a band of settlers, but they attacked us yesterday.”

  Captain Riggard sheathed his sword. I lowered my arms.

  “This will not stand,” he said. “You two can camp here with us tonight.”

  I turned to Eric who kept staring at Captain Riggard.

  “Thank you, kind sir,” the man in rags said.

  As our new guests joined us at the fire, their stench mixed with that of the smoke. Both of them huddled closer to each other.

  Captain Riggard, appearing relaxed and unconcerned, launched into a story about the Great Wars with the goblinoid races. To hear him tell it, the war seemed to have happened only a week or two earlier instead of hundreds of years in the past.

  So strange.

  His eyes lit up as he described the violent parts. I forgot about the newcomers as I got swept up in his lurid war stories.

  “At that point,” he said. “I had to chance it all to save us or walk away and watch the city burn. After storming Castle Casteen and razing it, the goblinoid hordes crossed into our lands. When they reached Esterhollow, we didn’t have a chance.”

  He stared up into the sky as he relived the battles in his mind.

  “I lost many good friends that day,” he said.

  Benji raised his water pouch.

  “To friends,” he said, breaking the somber moment.

  “We had very little clean water in those days too,” Captain Riggard continued. “The goblins poisoned our wells as they rampaged. I’ll never forget those days. They will live forever.”

  “I’ll get more firewood,” Benji said, getting to his feet.

  “That’s it. I can’t take this anymore. We’re going OOC whether Captain Riggard likes it or not. I don’t care about the consequences.”

  “No, Kali...”Charlotte warned.

  I stood up—ready to speak my mind.

  Captain Riggard and Eric both glanced at me.

  “There’s something I need to say...” I began.

  My voice trailed off as I thought about my decision.

  When I opened my mouth to go OOC, Benji walked over.

  To be exact, I saw five copies of our priest all standing just outside the flickering fire. I couldn’t see any differences between them.

  Captain Riggard stood and asked, “What magic is this?”

  He drew his sword and held it aloft.

  “Wait a minute,” I said. “One of them must be the real Benji.”

  “I am,” they all said at the same time.

  “There’s one way to know which is the real Benji,” I said, thinking quickly. “Who wants to join our party?”

  “I do,” four of them said simultaneously.

  The fifth lowered and shook his head.

  “You’ll never let me in your party,” he said. “But that’s fine with me.”

  “Get them,” Captain Riggard yelled as he jumped over the fire.

  The real Benji hit the ground and rolled toward us.

  “What are these things?”

  I prepared to cast.

  “I believe they’re doppelgängers, Kali. Be careful.”

  Just what we needed.

  I prepared my Golden Bolts spell, dancing and moving my arms before pointing my palms at the Benji clones.

  Your Golden Bolts MAUL the doppelganger for 21 damage.

  You have [50/64] mana remaining.

  Eric and Captain Riggard slashed their swords. One doppelgänger fell to their blades, but three remained. Things got weird.

  Two of the shapeshifters copied Eric then ran forward. After shuffling around the real Eric, I couldn’t tell them apart.

  “Enough of this,” Captain Riggard shouted then raised his sword.

  “No, wait.” I said. “You’ll kill Drex.”

  Captain Riggard hesitated long enough for me to cast Snares of Dust followed by Ladder of Dwarven Earth. The one-two combo led to the two doppelgänger and Eric all falling to the ground in a confusing pile of flesh.

  Benji dashed over to my trap and dragged a body out. Captain Riggard made quick work of the other two.

  The doppelgängers cried out in agony as they died at the end of his blade. Had Benji pulled out the right one?

  Or did we just kill Eric?

  Combat is over!

  You receive 800xp party xp divided by two party members.

  You get +400xp

  You have 12,204xp

  You need 2,796 xp for Level Four Mage.

  “Are you sure we got the right ones?” I asked as I rushed forward.

  “Yeah,” Benji said. “I’m good with keeping track of people.”

  “Drex?” I asked.

  Eric moaned as he stood.

  “Yeah, it’s me,” he said.

  I sighed in relief.

  “That was nuts,” I said.

  Captain Riggard walked over. “I should’ve known they weren’t really villagers when they didn’t congratulate me on my reputation in the realm.”

  “Do you think we’ll get attacked again tonight?” Eric asked.

  Captain Riggard shrugged.

  “Who knows,” he said. “But I’ll keep first watch. Many strange creatures are wandering the earth thanks to the goblins. We need to kill ‘em all if you ask me.”

  Eric opened his mouth but quickly shut it. We didn’t need a high level PC killing us. Finding out more a
bout the game wasn’t worth it.

  As the others talked, I walked over to the fire and laid down. Curled up under a blanket by the fire, I checked my stats like a true gamer.

  >> Stats

  * * *

  Name: Kali Tracaryn

  Race: Elf

  Class: Mage

  Level: 3

  XP: 12204 (2796 for next level)

  Alignment: +75 (Very Good)

  HEALTH: 20 (20)

  MANA: 64 (64)

  Strength: 72 (+10%)

  Dexterity: 96 (+35%)

  Constitution: 52 (+0%)

  Intelligence: 93 (+30%)

  Wisdom: 43 (+0%)

  Charisma: 44 (+0%)

  I also went over my spell list to think of new ways to use them in combination.

  >> Stats Spells

  * * *

  Spells: Level One

  * * *

  >> Fish Slaying

  >> Golden Bolts

  >> Glorified Cloaks of Bronze

  >> Ladder of Dwarven Earth

  * * *

  Spells: Level Two

  * * *

  >> Snares of Dust (3mp) – Clouds of dust particles rise in the air, often rendering a person unable to do anything other than cough and stumble away. More mana may be used for more dust.

  * * *

  Tip: At level four, you will gain one third-level spell, one more second-level spell and one more first-level spell.

  Nothing had changed, though I’d noticed the notification messages were slightly different or had new information sometimes.

  Did I choose the right spells, or would I end up a useless and weak wizard? I also wondered what would happen if I died.

  After closing my eyes, I drifted off to sleep. Memories of the real world filtered in with game memories, mixing together.

  I hated dreaming inside the game.


  When Heroes and Villains Die


  The next morning, we left after breaking camp.


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