Zelspar and the Magicians

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Zelspar and the Magicians Page 6

by Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait

  Kaida looked at him and then to Zlemtec before answering. “We understand, that’s how we felt, and Perthorn?”

  “Yes?” he replied.

  “It doesn’t matter how long you have been his friend, it only matters that you are.” Zlemtec gave Perthorn a friendly squeeze on the shoulder.

  Kaida untangled herself from Zelspar and moved to join Zlemtec, leaving room and a bit of privacy for Perthorn to speak his heart’s words.

  With a long drawn out sigh, Perthorn sat behind Zelspar where he could lean on his elbow and speak close to one ear. “Well, my friend, this is not how I thought I would ever see you. By Thunder and Lightning, I will tell you now, it is not the way I enjoy seeing your old hide.” He paused long enough to expel another deep breath and leaned in even closer. “You know, I’ll always blame myself for what you are living through. You left to speak to your Great Ancestor in search of the Magic that would get rid of Flegmorr once and for all. You wouldn’t need to do any of this if I hadn’t left with you to come to the Upper Urthe. I know, I know,” he retorted as if Zelspar was arguing with him. “You are thinking I’m wrong. You should try this from where I’m sitting, then you would be grumbling a whole different tune. Hmpfft!”

  He softened his tone somewhat and trudged on, exposing his deepest thoughts. “You’ve got to come back to us you old hard-headed sack of scales. We all need you...” He shook his head in thought, “The truth of it is, I need you. I know Kiel does too. You have given us so much, allow us to give something back to you. Hear me. Find my strand of voice out there and follow it back to us.”

  Then Perthorn tried to bargain with him by telling him a hidden secret. “Your Great Ancestor had made a comment about me, Kiel, and my Book of Days. Remember when I told you mine and Kiel’s future was linked with the Dragons? Well, that is true enough, but it isn’t the whole truth. Our future is linked with you. And it shows a glorious future of new Magic and places I’ve never seen. We are supposed to be together, to learn, develop, and grow. I think it goes beyond tackling this problem with Flegmorr.”

  He absent-mindedly tugged on his mustache. “Just as Kaida was sent to be the Legend, I think You are here, with Kiel and myself, for a grand journey. No, I haven’t seen that whole journey, but I know it is waiting. I know you must have, on an occasion or two, seen things -- things that didn’t fit or make sense. You must have. I know I have. It is like seeing what the Future becomes because we were here. Both of us, well, all three of us to include Kiel. Because we were all here at a crucial time, because we took up the challenge and changed the Future for a better way. I feel it in every beat of my heart. But Zelspar, if you don’t come back…all of that will change. All of our Futures will change. You already know this, I know you do. That is why you are trying so hard, why you went so far to learn all you could. Enough is enough,” Perthorn suddenly sprang to his feet, “I feel you holding onto my thread, come back NOW!”

  His voice rattled the dust from the rocks, and had Dragons and peoples alike gasping at his words. Starleira’s face drained of color, and Rynik was already headed in Perthorn’s direction when, at the inhale of the gasps, Zelspar uttered, “Did you have to be so loud?” There were no other sounds. Shock had swallowed up all in the cave.

  Zelspar groaned which caused an avalanche of activity buzzing all around him. His eyes rolled back and locked into position. He blinked. Slowly he opened his eyes, shapes turned into friends, and there were many crowded around him. “Where are we?” he asked, and then took a deep breath that pushed color throughout his body.

  Laughter, slaps on the back, and everyone’s voice rang all around him. He didn’t need to know where he was, it was well enough he was amongst friends. A weak smile crept up on his face. He had made it back again.

  Treylethon was quick to steep a concoction of herbs which would infuse strength and resilience into his Teacher. He brought the pot to Starleira. He knew she could get Zelspar to drink it; and also knew if he offered it to Zelspar, he most likely would give numerous reasons as to why he would not drink it. Treylethon shook his head as he sported a wry smile and thought, I even miss his brashness and argumentative ways.

  Starleira was able to get Zelspar to sit upright and to sip from the pot, surprising all by not giving any derisive remarks. Still, she found herself troubled. Although his eyes were no longer only the color of snow, at times they carried a faraway gaze, as if he had wandered off again. In those moments when her heart skipped a beat for a Dragon’s breath of time, she would quickly say something, anything, to him and see his eyes flicker and register to those around him. She hoped, with time, Zelspar could shake that new trait he had gained. It had the capability of making her heart lose its intrinsic rhythm.

  Everyone had their multitude of questions they wanted to ask, but they held back, and allowed Zelspar time to become whole again. Well, most everyone, that is, except for Kaida.

  She couldn’t restrain herself any longer and rushed over to Zelspar and planted herself next to him. She grabbed up his hand and squeezed it tightly. “I knew you would come back!” She darted a look at Zlemtec and dished him out a smug smile before returning her attention to Zelspar. “I knew you would hear us and return. Where were you? What was it like? Did you find new Magic?”

  Zelspar blinked rapidly as her questions shot out as rapid arrows, pinging at his mind. He laughed a deep and resounding laugh and gathered her up in his arms. “My dear Kaida, how could I not return? I would have to miss your constant needling of questions…” Kaida’s joy sparkled in her eyes as Zelspar began to act and sound more like himself.

  “As to where I have been and what I have learned, I hope those memories will show themselves in more than hazy clouds. I feel as if I have been on a long quest, searching for the unattainable. I do have glimpses … or an internal feeling that I found what I searched for but as I try to fix my attention towards it, it resists my grasp. Time my dear, allow this old White Dragon time to put the pieces together again.” He gave her a kindly wink and hugged her causing his yellow eyes to glimmer and flash.

  One by one, each of his friends drew close to him, each having their moment to share a welcoming home. Finally, Perthorn took his place by Zelspar.

  “I was beginning to think you skipped out on me, not that I would have blamed you,” Perthorn said with a nervous laugh.

  Zelspar didn’t laugh but instead looked deeply into Perthorn’s eyes causing his smile to fade away under such scrutiny. After a moment Zelspar said, “I saw you there. Perhaps it was only your shadow, but I remember seeing you there.”

  Perthorn sucked in a surprised gulp of air and ran his thumbnail along his cheekbone. “You did?”

  “Yes, at least I believe so. You told me about our Future’s being tied together. You opened a book, your book, the Book of Days. The page you pointed to swirled and displayed words and pictures in front of my eyes. I saw...I saw the journey, my friend.”

  Perthorn’s jaw sprung open. “I have not seen the full journey, I only know it is with you.”

  “It is with you, Kiel and me,” Zelspar said with shimmering eyes. “I do not remember the path of this journey, but I know it starts soon.” His eyebrows wriggled, full of mischief.

  Starleira butted in. “I don’t know what you saw but any journey taking will have to wait until you’ve had the proper time to heal and then,” she added with emphasis, “we will all be by your side.”

  Zelspar raised one bushy brow and looked long at his dear and old friend, knowing the present was not the time to begin this argument. There was time enough to let her get used to the fact of his journey. He decided to be diplomatic and took one of her hands, patted it, and gave her a smile. That should do the trick, he thought. And he was right.

  He listened as each of his friends poured out their thoughts to him. His normal nature was to hush them, to end the personal and emotional discussions that left him feeling uncomfortable with the attention directed towards him. But for today, he let them come. H
e let their hearts and stories breathe into the light of the day. He smiled reassuringly as often as possible. He reached out. He touched. He laughed.

  It was hard to explain the new way his mind reacted. At times he felt as if he were watching himself live outside of his realm as he looked on with more of an amusement than wonder. Moments would come and go, a distortion of time inserted here and there. As these episodes occurred, he became faster at integrating them. Physically, he was tired. He sent his friends away and he curled up for a rest. With closed eyelids, he feigned sleep.

  He let his mind follow the hum. It was a whispered song from a memory of a place and time that was yet to be. A place where he would be. Again, and again. A smile worked its way across his whiskered muzzle as his eyes moved beneath his closed lids and followed the tune.

  Through the mists and darkened clouds,

  Through the catacombs with empty shrouds,

  Out to the lake with hidden sword,

  Dawns a new day of its own accord.

  Wandering minstrels sing of this Time,

  Weaving stories within the rhyme.

  Out of the Dark and ancient past,

  Will rise a Dragon, free at last.

  Upon his breath, the fire doth roll,

  Be not an enemy or pay the toll.

  Take up yon banners, make your stand~

  The Time of Dragons is now at hand!

  Starleira looked on and watched her friend as he slept, full of contentment marked by the smile of a restful sleep.

  Perthorn, on the other hand, looked on with curiosity. In his thoughts, he reviewed what Zelspar had said to him. It stirred up a hazy memory? Recollection? He could not be sure but as Zelspar had talked to him. He had an odd sensation, one of him being in a new world and seeing the years unfurl before him. Removing his hat, he scratched his head. How could this be, he wondered. Just as sudden as that thought came, another came on its heels… Let it be. So, he did. He ran his hand down his face, past his chin, and followed his mustache past his chest. He wondered about the future and when the journey would begin.

  It took another day before Starleira deemed it safe enough for Zelspar to travel and no one else wanted to return without him. The time was spent sharing stories and most of those involved Zelspar, much to his chagrin.

  Perthorn paid close attention. There certainly was more to Zelspar than he had imagined. He knew he was wise and a Master Magician in his own right, but he was not aware of how much he had done to protect and heal the Dragon Hails. The Dragon was Legend and, the Fates had joined them together. His head shook in astonishment.

  The Master Magician wasn’t without his own long list of credentials, but no one of this world was privy to those things. His inner smile glowed from within. As is popular in the faery tales, he thought with a chuckle, that was long, long ago in a faraway land. He unconsciously slapped his knee causing Kiel to look at him as if he had left his senses. Perthorn deflected the look by the pretense of examining his robe for invisible vermin. He felt downright giddy. His left hand traced the seam running down the side of his robe and he touched the hidden vials sewn therein. It always brought him a smile to know he not only carried pieces of home with him, but a Magic to help him in times of great need.

  When he shook himself away from his inner thoughts. He watched the others loading up their sleeping rolls, tying the pots and cooking bowls into a blanket and dousing the smoldering embers in the fire pit. He stood and stretched until his bones made cracking noises, then went to help in the preparations.

  The cave took on the sounds of a festival. Loud chattering and laughter echoed inside, everyone filled with a happiness that had been missing in the days before. It was if everyone expelled night terrors and awoke in a bright and sunny day.

  Perthorn was also caught up in the merriment, using his Magic to slip toads into hidden places to jump out and startle Kiel. Kaida laughed so hard, she snorted which started another round of laughter. It was an altogether wonderful day. The type that forever stays in one’s memory. The very sort of day that is known as the calm before the storm.

  Zelspar watched the scurrying here and there and all around him. He felt no need to become boisterous or push his ideas forth. He had an inner calm, and it was a new feeling to him. He watched with new eyes, an inner light that grew within, which caused even him to pause in its offering. It wasn’t self-assurance. He had always been self-assured. He likened it to much more. The knowledge that he was at the right place at the correct time. It was his qisma. His Fate. That very Fate involved him, and the Magicians and he felt it tickling his scales. His eyes flashed out a blinding yellow gleam. He knew he was ready for what was to come. He wore a sideways smile and went to the ledge of the cave, in the lead position.

  He roared their Dragon anthem. “Fly fast, fly direct!”

  His friends roared, still inebriated in their happiness. He recorded it to memory. Such moments are rare.

  His claws dug up the rocks as he tore from the ledge and caught the wind beneath his wings. His pearly-white scales glistened in the sun. Turning his head around he saw his friends, some he knew their whole lives, and he roared a mighty bellow. A roar so thunderous it was recorded in the hidden stars. He flashed his razor-sharp teeth in a smile, turned his head back onto his course, and sped towards his destiny.

  Chapter 10

  An uneventful flight made for a celebrated return. The Dragons filled the air with explosive roars. They quickly emerged from the caves which peppered the mountainous landscape and joined in the chorus of thunderous bellows. Spotted in the lead position was Zelspar, his wings flashing as they pumped.

  The mass landing choked the air with drifting dust and booming exchanges of greetings. Zelspar felt an immense feeling of pride as he gazed across the throng before him. They had all achieved a great deal since leaving their home planet of Verlaunde. Hope found a foundation here. A contentment glinted in the eyes he met. A look unknown before they took the portals to Urthe. Zelspar’s smile spread like the ripples of the great waters.

  After their welcome and exchanged greetings, the returning Dragons cut a path through the mass and made their way to the gathering rooms. There they could settle in for rest, conversation and food. It did not take long before the rooms were overfilled with friends and food. The conversations reached a fevered pitch. Soon, the conversations all returned to the same topic. What magic had Zelspar discovered?

  Zelspar rose from the bench and waited for the noise to die down. He wore a light which radiated from the knowledge he held, and it beamed brightly. It grew quiet around him. So quiet in fact, Dragons had begun looking at one another, wondering what held Zelspar’s tongue. Zelspar held up his hands as the murmurs had started to spread.

  “Good Eve, all. I am honored by your grand reception of our return.” The Dragons erupted in hearty bellows. Zelspar waved the noise down again, so he could continue.

  “Most of you have voiced your interest in what occurred and what I learned in my absence. I will get to those things. Allow me, if you will,” he said as he gazed out at the sea of faces and friends, “to take this time to share with you my thoughts. It isn’t often I have such a spellbound audience.” He grinned and was met with echoing laughter.

  “I find so much in my heart I would like to share.” He was met with nodding heads and row after row of sharp, toothy grins. “We have gone through many battles and many losses to come here on the idea of a better way of life than we had on Verlaunde. A life that was filled with wars, oppression and fear. Our change started from a seed of a memory of our ancient days, of days when Dragons knew peace. We had all but given up on that hope. But there was a Dragon,” he smiled to his long-time friend, “that had not given up on that hope. The Queen of Mursei.”

  The crowd exploded in roars of cheers, which brought a flush of color to Starleira’s face.

  Zelspar continued, “She had lobbied for a change back on Verlaunde but was met with threats and more battles at every turn. That
is when she brought to my attention her desire to leave our home and begin a new life elsewhere. As you know, our leaving was a difficult journey. We had more battles and loss of lives. Change often is built on such sacrifices. Those sacrifices have built the life we all now enjoy. We no longer have invading Dragon wars. Our hatchlings are growing up in a world shaped by our own beliefs of a peaceful co-existence with all others. You can see it working by the peoples, faery folk and our friends from Inner Urthe who join us today.

  It is easy to forget how we arrived at the freedom we currently enjoy, but it is important to remember our beginnings. Our hope. It is only when we forget, we succumb to old ways where bickering causes division, division instigates self-importance and philosophies are forgotten.”

  “I wanted to remind you of these things. As you have heard, I spoke to the Great Ancestor. I searched for a better Magic, one to fight against Flegmorr and his desire to fill Urthe with Dark Magic. A Magic that would cause catastrophic changes in the peace we now enjoy.”

  “When the Great Ancestor answered my plea for help, I received more than I asked. On my journey to find forgotten Magic, I went back through our past, through the battles, the bickering and the divisions of our kind. But then, I passed through a time where we knew peace. A time of plenty, a time of a celebration of the uniqueness of all life. You cannot comprehend how long ago that was.” He gazed at the faces and recognized the impact of his journey and the insight it gave.


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