Heavy Hogs MC

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Heavy Hogs MC Page 76

by Elias Taylor

  Without speaking, Christian stood and walked to Beth’s chair. He pulled her to her feet. Beth stared up in confusion at him until he lowered his head and kissed her deeply. He held her in a firm grip and kissed Beth until she lost her breath. When he, at last, pulled away, she instantly yearned for his lips again.

  “I don’t wanna talk about her anymore,” Christian murmured. “I’ve got way more interesting things to do.”

  Beth felt a spark deep in her core as she shivered with desire. She could only nod in agreement.

  Christian leaned down and threw Beth over his shoulder. She screamed in shocked delight as he stomped toward the bedroom.

  Tisha faded from her mind, and Beth spent the rest of the evening drowning in a blissful oblivion with Christian.

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Beth

  Beth turned the radio up and sang along to the pop song.

  She was in a good mood. The best mood. The crazy thing was, the good mood wasn’t temporary. Beth had felt happy for weeks now. It was a level of happiness she hadn’t thought possible. Everything was going her way. Work was good with Mel, and Beth had started to set up meetings with banks. Christian was amazing, and every day they grew closer.

  It had been several days, and Beth hadn’t heard from Tisha.

  All was right in the world.

  She turned left and smiled when she saw Christian’s house. She left some sketches for a new design there she needed to grab. He wasn’t home, but Beth planned to leave him a sweet note just so he would know she was thinking of him. She had just seen him ten minutes ago since she had to swing by a shoot to grab his keys, but she already missed him.

  When had Beth become a walking Hallmark card?

  She shrugged to herself. She was happy, and Christian was too wonderful for her to refrain from singing his praises.

  Beth stopped next to the curb and hopped out of the car. Her stomach curdled, and her good mood vanished. Tisha stood outside his door. A million thoughts whirred through Beth’s head, but none of them made any sense. She knew this was bad.

  Beth slammed the door shut behind her, and Tisha turned. She started in surprise and lifted a hand. Beth took a deep breath and walked toward her old friend. She hated confrontation, but she had to be brave enough to face down Tisha. As Beth drew nearer, she could see Tisha was visibly flustered. She glanced back and forth with a blushed tinge in her cheeks. It could all be fake, though. Tisha could act her butt off when she wanted to.

  “Hi,” Tisha said.

  “What are you doing here?” Beth asked.

  “I didn’t expect you,” Tisha said. Which didn’t at all answer Beth’s question.

  Beth reached the door. She crossed her arms. For some reason, she didn’t want to enter Christian’s house while Tisha was there. The last thing she wanted to do was invite Tisha into a space that was meant for just Beth and Christian.

  “How have you been?” Tisha asked. “We should really grab lunch again. I meant to text you.”

  Was Tisha actually trying to have small talk with her as if they had just run into each other on the street, not outside of Christian’s house?

  “Tisha, what are you doing here?” Beth asked.

  Tisha let out a sigh and looked down at her feet, then back up at the sky.

  “I mean, I get how it might be weird for you,” Tisha said. “But obviously we’re all adults, and it’s not that big of a deal.”

  Beth’s patience was wearing thin. Whatever grand announcement Tisha had, she was making sure to draw it out, and Beth no longer wanted to be an eager audience. She went to open the door, but Tisha spoke before Beth’s hand hit the doorknob.

  “It was just lunch,” Tisha said. “I mean, I know I’m his ex, but we’re allowed to have lunch, aren’t we?”

  Beth blinked. What was Tisha talking about? There was no way she was planning on having lunch with Christian. Then she glanced at her watch. It was almost three.

  “A late lunch,” Tisha said. “Christian was going to make me something. It’s kind of an old tradition. He makes the most amazing grilled cheeses.”

  Beth felt like she had been hit by a truck. Christian had never mentioned any lunch plans, and it was clear that Tisha knew this. It was like he had been sitting on some secret, willfully deceiving Beth. The world seemed to spin as Beth panicked. Everything about the last two weeks seemed fake somehow. Every special moment was tainted.

  Beth locked her eyes on Tisha. It was Tisha’s fault, though, not Christian’s. Tisha was the one loitering outside his house, waiting to launch a sneak attack. Beth’s mind quieted as she remembered that she had just seen Christian. He was not making Tisha lunch.

  “That’s interesting because I just saw him,” Beth said. She spoke slowly and kept her eyes fixed on Tisha’s face. She wanted to see how her old friend reacted. Tisha blinked and wore a mask of perfect innocence. “I left him a few minutes ago, and he definitely didn’t mention any late lunch with you.”

  Tisha let out a little laugh. “Well, he wouldn’t, would he? He thinks you’re, like, insanely jealous of me, even though I’ve told him over and over that you’re not the type to get jealous over your boyfriend hanging with an ex now and then, especially since there’s so much history between Christian and me.”

  Each word was like a stab in Beth’s gut. The accusation that she was jealous stung, not because Beth had for a minute felt threatened by Tisha, but because long ago, she had been jealous. Not over Christian, but in other ways. It had been hard to always be second to the beautiful blonde Tisha. Beth had gotten over it ages ago, but Tisha’s words brought back bitter memories.

  The real question was why Tisha emphasized the words over and over as if she and Christian had been having multiple conversations. Beth tried to stay calm, but she was breathing fast. This whole conversation made her feel like she was a train that had run off the tracks.

  She had to end this. She had to banish Tisha from her life, but Beth couldn’t find the words. Tisha stared at her with her pretty head cocked to one side, a quizzical smile on her lips.

  “I’ll tell him you stopped by,” Beth said. “For now, I’ve really got to go.”

  She wished she could come up with something better. Something that would let Tisha know Beth thought she was lying. Or something that would make Tisha feel as small and pathetic as Beth felt. She wanted to say something so devastating that it scared Tisha off for good. Only, that wasn’t Beth’s way. It had never been her way. She had stood up to Tisha that one time at the mall, but it looked like that had been a one-time event.

  Tisha knew it, too, which was why Tisha didn’t look scared at all.

  “Of course,” Tisha said. “I’ll see you later.” Tisha leaned forward and gave Beth a quick kiss on the cheek before walking back to her car.

  Beth sucked in her breath. Tisha’s lips were dry and cold as ice. Beth fumbled with the keys and scrambled into Christian’s house. It felt strange and foreign, and Beth didn’t walk too far in. She leaned her back against the door.

  She would not cry. She would not shed tears over the silly stories that Tisha was telling. Beth trusted Christian. She would just ask. She yanked her phone out of her pocket and called him.

  “Hey, what’s up?” Christian asked.

  Beth didn’t bother with an intro. “Were you going to have lunch with Tisha today? Tell me the truth, please.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Christian

  Christian bit back a curse as he hung up the phone. He was at another engagement shoot, and it would be unprofessional to show his anger, but he was pissed. He told Beth again and again that he had no plans with Tisha. He never hung out with her and hadn’t talked to her, except for her lame apology. He was furious Tisha had shown up at his house just to mess with Beth’s head.

  Beth believed him and calmed down. She even apologized for getting panicked. Christian was still mad, though. He heard the way Beth’s voice crackled with anger and sadness when she asked him if he had plans with Tisha. He sens
ed the quiver of restrained tears. He didn’t blame her. He knew more than anyone that Tisha could manipulate like no other. Christian hated that he had, in some way, caused Beth to cry. He never wanted to be the reason for her tears.

  He stewed over the situation during the rest of the shoot. Tisha was up to something, but what? Christian and Beth were too strong to be swayed by her little lies and acts. There was no way she wanted Christian back. There was no way he would take her back. Ever.

  She just wanted to tear holes in their relationship until it all fell apart. That was Tisha’s MO. She craved utter destruction. If she couldn’t play with a toy, then no one got to play with it.

  As soon as he was done with the shoot, Christian knew what he had to do. He wanted to end this right now. He wanted to be with Beth without having to worry about Tisha coming after her.

  Within minutes, Christian was outside Tisha’s apartment. She was barely ever there, but she kept a place in New London for when she visited her parents. It was one of her ways of flaunting how much money she had. Christian hadn’t been back since the day he had gone to visit her after hearing the rumors that she was engaged. Seeing her here had only confirmed the rumors were true.

  He banged on the door with relentless force until Tisha opened up.

  “Christian!” she said. “What a lovely surprise!” She flashed him a big smile as if it was perfectly normal for him to swing by her apartment.

  Christian shoved past her and turned around. Tisha closed the door and gave him a sultry smile. Christian wanted to throw up. He was so disgusted by this woman.

  “Back off, Tisha,” he said. “I don’t know what you’re planning or what you’re doing, but you need to stop going after Beth.”

  Tisha widened her eyes in mock innocence. “Why would I go after Beth?”

  She took a step forward, and for the first time, Christian saw what she was wearing. Tiny denim shorts and a silky camisole that was practically see-through. It was an outfit designed to seduce.

  “It’s you I want,” Tisha said. “And I know you want me, too.”

  She was crazy. She was insane if she thought Christian would ever want to touch her again. Not after what she had done. Not when he had Beth. Tisha was used to getting men to do what she wanted, but Christian wasn’t one of the sleazeballs out in LA. Tisha reached forward and placed one finger on his chest. He stiffened and pushed her hand aside.

  “No,” Christian said. He couldn’t help but smirk down at Tisha’s look of surprise. “Not even if hell freezes over.”

  “Oh, come on, don’t play hard to get.” She chewed her lower lip and toyed with one strap of her camisole. When Christian was eighteen, that move would have made him crazy, but he wasn’t an idiot anymore. He knew who Tisha was. He had learned the hard way. “I mean, why wouldn’t you want me? I’m so much better than Beth.”

  Fury, hot and ferocious, coursed through Christian’s body. He clenched his fists and took one menacing step closer to Tisha. “You are nothing compared to Beth. Nothing.”

  The look on Tisha’s face would have been comical if Christian hadn’t been so angry. She didn’t even deserve to say Beth’s name.

  “You come near my place again, and I’ll call the police,” Christian said.

  He stormed out and drove off. Christian was surprised that he managed to focus on the road. He was so livid, but somehow, he made his way to Beth’s apartment.

  When she opened the door, he didn’t even hesitate before crushing his mouth against hers. Beth gasped at first, but then she melted in his arms. Christian pushed her into the apartment and kicked the door shut with his foot, all while kissing her.

  “What’s this?” Beth asked.

  Christian buried his face in her neck and inhaled her scent, warm, and earthy, and clean.

  “I love you,” he murmured.

  Beth clutched his shoulders tight. Christian pulled back and gazed into her eyes.

  “You don’t have to say it back. I know it’s soon,” he said. “But I know I love you.”

  The emotion in Beth’s eyes told him how much his words meant to her. She leaned forward and kissed him.

  Christian took her in his arms and carried her to the bedroom. He removed each item of her clothing with care, savoring every inch of her bare skin. Beth pulled his t-shirt over his head and removed his belt with her quick fingers.

  Once they were undressed, Christian sat on the edge of the bed, and he pulled Beth to him so that she straddled him. He ran his hands from her hips up to the sides of her lush breasts. He dipped his head and sucked the rosy tips of her breast, first one, then the other, while Beth murmured in satisfaction.

  He slid his hand between her legs and stroked her soft folds. Beth moved against his hand, her pussy slick with wetness. He felt her desire mounting to a frenzy as she rode his hand harder and harder.

  “I need you,” she gasped. “Please.”

  Christian shifted back slightly, giving Beth access to his cock. She rolled the condom down his shaft and pressed her lips against his. In one fluid motion, Beth lifted her hips and brought herself down on his rock-hard erection. She lowered herself with delicious slowness until Christian was embedded deep inside him.

  She moved atop him in a way that made Christian lose all power of thought. She fixed her eyes on his, and Christian clung to her as her release neared. He relished the sight of her when she climaxed. She let out a low moan as she clenched around him, plunging him into his own orgasm.

  He kept his eyes fixed on her as he came, and he knew that she belonged to him, just as he belonged to her.

  Nothing was going to tear them apart.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Beth

  Beth took one last look at her list. She was pretty sure she had everything.

  Christian’s birthday was this weekend, and she was planning a surprise party. It wasn’t anything massive, but she wanted to do something to show she cared. She organized a small party with Tyler and Anthony. She was picking up some streamers and balloons before heading to Christian’s place.

  Tyler had lent her the spare key. She felt strange about getting the key without Christian knowing, but Tyler had insisted Christian wouldn’t mind.

  She figured Christian would give her a spare key at some point if things kept going the way they were going. Beth allowed herself a small smile. She got a surge of butterflies in her stomach every time she thought about how he had said he loved her. She knew she was falling in love, as well, and she had longed to say it back, but it was hard for her. She had spent so long guarding her heart so it wouldn’t get broken. She wanted to say it only when she was certain.

  She pushed her cart toward the check-out and mentally went through the next steps of the plan.

  Christian had a last-minute shoot, and he would be out of the house until six, which gave her more than three hours. Beth had planned to prepare the cake and food at her apartment and drive over with Mel, but now that she had a key, it was much easier to make everything at Christian’s.

  Beth felt a thrill in her stomach as she headed to the car with her arms weighed down by bags. She couldn’t wait to see his shocked face. She had worked hard to keep this a secret.

  He would be happy she had coordinated with his family, too. Christian often tried to downplay it, but Beth could tell how much he wanted her to connect with his family. It made him happy that they liked her so much.

  It made her happy, too. Beth had never spent much time with a big family, and she relished moments with the Crown clan.

  She mused over when she should introduce Christian to her own parents. He hadn’t pressured her because he seemed to understand that it was a big deal for Beth. She hadn’t let many people get close to her over the years. Very few were invited to meet her mom and stepdad.

  She could picture Christian and them together, though. She could see them settling down for a quiet breakfast. Maybe Christian would show George some of his photos. Maybe her mom would ask Christian about the Road Warrio

  Beth smiled and hummed as she pulled up outside Christian’s house. She grabbed a bunch of shopping bags and headed for the door.

  Once she had entered the house, she set down her bags in the kitchen. She took a moment to look over the framed photographs on Christian’s wall. They were so good, and she was glad they were up for his birthday. She knew he was determined to start his own media business before turning thirty, and she thought it would be nice for him to be reminded how much everyone believed in him on his twenty-eighth birthday.

  She had been nervous about inviting his dad since she knew there was tension, but Tyler and Anthony had encouraged her. Plus, Linda’s mom would be there, as well. Linda had the type of presence that kept everyone calm, Beth had noticed.

  As Beth turned back toward the kitchen, she heard a sound.

  She froze. Who could be in the house? She knew for certain Christian was at the shoot. He had just texted her.

  Unless he was lying.

  Beth’s heart started to race as she inched toward the kitchen. Would it be over-reacting to grab one of the knives from the counter? The rustling continued. Someone was definitely in the bathroom. Beth was torn between calling out and sprinting to the exit when the bathroom door opened.

  Tisha stepped out, and Beth stopped breathing.

  Tisha was wearing nothing but a tiny towel. Her lean, tan legs were glistening as if she had just moisturized them, and her hair was damp. Beth took in each detail as if her brain couldn’t process the full image of Tisha at Christian’s place, stepping out of the shower.

  “Oh,” Tisha said.

  Her mouth was shaped in a little circle of surprise, but her eyes glinted in a way that made Beth want to either rip Tisha’s hair out or curl up in a ball and cry. Or maybe she should be ripping Christian’s hair out.

  “Well, I guess this is a bit awkward,” Tisha said.

  She walked forward, completely unabashed by her state of undress.


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