So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8

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So I'm a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8 Page 1

by Okina Baba


  So I’m a Spider, So What?, Vol. 8

  Okina Baba

  Translation by Jenny McKeon

  Cover art by Tsukasa Kiryu

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.


  ©Okina Baba, Tsukasa Kiryu 2018

  First published in Japan in 2018 by KADOKAWA CORPORATION, Tokyo.

  English translation rights arranged with KADOKAWA CORPORATION, Tokyo through TUTTLE-MORI AGENCY, INC., Tokyo.

  English translation © 2020 by Yen Press, LLC

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  First Yen On Edition: March 2020

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  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Names: Baba, Okina, author. | Kiryu, Tsukasa, illustrator. | McKeon, Jenny, translator.

  Title: So I’m a spider, so what? / Okina Baba ; illustration by Tsukasa Kiryu ; translation by Jenny McKeon.

  Other titles: Kumo desuga nanika. English | So I am a spider, so what?

  Description: First Yen On edition. | New York, NY : Yen On, 2017–

  Identifiers: LCCN 2017034911 | ISBN 9780316412896 (v. 1 : pbk.) | ISBN 9780316442886 (v. 2 : pbk.) | ISBN 9780316442909 (v. 3 : pbk.) | ISBN 9780316442916 (v. 4 : pbk.) | ISBN 9781975301941 (v. 5 : pbk.) | ISBN 9781975301965 (v. 6 : pbk.) | ISBN 9781975301996 (v. 7 : pbk.) | ISBN 9781975398996 (v. 8 : pbk.)

  Subjects: CYAC: Magic—Fiction. | Spiders—Fiction. | Monsters—Fiction. |

  Prisons—Fiction. | Escapes—Fiction. | Fantasy.

  Classification: LCC PZ7.1.O44 So 2017 | DDC [Fic]—dc23

  LC record available at

  ISBNs: 978-1-9753-9899-6 (paperback)

  978-1-9753-0955-8 (ebook)



  The cry echoed in the quiet night.

  Other animals fell silent at once, as if out of fear of whatever was producing the noise.

  In the absence of all other sound, what filled the air instead was a thick stench of blood.

  Even the wind dared not blow where that dreadful smell lingered, leaving the place heavy with the presence of death.

  The remains scattered across the ground could be identified only by the one who had unleashed the wail.

  The moon hid itself behind thick clouds, as if to say it could not bear to look upon such a tragedy.

  Sounds of biting and chewing mingled with intermittent growls.

  As is nature’s way, the victor fed upon the flesh of the vanquished.

  However, the victor’s skin was raised with goose bumps, and not because of the cold.

  “It’s okay. I’m still fine.”

  In a trembling voice unbefitting someone who had triumphed, the victor repeated these words, almost desperately hoping they were true.

  “I haven’t lost my mind yet!”

  This declaration went unheard, disappearing into the dark and lonely night.


  Blue sky. White clouds.

  It’s a little chilly, but that’s no big deal thanks to the sunlight.

  Ideal weather, really.

  The perfect day for a picnic!


  However, reality isn’t quite so kind.

  The sunlight might be a blessing to any normal person, but for us, it’s nothing more than an annoyance.

  And one of us is practically at death’s door already.

  Namely me.

  “Is your friend there all right?”

  A soldier looks at me with concern.

  But I don’t even have the energy to respond.

  “It’s fine. She’s always like this.”

  “She doesn’t seem fine to me…”

  At the Demon Lord’s words, the soldier looks even more concerned, and he starts to approach.

  “What I mean is, she’s not fine, so can you hurry up and let us in, please? She needs rest, as you can obviously see.”

  “Ah, right. Hmm… All right, go ahead. Stay safe.”

  The Demon Lord pays the appropriate toll for all of us, allowing us to pass through the gates and head into the town.

  I’m still in the carriage Mera is driving when we enter.

  We’re currently in a borderland near the Renxandt Empire.

  This is a northwestern town, not too far from the demon territory.

  The Renxandt Empire is a human realm that borders the demon lands, making it the front lines of the war between humans and demons.

  In other words, since we’re trying to reach said demon territory, getting here means our goal is finally within sight.

  Of course, we’re not planning on just waltzing through the border where the humans and demons are having their little face-off, of course.

  To the northwest of the Renxandt Empire is a steep mountain range called the Mystic Mountains.

  It separates the human and demon territories, so if we cross over that, we’ll arrive in the demon realm.

  However, as its name suggests, it’s incredibly difficult to cross the Mystic Mountains.

  It’s already hard enough to survive at such high elevation, but the place also happens to be crawling with monsters who thrive in that brutal environment.

  The mountain range is covered in snow and ice, and the high altitude means there’s low atmospheric pressure and thin air.

  Throw in some monsters that are built to withstand all that and, yeah, most hopeful climbers would probably die trying.

  But that’s only if we’re talking about any old average Joe.

  We’ve got an all-star group led by the literal Demon Lord, so no way some stupid mountains are going to slow us down.

  …Or are they?

  “You okay, White? Just kidding, you’re obviously not. Hang in there, friend; we’re almost to the inn.”

  The only response I can muster for the Demon Lord’s encouragement is a faint nod.

  Why am I acting like this, you ask?

  ’Cause I’m carriage-sick and tired, that’s why.

  All jokes aside…

  I guess it started when I got drastically weakened following a certain incident.

  Around two years ago now, a UFO that was really an ancient weapon appeared from beneath the wasteland.

  The damn thing was so big, you’d have to measure it in miles, and it came with a ton of machines to boot.

  And to top it all off, the UFO was carrying a bomb that could blow away an entire continent if it went off.

  But somehow, we managed to win the fight against that ancient

  The UFO was brought down.

  And the bomb—the biggest problem of all—was taken care of, too.

  Because I ate it.

  Yeah, yeah. I don’t know what I was thinking, either.

  What was I hoping to accomplish by eating a bomb about to explode?

  But it did solve the problem somehow.

  In retrospect, I wanna be like, The hell was I thinking?! but it’s hard to joke about something that actually worked.

  I absorbed the bomb’s energy by swallowing it.

  Maybe it’s because I was trying to imitate the Demon Lord’s Gluttony skill when I did it, because I wound up taking in enough energy to blow away a continent.

  Then, as a very unexpected side effect, all that energy caused me to undergo deification; as in like, I turned into a god.

  Turns out the real definition of a god is just a being who contains a vast amount of energy.

  And since I absorbed the energy of a bomb that could start Armageddon, I definitely met those qualifications.

  Yay! Now I’m totally invincible!

  …Is exactly what didn’t happen.

  In reality, it’s actually kinda the opposite.

  See, by becoming a god, I got myself kicked out of the system that forms the foundation of this world.

  The system controls skills, stats, and all that other fun stuff that doesn’t exist on Earth.

  So what happens when you suddenly exist outside that system?

  Answer: You lose all your stats and skills.

  All the strength I’d built up so far was in the form of stats and skills.

  Without all of those, I’m basically just a normal person with a bunch of extra energy.

  Without my stats, I no longer have the power to punch a boulder and break it, the sturdiness to withstand the recoil from doing that, or even my too-fast-to-follow speed.

  Without skills, I can’t make thread, cast magic, or use my Evil Eyes.

  Gone, gone, gone. It’s all gone!

  Having all the energy in the world without knowing how to use it is, like, a total waste of talent.

  And it was skills and stats that made using that energy super-simple.

  If having the system’s support was like riding a bike with training wheels, this is like being on an oversized motorcycle—without knowing how to ride!

  Sure, the vehicle’s technically way better now, but that doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know how to ride it in the first place.

  Which is why as of now, I’m no better off than any regular old human.

  In fact, by the standards of this world, where everyone receives the benefits of the system, I’m pretty damn weak.

  Now that I think about it, even by the standards of Earth—given that I don’t have the physical energy to talk at all—I’m crazy weak.

  It reminds me of my memories as Hiiro Wakaba.

  When we did physical fitness exams at school, I always came in dead last. Ugh.

  And it looks like my current physical specs are around that same level.

  Which means I can’t even walk for too long without getting laid out like this.

  Ha-ha. Ha-ha-ha.

  For a while there, I had nothing to fear except for the likes of the Demon Lord and Potimas, but now I’m exhausted and rolling around in a carriage.

  What a joke.

  I mean, it’s not very funny, but I can still laugh.

  “Uh-oh, White’s having convulsions. This could be bad.”

  Peering in at me, the Demon Lord instructs Mera to drive faster.

  The carriage speed increases, and so does the degree of bumpiness.


  I don’t feel so good.

  I clench my teeth, trying to get through it.

  Then I feel someone poking at my cheek.

  I’d normally say, Who did that?! but it’s pretty obvious who the prime suspect is.

  Sure enough, when I open my eyes, I see Fiel prodding me with a fingertip.

  Ever the prankster, Fiel is the most likely candidate to do this sort of thing, followed by Riel, who can be hard to read.

  I listlessly push Fiel’s finger away.

  Just leave me alone, please.

  At that, Fiel stops poking my cheek, but instead she starts rubbing my head for some reason.

  Actually, it’s more like she’s grabbing my head and dragging it around.

  I mean, I appreciate the concern and all, but could you be a little gentler about it?

  Having my head get rolled around like this just makes me feel even— Urgh!

  Just as something very unladylike starts to rise in my throat, a kind rescuer stays Fiel’s hand.

  It’s Ael, the eldest daughter-like puppet spider.

  Ael catches Fiel’s hand, forcing her to stop shaking my head around, and lands a little chop on Fiel’s forehead to boot.

  Yeah, that’s it! Get her, girl!

  It’s not like hitting her head will hurt her anyway, since the puppet spiders’ real bodies are the tiny spiders hiding inside.

  Though they look like young girls, these bodies are really just puppets being controlled by the spiders within, so there’s no problem with getting a little rough.

  However, Fiel doesn’t seem to understand why Ael hit her.

  I can almost see a question mark floating above her head.

  When they do stuff like this, they really do seem just like little girls.

  Although the reality is that they’re way too strong for the average monster to take on.

  If Fiel or Ael felt like it, they could probably pop my head right off, which is why having one of them shake me around is a bit scary.

  As for the other young puppet-spider girls, Sael is in her usual seat, glancing back at her sisters’ exchange but not moving from her spot.

  This is pretty standard for Sael. She’s not very independent, so it’s rare to see her move on her own.

  The last of the sisters, Riel, is staring into space with an unreadable expression.

  What are you, a cat?

  Is there something in that empty spot that only you can see or what?

  We’ve been traveling together for a long time now, but Riel is still a mystery to me.

  As for the final little girl of the group, though she’s not a puppet spider, the baby bloodsucker is sitting in her seat gazing out at the scenery, unconcerned with my plight.

  At first, she’d gotten worried about me each time I collapsed. But when it kept happening practically every day, she must have figured there was no point in worrying or something, because for a while now, she’s just been leaving me alone.

  This must be how the father of a teenage daughter feels, I bet.

  Like, things are totally awkward between us now.

  Actually, I think the reason she stopped talking to me is that Mera’s been making a point of looking after me!

  I’m sure Mera just sees it as paying back a debt, since I saved his hide and all. Even if that wasn’t the case, he’s too considerate to ignore someone who’s obviously not feeling well.

  So whenever I go down for the count, Mera always gallantly comes to my rescue, which is probably what’s got Vampy ticked off.

  She must know as well as I do that Mera’s not being nice because he’s attracted to me or whatever, but considering how damn possessive she is, it’s no surprise that she doesn’t want to see him caring for another girl.

  The bloodsucking duo’s relationship hasn’t changed much over the past two years.

  I mean, Vampy has certainly grown some, but she’s still just a little girl.

  And Mera’s obviously not going to consider such a young girl a potential romantic interest, so he still stays well within the bounds of a regular master-servant relationship.

  But I do have to wonder if he ever entertains the thought…

  Our baby bloodsucker has grown quite a bit over these two years.

  She’s still a little kid, yeah, but there’s already hints of th
e serious beauty she’ll become one day.

  Everyone’s cute when they’re a baby, but as you grow, you start to develop your individual facial features and all that stuff.

  The baby bloodsucker is still in the stage of life where everyone is cute, but it’s also the stage where you can start to get an idea of what someone is going to look like when they grow up.

  And our itty-bitty vampire is one hell of a looker with elegant facial features.

  Overall, she looks like her mother, but she’s got her father’s eyes, as they say.

  Both her parents were attractive, so at this rate, she’s definitely gonna grow into a real bombshell.

  Maybe then Mera will consider her, I guess.

  Still, even if that did happen, I bet Mera would be like, A servant must never fall in love with his master! and get all angsty about it.

  But that’s in the distant future, and it’s up to the baby bloodsucker whether she’ll get her way or not.

  Anyway, at the moment, Mera is still preoccupied driving the carriage.

  As the only man among a group of young girls, he ends up bearing a lot of scrutiny.

  When we enter a town like this, Mera often has to be the face of the group.

  It used to be that me and the puppet spiders stayed outside of town because of our appearances, but now that I’m fully human-shaped, there’s no point anymore.

  When I got deified, my form changed from a half-human, half-spider arachne to a fully human body.

  And now that the puppet spiders resemble humans at a glance, it seems mean to make them wait outside, so they come into town with us, too.

  Nobody’s caught on so far, so we should be fine.

  If anything, I’m our biggest worry, not the puppet spiders.

  I appear more or less human now, but there’s one problem: my eyes.

  I’ve got compound eyes now, with my pupils containing a bunch of smaller pupils.

  In fact, it’s a total of five pupils per eye—two regular, human-size pupils with four smaller pupils in each—which is pretty freaky even to me.

  If you count both sides, that’s ten eyes altogether, the same number I had as an arachne before I turned into a god.

  Like, why is the rest of me more or less based on Hiiro Wakaba but this one part has to be like an arachne?

  Why not be more considerate and give me normal eyes, too?!

  Thanks to that whole situation, I have to avoid letting people get a good look at my eyes when we go out in public.


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