Snow Regrets

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Snow Regrets Page 11

by M. A. Innes

  “I’m fine. That was just nice.” It was basically true, but Daddy huffed and started running his hand down my back as we headed up the stairs.

  “We’ll see.”

  I’d just been working too much, but admitting that to him sounded like a bad idea at this point. He’d already made it clear that he was going to stay in touch and I had a feeling he wouldn’t like how insane my schedule was some days.

  “Yes, Daddy.” Agreeing was easier than explaining, so I just nodded.

  When we got to the bed with my duffel bag on it, he stroked his hand over my head. “Show me what you packed.”

  Laying out my clothes was simple, but it really made me feel like he was Daddy. Something as unassuming as him picking out a pair of sweatpants and T-shirt had the grown-up thoughts from earlier slipping away.

  “These will work just fine. Show me your underwear and then we’ll get you cleaned up.” I should have focused more on the getting me cleaned up part, but my brain focused on the underwear.

  Spending money on clothes people wouldn’t see hadn’t been my top priority lately. So except for a few pairs of nice boxer briefs I saved for possible hookups and hadn’t even packed, all my underwear had seen better days.

  I tried to look casual as I pulled out a stack of briefs and boxers I’d owned since before I’d been out on my own. They’d been expensive to begin with and didn’t look that old, so replacing them with sexier ones had been the last thing on my list.

  Food and a roof over my head had been my biggest focus, but as he picked through them, I moved buying new ones up a few steps higher on the to-buy list. Nice ones couldn’t be that expensive, could they?

  “Perfect.” His version of perfect turned out to be white briefs that were probably a size too small at this point.

  Why hadn’t I thrown the damned things out?

  “You are going to look very cute in these.” There was something about his expression that said he was telling the truth and maybe even understating how he felt.

  Was he really thinking about how I would look in the briefs?

  There didn’t seem to be a good response, so I just waited for more instructions. When in doubt, let Daddy figure out what do to next. That was going to be my motto from there on out. Daddy gave me a knowing smile as he picked up my clothes.

  Steering me toward the bathroom, he walked us over like it was nothing and set the clothes on the counter between the sinks. He had everything planned out and under control, so I just watched quietly as he turned on the water and made sure I had everything I needed.

  When he came back over to me, the rational side of my brain had pretty much shut down. It gave me enough distance from my emotions to realize that even if I was nervous, I didn’t want to stop him. I’d always wanted someone to take care of me like this and I couldn’t imagine anyone better to explore it with.

  Even if it was going to be weird for him to see me naked.

  Naked and turned on…thinking about that was bound to reanimate my brain, so I focused on Daddy taking care of me and the toys that were waiting downstairs. Toys and cartoons and more brownies if I was good.

  Daddy smiled and kissed my head like I’d done something cute. “Hands up.”

  Obeying, I focused on the relaxed part of me that just wanted to play and watch movies. As he tugged my shirt over my head, I found my ability to talk. It was stuck behind weird ideas about what would happen in the shower, but I tempted it out with promises of brownies. “Daddy, if I’m good can we watch cartoons and play toys after I get cleaned up?”

  When my shirt came off, I saw him nodding. “Yes, that sounds fine.”

  As he reached for my pants, he seemed to think of something. “Hey, did you pack any clothes for playing in the snow? We could do that at some point if you have boots and a thick coat.”

  “Yes, Daddy. They’re in the other bag.” I’d grabbed my good coat when I left my parents' house, but my boots had seen better days, so they hadn’t seemed important enough to take. Looking back, I probably should have grabbed them. I’d finally broken down and bought new boots last spring when all the winter stuff had gone on clearance. They were a size too big, but they’d been seventy-five percent off, so I hadn’t complained.

  As my pants slid to the floor, he smiled. “That’s great. What do you think about making a snowman? Or should we just wander around since it’s so pretty outside?”

  I hadn’t been paying enough attention to the weather to know what it looked like outside, but making a snowman with Daddy sounded like fun. So much fun I didn’t blink when my boxers slid to the floor. “A snowman. Do we have anything for a face?”

  Being naked wasn’t weird as long as I kept thinking about something else.

  His hand stroked down my back, steering me to the shower. “I think so. What kind of things do you think would be good? I didn’t bring any carrots.”

  I grinned as the water started pounding down on me. “I think that’s just in movies.”

  Daddy chuckled, pointing to the soap before closing the curtain. “Clean up quick. No dawdling and no playing with your penis. Just cleaning.”

  If he hadn’t already almost killed me earlier with that rule, I’d have probably gone flying in the shower. As it was, I just groaned and shoved my head under the water to try to drown out the dirty and confusing thoughts running through my head. Maybe if he’d said it another way, it wouldn’t have been so startling. “Don’t jerk off” sounded much more…more something.

  I finally shoved all that to the back of my head and just tried to act normal. “Yes, Daddy.”

  As I started to scrub, the rules began running through my head.

  Daddy picked out clothes and decided on food.

  Daddy set the schedule and that included naps.

  I had to pick up my toys when I was done playing and not pout when playtime was over.

  And the biggest thing for me was to remember it was okay to stay little as much as I wanted. I didn’t have to be big until I wanted to.

  Oh, and no playing with myself without permission.

  That last one was going to be interesting. I kept telling myself that I wasn’t some horny teenager who couldn’t keep his hand off his dick, but just thinking about not being able to come made me want to come.

  Damn dick seemed to have a sense of humor.

  When Daddy had been watching me, it’d been easier to stay soft because an orgasm had been the last thing on my mind. But with the water beating down and the curtain between us, it was more difficult to remember why getting hard was a bad idea.

  By the time I was just dawdling and refusing to admit there was an issue, I was distracted and confused about what to do. Would he just ignore it? Was I supposed to mention it? Did I want to come?

  Little brain said that would be hot.

  Big brain said little brain was an idiot.

  Big brain won.

  Biting the bullet, I took a deep breath and focused on cartoons. Cartoons and toys and Daddy making lunch. That helped somewhat, so I forced myself to call out. “All done, Daddy.”

  “Good boy.” His hand poked around the curtain, turning off the water.

  As he pushed the curtain back, he quickly wrapped me in a towel. “Did you behave? All clean?”

  “Yes and yes.” Refusing to acknowledge the way my cheeks were heating, I concentrated on the way his arms were wrapped around me and how nice it was to be cared for. The fact that it was almost like a massage made it even easier.

  “That’s my good boy.” As he worked his way down my chest, drying my shoulders and arms, he was intently focused on me. Something about his expression brushed away the last of my worries. If taking care of me made him that content, could I really be embarrassed by it?

  The answer to that question was yes…but not in a bad way.

  As he dragged the towel down my legs and dried my cock, I could feel the blush that heated my face. My head was an odd mixture of nervous arousal, happiness, and confusion. Luckil
y, the confusion kept my dick from getting completely out of control.

  Not that he could’ve missed the half-chub that was still slightly distracting, but he didn’t pay any attention to it. My mind went back to our discussion earlier. We’d said that standard practice would be to ignore it unless he decided that I needed him to handle it, but it was weird experiencing it first thing.

  And I really wasn’t sure how that “handle it” part would actually come into play.

  Not that thinking about that when I was naked would be a good idea.

  “All done.” Reaching for the briefs first, he quickly helped me to step into them and pulled them up my legs before I could do anything stupid like think of how hot he looked kneeling in front of me. When I was covered, I thought I’d be relieved, but there was still an odd blend of emotions in me.

  Even when he stood and slipped my T-shirt over my head, the random thoughts wouldn’t subside. What did he think about helping me get dressed? What about the shower? Had I blushed too much? Did he think I was embarrassed? Did he think the briefs were cute?

  My thoughts were so loud I was having a hard time deciding how I felt about anything. When Daddy gave me a tender smile and ran his hand over my head, I did the only thing I could think of. I stepped into his embrace. “Hug, Daddy.”

  Chapter 13


  When he snuggled into me it wasn’t a surprise, but I wasn’t sure what pushed him to it. Before he’d gotten in the shower he’d been fighting off embarrassment by focusing on finding his little side, but something had changed. Emotions and questions flashed across his face faster than I could even begin to decipher them.

  Wrapping my arms around him, I leaned back against the counter and held him tight. As he sank into me, I ran my hand down his back, trying to ease the stress from him. I felt his chest rise and fall as he took a deep breath. Kissing his head, I kept a tight hold on my boy.

  “You know, when you first told me about wanting to be little, I thought about what it would be like to take care of you.” Instead of making him more nervous, my words had him relaxing against me, so I kept going. “But I wasn’t sure if you would want to let me into that part of your life. It’s not easy letting someone care for you. It goes against everything we’re told an adult should be.”

  His head gave a shallow nod as he spoke. “But it’s probably hard to be a Daddy too. You might not know when a guy wants you to take care of him and how they’ll react…if they’ll accuse you of being too controlling.”

  I gave a quiet laugh. “Oh yeah. But that just means we’re both sharing special parts of ourselves.”

  Instead of responding with words, he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a hug. I smiled down at him and said, “Let’s finish getting you dressed so you don’t get cold. No matter how cute those briefs are, you’re going to freeze if you stay like that.”

  I thought he’d laugh or maybe blush, but instead, he peeked up at me through long lashes. “You think they’re cute?”

  I wasn’t sure what he was really asking, so I aimed to be as honest as I could. “I think you look very cute. A bit sweet to go with your little side, but there’s no hiding how grown up you are. They’re perfect.”

  I know most guys his age had gone to boxer briefs or to the tiny bikini briefs I sometimes saw in clubs, but my boy was such an interesting mix of sweet and sexy that the old-fashioned ones were perfect.

  Instead of blushing, he gave me a shy smile and curled back into me. Was that what he’d wanted to hear? In our situation, it was only natural to question what your partner thought of you, but was it more than that?

  Forcing myself to stop overthinking and looking for something that wasn’t there to begin with, I hugged him close and stroked his back. If my hand wanted to dip down and caress his ass, I wasn’t going to feel guilty about that…but I wasn’t going to let it happen either.

  Drying him off and groping him were two different things.

  “If I was your Daddy all the time, I think these would be the only type I’d let you wear. I think I might even make you wear matching undershirts.” Hopefully he couldn’t feel how cute I thought he’d look.

  The shirt he was wearing was too big to be an undershirt and didn’t have the same look, but it was close enough that my brain easily filled in the gaps. He must not have noticed because he giggled and snuggled closer. “You don’t think that would look silly?”

  Silly would never be the first word I thought of when it came to dressing him up.

  “No.” I kissed his head and continued caressing his back. “Daddies and Doms of all sorts will dress their subs in different ways. It all depends on the type of scenes and play. I think you’d look very sweet in some matching pjs or one of those zip-up pajamas with the feet, and I think you look very attractive in your briefs. I can promise you, if I dressed you up in it then I would never feel you looked silly.”

  It came entirely too close to pointing out how attractive I found him in general, but I didn’t want him to think he looked ridiculous or undesirable. I wouldn’t want to do anything to crush his spirit. Confidence was an important part of trust. He needed confidence in me and in himself to sink into his little role.

  My confession didn’t seem to worry him, though. He chuckled and rubbed his cheek against my shoulder. “I always thought those one-piece pajamas with the bottom part that unbuttoned would be kind of fun.”

  I grinned. “Easy access for spankings and playtime.”

  My cuddly boy let out a low giggle. “Maybe.”

  Naughty boy. “I think you’d just want to tease your Daddy.”

  There seemed to be a hint of pink in his cheeks but his quiet happy sounds said he wasn’t too concerned about the direction our conversation had taken. “Come on, naughty boy. Let’s get you dressed so you can play.”

  And so I wouldn’t be as tempted.

  He nodded but didn’t move to help the process along. “My head was very full, Daddy.”

  I thought our snuggles and conversation had fixed some of that. He was clearly sliding a lot closer to his little headspace than he had been when he’d first gotten out of the shower, but maybe he wasn’t ready to play yet.

  “I think a cuddle with some milk might help that.” Throw in a cartoon and that should help clear out the remaining grown-up worries that had clouded his head.

  Not giving him a chance to question the plan, I gave him a quick hug and then stepped back to grab his pants. Covering him up was almost a sin because of his beautiful ass and still half-hard cock, but it had to be done before I made an idiot out of myself.

  Or worse, scared off Joseph.

  When we were done in the bathroom, I had him sit down on the bed. “It’s too cold for bare feet.”

  I ignored his not-so-subtle eye roll and grabbed a pair of socks. The promise of more milk and cuddles must have been the right decision because he was back to being all smiles and even playing keep-away with his feet.

  Which was making it slightly difficult to get socks on the little handful.

  Playing it cool wasn’t working. The giggles just kept getting louder, and if he wiggled any more, he was going to fall off the bed. Finally, I basically threw myself on his legs, pinning them to the bed as he laughed so hard he fell backward, flopping on the mattress. “Unless you’re very curious about that spanking, I think staying still would be a very good idea, little boy.”

  The giggling died down slightly, but thankfully he decided that pushing his luck any further might be more than he could handle because his legs stilled. The sweatpants didn’t hide his reaction to my threat, though.

  The outline of his cock wasn’t doing anything for my self-control, so I quickly finished putting his socks on and stood to get away from the temptation he didn’t even seem to be aware of. Taking the giggly boy’s hands, I helped him stand. “Come on, brat.”

  His face was bright with laughter and he nearly danced down the stairs, he was so lighthearted. As he flopped down onto the
living room floor to start sorting his toys, I knew the grown-up side of him was fading fast. Joseph, the young man with worries and too much stress, was gone and in his place was someone happier who just wanted a way to let everything go.


  Joey would be the cuddly boy who wanted someone to hold him and tell him everything would be okay. I leaned over and kissed his head, running my hand down his back. “Joey, baby, sit down and play while I go get your milk.”

  His eyes lit up and he threw his arms around my neck, almost taking me down to the floor with him. “Yes, Daddy.”

  Evidently, he liked his nickname.

  “Good boy.” Smiling, I straightened and headed into the kitchen.

  Pulling out the sippy cup, I made sure it was clean and filled it up before heading back out to the living room. There was probably a method to the madness but toys were scattered around the room while he crawled around talking to himself. If I had to guess, I’d have said he was planning on saving the world again, but with the hodgepodge of toys, it was hard to know exactly what he was imagining.

  He was so intent on playing, I didn’t see the need to interrupt him as I loaded a movie in the DVD player. Sitting down on the couch, I relaxed and just enjoyed his happiness. Something must have caught his attention because after a few minutes he looked up and smiled. “Now?”

  There were usually so many layers and questions behind his eyes that it was almost distracting to see the bright openness that stared back at me. This was my Joey. “Yes, come here. I’ve got your cup ready.”

  He hopped up and almost bounced across the room before throwing himself into my lap. He giggled as I dramatically groaned, curling himself around me. “Cartoons, Daddy.”

  “That’s right.” The only thing that would make it better would be to have a bottle for him, but a sippy cup would work for the time being. “Lie down and relax.”

  I’d thought he’d make it until after lunch before he needed to wind down and possibly take a nap, but I was starting to second-guess that plan. Joey didn’t necessarily look tired, but his entire focus was about being cuddled and held, so that could easily lead to a nap.


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