The Legacy of Lanico: Return of the Son: Book two of the Legacy of Lanico series

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The Legacy of Lanico: Return of the Son: Book two of the Legacy of Lanico series Page 29

by E Cantu Alegre

  She sensed there was more to his gaze, but she nodded with sass anyway, and turned to slip from the room, smooth legs once again brushing against fabric.

  Lanico leaned back in their bed. At the motion he noticed a stinging pain and then with satisfaction, remembered her climax. She clawed him like a wild cat. Despite the minute pain, he smiled pleasurably. I’ll tell her when she comes back. “I have to,” he said under his breath.

  Chapter 32

  Treva tilted the goblet and Trilla gleamed

  Despite Lanico’s sense of respectability, no one was here yet. Silence filled the whole place. She determined she could have gotten away with a brief nude visit to the castle kitchen, or anywhere. The bumbling business of a castle kitchen had yet to begin and besides, it was her damned castle too now. If she wanted a nightly nude visit once in a while, that would have been her business—her right.

  She made her way down the staircase and through the hall. She assumed correctly that most had made their ways to their old homes and shops in the abandoned village, outside the western part of the kingdom. It had grown late and the WynSprigns that had sought castle duties wouldn’t arrive so soon. No. They’d likely prefer to visit their own abandoned homes first.

  She neared the kitchen. There was a glow emanating from the inside. Perhaps someone was here after all? It was lucky her sword was still on. She thrust open the door. It smacked the side of the wall.

  With her back facing the door, Trilla jumped, startled. She was holding a goblet filled with yellow liquid, her purple-tinged hands clenching it. Her eyes darted to the goblet in her hands. The silver plop within it now fully dissolved.

  “Hey there, I don’t think we’ve met yet.” Treva stood in the doorway facing Trilla’s back. “And I thought I met everyone helping in the castle and at the mines.”

  Trilla grew a cat’s smile and turned slowly. A warm, welcoming face and hair of spun gold.

  Treva approached her with a relaxed smile, despite her nude legs that she hadn’t given a second thought about. “I’m Treva.” Her eyes darted to the goblet of swirling wine.

  Trilla smiled brightly at the name and at the sight of emerald locks. “Nice to meet you, Treva.”

  Treva licked her lips, eyeing the goblet. “Hey, that wine looks pretty good. I’ve been drinking quite a bit of tea these days. Wine would be a great change for tonight. Is there any more?”

  “Surely. Here. Try some of this one,” Trilla extended her goblet to a friendly Treva. “And then I’ll introduce myself.” Her smile and her tone; wickedly innocuous.

  Treva tilted the goblet back, and Trilla gleamed.

  Cantata would be most pleased.


  Her knees gave out. Her vision swirled before going black. Treva felt herself crash against the stone floor. The same floor where King Oetam and the Mysra leader Grude had met their end. But it wasn’t her end. Was it?

  Bewildered at the realization, she was now somewhere else. Weightless in a void that enveloped her as a dense syrup. She fought against the dark, against the still air that gripped her. She felt her heart pick up speed. She felt her nerves go on edge suddenly.

  She knew she had to get back! She was needed urgently. There was still so much to do! She would be missed! But, her movements slowed and a dreamy fog set in. Missed by whom? Worry now ruled her own kingdom, and somehow she knew she didn’t belong here. She didn’t belong in this abyss. She felt herself run endlessly but went nowhere. She cried, but no tears came. She screamed madly and cursed profoundly. But there was no sound.

  Unwilling to stop and quit. Her journey in the dark was aimless, but there was a hope that dwindled. A hope for something else. Somewhere in the recess of her mind there had been something more than this, once before.

  She had to keep moving.

  And she wouldn’t stop until she could reclaim what she’d lost...

  She had a legacy to reign…

  Isaiah 43:2

  Acknowledgement’s page:

  It would be untruthful for me to claim that I did this, completed a novel, on my own. I am most fortunate to say that assistance came in many forms. There are many that I owe thanks to. Below are some of the most helpful and encouraging people I know on the planet.

  Editors: Thank you to my editors: Cindy Marsch for the manuscript assessment. You are ever the educator and you genuinely want to see me improve and grow – I have profound respect and appreciation for you and all that you do. Your suggestions were spot-on – as always.

  Anne-Marie Rutella, thank you for your copy editing and for being a kindred spirit. We have so much in common! Your edits were fabulous and you knew where I was taking this story. Your experience in fantasy were evident and your suggestions were right-on. Thank you so very much for your attention to detail and encouragement. I know I kept you busy. Thank you again so very much.

  Beta-readers: Thank you to my generous beta-readers. Thank you to my long-time co-worker and friend William “Bill” Fowlkes, and my good friend Erin Klepaski. You have dedicated tireless hours, examining every line, contemplating every detail by the pool-side and late into the night; all to ensure my story makes sense. I’m so fortunate and blessed to have you at my side, helping me, encouraging me, and giving me satsuma oranges. I am overcome with appreciation and gratitude for you. You never asked for anything in return. Not once. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity.

  Cover artist: Thank you to Ryan Schwarz for your vision, creativity, and intuitiveness – knowing exactly what I was looking for; what’s needed in a beautiful image – a cover that tells a story. You are a master at your talent good sir.

  Website designer: Thank you to Matthew Prodger for the website and the continual updates that you maintain for me. Everyone, this guy is genuine and does a phenomenal job. The website is a work of art itself – if you haven’t yet visited, do it - he did wonderfully.

  Husband: Thank you to my husband and my soul-bound, Bobby, for putting up with me and my odd requests. People may not realize, but often writer’s significant others are our testers. I went to my husband several times to try out some of the combat moves described – in slow motion of course. (I’m literally laughing right now) He is always a good sport – despite how odd this all may seem to him. Yup…we keep it interesting.

  Kids: Thank you to my children Anasofia and Mateo for your understanding. There were times that you wanted my attention and I was busy, doing thing this - my writing. Thank you for your patience and love. I love you my little kumquats. I wouldn’t be who I am without you.

  Parents: Elida Reyes, Edwin Reyes, Juan Cantu, and Brigida Cantu - Your strange little plant has grown. You nurtured me and supported me this entire time. You saw in me, things that I couldn’t see for myself. Thank you for having the courage to cheer me on even though none of us have been here before. Bert and Anita Alegre - Your prayers and encouragement have been the water over parched ground. Thank you for your kind words and for being the salt of the earth.

  Siblings: Jessica Riojas, Gregorio Riojas, Richard Malone, Ewa Malone, and Norman Alegre: Thank you for your love and support. I love you guys so much that I cannot even find words to describe it! We’re our own unique troop of warriors. And remember…I’m still the baby. Hee-hee… God bless you guys.

  Readers: I could not have done this without you. Your support and encouragement have been vital in making this work. Even though I’m writing, I’m rendered speechless thinking over the wealth of love and encouragement I have received from so many. Thank you for investing in me, in this story, and for believing in Lanico’s legacy. I am honored and exceedingly humbled. Thank you.

  If you have a passion, work hard at it. Please! Do not give up. You must keep going no matter what. We all have that something, we were made to do. Fulfill what you were meant to do, relentlessly. I wanted to write books since I was in the second grade, but ended up doing this later in life. It’s not too late – trust me. Keep going.

Note: If you’re aspiring to write a novel one day, I started off writing out my novel/manuscript and then I used to find several of the amazing professionals above. My editors, cover artist, and website designer were all found on

  Please be on the lookout for “Legacy to Reign” the third book to the Legacy of Lanico series. Find out what awaits our soul-paired heroes and the kingdom of Odana.

  You can also keep up with me at Facebook and Instagram.

  Your feedback is vital, please kindly leave a rating for me on

  Thank you ~ your Novelist, E Cantu Alegre.

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