Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1)

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Our Cause (Let the Monsters Live in Fear Book 1) Page 20

by Jennifer Jane Jennings

  “Hey, Kat. We missed you last time. Was there some martial arts thing going on?”

  “No. They just needed me at work. Why?” Kat asked.

  “Georgina wasn’t here either. I thought it may’ve been related.”

  Kat bit her bottom lip. I hope it’s just a coincidence. “We’ll have to ask her when she gets here today.”

  Evan nodded. “Yeah. Is your friend Sasha meeting you for lunch?”

  “Na. She’s pretty hectic with exams. She’s picking me up on her way home today, but I think they finish soon.”

  “Uni usually finishes a few weeks before us. Maybe she can join us for lunch then.”

  Kat bit her bottom lip. “Yeah, maybe.”

  Evan looked intently at Kat. “What aren’t you telling me?” He turned to the door to see Splash and a few others walk in. “Tell me later,” he said softly and raised his voice to greet the others.

  Splash rushed over to greet Kat. “I missed you! I was all by myself last time. Well, I joined another group, but I missed ours.”

  “It’s great to see you. I missed you too.” Kat gave her a quick hug. “I didn’t realise Georgina was away too. Have you spoken with her?”

  “No. I need to get both your numbers.” Splash took out her phone. “What’s your number?”

  Kat told Splash her number and put Splash’s in her phone. She sent Eric a quick text at the same time. “Get me Georgina’s number please, Dad.” I hope she comes today, but something tells me she won’t. Kat kept looking at the door Georgina usually used and waved at Brady as he walked in.

  Splash ran straight for him. “Hey, Brady. You and Georgina were getting pretty close. Have you heard from her?”

  Brady shook his head. “We weren’t that close. We went on one date a few weeks back and she stopped returning my messages. It was weird.”

  Kat’s phone buzzed with Georgina’s number. “Thanks, Dad,” Kat texted back and turned to Splash and Brady. “I’ll meet you in class. I just need to make a phone call.” She walked outside and called Georgina.

  “Hello,” her voice sounded odd but like Georgina’s.

  “Hey, George. This is Kat. I wasn’t at the last class either and was hoping you were coming today. How are you?”

  “Um, I’m not feeling the best. I won’t be there today. Thanks for checking in. I’ll give you a call when I’m feeling better.” Georgina hung up.

  “Well, she’s alive. I’m still worried that monster got her before he attacked me.”

  Damon’s ringtone rang.

  “Hey, Sensei.”

  “Call her back. See if you can drop in some notes from today on the way home. I don’t think he cut her. He may have bashed and raped her though. We still don’t even know his name, let alone where he is.”

  “We need to make sure she’s okay. What about my class this afternoon?”

  “Laura can take it. I’ll find out where she lives and pick you up if she says it’s okay. I’ll speak with you soon. Call her now.” Damon hung up.

  Kat did as she was told. “Hey, George.”

  “Look, Kat, I’m not feeling great. Now isn’t…”

  “Can I bring you today’s notes? I also miss you.”

  Georgina’s voice picked up. “I miss you too. I start work at three tomorrow. I can meet you for lunch somewhere.”

  Damon’s text, “Yes,” came through before Kat could answer.

  “That’d be great! Where do you live?”

  Georgina told Kat her address. “We can have lunch at my place or there’s a café down the road that’s really good.”

  “That sounds lovely. I’ll come to your place around eleven. We can go for a walk and go to the café. I’m so looking forward to it.”

  “So am I. Thanks for the call, Kat. You really brightened my day.” Georgina looked at the time. “You better get to class. It starts in four minutes. See you tomorrow.”

  “See you at eleven. I can’t wait. Bye.” Kat hung up and started walking inside. “That went well.”

  Kat’s phone beeped. “It sure did. It sounds like she needs a friend.”

  Kat got into class as everyone was taking their seats. Brady was sitting next to Splash. He smiled at Kat and tapped the desk next to him. “Sit with me.”

  Kat smiled and sat next to him. She preferred sitting in between Splash and Georgina, but she was almost late. “Thanks.”

  “Anytime. You’re into martial arts like Georgina?”

  “Yeah. I do karate,” Kat answered.

  Brady smiled and flicked his fringe out of his eyes. “That’s cool. I love strong women.”

  Oh, fuck. Is he flirting with me? “Um.” Luckily for Kat, Trina started the lesson and they were unable to finish that conversation.

  “I’m happy to join you for the weight session to make up the three,” Brady volunteered.

  Trina smiled. “That’d be fantastic. We’ve got a few away. That will give us nine groups of three.”

  Let’s see if he really likes strong women. Kat had already well surpassed the personal best she achieved last time she spent the day at college. She added ten kilos to what she was currently lifting at her gym. This is going to hurt.

  Splash stopped her. “Isn’t that over twenty kilos more than what you lifted last time?”

  Kat nodded. “That was four weeks ago. I’ve been training hard.”

  Splash smiled. “You did take on the challenge. Show me.”

  Kat focused and pushed the chest press up. On rep number three everything hurt. Instead of keeping her mind on her task, Kat thought of everything she had been through and let her rage push out four more reps. Kat beamed as the weights slammed down. That’s an awesome way to release my anger.

  “Oh my God! That was fantastic. I don’t think Georgina could match you now,” Splash gushed.

  Brady stared at her with his mouth slightly open. “You are amazing. Go out with me tonight, please.”

  “Um. I’m working tonight.”

  “You name the night. Anytime you want.”


  “Are you still freaked out about what happened with that old guy?” Brady asked.

  “Yeah, a little. The last date I went on went really badly, and then Adam. I don’t think I’m ready.”

  Brady smiled. “When you are ready, let me know. You are worth waiting for.”

  Damon pulled up outside Georgina’s federation style home. “I’ll pick you up when you’re ready. If she has any visible injuries, let me know. If our missing rapist got to her before he met you, I’ll bring in extra help to find him. You’re great with the girls. Try to enjoy lunch too, okay?”

  “I will. Thanks, Day.”

  Damon smiled and nodded his head. “That definitely beats Rambo.”

  “See you soon.” Kat smiled and started walking up the path.

  Georgina opened the front door and met Kat along the way. Although it was twenty-nine degrees Celsius, Georgina was wearing tracksuit pants and a baggy t-shirt. She usually wore light makeup to class, but today she wore none. “Hi, Kat.”

  Kat was wearing her Knightly Karate tank top and shorts. “Are you going to get hot in that? I’m happy to wait while you change if you like?”

  Georgina shook her head a little too much. “I’m fine, thanks. Let’s go.”

  Damon got out of his car and started walking towards them. He gave Georgina his best smile.

  Georgina flinched as though someone threw a punch she wasn’t expecting. “Who’s that?”

  “This is my boss, Sensei Damon,” Kat introduced.

  “Nice to meet you, Georgina.” Damon smiled again and watched her reaction. Fuck!

  Georgina crossed her arms in front of her so they hid her breasts. She looked at her feet as she spoke, “Hi.”

  Fuck! Only girls who’ve been hurt act like that around Sensei Damon. “Georgina, did you go to college two weeks ago but didn’t make it to class? Did you meet a man with a beard?”

  Georgina looked at Kat strange
ly. “Beard? No. I didn’t go to college at all. Who’s the man with a beard?”

  “He tried to attack me that morning. That’s why I didn’t make it to class. I’m okay, but I just worried he got to you first,” Kat explained.

  “Oh my God! Are you okay? That’s terrible. I can’t believe men can be so horrible.” Georgina turned to Damon. “Um, I didn’t mean…”

  Damon smiled gently. “That’s okay, Georgina. Some men truly are horrible. I’ll get going. Kat, you’ll let me know when you want to be picked up.” He handed Kat a fifty-dollar note. “My treat.”

  Kat smiled and took the money. “Thanks, Sensei.” She started walking with Georgina. “How about we get some milkshakes and go somewhere quiet to have them, so it’s just the two of us. We can have lunch later or we can get some food now too?”

  “Just milkshakes are good. What happened with the guy with the beard? Did you know him? Was he like that old guy who came into class?”

  “He had hurt a couple of friends of mine and then he came after me. I beat the crap out of him, but was told to go home in case I went into shock.”

  “Oh my God. Are your friends okay?” Georgina asked.

  “He hurt them really bad, but they’re getting better every day. How far is the shop? I want to know how deep we can get before we’re interrupted.”

  “It’s just around the corner but we can stop and talk if you like.”

  Kat shook her head. “Na. Let’s grab our drinks first.”

  Both girls ordered their milkshakes and Kat spotted some cookies. “I’ll have a pack of cookies too, please.” She turned to Georgina. “If there’s any left, Sensei Damon and especially Sensei Connor would like some.” Kat thought for a moment. “There’s probably not going to be any left. “Two packs of cookies, please. One for them. One for us.”

  Georgina giggled. “Thanks. They look great.”

  They walked along the side of the creek. “It’s not as popular as the lake. Maybe that’s why I love it here. I always have. Probably more now, though.” Georgina led Kat through the grass to a shady bank away from the path.

  “This reminds me of Lorikeet Meadows. Sensei Damon and I run by the creek every morning.” Kat sat on the edge of the bank next to Georgina and offered her one of the cookies.

  “Thanks,” Georgina said and took a bite.

  “If it wasn’t the bearded guy, what happened? I can tell someone hurt you.”

  Tears filled Georgina’s eyes. “I wasn’t attacked or anything like your friends were. I was just stupid and hate myself for it.”

  Kat put her arm around Georgina. “I used to hate myself and thought I was to blame for some bad things that happened. Turns out, it wasn’t my fault at all. Please, tell me what happened? I won’t judge, I promise.”

  “Brady and I had been flirting for a while. He was always asking me about Tae kwon do and calling me strong and stuff. He seemed really nice, so I agreed to go on a date with him. He picked me up in his new car. He got it just after he turned eighteen. Mum was worried about me going with a new driver. I should’ve listened to her.”

  Kat shuffled even closer to her. “The drive wasn’t the problem, was it?”

  “It was when we stopped. We had dinner first and then he took me for a drive. He stopped at a lookout heaps away from anywhere. I guess it was a make out spot. We started kissing. After a while, he moved his hand to my breast. I had never been that far before and this was our first date, so I asked him not to. He got annoyed and said he thought I was a strong woman. He told me to get out of his car and get my mum to pick me up.” Georgina burst into tears. “I should’ve got out of the car and called my mum, but I was embarrassed. I was so stupid. I told him I wouldn’t have sex with him on the first date, but we could go a little further and then he could drive me home. He smiled, undid his pants and pushed my head down. It was so horrible. I felt like I was going to choke. I’m so ashamed of myself.”

  Kat pulled her in for a hug. “You have nothing to be ashamed of. He does.” I’m so going to kick his arse. “What he did was rape, well sexual assault, but it was definitely wrong and illegal.”

  Georgina shook her head and looked at Kat in horror. “We can’t go to the police. I couldn’t. I don’t want anyone else to know. I probably shouldn’t have told you.”

  Kat stroked her hair. “We’re not going to the police. We need to make you love yourself again. Brady had no right to do what he did and even less right to make you stop liking yourself. We’re going to finish our milkshakes, eat some more cookies and then we’ll go back to your place and find you something cooler to wear. You must be really hot.”

  Georgina nodded. “I am, but I didn’t want any boys looking at me.”

  Kat nodded. “I get it, believe me. There are some good men out there. I don’t think you should date until you’re ready. Maybe we could go as a group when you are. Safety in numbers and all that.”

  Georgina hugged her. “I’d like that.”

  Kat waited outside Georgina’s bedroom and beamed when she saw her in her work shorts and tank top. “That looks so much better.”

  “It feels so much better.”

  “I’ve got forty-five minutes before we both need to go to work. What would you like to do?” Kat asked.

  “I’d love to spar with you. Maybe one day, I’ll even be confident enough to use it when I need to.”

  Kat touched Georgina’s shoulder. “I’d love to. Just remember, your voice is your greatest weapon, not just in yelling or saying no but asking for help. You have my number. Call me anytime you’re too embarrassed to ask your mum. It doesn’t matter who you ask for help, as long as you ask someone.”

  Georgina threw her arms around Kat. “Thank you!”

  Kat jumped in the passenger seat of Damon’s Ford Territory and handed him his change. “Thanks, Sensei Damon. We’ve got some cookies for you and Sensei Connor.”

  Damon smiled. “Thanks,” and started the car. “You did well today. Poor Georgina.”

  “Brady asked me out yesterday. I said no. I want to text him and say I changed my mind. I just need to get his number.”

  Brent’s message tone sounded on Kat’s phone. “The scumbag’s number. I mean Brady’s.”


  Kat walked out of her bedroom wearing a black floral playsuit, black support sleeves on both forearms, although only the left was necessary to hide her scar, and black block heel sandals.

  Eric wolf whistled. “You look fantastic, princess.”

  “You be careful, baby. I know Sensei Damon will be in the car, but there’s still dinner. I don’t like it,” Dominique said.

  “He shouldn’t do anything bad at the restaurant. I chose the playsuit because it’s a lot harder to get to places than a skirt. It’s hard enough to go to the bathroom wearing this.” Kat tugged at her shorts.

  Eric nodded and made his goofy dad face. “I like it. We should get you some more. The long ones would be even better. Near impossible to reach anywhere they shouldn’t.”

  Damon smiled. “He won’t be reaching anything, don’t worry.”

  “I’m worried about him pushing my baby’s head down like he did with Georgina,” Dominique said, putting her arm around her daughter.

  Kat cuddled into her. “Don’t worry, Mum. If he tries that on me, he won’t like the outcome.”

  Dominique’s eyes widened. “You’ll bite?”

  “Oh yeah, I’ll bite. He’ll never want to do it to someone else.”

  Damon nodded. “That’s true, but we don’t want it to come to that. It’s not something we want you to go through, Kat.”

  Kat sighed. “I know, but I kinda wish I could. It would serve the bastard right.”

  Damon smiled. “It would, but I think our plan will work almost as well. You should teach your students to bite in your self-defence class on Monday. It could really help them.”

  Kat beamed. “That’s a great idea. I’m so looking forward to my first class. I hope they’ll like it.” />
  Damon nodded confidently. “You’ll be amazing as usual.” He heard a car door shut out the front. “I wish he didn’t need to know where you live, but this is the best way. We’ve got your back, Kat.”

  Kat smiled and hugged her parents. She was just about to hug Damon when the doorbell rang.

  He quickly hugged her. “You’ve got this.”

  “Hopefully, he’ll be a nice guy and do the right thing,” Kat whispered and ran to the door. “Hey, Brady.”

  “Wow, Kat. You look amazing.” He looked behind her at her parents. “Hi, Mr and Mrs Chase. You look like your mum, Kat, but with your dad’s green eyes.”

  “Remember, she’s only sixteen, Brady. Treat her like a lady, and no drinking, especially as you’re driving.” At just under six feet, Eric was slightly shorter than Brady but had a much more powerful presence.

  “Yes, sir. I admire your daughter and will treat her as she deserves. What time would you like me to bring her home?”

  Eight o’clock. “Eleven.”

  “Thanks. We’ll see you then. Have a nice night.”

  “Drive safely. Call us if you need us, Kat.”

  “Thanks, bye.” Kat waved as she walked down her drive with Brady.

  Kat smiled as they parked across the road from Damon’s black Ford Territory.

  Lucky, we found his reservations. “This place looks nice. Have you been here before?” Kat got out of the car and started walking to the restaurant with Brady.

  “Yeah, I’ve been here a few times. The food’s great, and they have live music.” He smiled at the waitress. “We’ve got reservations. I’m Brady.”

  The waitress was blonde and looked between sixteen and eighteen. She looked at the book. “Right this way, table number twelve.”

  Kat stopped herself from giggling as they walked past Damon and Connor.

  The waitress waited till they were further away from them. “Wow. I wish I was closer to their age.”

  Brady shook his head. “I’m glad I’m not. I wouldn’t want to compete with them.”


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